What happens next;
drags through a viscous moment
decadent syrup
nectar through gag reflex
impatience touches a beyond
and is self discovery
in the form of a fluid
that creeps down the throat
coating and clogging
the drop daudling to drip
upon the floor of completion
The surface of simulated satisfaction
fully aware of such unsurprising
inverted zeniths
series of them
gooey culmonations
through muck
transcending swamp after bog
as forest melt to bayou
trudging towards eerie lanterns
just to watch them dim
upon arrival
to a dismal
I'm bewildered that the amphibian urge endures
struggling onto shores
from the boredom
of easy, over familiar playgrounds
This is the psychological moment. (Sadly, also Jung didn't know and Freud was a voyeur). you lead us into the momentum of being trapped by own desire. I love that your philosophical ideas are served with this amazingly abstract imaginary, what I so like. The soul, we do not know anything about it! if this soul would be from another essence than the consciousness, what could it be. it could not be, simply not. for there never could be union between those two. the inverted zeniths and gooey culminations! ha.. I liked this humanity is always about the highest point of its delight! I also adored how you borought into the poem very nicely the influence of media and the familiary behaviourism, and how you speak about this Gattung Mensch - cold blooded gymnophionas behaviour -- delicious. A child in the age of 8 or 9 years.. is bored with its parents in the woodlands.. utterly bored, they don't want it. But as I said "It is not you who is not grounded / It's the society what is coming off the rails." Great poem, Brett.
I was hoping to find your poem (lyrics ) what you posted as a review to my poem NOTHING.
I hope you will post it. I adore this poem. I would like to save it in my library.
Yes you are right.. It is how you said. But, I don't see the world with eyes of the The prophets didn't have it, too. The only one who has been near the truth was Buddha. The scientists do not know. I have another approach to this. My equations work. It is very simple. I always knew, it must be simple. western philosophers don't know. . They all didn't have a recipe... The old ancient philosophers had clue.. I read old scriptures, sanscrit, zoroastrians and buddhistic ideas and some Foucault but just from secondary literature.... I think there is only one western philosopher who had a clue...
so I developed my own philosophy, I was using kind of Hilbert's mind space. but not that. I jused more than 2 faces of consciousness. I call it this way. I created a model with graphs and created an universe from no thing, with all elements. And I used an equation of the complex number but, changed it and it works. I said what about we humans are, and how it looks in graph. It was correct and not correling with each other. so, in fact, I proved (also others of course but with an different approach) that parts of quantum mechanics, newtonian physics, ancient eastern philosophers and neuro science are ONE. that s what I say since 3 years. But this whole paper has got 250 pages. I don't know if I want to post it on writers cafe. I would like to make my own interactive CD ROM and sell it very cheap, so people could see another approach. Of course, the results are not making happy. I found out that we actually don't live in reality. and I found out and can prove, how humanity has been manipulated and still is.. I even can prove with equations. and I found out, that we, humans are creating this univese. sounds crazy, but it is so. In model, however, it works. And, even more shocking results, I won't say here.. But why should I say. In end effect, every one has to find for himself what a consciousness he has and where is his awareness. I know that quantum theory is absurd because it produces paradoxes. but in the equation it works. isn't it a paradox, that this world is not the real world. the real one is the picture in the mirror. (call me insane, I don't mind. IThe sane need insane people. how could they then prove, that they are sane? It is fun, to have you around on WC.
I loved the imagery that you protrayed! Time has a funny way of expressing itself and you did it in the most powerful of ways. If makes you feel as if you are truly within primordial time.