Chapter 4

Chapter 4

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

I slowly opened my eyes to a dark room, I groaned and put my palm to my forehead. "What happened," I asked looking around, I was still in the hospital but everything was dark. Getting up to look for the flashlight I looked into Kris and Kay's room and noticing that they were alright despite all of the lights being out. Giving up on looking for the flashlight and went back to the Nurses' lounge to check up on Melinda. Reaching the room I saw Melinda outside and bleeding pretty badly, kneeling down I put two fingers to the sleeping doctor's vein and sighed with relief. Shaking Melinda awake I asked, "What happened? How do you feel?" Melinda groaned and looked around, "One question at a time and quieter please, my head hurts, I was attacked by the darkness, I put up a little bit of a fight but then some guy showed up, he had glowing red eyes and he didn't look too happy with me." She said attempting to get up. I helped her stand up and walked her into the Nurses' Lounge. Walking in the lights flickered on, wincing I continued to help the terribly injured doctor to a seat before grabbing a first aid kit.

~~~30 minutes later~~~

"I wonder why I'm badly injured and yet you're not, it's kind of odd," Melinda said watching me like a hawk. Shaking my head I sighed, "I don't know, I don't even know how I became unconscious."

Melinda lowered her head and began to stare at her hands flipping her right wrist she looked at her watch, "Sun's going to rise soon," she said glumly. I got up and went over to the blinds, pulling the string I watched as the sky began to change colors. "I need to head home, get a shower, put some clean clothes on and try to get my thoughts straightened out. Can I have some time off?" Melinda's head snapped up and nodded. "Fine, you can have the time, but I want you to call me as soon as you get home." I waved and ran out of the lounge towards the entrance so I could get home.

~~~15 minutes later~~~

Slamming the car door shut I walked over to the mailbox and grabbed the previous days mail out. Taking it inside after flipping through it I noticed a black envelope, tossing the ads aside I picked up the phone to call Melinda with the envelope still in hand. Turning it over I saw a red wax seal on the letter, 'What the f**k is this s**t?' "Sierra, thank god, I was beginning to worry," Melinda said nervously. "No prob, I'm gonna finish going through my mail then catch a shower and hit the hay. Have fun," I said while trying to keep the phone from falling off my shoulder, "Ok, well chat with ya later." Putting the phone on the coffee table I sat down on the couch and opened the envelope making sure not to break the wax seal. Pulling out the letter I read;


You are one of the few people with a pure(ish) soul in this world. You have seen what not many can believe now-a-days. I need you to visit me if you wish to know more about what you are up against, and what your future may hold. After reading this letter you will have 11 hours to get to me, so that will give you plenty of time to get some much deserved sleep and to refresh yourself. You will find that you have food and that there is a glowing silver colored bangle(bracelet) on your television. I want you to wear that, it will keep you from harm until you see me.


Lady Kathryn

The Oracle

98076 Harms Way

"F*****g A" I cursed, running a hand through my hair I looked across the room at the TV and sure enough the bracelet was there, getting up I saw something dart from behind the entertainment stand. Looking over to where I guessed it had gone I grabbed the bracelet off of the TV and slipped it on, feeling it's icy coolness I felt it shift, as though the metal itself had changed shape, glancing down I saw it was snug on my wrist 'great, just great' looking up from my wrist I saw what had originally caught my attention, a black cat with a white crescent moon fur pattern on it's right eye. Meowing it hopped onto the table and nudged the letter open and put it's nose to the message. Watching as the icy blue letters turned into a beautiful violet color the message re-took shape:


My cat Veranda will lead you to me once you have awoken and eaten. Please, follow her, she will mean you no harm and will protect you in your sleep.


The Witch

I cursed myself mentally and exited the livingroom. Going down the hallway towards the bathroom I grabbed the house phone off of the cradle and checked it, six missed calls. All from my brother. Sighing I dialed voice mail and listened to Kyle complain about my having been late to get him from school. Looking at the clock it was 5:53. I called him back.

When he finally picked up the phone she started speaking, "Hey Kyle, sorry for not getting you from school yesterday. I was extremely busy yesterday."

I heard a dark chuckle from the other line, my eyes widened while the cat Veranda hissed loudly. "Hello little love." Said the voice on the other line. Gulping I just barely managed to not stutter, "Who is this?"

Another dark chuckle sounded sending waves of fear coursing through me. "I am the Prince of Demons, Alistar. You're brother is fine. Though I do like his aura."

"What do you want?" I asked trying to sound as calm as possible. He chuckled again, "You'll see. For now I'll keep my minions at bay."

Then the line cut out. I collapsed shaking, Veranda came up to my and put two paws on my legs, looking at me with worry. I held my hand out and she sniffed it then nodded. Putting my hand on her head I slowly scratched behind her ears. "I have no idea what's going on. This all seems so crazy." Taking my hand back after a few minutes I got up and turned the corner into my room. I looked around in disbelief, it was a mess. My bed had gashes all through it and my dressers were knocked over, pictures were scattered everywhere. Flipping on the light I started to clean up the mess that I could only conclude was created by the demons. Veranda stepped into the room and sniffed, then hissed looking towards my walk-in closet. I tensed, getting up I walked over and opened the door cautiously. Nothing was there but Veranda went in anyways sniffing around. The power flickered a little and I looked around nervously. Watching the cat arch her back and hiss even louder. I looked in the direction she was looking and took notice of the blood red writing on the wall. I felt all color leave my face as my eyes widened. The message read:


Gulping, I felt myself about to fall, but grabbed the doorway and steadied myself. I looked over at Veranda who was watching me like a hawk. I took a step back and she followed. I closed the door to the closet, which thankfully, I didn't use. Taking a deep breath I walked over to my fallen dresser and picked it up, putting it back in place. I opened up the top drawer and grabbed what I needed before leaving my room. I stepped into the bathroom and looked around, before deeming the room safe. 'God, I'm so fricken paranoid.' I thought to myself before stripping and going for my shower.

© 2012 Ice-Fire

Author's Note

Finally an update! :P Going to be having fun fixing all the errors in the previous chapters here soon... I got most of them in my first story/book/whatever you wanna call it(I call it a book, had someone else call it a story a year ago, so yea) Lost & Found. Now on to starting the next chappy for On The Run... Might end up changing the titles for all 3... oh wells.

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Added on November 18, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2012



Pittsburgh, PA

I'm Jenna, I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm 17, born April 3rd... My favorite colors are Purple Silver Black maroonish. I'm single, of course. Always have been. I pick who I want to be with. I can be qui.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Ice-Fire