One Way

One Way

A Chapter by ILive4Irony41.7

Chapter 1 ~ One Way
The small apartment was in a state of chaos. Clothes and books were strewn in every direction. Music blasted from the stereo, shaking the large fish tank next to it. A little black and white cat hid under the couch as a pair of heels were chucked it’s way. Two suitcases were packed and ready to go by the front door.
“Where is it?!” A short, red-haired woman yelled as she chucked her pillows off of her bed, one of them hitting the tall brunette behind her square in the face.
“Watch where you’re throwing your s**t!”
The red-read didn’t even bother to look up at her female roommate, knowing that she wasn’t really mad at her. She continued to toss her bedding around her room as she replied.
“Sorry Dez!”
The brunette just shook her head, all to used to her roommates erratic behavior. She knew what she was getting into when she took up Magdalene’s offer to move in with her. Okay, that was a lie. At the time it just seemed like a good idea. Now, while she loves her friend dearly, sometimes she doesn’t even know what the Hell she was thinking.
At nineteen years old, Desdemona Allen thought that her life would be perfect. She was a legal adult, she was in college; it was supposed to be the time of her life. It was a time for experimentation, partying, and some class work in between. At least that’s what all those movies she watched when she was younger told her. Sadly the reality was a lot less exciting. At nineteen years old, Desdemona Allen found herself broke, living at home with her parents, and having no idea what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. 
A month into her second year at Rutgers, she found herself waiting tables at an underground coffee shop whose main clientele were snaky hipsters who looked down on everything. The pay wasn’t that great, but it was something. She mostly kept to herself on her breaks, not really having anything in common with the customers, and not much of a coffee drinker herself. 
About twice a week there was a small group that came in and took over two tables in the back. They didn’t look much older than her, but from what she gathered, they weren’t students. They all worked together at some salon a couple blocks away. They were friendly and always invited her to join them when she took her break; sometimes they even brought her some snacks when it got too busy for her to get something for herself.  Looking back on it, while it didn’t seem like such a big deal then, it was one of those moments that changed everything for her. 
A few months after meeting the group of stylists, she was telling them that she was having a hard time finding an apartment. She couldn’t find anything close by in her price range and she was nervous about replying to any of the ads for roommates; she didn’t know who any of those people were or what they were like. 
One of the girls, Liv, chuckled. Everyone at the table turned to the tall, busty, raven. She took a sip of her coffee and looked right at Dez.
“That’s funny. I know someone who has an apartment close by and she’s looking for some roommates. It’s a nice place. It was her older brother’s place, but he got transferred. He still has the place leased for a few more years, so he let her move in. You should talk to her.”
After that Liv took it upon herself to drag her friend to the coffee house and introduce them. Within a week Dez was moving in with Magdalene and her friend. It was a nice place, and she had her own room. The kitchen was a little cramped, and they had a hard time finding a balance between all  three of their decorating styles. Eventually they came to a compromise. The walls were a lavender color, band posters from all genres covered the walls. There were CD’s, DVD’s and magazines filling every shelf and covering every table. The  kitchen was another matter.
It was discovered pretty quickly that Dez had absolutely no talent in the kitchen and should never be allowed to turn on a stove. Magdalene was great in the kitchen but had a hard time reaching anything on the top two shelves. Travers had some kitchen skills, but hated grocery shopping. Dez didn’t mind doing the shopping as long as the other two cooked for her. They ended up having to buy a little step stool for Magdalene to keep under the sink for when she was home alone. 
There were a couple incidents of almost eating something they were allergic to. After one or two hospital visits for actually eating something they shouldn’t have, the three of them sat down and wrote out a list of foods they were allergic to. It ended up being a two page list, but it benefited all of them. No food on that list was bought, none of those shampoos/toiletries were used, and none of those pets were brought into the apartment. They had vegetarian options for Magdalene, and gluten free snacks and food for Dez. Travers used separate pans to cook the beef he loved to eat. 
After awhile, all the pieces fell into place. They had all worked out systems and ways to function around each other’s schedules. Travers showered in the mornings before he left for work, Dez showered right before she went to bed and Magdalene always showered around two in the morning. They had to call ahead if they were going to bring someone over, and they were absolutely not allowed to sexile each other.
