![]() One one one, five, TWENTY-THREE.A Poem by Idiotekque![]() To Whom It May Concern: ...![]() To Whom It May Concern: Writing is an expression of the soul, A measure of accomplishment. “Look at me: I strung letters and words together, Arranged them in flower arrangements of text and prose. I’m an interesting, artistic person, gosh darn it.” Really? A lack of ability, A lack of power, Maybe even a little bit of inaction to finish the recipe. Now we’re getting somewhere! When you can’t put a ball through a hoop, Write it! Hell, when you can’t stand on your own two legs, (From an emotional cripple--tis not derogatory.) Write a poem about soaring through the skies. Let the masses “ooh” and “ah” and make you feel worth something, Maybe you are. But if you’re letting it replace reality, What exactly are you worth? What am I worth? Damn. But idle reflections and ethical ideas are boring, Aren’t they? Yet they’re so prized and sought after, They’re what get all the experts to sit there and think, And then you get your input, your affirmation, your worth. Exactly, boring. What’s just as entrancing, yet is far more exciting? That’s easy-- Love! There’s a sore subject, That’s where all the skeletons are, That’s the where you find the graveyard of a melodramatic history, every time. All the cool kids think graveyards are badass. Ah--do they love that! Give anyone a straw, they’ll plunge it into your misery, Fiction or non-fiction (as us writer types call it), And they’ll drain it dry and move on. That’s all well and good, How can you blame anyone for that? All they want is the building blocks of relative ability, To forge that connection to you, the character, the idea!-- Yet that connection is a disconnection. You know that--that’s the essence of why we treasure and cling to these things. Are you still reading? It’s a wonder why, since this is not meant to be read, It’s meant to stay in my head. I couldn’t even do that right! Can’t you destruct the indulgent melodramatics? See through the precocious philosophical antics? This isn’t even a poem--it’s mental vomit on a page, Spliced into stanzas to attract drama kings and queens my age, Now I’m rhyming? It’s a joke. It’s inane rambling while I toke. But see there? I don’t toke, I think it’s a silly, selfish practice. But all the while, I spew garbage like this, And I use the word “toke” so I can make a rhyme (a terrible one). I’m literally putting this down as I go, No backspacing (except that one time), In the end, I’m just finding it hard to always be … The good guy! The one who tries to be just, And honest, And good to the people who matter. Sometimes? It comes naturally, It’s my nature--anyone’s nature. But then when everything spits in your face, Including people who should matter (not the case this time, but still), Why do you have to be a saint? Why can’t you play from the other side? A story is terrible without an antagonist, The one who smokes and drinks and absorbs in the pleasure, Or just does the stupid, evil things that make you squirm. Life is a story too, yes? I’m sure the bad guys need understudies too, right? But hey, let’s take a step back. Being bad is, well, bad. Instead, we’ll--no, I’ll, just shovel away my innermost struggles and worries and pain, And bury them away for a rainy day, And we’ll wait for them to just EXPLODE all over again. © 2011 IdiotekqueAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() IdiotekqueMakawao, HIAboutI'm 20 years old and I'm a writing student living in Hawaii. Writing is my passion, and I'm striving to break into the market doing something I really love. more..Writing