![]() Chapter 3 Unwelcome NewcomersA Chapter by Ice-Fire"What? Seriously? They Exist? When? Where? Wha?" I stammered confused. I jumped before I even heard the door open. I think I just understood what Spade meant by 'You've seen it happen'. My dad entered the room, "He's right, but wrong at the same time. You're a damphier, not a full out vampire like I am. And it is for that fact that you are in danger. As much as I wish to protect you, I can't, I won't be allowed to for a very long period of time." He said leaning against the door frame. I took in his appearance, he stood at six five, his brown hair grown out about an inch, brown eyes matching my own. He was looking around the room. "I don't understand, you could have saved mother, why didn't you?" I asked him. "Thing is Carmen, I couldn't leave. You were allowed to leave because you were a tease. You're being looked for at this very moment, other than your friends, nobody knows you're here." My father said gravely. "If I may ask Mr. Locus, do you know who is after Carmen and Shina? I sensed him, her, earlier today." "Don't know exactly, I've been trying to do research but I've gotten no luck." I closed my eyes to ponder a bit. But nothing I wanted to reflect upon came to mind, instead all I saw was a fire. Not the same fire that took my mother's life but rather a different fire. I gasped and opened my eyes and said unexpectedly, "The school, he's in the school burning it down!" "Who? Do you see who it is?" Spade asked. My dad was running out of the room, I followed him. When I finally caught up to him he was with Spade's mom looking grave. They looked at me with much curiosity. "What's wrong?" I asked with much regret. "How did you know the school's on fire Carmen? Did you see who set it on fire?" Ivy asked. I sat down and closed my eyes. I regretted it instantly. "The fire has spread to the lockers, I see a guy arm and arm with a girl laughing like there was not a thing that could stop them, let alone find them. The girl is quite pretty, sea blue eyes and medium brown hair about chin length with a wasp tattoo on her neck" I described for them my eyes still closed. "The guy has the tattoo on his right bicep, short messy brown hair blood red eyes." By that point I heard scattering, I opened my eyes and looked at the doorway and began to ponder about what to do now. Spade ran in and grabbed me and dragged me as well as his sister along, but he didn't grab me by my wrist like his sister, but by the hand which made me blush when I felt the tingles every time his skin touched mine. "Spade! Where are we going?" I asked embarrassed. Stopping at the door so we could put our shoes on quickly. "Shhh, the only reason they left in a hurry was to stop them, the intruders. We're supposed to follow!" He exclaimed in a hushed hurried voice, glancing at me then quickly looking away. When we made it to the school Shina and Kyla were already there with their parents, Shina's eyes were blue rather than their normal carmel brown color. She flipped a strand of her dyed blue hair behind her ear and exclaimed, "Their coming out!" I closed my eyes and sure enough they were. I reopened them ready for hell to break lose, which it did. The guy saw all of us and stuck his nose in the air, taking a breath he looked right at me and charged. I passed out when I saw that he had blood on him, totally ignoring what Spade and my father had said to me earlier, right before it all went black I heard a whisper, "You're going to die this time, kid."
