Crisis:Earth 101

Crisis:Earth 101

A Chapter by Infernal Dimension Comics

This is the official introduction into the world of "Crisis:Earth". Consider this your crash course in the basic elements of the story!

Part 1- Basic Synopsis
Part 2- FIENDs and descriptions
Part 3- Character list (partial)

Main Synopsis
The Fall of Earth
For centuries, humans decimated the Earth. pollution, over population, mining, and drilling, would eventually render the once bountiful planet harsh and uninhabitable. during the final century of human domestication, there were only so many miles of land deemed habitable, thus confining mankind to a small 20% of the remaining landmass. with most resources completely drained, fresh water becoming scarce, and food sources dwindling rapidly humans had no choice but to abandon their once mother planet in an attempt to survive as a species. As time began to count down a global effort to find a new planet became top priority. Scientists from all over began launching drones into the depths of space, praying for salvation beyond the stars. Good news came years later in the form of soil samples from light years away. A single drone returned, providing samples and coordinates to the future of the human race. In the following decades, all efforts were focused on vessels capable of transporting hundreds of thousands of passengers on one way journeys to the newly discovered exoplanet dubbed Cerberus. In the final days of Earth, ships were boarded, and departed to begin the new chapter in human history. The era of Cerberus.
The Arrival
As the humans arrived on the new, mysterious planet, they began settling where the shuttles landed. This new planet, roughly thrice the size of Earth, grew lush and lavish forests. Trees reached hundreds of feet into the air, giant birds and other animals conquered the landscape. Rivers flowed with the strength and exuberance of those on Earth, however spanned thrice the distance. This new planet would more than sufficiently host the humans in their bounding quest of reaffirmation as a dominant species. completely denouncing territorial allegiances, they began forming new communities, new social binds, and norms. It would seem according to the humans, as though they had escaped a cruel and slow demise at the hands of their own industrial zeal. Humanity assimilated over the next few decades, building new territories, and governments in an attempt to reconvene where they left Earth. This new civilization was to be better, more efficient, and more environmentally aware than the last. Teaching new generations to respect and appreciate the new host planet, using the destruction of Earth as an example of humanities dark side of progressive industry.
The Colonization
As humans embraced their new homes they also began to colonize. Keeping in mind the destruction of Earth, they now sought sustainable and pollution free advancements. The discovery of Cyklon gave the humans everything they could ever ask for in the aspect of sustainable energy. A powerful crystal, naturally occurring within the the crust of the new planet, Cyklon harbored the energy of creation and deteriorated .00000001% every hundred or so years. Cyklon assisted the human advance into the Crystal Age, pushing them further into the technological spectrum than ever before.
The Rejection
As the Humans continued to rebuild their new lives, they were met by a hostile opposition. During the Colonization of Cerberus, the human interlopers accidentally stirred the native sentient species from their long hibernation while drilling for the precious Cyklon crystals. The natives, never once awoken from hibernation, did not take kindly to the human invaders and perceived their presence as a threat. The Natives began to wage a war against the human invaders, decimating the population relentlessly. Until one day, a human managed to gather enough samples of the fallen native warriors to begin testing and experimenting on a weapon that would save humanity from the throes of extinction yet again.
Evolving Man
The human race faced extinction for a second time. One man, Alexander Guess, began experimenting with genetic splicing and mutation, in an attempt to mimic the native's hard exoskeletons, and evolutionary defenses. In a series of experiments code named, "The Evolved Man",  by splicing human dna with native dna, Dr. Guess was able to create a prototype hybrid warrior, he dubbed, "The Angel". Implanting the warrior with a shard of cyklon catalyzed the Angels abilities, turning it into a formidable opponent for the native combatants. Soon, the other Sectors had their own Evolved Man compounds, diligently working to create their own warriors and defend against the ravenous opposition.
The Treaty of Cohabitation
After Decades of fighting , the Evolved Man project substantially advanced, easily quelling the Native attacks, forcing them into peaceful surrender and a declaration of peace between the two sentient terrestrial species. during the signing of the treaty the Humans and Natives delegated territories to peacefully adjourn over.  After the war the Evolved Man Project was shut down and all "FIEND types" were secretly decommissioned and locked away in a series of underground stasis pods. Alexander Guess grew old and weary and eventually passed away, leaving control of his research to his son, James.
FIEND Reborn
Realizing the potential profit in the military market, James began secretly selling Evolved Man data. As time passed, the secret compounds were reopened and being used to continue creating fiends, without any of the human government and rights committees growing any wiser. Eventually every major District had its own private testing facility, complete with massive subterranean laboratories, and holding cells.
The Escape
One Day there is a mass exodus from the main FIEND camp in the Alpha Desert. Hundreds of FIENDS, including several of the main protagonists make their escape into the desert searching for salvation for the horrors of the camps. On the day of the escape, the Agents were formed. The Agents are a highly skilled and evolved FIEND team. Dr. Guess' personal black ops cleaner squad, the Agents were the pinnacle of FIEND genetics with only one mission; retrieve the escapees.