It had been about a year and a half since they all moved in together. They were pretty close, though they did have the usual disagreements that most roommates do. It wasn’t a bad arrangement. It might not be exactly what she expected, but just a couple months shy of being twenty-one, Dez had an apartment, two amazing roommates that she wouldn’t trade for anything, and the drive to open her own botanical garden. She had no qualms about where her life was at the moment, except for times like these, when Magdalene goes into one of her panic modes because she misplaced something.
Dez shook her head as she watched her friend tear apart her room looking for who knows what. She checked the time and sighed. This is why you don’t leave things until the last minute when you’re going on a big trip. If she could have afforded to take two weeks off of work, then Dez would have been going with. As it was, the twenty year old just stood in the doorway, getting ready to help Magdalene get ready to leave, She only had a half hour until her sisters came to pick her up for the road trip.
“Do you know where you had it last?”
“If I knew that, it wouldn’t be lost!”
“Okay, fair point. Where’s the last place you remember having it?”
Magdalene stopped for a second to think. Dez waited patiently for her friend to try and remember the last place she had whatever the Hell it was that she lost.
“Um... I know I had it when I went to bed last night but I have no clue what I did with it this morning. I don’t remember taking out of the room with me.”
Dez sighed again. This was going to be one long half hour. She turned around when she heard the front door opening, hoping that Magdalene’s sisters weren’t early. She felt relieved when she saw it was just their insanely tall and built roommate coming back from work. Dez smiled and waved him over. 
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Oh you know, the usual. Helping Miss Magdalene Marie finish getting ready because she waits till the last minute to do everything.”
Travers and Dez laughed at the indignant squeak that came out of their friend’s mouth at the accusation. She stood up from her spot on the floor and leveled the taller two with her best mock glare, which was still intimidating in its own right; that is if you didn’t know her well enough to realize that she wasn’t being serious.
“I’ll have the both of you know that I had all my packing finished last night! I just can’t find my damn phone!”
Travers looked blankly at the tiny red-head. 
“Your phone? You mean the one on the kitchen counter, being charged?”
“Oh. Whoops! Thanks Trav!”
Magdalene quickly weaved between her roommates and went to the kitchen. Her phone was exactly where Travers said it was. She picked up her phone and took it off the charger before putting it in her pocket. When she turned around, Travers and Desdemona were looking at her.
The other two looked at each other, having a silent conversation before looking back at Magdalene. The red head tapped her fingers against the counter, waiting for one of them to speak. After a few moments, Travers spoke up.
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
This time Dez answered.
“You left your phone on the counter an hour ago. It was only an hour and you forgot.”
Magdalene looked at Dez for a second before answering her.
“If you knew it was there, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t know what you were looking for! I didn’t know it was your phone you couldn’t find.”
Travers sighed before looking at the shorter girl.
“Do you really think taking this trip is a good idea right now?”
“I’m not backing out of it now. My sisters are almost here and it wouldn’t be fair to the others either. I planned the road trip; I need to do this, okay? It’s important to me.”
“I know. It’s just that we’re worried about you. We aren’t gonna be able to see you for two weeks, hun.”
“Trav is right. I mean it’s not like you’re telling anyone on the trip about it. We just wanna know that you’re going to be okay.”
“Thanks for the concern, but I’ll be fine. I’m not going to tell any of them and y’all better not tell them either. It’s going to be okay.”
Magdalene walked around the counter to head into the living room. She sat down on the couch and motioned for her roommates to follow her. The cat crawled out from under the sofa and started rubbing up against her legs. Magdalene picked her up as her friends sat down on each side of her. The cat purred on the red-head’s lap as she pet the animal’s head.
None of them said anything for a couple of minutes. It wasn’t an awkward silence. It was tense, neither of them having any idea on how to go about having this conversation. The only sound coming from the stereo that was still pouring out a steady beat. As the songs changed, Dez broke the silence.
“Do you have everything together?”
Magdalene looked at the brunette. Before nodding her head.
“Yea, everything is ready.”
“Do you mind if we just go through the check list?” Travers asked.
Magdalene smiled at him. She put the cat back on the couch and walked over towards her bags. 
“If it will make you feel better.”
Dez walked over and hopped on the counter while Travers picked up the check list and a pen. 
“Road trip appropriate clothes and shoes?”
“Some club clothes and shoes, just in case?”
“Shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, and deodorant?”
“Got it.”
“Make-up? Do you really need that?”
“Got it and of course!”
“Money, ID, and phone charger?”
