![]() Chapter 16 DangerA Chapter by Ice-FireA/N Doing a random PoV from one of the few names mentioned. Enjoy!!! ^.^ Note this chappy starts from before Spade awoke after been ko'd and does get a little sappy ;) ~~~>Tristan's PoV<~~~ I was doing my rounds through the maze of hallways that I had grown accustomed to. Thinking of doing my job I was hit with a deliciously sweet scent and my wolf started pacing begging to go find the source of the scent. So I did, I got to one of the holding cells that housed Spade's mate's cousin when the fire alarms sounded. Briefly looking inside the cell I noticed Spade's mate and his friend Kyla in a sort of meditation before taking off down the hall. The scent was getting stronger and I tried to ignore it, dodging the flames I kept running. Busting through the doors I noticed Spade get kicked in the face then fall. Pausing briefly a kid whirled around and went after Shina, kicking her towards one of the trees to the right, I winced as I watched her sail through the air and hit the tree with a thud. Snapping my head back to the direction of the kid I got hit with the scent again. Paralyzed I tried to ignore it as I watched the kid go after someone who I didn't even notice before. My wolf started yipping when I looked at her, ignoring him was hard but I continued to watch. "Die traitor!" I heard the kid yell, my eyes widened when I watched him grip the girl by the throat and a growl escaped my lips as my wolf, Cayden, took control. Running forward I watched as Cayden tackled the kid and immediately went into a protective stance. The kid started staggering and his eyes widened before a portal opened and an arm snaked out to grab him. I spun on my heel, Cayden still in full control and watched as he picked up the girl who had ended up passing out. I heard him whimper before he gave me back control of my body, asking him 'What's wrong, why are you acting this way?' I felt him curl up in a ball and whimper 'Mate'. My eyes widened at that one word before looking down at the girl again. She had medium brown hair and a fair complexion. She was, to say the least, beautiful. Hearing several people exit the building I looked over, healers. They were looking around in surprise. I pointed to the tree that Shina had gotten kicked to and looked at it, it was covered in blood. The healers immediately ran over there. A groan from behind me had me stiffen. "Tristan! What happened?" I heard Spade say after hearing him move around. I looked over at him and scowled. "She came through those doors after you did and she had Shina right behind her. Shina attempted to stop the boy but ended up getting several ribs broken," I stated pointing to the tree. I watched as he looked to where I was pointing and his eyes widened with disbelief. He scrambled to his feet as the healers got Shina onto the stretcher and started moving to try and get her to the medical ward as fast as possible. Spade followed after them through the doors. Sticking my arm under the dark haired beauty's neck and the other beneath her knees I picked her up as gingerly as I could, and carried her inside to take her to the medical ward.
~~~>half an hour later<~~~ I watched from my place not too far away as the healers worked on Shina before glancing down at my mate who had been knocked out. I growled lowly at the memory of her being held up by that kid. I had heard through the pack link Spade's mate had gotten taken and that he, Kyla and the one kid I had showed around the building several days before, were going after her. I opened one of the folding chairs that seemed to be everywhere and sat down taking my mate's hand in mine and hoped that she would awaken soon. Then as if on cue she groaned, I stopped breathing for a moment as I watched her eyes flutter open and she looked around before she noticed me. Her sapphire blue eyes seemed to melt as she stared at me for a moment, sucking in a deep breath she seemed at a loss for words as she stammered, "Who, how, what?" I smirked before answering back, "I'm Tristan, Tristan Jones. Beta of the Greenwood Pack. You ended up passing out when the kid had you by the throat." She touched her throat gingerly with her left hand before tilting her head. Cayden was jumping for joy and I was barely able to contain the joy he was showing. I let silence fill the air as I watched her try to figure out what was going on. Still smirking I picked up her right hand that I was still holding and kissed it. I felt her shiver and watched as her eyes closed for a second before popping open. "Mate," I heard her whisper, which made me break out into a huge a*s grin. She looked surprised for a moment before smiling herself. "I'm Leona, Leona Wells. I was, was being the key word, a part of the Wasp Clan." She said. Standing and releasing her hand I walked to the end of the bed and looked around for an available healer. Finally spotting one I motioned for her to come over, the healer rushed over and looked at Leona before looking back at me. I nodded and she did a quick check-up on my mate before releasing her. Taking my mate by the hand I led her out of the infirmary. "Are you hungry?" I asked softly. She looked up at me and