Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by M.D. Andrews

Keira wakes up not knowing her father left her.


 The sun is beaming onto my eyes from the window. I sit up from the torn mattress not knowing if my father was gone. My father sticks needles in his arm in the bathroom after he comes home from "work". He tells me its for his health, I do believe him but after he takes too much he passes out. He told me to always run the shower with cold water to wake him up. Even though he tells me not to watch him take his medicine, I still do peek into the bathroom's cracked door.

  I wipe my face, yawning as I get up from the mattress with just a out-fitted, long t-shirt. I walk towards the bathroom, where I might find my father asleep in the tub. I'd widen the door and found a little note on a piece of toilet paper. It read:

   'You must found this letter, anyways I'm going to be out for a few weeks or so. I left some cash under the coffee table. I'm getting me spare medicine so don't worry but if you need anything go to Chico's, ask for Jenkins. Be safe kiddo and I-- I love you.'

  I place the note to my chest and smile a little. That's the first time he told me I love you to me.

© 2015 M.D. Andrews

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I was scared to put this out. I wrote this when I first joined but I think I want to share this with other people. Hope you guys like it. It's only a preview of a story.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 9, 2015
Last Updated on February 21, 2015


M.D. Andrews
M.D. Andrews

Clarksville, TN

I think of good stories to write, so I think this can help me with sharing ideas by showing them to other writers...I'm still starting out to come out with short stories and just doing this fun. Also,.. more..

kEiRa kEiRa

A Book by M.D. Andrews