“Have it.”
“Your pills?”
“They are in my bag.”
“Okay, you have everything. Just know that we are going to call you everyday to make sure that you’re taking your meds.”
“I’ll take them. Don’t worry so much. It’ll make you get wrinkles.”
Dez shook her head as she watched the two of them interact. If she didn’t know them so well, she would swear they were together. Being that she lived with them, she knew all too well that, that would never happen. She made the mistake of mentioning it when they first started living together. That led to a very awkward few days and a conversation that she never wants to repeat. A knocking on the door stopped their conversation.
“Come in!”
The door opened to reveal a very excited Lenora and Gwin. Magdalene ran over to them and gave them both a big hug. Dez and Travers waved at the two of them in greeting. Lenora grabbed one of Magdalene’s suitcases while the latter grabbed the other one herself.
“Hey, don’t forget to say bye to us!”
Magdalene laughed and hugged her roommates goodbye.
“Don’t forget to call us if you need anything!”
“Don’t worry, I will!”
With that said, Magdalene and her sisters walked out of the apartment, shutting the door behind them.
Lenora was waiting outside of Gwin’s house, waiting for the younger girl to get outside. She knew better than to go inside the house at the moment. When drama unfolded in that house, it was explosive. No amount calmness or reasoning could calm the storm brewing inside. Instead, she busied herself with walking around in the large camper. Her sister, Magdalene had paid for it, but she had to be the one to pick it up. Lenora didn’t really mind. 
She was distracted from her exploration by a beeping. She walked back towards the driver’s seat to check her phone. She hoped it was Gwin saying that she would be out soon, though from the sounds of the yelling going on inside, it would be awhile. When she picked up her phone, her heart skipped a beat when she realized that it was a text from Clayton.
She met Clayton last September during one of her classes. He was athletic, he was smart, good-looking, he could play the guitar, and he was nice. For awhile she thought he was absolutely perfect. They got along very well, and she soon found herself developing a crush on her friend. There was a minor problem though; Clayton did not want to get into another relationship. He had, had a few bad break-ups and had decided that dating wasn’t worth the stress and heartache that it would bring. It figured that when she finally found the perfect man, he didn’t want a relationship. It was just her luck.
She would have been a lot more put out over the whole ordeal if it wasn’t for the fact that she had finally found a flaw with him. She discovered it while they were having a discussion on super heroes. They were talking about their favorite ones when he said that Spiderman was better than Batman. No wonder he didn’t like her. He had no taste whatsoever. That didn’t stop her feelings for him from growing though. That conversation had started a never ending debate on which hero was better. Every time he texted her, she could feel herself falling for him more and more.
She was startled from her thoughts by the sound of  the house’s front door slamming. Gwin was storming down the walk, bags in tow. The strawberry blonde opened the door to the camper and climbed in. She slid her bags under the fold down table before sitting in the passenger seat. She turned on the radio, and Lenora pulled out of the driveway. It was time to pick up Magdalene, then they had to get the others.
It was in seventh grade that Magdalene and Lenora met each other. They weren’t that close at first, but they soon became fast friends. At the time, neither of them had known that they were sisters. The two of them looked nothing alike and they didn’t even know each other. It wasn’t until Magdalene’s thirteenth birthday party that they had found out what their parents didn’t want them to know.
Before they were born, Magdalene’s father had a one night stand with some woman that he worked with. Afterwards he confessed to his girl friend. She forgave him and they soon found out she was pregnant. A couple months later they found out that the other woman was pregnant as well. 
At first neither of the mothers wanted their daughters to be friends with each other, but the two girls didn’t care. They found out that they had a sister they didn’t know about. The two soon became inseparable. Their mothers still didn’t speak to one another, but that was fine by everyone who knew the situation. None of them wanted to deal with the fight that would break out between the two headstrong women if they were forced to have a conversation.
Lenora looked over at Gwin. The seventeen year old hadn’t spoken since they left her house. It’s not like Len could blame the girl. The past week had been hard on her. Even though Gwin was never that close with her dad growing up, he was still her dad and he helped to raise her. For her to find out that he wasn’t really her dad was a shock.
It had all started innocently enough. Gwin and her mother were going through the attic when they had come across a few boxes that they had gotten from her grandmother’s house after she had passed away. The two of them had brought the boxes down, deciding to go through them and see what they would find. 
