Usermap To the Cafe

Usermap To the Cafe

A Story by Nicole Hellene

It's no secret. Writerscafe has degenerated into the ghetto of internet writing resources. It's also no secret that I'm jaded about it. An influx of scene kids and emo poets has flooded this site making it just another teen livejournal site for rants and raves and very little actual writing.

However, I've been here since 2006, and luckily I know there still exists a smidgen of skill in this corner of the web. For those of you looking for it, there's a reason you haven't been able to find it, so I've compiled a list of the people that I feel are constructive members of this community, and the ones to be avoided (this list is on-going, shoot me a PM to be added or if I missed someone).

Local Talent:

Nihad (Comme Une Fois J'ai Rêvé)- This man is hands down an amazing writer in the poetry genre. He's a published poet (and it's hard to get published in poetry) and does his own photography. He runs the Versenators group on the cafe. Poets can learn worlds from him.

Valerie Jones- Mod of the Underground Writers Network, which was the first ever group on WC (props).

Lola Nation- heads Write The Future and WTF radio. Another amazing poet, published. She organizes the occasional meetups on this site.

Magnolia Belle- She gives the most indepth reviews of just about any writer I've met on this site. Very thorough and helpful, she's a good fiction writer.

Lyttleton- Progressive, Indie, despondent, and talented. His poetry is statement poetry riddled with deeper meaning, same as his fiction but he's primarily poetry.

Hedra Helix- Simply rocks. Another poet whose writing is riddled with deeper meanings and hidden statements. Her fiction is lush imagery and she was also the original erotica guru. Knows her stuff.

Carol Maric- One of the vets of this site, is amazing all around poetry and fiction. Published and knows her stuff inside and out. You will learn.

Roy L. Pickering. Jr- Has been here since this site launched and knows his fiction. Published.

Paul Grimsley- Mod of “Writers, Prizefighters, and Caffeine Inspired All-Nighters” group. Also involved in the project. Published. Another good fiction writer the rest of us can learn from.

Wendy Grimsley- Mod of the project, I've bookmarked a few of the writers I found on that site. It's different and you'll find stuff you won't find in Borders or Barnes and Noble.

Michael Carr- He sends out tons of read requests so beware if you add him, but he is a really good fiction writer and knows his stuff. Famous for his “Chronicles of Bob” stories. Fiction writers can learn from him.

(ongoing, I removed people and I added ppl, will continue to).

Writers we will dearly miss-

V- You got out early, but damn you were the life of the party. You were what I aptly refer to as an Indie Poet, you didn't care who you pissed off or what your poetry meant to anyone except you. The first meetup was sprung from an idea you got because you couldn't get to sleep. This place is dismal without you taking pot-shots at society. You were WC's original slam-poet.

Justin Aucion- Everyone knows Pirates are way cooler than Ninja's. He was a swashbuckling writer and a elegant poet. Another one I looked up to. So sad to see him go.

L. L. Jacobson- Closed her account early but was an amazing fiction writer, inspired one of my stories. Published, and I hope she's doing well.

Brandon T. Bisceglia- Another poet of endless potential. It's sad to see another one go.

William J. Wilkins- I remember your motorcycle story that was published in a biker magazine. Congrats. Wherever you are, I hope your writing career has taken off.

Angel Marie Antonette- Another beat-poet with good fiction skills. She was a vet member of BAPTS way back when. Hasn't been around, will be missed.

Li Li- another beat writer and slam poet, I think she's now a recording artist as well.

Francis Meyrick- Has started his own site at Unlike some places, he actually moderates.

Writers to be avoided-

Sean Allen- Pedophile. Serious. PM me and I'll send you the emails. I had to block this guy before there was a block button.

Legacy- SPAMMER! I suspect that this writer is actually several users, but he will send you group invite after group invite for his poetry group

Budo- Classic example of freeverse gone horribly wrong, unless you like that kind of stuff. Lousy emotional prose.

