Chapter 13 Visitors

Chapter 13 Visitors

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

>In my new bedroom<

I folded my hands over my knee and leaned back onto my pillows just thinking. If I would have known Leonard would have tried something to make Leona try to free him, he must have tried to play the bad guy gone good trick only to make it backfire so he must have wanted to make Leona pay for giving up the Wasp Clan. I sighed and got up to answer my phone before it rang. I gotta love having premonitions. It was Kyla calling.

"Yo what's up?" I asked.

"Carm, Leona needs ya here, can you return?"

"Can I make dinner and bring it in?"

"If you make enough for you, me, Shina, Leona and Spade with seconds sure" I laughed rolling my eyes. "Okay I'll make it, tell Leona that she's gonna have some home cookin'" she laughed as well. DING DONG. "Aw the the hell's at my door now?" I cursed. "Dunno but lets hope its the welcoming neighborhood and not Spade's dad again" I sighed. "Don't jinx me now Kyla"

I hung up and pocketted my cell. I walked down the stairs. DING DONGGG. "Ugh, hang on just a minute." I cursed looking at the door. Stepping off the last stair I peered through the curtain and saw one of the common neighbors in the area carrying a basket. It's to early for a picnic still, I thought to myself. Cracking open the door I flipped a stray strand of hair over my shoulder. "Yes?" I asked trying to sound annoyed as possible.

"Oh, um, I thought you were the Greene family, not unless Sarina went through a major growth spurt" I shook my head.

"Spade gave me the keys to this place on my birthday. It was a present from his mom and sister as well" I informed the lady.

"Oh, well, if you see them, tell Ivy that Jezabelle has clothes for Sarina that Kylie grew out of" She said turning around waving then walking off the porch. I rolled my eyes and closed the door locking it. I went towards the kitchen to begin prepping dinner. For tonight I think I'll just make some spagetti. I sighed and pulled out the pot and began to fill it with water. Waiting patiently I closed my eyes to hopefully see wath was going on. I saw nothing oddly. I sighed and looked at the pot. Turning off the water I hefted the pot out of the sink. "Let's see, spagetti for 10 coming up" I said out loud opening 3 packages of noodles. After I set the pot up on the burner I pulled out my cell and called Spade.

"What's up Carm?" He said picking up.

"Nothing much, um, had a visitor by the name of Jezabelle... she said that she had clothes for Sarina that Kylie grew out of?"

"Oh!, I'll let mom know... so when are you going to get here?" I looked over at the pot and said, "In a little while."

He sighed "Ok, well call to let us know when your on your way." With that I put my cell phone back in my pocket and went to the pantry to grab some jars of sauce. With my arms full I heard DING DONG once again. I sighed went over to the stove and put the jars down on the counter to turn the heat down. I exited the kitchen and made my way to the front door. I peered through the window, someone I didn't recognize. Grabbing my cell I was ready to call Spade, opening the door I responded with, "Who the f**k are you and why are you bothering me when I'm making dinner?" At which point the guy went from happy and bouncy to looking guilty. "Oh, um, sorry, I thought my cousin lived here."

"Cousin?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked around awkwardly.

"Yeah, last I heard she lived here. Maybe you know her? Her names Carmen."

"Mm hmm, and you might be?" I asked trying to make my voice sound as calm as possible.

"Lucas, Lucas Vincent." 'Okay, wierd how he knows me is beyond my comprehension. Oh, wait. Vincent, if I remember correctly that was my mothers maiden name.'

"And who told you she was here?"

"Her pops," 'Typical.' "Look if she's not here why are you questioning me? I have something from grams."

"Grams? Didn't she die several years ago due to a heart condition?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Har har Carmen, nice charade, almost had me leave. Here," he said pulling a little box out of his backpack. "If you don't mind I'm going to go visit Uncle... have fun." I waved him goodbye. I went back inside and went towards the kitchen, after I put the box on the counter I checked the spagetti it was done cooking, turning the heat completely off I pulled the pot off the stove and carried it over to the sink. When I was done draining the water I put the sauce in and put the food into containers. I was just about to leave when I remembered the box on the counter. Grabbing it I put it into my backpack grabbed the food bag and ran out the door locking it behind me. I spun quickly on my heel only to find Spade running down the street like he was being chased by a pack of wild wolves. I jogged over to him watching him catch his breath. "Hey Spade what's up?"

"Your cousin is in town, causing hell." I groaned.

"Let's go catch him."

"No need Shina and Kyla are going after him." I stuck a thumbs up as best I could while I was re-adjusting my backpack. "Well let's get going, food isn't going to serve itself."

He grinned and led the way.

© 2013 Ice-Fire

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Added on June 4, 2011
Last Updated on March 25, 2013



Pittsburgh, PA

I'm Jenna, I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm 17, born April 3rd... My favorite colors are Purple Silver Black maroonish. I'm single, of course. Always have been. I pick who I want to be with. I can be qui.. more..

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A Chapter by Ice-Fire

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A Chapter by Ice-Fire