Chapter 9 Reputation

Chapter 9 Reputation

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

"Carrrrmmmmeeeeennnnn" I heard Shina call from behind me, I turned around. "Tell now" she ordered. I laughed. 

"Okay okay, sheeze. I'm Spade's girlfriend now. Okay?" 

"D-e-t-a-i-l-s, now." 

"Yeah I want the details too" Kyla said from my left. 

"Sheeeeze guys, you really don't want me to give you details now do you?" 

"Yes!" They both exclaimed in unison. 

I sighed then filled them in on what all happened from where I left off last night. 

"Wait, Spade's dad returned?" Kyla asked surprised. I nodded. "And your not dead." I nodded again. "Either he smelled Spade on you or he's grown soft." 

"Let me finish please!" 

"Okay, okay. Dang," Kyla said while I rolled my eyes. I continued on with what all had happened. By the time I had finished and we were at school I saw Spade grinning ear to ear. 

"Who let the cheshire cat out?" I asked. 

"No one, it's still caged up" Shina said. I groaned passing by Spade. 

Some new kid came up to me and asked me whether or not I was the quoted queen. Spade said "No she's my girlfriend not some snob," I smiled at the smart assed remark. The kid looked maybe 16ish going on 17... bright blue eyes with messy dirty blonde hair. His blood smelled like a warlocks. So I was being really weary. I closed my eyes for a moment, I saw the kid with Lyre standing on a fence both of their fingers sparking. I opened my eyes slowly. I grabbed Spade's arm and dragged him towards Kyla and Shina. 

"Guys, he's in league with Lyre!" I exclaimed looking back. He was standing there at the entrance looking as dumbfounded as he could. 

"There's no way" Kyla said. 

"He is... I just saw it" at which point Shina closed her eyes and gasped "She's right!" I smiled folding my arms. 

I turned back around to see the kid just looking at me. 'Creeeeepy' I thought to myself. I sighed walking back over to him and said, "I don't know what game your trying to play or what not, but I can say this freely, it's not going to work." 

He smiled then said, "Aw man, I told Lyre this wouldn't work, but she's such a pushover." 

I rolled my eyes. "You know you can get away from her, right?" 

He raised an eyebrow. "Look at Leona, she gets to do whatever she wants with her life as long as Carmen doesn't get killed. Leonard on the other hand..." Shina trailed off. 

I rolled my eyes. He still looked a bit confused. Spade came up next to me and put his arm around my shoulders. 

"Kyla is going to go get our tardy slips... Yeah we're here early, but yeah, so we don't get thrown out..." Spade informed me and Shina. 

"What's your name?" I asked the kid. 

"Jake," was all he said. 

"Oui, Shina, quit daydreaming." Kyla ordered coming up from behind the kid. She rolled her eyes. 

"Your saying that I can be free from Lyre?" Jake asked looking uncomfortable. 

I looked at Spade, Kyla and Shina. We all nodded. He smiled and nodded to what we were thinking. 

"If I can be freed from that... demoness... I'll be happy." He said looking a bit happier. Shina flipped a stray hair back behind her ear, her eyes turning blue. "Um guys, we got company and it ain't the good kind of company, it's Lyre again." 

"S**t" I cursed alongside Spade and Kyla. 

"What's wrong little disobedient puppies?" Lyre's acidly sweet sounding voice came from behind me. I spun around with a scowl. 

"Lyre, quit the act, we all know your here to try to kill us." She dropped her cheap assed grin. 

"I will kill you Carmen, then I'll kill all the traitors. So be prepared." She warned then turned around and threw a letter in Kyla's direction. "Give that to the principle. She's in the office now." 

"Fine, but I'm not your pawn Lyre, I'm just glad your out of this school." Kyla sounded annoyed. "Spade, Shina, Carmen, Jake I'll see you guys in about an hour..." Lyre was already gone. I was kind of annoyed at the fact that I wasn't paying much attention to Lyre as I should have been, but as long as I wasn't killed I guess I'm cool. 

"I can't believe that Lyre didn't kill me!" Jake said in amazement. "I guess I really am free!"

~>About half an hour later<~

I sighed not knowing what to do, Spade had decided that I would wait for him and Kyla while I attended school. It seems like everybody won't leave me alone so I put them to work... homework that is. They're so intent on having the "queen", which is me, to sit at their table and they're willing to do anything. I hear lots of cursing. I look over in the direction of the cursing. I sighed at seeing a couple of jocks with their feet up in the air slacking off. So I stood up and went over there. 

"Something wrong?" I asked the one that was talking. I coulda sworn that they all jumped and got to work when they finally realized I was behind them. I smirked then walked back to my seat. 

"C-Carmen, um" One of the shyest girls in the class was trying to get my attention. I turned around. Amy, the only girl that was so shy she didn't have a friend, was looking at the ground and nervously kicking the ground. 

"What's wrong Amy?" I asked noticing that she had her hands in her pockets. 

"Um, I saw Spade and Kyla enter the building..." 

"Thank you Amy for informing me" I smiled. She smiled brightly then turned around to go back to her seat. A minute later Spade and Kyla entered the room. I went over to them smiling. 

"So? How'd it go?" I asked curiously. 

They looked at each other then back at me, I began to worry a little. Then Spade grinned and said, "It went well Jake seems pretty happy so does Leona, I think she's mostly happy because some of the others from her former clan seem to be realizing that it's wrong to be doing what they're doing." 

"Nice, hey have you guys seen Shina? I haven't seen her since you guys took Jake." They shook their heads I began to chew at my lip. "Shina was supposed to be here with you, but if she's gone into a small bout of depression I hope she doesn't do anything crazy," Kyla said. 

"Carmen, why are you talking to those low-" I whirled around on the heel of my foot and glared at the guy whom narrowly missed the lions claw "Who the F**K are you calling low lifes? My friends here? I sure hope not." I spat at him. He looked ready to piss his pants. 

"Carm, settle down" Spade whispered grabbing my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. "That wasn't needed, I had my flare quite under control." 

"Under control as in you were extinguishing the flame or getting ready to fire the rocket launcher?" Kyla inquired I rolled my eyes again smirking.

"Oh shush, I think we better find Shina before something bad happens"

"Doesn't something bad always happen?" Spade and Kyla asked in unison.

I laughed a little then rolled my eyes. I sighed then said, "Of course, not a day goes by without an incident." I went over to the group of gossipers and asked them if they had seen my friend Shina, two out of the seven of them said they could have seen her trying to bypass the gate in the stairway that goes up to the roof. 

"Frig, thanks for your help, oh and spread the word that if anyone calls my friends trash, that I'll know and won't be happy." 

"Will do" the girl from my dream, Lizza, had said turning back to her book. I sighed, turned around then went back over to the doorway. 

"She's on the roof." I said bluntly. 

"Wait, what?" Kyla said trying to backstep. 

"Shina, is, on, the, roof" I informed once again in a slower tone. 

"S**t" was the last thing I heard before being pulled toward the stairs to the roof.

© 2013 Ice-Fire

Author's Note

The pic is Jake.

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Added on April 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 25, 2013



Pittsburgh, PA

I'm Jenna, I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm 17, born April 3rd... My favorite colors are Purple Silver Black maroonish. I'm single, of course. Always have been. I pick who I want to be with. I can be qui.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

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A Chapter by Ice-Fire

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A Chapter by Ice-Fire