![]() Chapter 4A Chapter by Ice-FireChapter 4 -------- Kyle's PoV ----- Grumbling I sat in a concrete cell, and was staring at the door waiting for someone to walk in and tell me just what the hell was going on. Looking over the room I took notice of faint cobwebs that clung to the sink that was right next to the door. Sighing I got up went over to the door to knock to find out when someone was going to visit but I got shocked. Cursing I grabbed my hand walked back over to the bed and sat back down, at least they were kind enough to give me a pillow and a blanket. I laid down and stared at the ceiling. Before I knew it I had passed out and was awoken by a splash of ice cold water, cursing I sat up with a jolt and looked at the person who had disturbed me. A girl, about nineteenish, was standing beside my bed with a scowl on her face. She had light brown hair and crystal blue eyes. "Good morning sunshine, get up and go." She said pointing to the door, I gave her a questionable look. She sighed and walked out saying, "you're being released, you have to stay within the building but you no longer have to stay in the cell." Doing a silent cheer I got up and followed her out the door. "What of my cousin and her friend?" She looked to her left and pointed towards the end of the hallway, "They're being released as well. My mate is releasing your cousin, and my brother is releasing her friend." I thanked her then went down the hall, she cleared her throat. "That would be highly inadvisable at this current moment." She said, almost sounding like a robot. I turned stunned and she chuckled waving towards me in a manner that basically said 'follow me', so I went back towards the cell that I was being kept in and she started walking. Following her she went through a set of doors and into a large room, I could smell a lot of perfume and cologne, and over top of that I smelled some food. Looking around I couldn't really see a whole lot through the crowd of people but I'm pretty sure we had entered the cafeteria. It's hard to tell considering there were no signs dedicating what room this was. I walked through the crowd cautiously and found myself at a large buffet table. I heard doors open and everyone had quieted down and looked in one direction, towards the doors in which I had entered through. People started to move to chairs or out of the pathway period, two girls were walking past. I recognized them both instantaneously, it was Jamie and Marianne. Jamie took notice of me right away and gave me a confused look, I shrugged. ----- Jamie's PoV ----- "Hey Kyle, what's up with everyone?" Marianne asked, taking the words right out of my mouth. "I dunno, they all started to act this way when you two walked in," he replied, trying to make sense of what was going on. A girl about my age who was in the crowd pushed her way past everyone and said, "They stepped aside because Jamie, a neophyte, killed the biggest and most dangerous pain in the a*s on on this eternally damned rock. I stood there and tried not to look surprised, Marianne crossed her arms and muttered cowards, directing the comment towards the crowd. At which point I had to chuckle and said loud enough for even humans in the back of the room to hear, "Oh chill out, I'm not goin to harm ya'll unless you harm me first." Everyone in the room relaxed and went about eating lunch. I went up to the counter ignoring the gaping expressions on Kyle and Marianne's faces. Picking out a salad, an apple, I grabbed a can of Mountain Dew and went towards a mostly empty table hoping not to be bombarded by the entire room while I was eating. I began to eat the salad noticing I had gotten a few weary looks at me from several of the hunters, not caring I went about finishing eating and was wondering what to do next. A boy that looked to about twentyish sat down in front of me and smiled as politely as he could. I could sense what he wanted to say and I shook my head, before he could even say a word I stuck up my finger. Hoping he'd wait a moment. I finished my apple and placed it on the lid of the salad container and spoke, "If you're trying to flatter me or even get in my pants I will throw you out of the window fifteen feet from us." He gulped and looked ready to die. A guy at the table across from me laughed, "She called you out good Mike!" I saw Mike cringe and shoot a look of hatred towards the man who had laughed. Smirking I opened up my salad and began to munch on the leafy greens. When I was done I picked up the food and walked over to the trash can and dumped the stuff inside, turning I nearly ran into a girl about seventeenish who had a scowl on her face. "What do you want?" She asked sourly. I shook my head and waved, walking away. She muttered something I couldn't hear. I went towards one of the exits and went to explore the building. Through the doors I saw a huge garden, taking care I made sure to stay on the path that was laid out in tan brick. I took notice of dozens of butterflies fluttering about and smiled, noticing some lilacs off in the distance I walked over to them and breathed in the wonderful smell. I wondered who was taking care of them, I wanted to thank them heartily for maintaining this beautiful garden. I looked around and continued to walk around, watching as birds, butterflies and bees flew around the garden. I snapped my head up when I heard sobbing and went towards the source, I hurried down the pathways and came to a large hedge, going towards it I saw it open up, 'An enchanted hedge?' My thoughts immediately went to Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, "Jesus Christ, Really?" I muttered aloud before continuing towards the source of the sobs. I ran through the maze one turn after another before finally reaching the center where a child was on the ground crying, I decided to call out to the child, "Hello?" The child snapped her head up and wiped away her tears quickly before turning to look at Jamie, "I won't hurt you, I heard you crying when I was walking through the gardens and I came to see what was wrong," Jamie said rather quickly hoping not to frighten the young girl. Taking in the small details. She had bright crystal blue eyes, medium length brown hair that curled around her shoulders and arms and a bright blue floral dress, her feet were bare but nearby there were a pair of sandals. The child sniffled before saying, "Go away." Jamie looked at her curiously. "I said go away! He isn't dead yet, everyone is still in danger!" Jamie's eyes widened at the little girls statement and ran out of the maze before looking back at the little girl, "If you need help find me or my friends please." The young girl nodded, Jamie studied her briefly then continued on out of the maze. She ran through the gardens and into the building. Pausing she tried to figure out where Kyle and Marianne were. Shaking her head she went in the direction of the cafeteria. Looking around she saw everyone tense at her sudden burst through the doors. "Where's Kyle, Marianne and Valerie?" She demanded, continuing to look around the room. One of the men pointed towards a door on the far side of the room and Jamie started running. © 2012 Ice-FireAuthor's Note
Added on May 30, 2012 Last Updated on May 30, 2012 Author |