I woke up this morning to pit-pat-pit-pat. At first I thought it was rain, but when I looked out the window, I saw a long, yellow beak right in frontone of the birds that I saw yesterday. It was pecking on my window, and it had a terrified look on it's face, like it was trying to warn me about something. Then I suddenly remembered the name of the bird. It was a Phoenix, one of the mythical creatures that I had learned about during science class(we have a strange science teacher that loves mythical creatures).
I opened the window to let the bird in(I didn't really know how it got in, because it was so big). I needed proof that the bird was real and that I wasn't dreaming. But before I could pat the Phoenix on the head, it opened one of its colorful wings. There was a sign on it's body that read, "Come with me!! Ride on my back to Master Plush Shob." I was unsure if I should get on it's back. What if it was a robot and it malfunctioned? What if someone shot the Phoenix while we were flying? I had so many "what ifs" but I had to find out about these weird, but also cool magical creatures. I hopped on his back and we started to fly.