![]() Group PolarisationA Story by Icelanna![]() Essay from university, not a story!![]() How do researchers explain group
polarisation and which is the best explanation and why?
This essay
aims to discuss how researchers explain group polarisation and to determine
which is the best explanation and why. Group polarisation is an element of decision-making
and the dynamics of deciding on something collectively. Results show that the
choice groups make have a significant effect on their distribution on a scale,
where the normal curve is restricted to one of the extreme values such as pro
and anti, rather than neutral, meaning the mean is very similar. Researchers
have studied groups and group polarisation to determine the best way to explain
the thinking behind the process.
Group polarisation
is the degree to which members of a group or crowd make decisions which are
more extreme than decisions made individually. Originally called the “risky
shift” by Stoner in 1961 and suggested that groups were more likely to make
riskier choices rather than cautious ones. However, the term “risky shift” outlines
an element of danger whereas the term “polarization” enables groups to make
extreme choices, because of this further research suggests the term “risky
shift” can move from risky to caution to later be titled “polarisation”
In a standard
group polarisation paradigm participants are presented with a dilemma and the
members of the group can make one of three choices. These choices include: the risky
but desirable choice, the cautious and less desirable choice and finally the
lowest probability that someone would accept before the risky option is
preferred choice. There are, however,
amendments towards the process which include the type of dilemma or risk and
also the probability of the question being asked of the group. To explain this process
of decision-making, which results in a polarised choice, there are three major
perspectives that researchers us to explain why groups polarise their choices.
One of
those perspectives is persuasive arguments. The “view that people in groups are
persuaded by novel information that supports their initial position, and thus
become more extreme in their endorsement of their initial position.” (Hogg and
Vaughan). The members of the group will combine their ideas into a “body of
supportive arguments” which they agree upon as a group after hearing arguments
that are common and supported and also hearing new arguments which supports the
groups’ position. This allows the groups decision to become more extreme so the
final choice becomes polarised at one end. To support this explanation, Tesser,
Martin and Mendolia in 1995, found that thinking about making a decision
“strengthens our opinions” which helps the group to gather at one pole as all
of the members are agreed on a choice. An
advantage of this perspective is that it considers arguments from each person
to combine them to create a final group decision; however a downfall of this is
that the members can be swayed by new information which will appear to be
supportive when it is encouraging the members to change their original
opinions. It could be argued that the leadership of the group may influence the
quiet members and use their confidence to persuade them to agree and combine
opinions. A democratic leader, for example, would get agreement and consent
from the other members to get a final outcome.
Whilst persuasive
arguments rely on the information given, Jellison and Arkin in 1977 found that the
second perspective relies on the need to be socially approved. The social
comparison or cultural values perspective outlines the members searching for
social approval from the other members by comparing opinions and adjusting
views of wider cultures to avoid being an outcast. One aspect of the social
comparison perspective is “the bandwagon effect” (Hogg and Vaughan) where
members of the group compete to be the most representative of the extreme
“pole” which appears to be the most socially desirable to avoid being
disapproved by other members. Researchers can explain group polarisation by
this perspective because the need of being socially accepted is constantly
desired when we are in public so our choices will conform to be accepted by
peers. A strength
of this perspective is that is gets rid of “pluralistic ignorance” (Miller and
McFarland, 1987) which eliminates members opinions being ignored by strong
personalities, such as leaders of the group, so everybody has a chance to give
and alter their opinions. However a weakness is that persuasive arguments can
play a role in the polarisation, the altering of personal opinions, such as
cultural views, to fit in can be swayed by new information given by members who
have expressed their opinions after you which may lead you to change to be
accepted by them also. It could be that the individual wants to be accepted by
every member of the group they are in rather than the majority.
these two perspectives differ, Isenberg in 1986 suggested both of the
perspectives are correct as they explain group polarisation under different
circumstances and that we should seek to specify the range of applicability of
both. This shows that neither of these perspectives are better than the other
as they both compete but give the same purpose even though they differ in their
explanation. It could be said that they are equal in their definitions.
Although it could be argued that social acceptance may be a larger part of
group polarisation, rather than persuasive arguments, depending on the
individual’s personality and will conform no matter what they really think because
of their strong social desires of being accepted.
the third perspective, the social identity theory, shows that the
self-categorization theory treats group polarisation as a “regular conformity
phenomenon”, as suggested by Turner et al in 1992. The self-categorisation of a
group member creates a social identity and a specific set of in-group behaviours
because of that categorisation. This categorisation automatically creates
conformity in an in-group norm which allows the members to polarise at one end
due to the placement in the group. This perspective does show that members are
more likely to be persuaded by in-group members rather than individuals and
singular opinions, instead gathering ideas to create a choice which leans
towards the pole of the group norm to explain this polarisation. This
perspective shows that conformity is an automatic response when individuals are
grouped together and that an instant norm is created with the in-group members
which favour the pole furthest away from opinions not held by the members. It
couldn’t be argued that persuasive arguments could aid the process due to the
identification of the individual before the decision making process begins.
Members label/identify themselves within the group before hand which helps them
polarise when a dilemma is given to them and their group. However, it could be
argued that social desirability plays a role as the categorisation ultimately
results in social acceptance, therefore entwining the model of the social identity
theory of the second perspective.
The three
perspectives to explain group polarisation all use similar strategies to result
in an extreme choice being chosen but all three of them use pieces of the other
perspectives to get to their goal. None of the perspectives outline anything
different which does not explain this process due to a social intervention such
as leadership and social desirability. The placement in a group reflects the
social desirability and leaders of a stronger ground and personality than you
are as an individual can influence your opinions when given novel information.
It could be argued that group polarisation is a result of all three
perspectives together because each of the perspectives give different reasons, mainly
social explanations, as to why members gather at one pole which happens to be
more extreme rather than making the decision individually.
Considering the advantages and disadvantages of the three perspectives
it is clear that none of them are entirely superlative, instead they are all
subjective, giving individual explanations which do not work against each other
because they all use elements which can help create the perspective from the
other two, such as social categorisation in social acceptance. They all use the
basic idea that an element within the perspective changes the original opinions
of the members to amalgamate ideas to form a different choice. The choice and
process of each one all end in the same result, of an extreme choice being
made, no matter how effective each of them is but they use similar techniques
to obtain the extreme results.
1390 words
Hogg, M., A., & Isenberg, D. J. (1986). Group polarization: a critical review
and meta-analysis. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology Miller, D. T., Turnbull, W., & McFarland, C. (1988).
Particularistic and universalistic evaluation in the social comparison process. Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology, 55(6),
908-908. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/209831857?accountid=15324
J. A. F. (1961) A Comparison of Individual and Group Decisions Involving Risk’,
Unpublished Master’s Thesis,
A., Martin, L., & Mendolia, M. (1995). The impact of thought on attitude
extremity and attitude " behaviour consistency. In R. E. Petty, & J. A.
Krosnick (Eds.), Attitude strength:
antecedents and consequences. (pp, 73-92) David, B. & Turner, J.
C. (1992). Studies in self-categorization and minority conversion. Paper
presented at the joint EAESP/SESP Meeting/Leuven/Louvain-la-Neuve, July, © 2013 Icelanna
Author's Note
Added on January 11, 2013 Last Updated on January 11, 2013 Author![]() IcelannaWales, Caerphilly, United KingdomAboutHi guys! Sorry, I don't come on here all that often anymore. I'm busy in university and editing my book! I'm sorry If I haven't read any of your requests. Anyway, you can read the rest of "Madelin.. more..Writing