nodded. "Good, because I'm treating you," I said with a grin. She gave me a puzzled look. "Where's Carmen?" She asked, her brows scrunching up with worry. It was my turn to give a questioning look. I heard soft footfalls to my left before I heard one of my pack members speak up, "She means Spade's mate." I looked over at Lina as she leaned against the wall crossing both her arms and legs. "Oh," I said, before mentally smacking myself. "She got dragged through a portal from what I heard from Spade. He, Kyla and Jake went after her." I looked over at my mate who was biting her lip while staring at the floor. "Lina, my mate, Leona. Leona, Lina." I said giving brief introductions. Leona looked up at me before looking over at Lina and nodded. Having done the same Lina spoke up, "I heard you were a little spit-fire, what's got ya spooked hun?" My mate took her hand from mine which made me turn around. "Sara, the leader of the Wasp Clan had control of Carmen's cousin, Lucas. Carmen and Kyla had entered his mind to try to free him. If Sara was using the direct, yet indirect, way that would mean," Her eyes widened before she started running for the front door. "It's a trap! Sara's going for the kill!" She exclaimed. Lina and I looked at each other before running after her. Making our way through the halls I tried to contact Spade through the pack link. Failing, his mother asked what was wrong so I told her. I heard her orders loud and clear. And I'm quite positive everyone heard her. 'Get to my son. NOW!' Already following the former Luna's orders my speed increased as I caught up to my fast little mate. I was quickly becoming winded from how fast we were running. The front doors were already opened and guards nodded as I ran past them. I heard them shut the doors behind us. Running through the streets behind my mate we eventually reached the forest to the east of town. Dodging tree after tree I asked her to wait a moment. She slowed and eventually stopped. Lina and I did the same. I stepped behind a tree and shifted after putting my things into a bag. Picking the closed bag up I walked out from behind the trees and held the bag out to Leona hoping she'd figure out I wanted her to take my bag. Which she did. Lina had already shifted and I scowled at her seeing as she had no difficulty with her bag. She chuckled before stiffening. I stiffened as well as soon as the breeze picked up. Leona looked like she was fighting her own demons, nudging her hand I felt her relax a little before straightening up and taking off in the direction we were originally running in. Eventually we came across a bridge and passed over it. Cursing mentally, I continued to follow the scent of blood. I snapped my head around as I heard a howl. I saw a brown wolf with a white nose in pursuit. I nodded and continued to run. Re-entering the pack link which I had subconsciously exited I listened as the wolf behind us, Gamma Raymond, inform Ivy of his catching up to us. I reported in with Lina, Leona and I having smelled blood and had picked up the pace even more. After several more minutes of running we came to a worn path, growling I ran ahead of my mate and followed the path until we reached a mansion. I stopped in my tracks, it felt as though my eyes grew to the size of saucers when I realized where we were. 'Ivy, we're at the former pack house.' I stated. All the other chatter ceased as I waited for instructions. I saw Lina skid to a stop, her white fur standing on end, she took a step forward and swung her head around, a growl escaping her snout as she looked into the trees to the right. I did the same after sniffing the air. 'Luna, we have a problem,' I watched as Spade's father, a very dangerous rogue who was once alpha, came out of the forest. I took a step forward and he bowed his head. 'Tristan! He's there per my request! Do not attack! Jared is there out of concern for his son!' I heard Ivy state in the mind link. I nodded and he raised his head. Swinging my head in the direction of the old pack-house I noticed out of the corner of my eye as he ran around the building. I ordered Lina to follow him to the entrance in the back. Watching her fall out of sight I took a step back and nudged my mates hand. She looked down at me and I looked at my bag. She pulled it off of her shoulder and handed it to me. I stepped out of sight and shifted back. After pulling on my clothes I went back to Leona and told her the plan. "You sure it's going to work?" She asked, concern coating her voice. "It should, most of the pack members are near. The rest are guarding the facility." She nodded to my response, looking towards the house she started rubbing her arms. I put my hand over her right hand. She tensed up but didn't pull away which made me a little happy. I pulled my hand back just as the pack reached our location. I nodded towards them and they broke into two groups, one going towards the back doors and the other staying with me and Leona. I broke the brief silence with the order to enter the building. We all scrambled to find the alpha, his mate, Carmen, Kyla and Jake. © 2013 Ice-FireAuthor's Note
Added on September 27, 2012 Last Updated on March 25, 2013 Author |