![]() Start of a book?A Chapter by INeedNerve![]() Just a bit I wrote, I want to turn it into something like a book but I just don't know.![]() They were surrounding me from all sides, pressing their
sharp, pointed faces towards me, the only glimpses of white in the sea of never
ending darkness. I heard laughing, so much laughing, deep booms entwined with
high cackles. I could feel the menace radiating from each of them, baring their
sharp teeth in glee while I screamed and screamed and… I shot up from my bed with a start, a thin sheen of sweat
coating my body and my heart pounding against my chest. After a few moments I
realised it was just a dream and began to calm down. I was really sick of these
dreams, every night those… Things…
Haunted me in my sleep. Shuddering, I got up and washed off the grime before
dragging on my school uniform and trudging wearily downstairs, where my mother waited,
a bowl of cereal in hand. As she had every morning for as long as I can
remember, she insisted on me forcing down food before I left for school. I was
about to get up when she said, “Aren’t you forgetting something?” I stared at her, confused,
until she gave pointed look at the calendar. It was then I realised that today
was my birthday, my sixteenth. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and promised me
my presents would be ready when I get home. I thanked her half-heartedly,
birthdays were never really my thing and I didn’t really like celebrating them,
but my mum insisted and I got used to indulging her when it came to that.
However, I never went as far into my indulgence of her desire for my birthday
to be important to tell my friends about my birthday or have anything
resembling a party, even when I was younger I found those yearly celebrations
pointless. As I started on my walk to school I began to think about the
dreams again, they were always the same, but at the same time, different. I
know that doesn’t sound logical but it’s the best I can do to describe them.
They were always those creatures, surrounding me, suffocating me, radiating
dark vibes, and their eyes, huge, glassy eyes, completely colourless, ranging
from milky grey to dark charcoal. Everything about them was grey, washed out.
They stared at me as if I was food or prey, as if they wanted to take me and "I
cut off the thought, I didn’t know why on earth I was thinking like this, they
were just dreams, nothing to be
worried about, I was being ridiculous and over-thinking things, as I normally
did. I was still mentally chastising myself when I walked into
the grey-bricked, loud, hive of parasites called school. I may be over
exaggerating but most of the people in that building fed on and relished in the
disgrace and unhappiness of others, there were only a few exceptions to that
rule and most of those exceptions were the people I thought of as my friends. I
wasn’t a naturally sociable person, but if I needed something, those were the
people I know I could count on, the shoulders to cry on if I ever needed them. My whole day passed in a blur of meaningless classes and
pointless chatter, until suddenly the final bell rang and I realized it was
over, for today at least. I could get my books, go home, do my homework and
start all over again the next day. Not the happiest of thoughts, but not the
most horrible either. School was a lot better than other things I could
imagine, in school the day was structured, I had no decisions to make and
nothing to worry about, it was amazing. I was dreading the day I had to leave
and face reality, school was such an amazing shelter that I didn’t want to let
go of. It was as I was thinking that I saw him, it was as if time slowed down
and everything else stopped moving and then turned black, leaving me with
nowhere else to look. I blinked and everything was back to normal, shaking my
head I dismissed what had just happened. It was just a really vivid daydream,
actually, it wasn’t even that, it was just a thought, a really weird thought; I
couldn’t even recall what he looked like, if there had ever been anyone there
at all. I really needed to get a reality check and get my imagination back in
line. I had always had a very vivid imagination but recently it had really gotten
out of control, I had been having nightmares, seeing things that weren’t there,
couldn’t be there, imagining scary
dark faces and shadows in the dark. I shook the dark thoughts out of my head again and started
walking home, concentrating on the feel of the cold air on my skin. I know this
sounds odd but I liked it, I liked the sensation and the reminder that I was
alive, sure, being cold can be unpleasant when you’re distracted or with your
friends but if you concentrate on the actual sensations it really isn’t that
bad. You can learn to love being cold, learn to love the amazing feel of goose
bumps rising and falling across your skin, sending shivering waves of delight
all over your body. It sounds like such a tiny thing, but isn’t that what life
is? Just a collection of tiny things brought together to make something bigger
and larger than would be thought possible, even us, our structure, every one of
us is make from tiny protons, electrons and neutrons, all brought together so
precisely and in such a complex way that it made us, every single human being
is made from the exact same stuff. If you look at the Law of Conservation of
Energy it states that energy cannot be created or destroyed but only
transferred from one form to another. If you look at it that way the same
energy that you and I are using today to walk and talk and chat to our friends
is the energy dinosaurs used to hunt and gather food, the energy of the ancient
Greeks and Romans. These are the little details I relish in, the little things
that make life so precious to me. © 2013 INeedNerveAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() INeedNerveTipperary, IrelandAboutHi, I'm just a teenager who does a lot of stuff she isn't really good at, including writing. more..Writing