At the bottom of the second box was a letter written from Gwin and Magdalene’s mother to her own mother. It was the letter she wrote when she found out that she was pregnant with Gwin. She never wanted to have another child. She didn’t want to be pregnant again, and she had no idea what she was going to do. She wasn’t even sure if her husband was the father of her unborn child. She had had a brief affair with one of her friends, and now she wasn’t sure of what she should do. 
Predictably, Gwin had been upset. Everything she thought about her parents had changed. Her mother never wanted her in the first place, the man she called her father may not even be her father. She could have gone her entire life without knowing about this. If her mother had, had her way then she actually would have. It was a lot for her to take in. The only thing Gwin knew for sure was that her mother had lied to her, her entire life. How could she trust the woman who had raised her again? What else could she have lied about? 
Gwinnette was glad that he sister had planned this road trip. It couldn’t have come at a better time for her. She needed to get out of the house for awhile. She needed time to think and figure out what she wanted to do. A change in scenery is just what the doctor ordered.
Liv was waiting outside when the sisters came to pick her up. She was sitting on the curb with her bags next to her. She stood up when she saw the camper driving up the street. It looked like Magdalene had gone all out for this trip. It was a good thing too. She needed this break. Prom season had just ended and she was exhausted. The salon was always at it’s busiest when the big school dances came around. And pair that up with all the graduations, Liv was amazed that she made it out alive. Those girls could be really nuts when they wanted to be.
A part of had missed being on the road. She was never really one to settle down in any one town. Her family had always been nomadic. They hadn’t stayed in one place for more than a year. Growing up, Liv never really bothered with making any friends. She knew that by the end of the year, they’d be all packed up and heading to a new town once more. Up until fourth grade, she thought that it was normal. She didn’t know that other people usually spend their entire childhood in the same school district. 
For awhile, she liked that her family was different. She had stories to tell. She had lived a life that was more exciting than most of her classmates parents. Her life was filled with adventure, and the unknown. That’s what everyone wants. And at that time, it was what she wanted as well. Why bother to make friends when you could have fun. 
Sometimes Liv took a chance and hung out with her classmates. It was odd to see that not everyone lived out of boxes. They had a spot for everything. There rooms could be decorated however they wanted and they didn’t have to worry about packing it all up at the end of the school year. It was around her Freshman year that she started wishing that her family could stay in one place. For the first time in her life, Liv wanted something that was more than temporary. 
It was during her Senior year that her parents had settled into an apartment in New Jersey. Liv had sent in college applications to schools all over the country. She didn’t know what was going to happen when the year ended. She knew that her parents weren’t going to wait four years in one place for her to go to college. She wasn’t even sure if they were going to be able to help her pay for college at this point. 
She was hanging out with a few classmates after school one day, when she passed by a hair salon. She was amazed at the way they could transform people in such a short time. They had the power to make people more confident. It was such a small way to help other people become the best versions of themselves. When she had gotten back to where her family was staying for the year, she got on her laptop and researched beauty schools. She decided that she was going to apply to one that was close by.  For once, she found something in one of the many places she lived that was worth staying for.
Like she predicted, after she had graduated, her parents had packed up and left. She was eighteen years old, she was on her own in a place where she barely knew anyone and she had no place to go. She was lucky enough that she was close enough with Pierce Dixon to stay with his family for a couple weeks until she could find something more permanent. She ended up getting a job at some rundown, hole in the wall coffee shop near the college. The only money that her parents had left her, she was saving to pay for her beauty school.
The Dixons were a nice family and had offered to let her stay as long as she needed to, but she had felt like she was imposing on them. Pierce was starting to feel suffocated by his family. Halfway through the summer, the two of them had rented an apartment that wasn’t too far away. It was close enough to her job and her school. It didn’t hurt that it was close to Rutgers as well, since Pierce was attending there. 
Plans changed quickly for them. A semester in, Pierce had dropped out of school. He had decided that he wanted to be a chef and was attending a culinary school. By the time they were twenty, Pierce was working in the kitchen of this up and coming high brow restaurant in New York, and Liv was making good money at the salon she worked at. Turned out that she had quite the knack for hairstyling. 
A couple months after she turned twenty, Pierce was moving to New York so he wouldn’t have a long commute to work and Liv had gotten her own little apartment down the street from her job. It was perfect timing too. Magdalene was looking to move out, and Pierce still had the place leased for a couple more years. She couldn’t afford the place by herself so her giant-like friend was moving in with her. 