~~~>A few hours later<~~~
When I reopened my eyes I didn't know what to comprehend first the fact that Spade was sleeping right next to me a little bruised up or the fact I had a blood bag strapped to my arm, either way terrifying consequences followed behind it. Me freaking out. "Spade? Get this thing out of my arm pleaaase!" I begged him. He stirred and nodded pulling the needle out, slowly mumbling, "I think you've had enough blood as well," He sat up rubbed his eyes but kept his hair messy, I thought he looked cute. "After you passed out he went after your throat ticking me off, there wasn't much of him left when my mom finally stopped me, his gal was tied up, bleeding as well, well, not as bad as the dude that attacked you but pretty bad." I blushed at the fact that he protected me, making him blush as well. My blushing stopped when I sensed more visitors nearby. I looked at him seriously and he straitened up. I looked towards the door when I heard it creak open, Shina peeked her head through and grinned when she saw me awake. "Hey! Sleepyhead is finally awake!" Shina yelled over her shoulder. I heard running and Shina got pushed out of the doorway replaced by Kyla who was grinning ear-to-ear. My dad, Ivy, Kyla's mom and Shina came in after Kyla ran and gave me a hug trying, with out meaning it, to most probably break my neck. "Enough Kyla, excuse her for being overly excited. She hasn't even slept because she's been worrying about you," Her mother April said disappointed. "Thanks, Kyla get off!" I said trying to free myself. She finally unclasped her hands from around my neck. "So, how's the unwanted guest?" Spade asked. My dad ran his hand through his hair and said, "He isn't feeling much like talking, and she, well, she wants to kill herself." "So basically they both won't talk?" I groaned, figuring out who they were talking about rather quickly. My dad nodded. I sighed and asked Shina if she tried to probe his mind, she shook her head saying, "It won't do much good. If I were to try and either one of them have certain defenses I might get hurt." I tossed the covers and went to get up wincing at my left shoulder. I grabbed my clothes and went for the bathroom. When I got done changing Spade asked, "Where are you going all of a sudden?" "I want to see if there is anything I can do," I trailed off. "What do you mean?" "Well dad said I was a tease and since I didn't harm them, maybe they will cooperate with me" "Of course!" Shina exclaimed. "But it could have risks." "Which is why there are such things called guards? If they break free and try to attack me, well yeah, you get the picture." I said glancing over at Spade who decided to stare at the ground between his feet. "Sounds good to me, Ivy what do you think?" My dad inquired. She nodded, as did Spade and Kyla. "OK let's get this over with then," I said, heading for the door. "Wait Carm, what are you going to ask them?" Shina asked. "Why were they after me, why they burned down the school, who they were, who their boss is." I said. Spade chuckled saying, "What did you expect her to say?" She shrugged. "Okay, um, can we go now?" I asked impatiently. My dad led me down the maze of halls to where the girl and the guy were. When I finally got there he wished me luck and that I would have help if I needed it. I stepped inside and looked around. Bare, grey cinder block walls and cement flooring. The girl was seated on a metal folding chair to my left. The guy had his chair flipped around and he rested his chin on his arms which were folded over the back of his seat, he was seven feet away from the door, glaring at me. "Well, if it isn't the little brat." The guy said with a smirk. I tensed up and released the anger that was building. I began with, "Who are you?" "Me? Just a guy." "Men don't take fun in burning buildings and killing people. You're scum. Now I will ask again. Who are you?" I asked, folding my arms and leaning against the door frame. "Leonard Wells, Wasp Clan, age twenty-nine. Me, I'm Leona, his sister, Wasp Clan, age nineteen," The female said not giving any resistance. "Why'd you burn the school down?" "To find you. Leonard quit it, she can probably make your death quicker if you try to break loose." I leaned against the wall and asked, "Why are you after me?" She shrugged and said, "Leonard wants your blood, I have never seen him like this. When he told our clan about the fire over a year ago, Sara, our boss, said to find and kill you. I tried to refuse but I didn't win." "So no matter what, your boss wants me dead and if you two were to die she'd send more. Wait how many more of you are there?" I said curiously. "Twenty-nine of us, it's a small clan. Most of us are homeless street kids." "Are there any of you that I should really need to keep an eye on?" "Yeah, Lyre, Witch, age seventeen, she has an affinity to torture, blond hair down to her shoulders, dark grey eyes." "Lea, why are you cooperating? She's our target!" Leonard said outraged. "What is it going to matter? I hate this clan, I hate the fact that I was allowed to live. Why can't you reflect on all that's happened? Like I did." Leona exclaimed. I began to think for a moment, when I did I pulled out my notepad and began to draw. When I finished the drawing a couple minutes later they had finished their little argument. I showed the picture to Leona and asked, "Is that her?" She gasped and nodded. "She's the new girl in my friend's one class. If I remember correctly she said her name was Kay." "D****t, I think our lives just became hell" She said with a bit of fear coating her voice. I raised my eyebrow but didn't say anything. © 2013 Ice-FireAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on April 14, 2011 Last Updated on March 25, 2013 Author |