Chapter 15 Wasps Dungeons

Chapter 15 Wasps Dungeons

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

~~~~~Spade's PoV~~~~~

I snapped my eyes open only to shut them rather quickly from the blinding light. I opened them slowly this time taking extra care not to blind myself into seeing spots again and rolled over. I looked around hoping to figure out what had happened with no luck. So I began to recall what had happened right before I passed out. Kyla and Carmen were entering the kid named Lucas's mind in order to free him from whoever was controlling him and while they were in the middle of that I stood by the door with Shina up against the wall beside him and Leona to his left. Then it happened way to quickly, Lucas kicked the chair hitting Shina then he went straight for Leona, growling.


"You traitorous b***h!" He screamed. Leona gasped in surprise. I moved from my spot from the door and got blasted back with an air bomb. Completely knocked off guard, I quickly stood to my feet and took a brief glimpse of what had happened. Lucas was running down the hall and I shouted to the others, "He's running, catch up with me if you can!" And took off after him. Turning multiple corners I realized that we were nearing the door to the outside, 'S**t.' I thought to myself and kept on running, trying to pass him. I barely had a second to react when I saw a ball of flame light up in Lucas's right hand before it got released and I jumped. The entire hallway was on fire and the alarms started blaring, several of the doors started to shut automatically as protocol to prevent the flame from doing much damage. I took off after the boy yet again this time a little more cautiously but still with as much haste. I rounded the corner right before the doors and saw it was wide open, still continuing through I tried my damnedest to find his scent but he was gone. Not a trace. I ran my hand through my hair wondering where the brat could have gone not even noticing someone was hiding on the roof above my head, so I wandered aimlessly right on past him and got kicked in the face. Then everything went black.

I scowled at my own stupidity. Taking in the scene before me I realized much more has happened than just me getting knocked out. Leona was several feet away from me and bleeding pretty heavily with someone from my pack, Tristan I think his name was, kneeling over her with a worried look on his face. "Tristan! What happened?"

He looked over at me scowling, "She came through those doors after you did and she had Shina right behind her. Shina attempted to stop the boy but ended up getting several ribs broken." He pointed over to the tree that was to the left of the building, I looked and saw a lot of blood smeared on the tree. Three of the healers were over top of Shina trying to get her on to a stretcher and into the medical ward as fast as possible. I stepped to the side as they made their rapid approach and followed them into the building. I didn't follow the healers through the halls because I had my own thing to do which was to free my mate, Carmen, and childhood best-friend Kyla from the interrogation cell. As I turned down the hallway of the room that they were in I bumped into Jake, "Yo Jake whats the rush?"

"Where's Kyla?" He asked frantically. I nodded in the direction of the cell and he took off for the door. I stepped up behind him as he opened the door and saw Carmen by the far wall sitting with her legs crossed looking at me with a huge grin on her face.

"Hey Spade, Jake." She said nodding, briefly glimpsing at someone next to the door before standing up.

"Kyla, come on sourpuss. Told ya he'd free us." I heard a faint 'Meh,' come from Kyla, Jake stepped in the room and knelt down next to her. I sighed knowing exactly what was up while Carmen was staring confusedly at them.

"Let's give them a few minutes. We gotta go check on Shina," I paused as she snapped her head up. "She got hurt pretty badly, the medics are working on her now. Jake, Kyla, join us in a little bit." Jake nodded and Carmen was by my side in a second. We started walking towards the medical wing when a portal suddenly appeared and Carmen was grabbed and dragged through. A snarl ripped through the now silent hallway as the portal slammed shut. I ran back to the room that Kyla and Jake were in and quickly informed them of what had just happened. They both got to their feet as my wolf started to take over. I tried my best to restrain myself but couldn't as I shifted and took off for my mates location, following the soul bond that bound us together.


~~~~~Carmen's PoV~~~~~

My eyes went wide as the portal opened and I got dragged through, I fought but ended up with a cloth over my nose. 'Damn cloroform' I thought before everything went to black.

I awoke several hours later coughing up a storm from my quite parched throat. I opened my eyes and took in the room around me, it looked like someplace out of a terrible horror movie. Thick stone walls surrounded me and there was a door not too far in front of me with what looked like silver bars in two openings. One being close to the top of the door, probably an observation window and one down below for probably food. I tried to move my hand and try to sit up but instantly stopped and hissed loudly. Turning my head I saw silver shackles holding me to the wall, muttering a curse I saw a little movement coming from the other side of the door. Snapping my head in that direction I scowled as I heard keys jingling. After a few minutes a guy peeked his head inside the window and grinned. 