She kept in touch with Magdalene well enough to know that she had to find another roommate because the landlord had raised their rent. She didn’t want to place an ad anywhere; she was afraid of crazy people knowing where she lived. She didn’t want anyone showing up at any random time. It was pure dumb luck that the new waitress at the coffee shop that she used to work at was also looking to find a roommate. With just a little meddling on her part, everything worked out just fine. 
Currently, Magdalene was the make-up artist at the same salon that she worked at. Dez was still working in the coffee shop, and Pierce was having the time of his life being the second in command of the kitchen he works in. It’s been a few months since she last talked to her parents. The last she heard from them, they were living in Colorado, and were thinking about settling down there and running their own marijuana farm. She hoped that they had finally found a place to call home.
As much as Liv loved having a place to call home, and having a stable job, there was something that she missed about being on the road. Maybe it was because she had grown so accustomed to it, had grown up with it, that the open road was a part of her? It was something about the limitless possibilities and never knowing exactly where you’ll end up that excited her. It lit a fire in her belly and made her yearn to be anywhere and everywhere at once. 
The twenty-one year old looked out of the window from her seat at the table, and couldn’t help but smile. The sun was shining, the weather was warm, and everything felt right with the world. She couldn’t help but feel a wave of nostalgia and familiarity with not knowing where you were going. It was everything she didn’t know that she missed. She couldn’t wait.
Laying down on his large front yard, basking in the sun with his best friend was Elathan Rael; Baxter Roe lying down right beside him. The two had been close for a long time; they had pretty much grown up with each other. They had about twenty something minutes before Magdalene would show up in the camper, already having some of the gang with her. 
Elathan turned to look at Baxter. His breath caught in his throat. There lying next to him, the sun reflecting golden rays in brown hair, was his best friend. Baxter had his eyes closed, headphones in his ears, humming some foreign tune that Elathan couldn’t recognize. He could see the defined muscles of his friend’s arms, the fabric of his t-shirt stretched tight over them. It was times like these when Elathan realizes just how beautiful his best friend was. 
He could feel the butterflies filling his stomach and he tried to quell the feeling. It happened sometimes, but he always ignored it. You don’t get butterflies from looking at your very male, very straight best friend. Hell, he was pretty sure that he wasn’t into guys himself. It was just a stupid thought. It was probably caused from sitting out in the sun for far too long. Nodding to himself in agreement, Elathan closed his own eyes and waited for the camper to get here and whisk him away to find girls across the country that he could hook up with.
A few minutes later, Baxter opened his own eyes and turned towards Elathan. He paused his I-pod for a minute and could hear the soft snores coming from his friend. He smiled at the sight Elathan made; eyes closed, hands behind his head, mouth slightly open. Honestly, his friend didn’t even realize just how adorable he actually was. As quietly as he could, Baxter took out his phone and snapped a quick picture of Elathan while he was sleeping. 
After he put his phone away, Baxter laid back down and unpaused his music. They still had some time before Magdalene showed up to take them on the summer road trip. He might as well lay back and relax until the girls get there. Besides, he might not get another quiet moment with Elathan for the next two weeks; he might as well make the most of what he has now.
The two boys were woken up a short time later by the sound of a car honking. When they looked up, they saw the camper parked in the driveway, Magdalene standing in the doorway, smirking at them. Baxter quickly jumped up and got his bag. He turned around to see Elathan still sitting on the ground, trying to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. He reached out his hand when the older of the two looked up. Elathan grabbed Baxter’s hand and the younger helped him up. 
Elathan leaned down and picked up his own bag before walking over to the camper. He didn’t notice the way that Baxter’s hand stayed on the small of his back the entire time. He was still sleep hazy and warm. 
Baxter looked over at his friend and couldn’t help but smile again. Elathan was barely aware of where he was going, sleep clearly still keeping its hold on his senses. Baxter steered him towards the camper. He couldn’t help but think of how cute his friend could be without trying. 
The two boys got into the camper and walked towards the back so they could put their bags down, Magdalene closing the door behind them. They sat down across from Liv and got settled for the long ride ahead of them. Baxter felt a rush of warmth spread through him as Elathan fell asleep on his shoulder and snuggled in closer to him. It was going to be an interesting trip or sure.