Erotic Goddess- Smut Writer. Writes trashy pornographic stories and pushes ethics boundaries to get attention. Let's just say the only reason the FCC isn't on her case is because written word is protected content.

Aradia Redswan- Don't know if she's still here but she tries to write fiction and fails. You will learn nothing or be none the wiser for reviewing and if you leave a bad review, you will be harassed on PM.

Blackbirdsong- another example of freeverse gone horribly wrong. They need to create a group for these writers and just shove them to the side. You won't learn anything from reading their writing.

Rain- This guy is high strung and uber-philosophical. In other words, he spouts philosophy that doesn't make sense and if you call him on it, he blocks you. Don't bother, unless you like rolling on X and musing about random BS.

Ice Queen of the Vampires- What part of “Enter your real name at sign up” don't you understand?

*Basically avoid anyone with a weird pen name who is around 18 years old and has four pages of poetry on their profiles.

For those of you who wander here in search of literary support and find nothing but junk, I hope this will help you navigate your way around the ghetto. I wish I would have been more involved in the community when it was at it's peak. There was a meetup like 20 mins from my house once and I didn't go. Regretting it, regretting that I thought social networks were a fad, and hoping to see this site restored.

Some people will most likely complain about this list (notably the ones on the lower part of it), so I'd copy and save this before it gets deleted. If it does, you'll know who complained.

As for me, I'm a journalist and not even I'd ask for a review from myself. I'll admit that much. I'm working on a "big project" that has a publisher's eye and am only on here because there's no where else to go. I'm like that kid who graduates high school but still hangs around the building, free to go but where? If you want a review, PM me, I'll see what I can do.

Hopefully this place will get back to being a grassroots Writers Cafe instead of a mainstream trendy Barnes and Noble.

© 2009 Nicole Hellene

My Review

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A few years ago, on American Idol, Simon told Jenifer Hudson that she would never go anywhere. Simon told Jen she was too overweight, didn't know how to dress in-style and that her musical talent was, at best, minimul. Today, Jen Hudson NOT ONLY HAS AN OSCAR for Best Supporting Actress, but she has a banging career in the music industry. I too, am a 'certified'journalist. So what? That degree does not make me better than anyone else, or set me on a pedestal apart. In fact, as good of a writer as I am, I still have it in me to say that my ex-fiancee, who broke my heart, is a God Gifted writer on a level to which I will never ever reach. Never, never, never cut down the words of another writer. In that writer, whom you have judged, could very well be another "War and Peace", "Atlas Shrugged", "The Great Gatsby". A writer is someone who reaches out to the world, using words as a stepping stone to cement understanding. In all of us, is a writer. And while some might be further along than others in their prose, this does not mean that anyone has the right to judge how another writer reaches out to the world with their words. To some, there is not greater book than "Catcher In The Rye" others prefer Dr. Suess. To each his own. Lastly, as a journalist you should know the meaning of the word LIBEL. I would be careful calling Sean Allen as you did. That sort of name calling and accusation can get you sued....

Posted 15 Years Ago

18 of 18 people found this review constructive.


Although there is truth in this it still tickled my funny bone.
and thanks for not listing me.

Posted 14 Years Ago

On one hand...I find myself laughing, and I know, I feel that I just got are a troll like Lady Gaga is trolling the airwaves. I like the satire of it...but at the same time

It smacks of elitism. You claim you miss "the old days" of the cafe, I miss it too...hell Ive been trying to come back, but I leave after a burst of energy...but if you werent so...."snobby" I think youd find gems here.
And Id recheck the bottom half of your list again.

Posted 15 Years Ago

In the realms of Creative Writing this piece is an oddity. I'm not sure how serious this is. If it were that intense then surely I would be heavily critised for breathing as I have received many personal notes destroying every word I have written on this site and for supporting various ethics of other writers.

