Adventures of Drock: Episode 9

Adventures of Drock: Episode 9

A Story by Iflybyyou

Lydia was speechless. She looked like she was trying to say something, but nothing was coming out. She looked like I just sprouted wings and turned myself orange. "Do you need time to think?" I asked, hoping she'd say yes eventually. "No, it's okay, I just never thought you'd actually ask me to marry you" Lydia had the weirdest mix of happiness, nervousness, and anxiety on her face. "Here's my answer: I-" She was cut off by a man who came up behind her and whacked her with a stick, knocking her to the ground and dazing her. I began to get angry, how dare he interrupt my proposal? Twirling his staff, he came at me with furious speed, but I somehow managed to block all three swings coming at me, catching his staff and ripping it out of his hands. The man, not even intimidated kicked me in the chest, sending me barreling into the ground. The man was on me in seconds but I was quick enough to grab his arm and flip him, making a thud against the ground as his back hit it. The man, almost unscathed by the flip, sprung up and threw a flurry of handstrikes at me, some hitting, some missing or being blocked and with that, he threw one last strike at me knocking me to the ground choking on my own blood. "Give up!" the man shouted, "You'll never achieve what you most desire. You're a phony with no potential." Anger was now fueling me as I shot up at a high speed and hit him in the face with my large, muscular frame and knocked him the ground with a black eye. Holding his eye, he got up, barely able to stand, I hit him again twice more before putting him in an armbar. Tuka and 5 other tribe members came and watched as I had him at my mercy, ready to disable him. Tuka stared with a piercing look, with the words "Kill him" escaping her lips. Her eyes then gestured towards the rock right next to me. At any moment, I could break his arm, then grab the rock and end his life with one club to the head. I was shocked at Tuka, who thought of me as the Chosen one, telling me to go against everything I was supposed to be. I wanted to do it. Every emotion within me told me to do it, but rationale told me to resist and unlock my potential as the chosen one. Tightening my lock on his arm, I pressed harder until he started to yelp, and then dropped him before I allowed myself to do any more damage. Tuka smiled, and the others softly clapped. "You are ready for your first assignment." I couldn't help but be bewildered at the ruthlessness of the test, and my girlfriend on the ground dizzy from the whack to the head, but I knew it was necessary for the good of the galaxy. Lydia got up, taking a patch off her head and gave me a congratulating smile. "Only a man I'd want to marry would do what you just did.", she said. "You're not damaged?" I asked, even more bewildered. Lydia was laughing, "No silly, it's a simulation patch. I felt the pain, but I could've taken it off at any time." "So you're saying yes?", I asked with hopefulness. "Nah, I think I'll marry someone else" All that work for nothing, the anger was building up inside of me. Lydia was laughing hysterically now, and the other tribe members joined in. "I was just kidding, you're so cute when you're starting to get angry, of course I want to marry you." I felt so relieved, and my anger faded immediately. We hugged and kissed and then turned to Tuka, who gave us her blessing and proclaimed us married in the eyes of the tribe. Tuka then started to look more serious, which means that she was about ready to say something important. "Your first assignment, is to go to the nearby star system to the planet zukro, where you will need to rescue someone from certain death. Lydia will go with you, you'll need all the strength and rest you need, go in the morning." I nodded, knowing that there was a big challenge ahead of me.

© 2017 Iflybyyou

Author's Note

Looking for future suggestions

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Added on January 13, 2017
Last Updated on January 13, 2017



Watertown, NY

after over a year of long and hard reflection, and a prompting from my best friend who recently joined, I am revisiting my writing once again. It's good to be back. I don't have any particular goals f.. more..

Inner rage Inner rage

A Poem by Iflybyyou