"Ah, the little princess is awake finally." He sneered. I continued to scowl as I listened to him playing with the ring of keys. Finally he had found one and unlocked the door. Stepping inside just barely enough for me to see him, he had dark brown hair that was left to grow for a little while. His eyes were a dark blue that gave me the heebie jeebies as he grinned. Taking another step inside the room he tossed the keys into the air and caught them. Picking a key out from the five keys that were on the ring he unlocked the shackles and I grinned, kicking him in the gut as hard as I could. He hit the wall with a grunt and I rushed forward and executed a left uppercut while grabbing the keys. As he dropped to the ground I stepped out of the way and gingerly picked up the silver cuffs, cuffing them around his wrists he stirred a little. I cursed and got the hell out of the cell, locking the door behind me I quickly took in my surroundings. Really dark and eerie hallways one to the left with a set of stairs going up and one dead set in front of me, both hallways had a bunch of doors lining them.

Deciding not to go down the left hallway I picked up a little speed, as I rounded the corner I heard a sickly sweet laugh coming from one of the rooms. I slowed down and crept up to the one door and peered inside. Sara, the girl I had seen inside my cousin's mind was standing right in front of someone, so I couldn't make out who she was talking to. Taking a quiet breath, my eyes widened in realization. She was standing in front of Lucas, who was bleeding. I clenched my jaw and slowly opened the door up behind her. Quite thankfully the hinges weren't squeaky. Stepping up behind her I cleared my throat and she spun around to meet my fist flying at her jaw. Making contact she flew to the wall on my left and hit it pretty hard.

Picking through the set of keys in my left hand I found one that looked like it unlocked the shackles that were holding Lucas in place. He dropped like a rock and I was just barely able to catch him. He looked pretty weak with quite a few gashes on his stomach. I cursed to myself as I put his arm over my shoulders and walked him to the wall next to the door before putting him down. Then I turned to my right and grabbed Sara by the arm and dragged her to where she had Lucas shackled and shackled her to the wall hoping she'd stay put. Turning on my heel, I walked back over to Lucas and put his arm over my shoulders again and exited the cell. Locking it behind me as well.

I was about to continue on down the hall when I heard a commotion. Snapping my head in the direction of the noise I heard several snarls as well as shouts coming from the hall with the stairs. Walking over there as quietly as I could while carrying my cousin I peeked around the corner and snapped back around just as someone from the wasp clan got thrown past me. Putting Lucas down on the ground gingerly, I got back up and rounded the corner only to get enveloped in a massive bear-hug from Kyla.

"Carmen! You're OK!" She exclaimed rather loudly in my ear. Wincing, I pushed her off of me and took a look around. Blood on the walls, a light silver wolf with blood on his jaw standing not too far away shaking with what I could only guess was rage. Kyla looked at the wolf then back at me.

"Spade's a bit... pissed." She said looking kinda intimidated.

I nodded then walked over to Spade, who was staring daggers into an already downed wasp. I crouched and put my hand on his head, hoping he'd settle down. He shut his eyes then reopened them to look at me. His previously pitch black eyes were now soft blue. I smiled and got up. Looking over my shoulder at Kyla, she had Lucas's arm over her shoulders and Jake was on the other side of my cousin with an arm over his shoulders.

© 2013 Ice-Fire

Author's Note

Eegah so fricken long since last update! Writer's block is sooo mean. Dx

Anyways, slight update, fixing mistakes. Hopefully I can stay out of writer's block for quite some time, if I can't oh well. Am now trying to add a little more creativity as I go through and fix all of the minor mistakes. So if ya see any that I didn't get, let me know! I give kudos to those that can perhaps help me out. ^.^

Anyways, let me know what ya think!

--another update-- Went through and fixed a little more... thinking of maybe doing the next chapter as someone elses's PoV maybe like Leona's. Not sure at this point though.

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Added on September 11, 2012
Last Updated on March 25, 2013



Pittsburgh, PA

I'm Jenna, I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm 17, born April 3rd... My favorite colors are Purple Silver Black maroonish. I'm single, of course. Always have been. I pick who I want to be with. I can be qui.. more..

Prologue Prologue

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Ice-Fire

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by Ice-Fire