Perhaps instead this is pure fantasy and an attempt to gather reviews, create reaction and to establish some kind of point to this WC site. To be blatantly honest, there is no point to this site. There is no point to this review. Yes, I have just proved I can write a few sentences that make sense. Oh, this is also a controversial point.

To conclude - everyone uses words to express something here, whether to the liking of others or not. That's it. Maybe some words influence others into finding a place in writing where they can be successful, maybe some don't and just like the friendship. It's a free site and a free world and I've scored 7 points for writing this. Fab!

Posted 15 Years Ago

Wow, I'm a little late on reading this - but this piece has really left me speachless and not in a good way... isnt it up to the readers and writers of this site to make up their minds who they wish to read - erotic or not - poetic or not - etc. that we are all just a bunch of writers doing it because we love to - not to be mean and cruel about it -

Posted 15 Years Ago

Shouldn't I be on that "Writers to be avoided" list? I'm annoying, I write a lot of kinky "smut", and I'm 19! I'm perfect for your "avoid" list! How am I not on it yet? Come on, if you're going to write s**t like this, at least make it accurate!

Posted 15 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

I find it odd to see that this piece has returned, when there are so many other viable methods for creating what you are looking for without having to resort to this kind of piece. You created the group, you can form that clique of like-minded people that you desire. You can create your images, those writers that fit what you and others that you gain to your side believe should be read - while leaving the rest of the masses to their thing.

I am still hard pressed to understand the people that you have listed here as those to be read as opposed to those that you have lambasted, for those you say should be read have done little for the Cafe while those you apparently despise have done so much - welcoming new writers, reviewing so many works (avoiding those crass I ate a cookie, it was good kind of reviews).

Did they get upset at a review that you left? Did they leave you a review you did not like? Why have these people been singled out as such? It also seems like a personal vendetta, and as such - you lose some of the credible objectivity that you would require for the movement you are trying to inspire here.

Charlie has gone through and opened the door to allow for suggestions on how to improve the site, and that would be the best avenue to pursue change here.

If his changes do not suit you, then perhaps you should create your own site using Ning or something along those lines, no?

You could set up forums, you could set up the social site, and everything else from there... you could get what you wanted; but instead... we see this piece show up again.

Posted 15 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

Defying the owner and putting it back up... you just think you can do anything you want.

Posted 15 Years Ago

4 of 4 people found this review constructive.

After reading this and giving it some thought I've concluded that you are mentally imbalanced. Please seek professional help. Seriously...

Posted 15 Years Ago

6 of 6 people found this review constructive.

I don't like to respond to judgemental pieces about other writers.
You can express nothing but your personal feelings about the work
of other writers. Whether or not you are a journalist, and by whose
definition, your opinions are only that, your opinions.
Naming someone, in a public forum, a pedophile, is low and disgraceful, unless
you have proof that the accused has molested, or attempted to molest, a child
under 13 years of age. Your personal sense of morality, the fact that you were
personally offended by something this person wrote, does not make him a pedophile
under the law..As a journalist, you should be aware of the slander and libel laws. They
should be part of the curriculum in a journalistic education.
Your personal taste in genre is also nothing more than your own opinion. Erotic Goddess was one
of the first people to welcome and befriend me when I first came to this site a couple of years ago.
I have followed her writing and consider her a friend. Her writing is amongst the finest in her genre.
You have called her work "smut" again, your personal opinion only. Many, many, others love this genre and consider it art as you seem to consider your poetry.
I am a poet, though apparently neither good, nor bad enough to make your map list, and I sympathize with some of your views, but try not to be so publically judgemental. It will come back to hurt you much more than those you condemn.

Posted 15 Years Ago

9 of 9 people found this review constructive.

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40 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on May 24, 2009
Last Updated on June 2, 2009


Nicole Hellene
Nicole Hellene


Makin money. If you want to fix the Cafe, go to this group. Good Luck: What's Wrong With Writerscafe?1 Members What Would You Change About Writerscafe?Apr 7, 2009 - Jun 7, 2009 more..


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