I know mummy,
Even as I write this
You may never get to see it
As I know for sure
You can't read even if you got it.
But I write this
So the world would see
If I ever get to publish it
Which am sure I will
How much you mean to me.
You were there mummy
When others thought I was a dummy
Not worth their time and money
And without a job
Pampered me so
That a snob would turn green with envy.
You were the first teacher
And indeed the only one
With whom I freely differed
And got hugs and kisses in return
Teaching me to question
Yet respect authority
Teaching me that to compromise
Is at times a useful device
In a world everyone is struggling to rise.
I know I've not been a great son
Nor expressed love
The way you've always readily done
And you may have at times wondered
Whether I've been worth the sacrifice;
But I want you to know
That in a special place in my heart
You will always reside
A place you'll never lose
No matter what, my special lady
I may not have loads of cash
Stashed somewhere in the bank,
I may not build you a mansion
Or buy you a big car
So your tired feet may get some rest;
But I want you to understand
That numerous hills and mountains I have scaled
And are well on my way
To conquering the world
Which is enough pay I guess
For all your pain.
And to show you mummy
Your struggles have not been in vain
Just look mummy
At how those who left us stranded on the way
Are struggling to get
A share of our little gain
You mean the world to me
And if God allowed me to worship
Beside Him any other being
It would be you mummy no doubt about it.