Lenora slowed down as she reached Mira’s house. The yelling could be heard down the street. Everyone in the camper groaned when they heard it. They knew it meant one thing and one thing only; Evie was not happy. 
Evie and Mira Cartland are sisters. They are pretty close and share a large group of friends. At least they did until recently. The older sister had taken it upon herself to burn bridges with almost everyone in the group. She had insulted them and thrown tantrums until they couldn’t take her erratic behavior any longer. If it wasn’t for the fact that they all loved hanging out with Mira so much, they would have told Evie off sooner. As it was, Evie had crossed a line and Magdalene had told her that she was not going on this trip, and that they were no longer friends. After that, the rest of the group followed her example, and were no longer friends with the elder Cartland sister.
As they got closer to the house, the yelling got louder and they could start to make out what was being said. It figured that Evie wouldn’t be happy about not being invited to join them, but her sister was. The profanity that was spilling out of her mouth was unbecoming of someone such as herself, who had the habit of telling everyone how devote she was to her religion; a religion that heavily frowned on half the words coming out of her mouth at that moment.
When the came to a stop in front of the house, Mira ran out of the house, her bags swinging on her arms as she dodged the pan her sister threw after her. It was very well known to all of them that Evie was an extremely dangerous person to be around was she was angry, and at this point, she was considered lethal. As soon as Mira was inside the camper, Lenora put into drive and took off down the street before anyone else in the camper could feel the woman’s wrath. There was no need for someone to die before the trip even started.
Mira was going to try and annoy Baxter but when she saws Elathan sleeping on him, she couldn’t bring herself to wake him up. She may not seem like it, but she was a romantic at heart and to her, she could tell that those two belonged together. It was only a matter of getting them to see it; unfortunately, she knew those boys were too dense to figure it out on their own. Maybe she could help them see the light during this trip. And if she got to see some extremely hot boy on boy loving, well who was she to complain? 
She took out her phone and as inconspicuously as she could, she took a picture of the two boys before sending it to Magdalene.
“Time to hook them up.”
“Yes! Operation UST to RST is a go!”
“It’s a good thing they have us.”
“Oh definitely! If not then they would take years to get it, that’s if they ever did get it,”
“Ha-ha We got this!”
Even if her sister tried to kill her when she gets back, Mira knew it was going to be a great trip. If it was the last thing she did, and if Evie ever got her way than it will be, she would get Baxter and Elathan into each other’s pants. It was her duty as their friend to make sure they were happy. And why would she waste the opportunity to get to see free live gay porn?
The last one to get picked up was Brice Augustine. He was Magdalene’s partner in crime during high school. They had been the prank rulers of the school for Three years before Magdalene graduated. No one except for their friends knew it was them until after Brice graduated. It was one of the most memorable graduations that any of them had ever been to.
Through every prank they pulled, the two of them had, had a signature. Each and every prank had glitter involved in it somehow, and if it didn’t glitter would be present anyways. No one knew who was doing it, but the entire student body couldn’t wait to see what would be next. Whether it was putting a glitter bomb in the principal’s office, or letting a couple of horses with fake horns on them loose in the gym, it was sure to get everyone talking and sometimes cancel a class or two. For example, there was the time they swapped the video for school assembly with a porno. The teachers had no idea what to do, and the students were too frazzled to learn anything. 
They would have never been found out if they hadn’t decided to announce it at Brice’s graduation. Somehow the two of them had managed to rig up the sprinkler system to shoot out glitter. Even that wasn’t what got them caught. No, that honor went to the giant banner of the two of them flipping the bird that dropped down from the score board on the field. The rest of the ceremony was a mess of teachers and parents yelling, while the graduating class ran around in the glitter. 
They pulled up to Brice’s apartment. Magdalene texted him that they were there. It wasn’t long before he came bounding down the steps, carrying a couple bags. One bag just contained glitter. It was to be expected. For some reason that no one really understood, Brice and Magdalene were addicted to glitter. It was slightly bordering on an unhealthy obsession. It wasn’t like the rest of them really minded all that much, as long as they didn’t look like a giant unicorn orgy for the entire road trip.

© 2013 ILive4Irony41.7

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Added on May 6, 2013
Last Updated on May 6, 2013



Matawan, NJ

I'm a young writer, and an up-and-coming make-up artist. I have many of my stories up on fictionpress under the same name as here. Music is my life and it usually reflects through my writing. more..