FIEND TYPES (general descriptions)
The FIEND program was designed to evolve human soldiers into capable and effective defense and counter measures to deal with the constant Native aggression that continuously placed the human race in danger of extinction. 
Angel- The FIEND prototype. Named after the creatures from an Old Earth religion, the Angel type was the first successful type created, and was to be the salvation of mankind. After the success of the Angel type, other human settlements began feverishly funding the "Evolved Man" project, hoping to propel humanity into the paramount position of the dominant species.
Physical Traits:
•Height- between 7'-9'
•build- lean, muscular 
General Traits: 
•faint silver eyes/hair
•usually emotionless
•strategically placed Angelic Markings, forming scriptures from the Angelic Blessing Doctrine
General abilities:
•Angelic Blessing- (passive) The Angelic Blessing reflects the Angel type's faith in its ability to succeed, and it's conviction for its cause. 
(Active) The Angelic Blessing translates into strategic processing, and combat functionality.
•Flight- By activating the Angellic Blessing, the shard of Cyklon Crystal implanted between the shoulder blades of each Angel type would also be activated, causing the shard to emit large wing-shaped arches of Cyklon energy. This energy would enable the Angel type medium to long range flight capabilities.
•Flaming Indignation- However emotionless an Angel's face appears, he is still human beneath his markings and bondage. An Angel, bathed in the white hot energy of the Cyklon, could easily bypass a few restraints and unleash a flurry of burning blows, strikes, and waves of raw aggression, pulverizing an unprepared opponent.
•Exalted Vindication- An Angel interrogation technique involving and Angel's blade thrust into the chest of a deceased enemy. With a quick incantation, the enemy's spirit is bound to its vessel. The Angel then coerces information from the spirit with the promise of release and a safe return to the æther.
•Seraph Sword- Every Angel has the ability to manifest their own specific sword. A broken binding, forged by the heat of the Cyklon, would produce a weapon to strike fear in the hearts of all who gazed upon it. The  condition and overall power of the sword directly reflects the Angels level of Blessing, and personality.

Demon- The first Counterpart. Initially considered a failure, the Demon type developed on its own when transitioning Angel types couldn't handle the agony of the transformation. Losing hope, the Angellic Blessing was tainted by the transitioners loss of belief in itself. The doubt corrupted Blessing warped the transformation into a grotesque and twisted reflection of the Angel type. The type was commissioned as the first counterpart when the Natives reactions of horror were noted.
Physical traits:
•Height: 6'-7'
•Build: ectomorphic-meromorphic
General Traits:
•crimson eyes
•black and silver hair
•grotesque and disproportionate advanced mutations
•corrupted Angellic markings, burned into the flesh
General abilities:
•Demonic Essence- (passive) The corrupted Angellic Blessing mutates within the Cyklon shard. Similar to the Angellic Blessing, the Demonic Essence reflects the Demon type's ability to cast doubt and decay its opponents resolve.
(Active) Once the Demon successfully demoralizes his opponent, his corrupted shard emits a wave of Demonic energy, enhancing the nefarious abilities of the Demon type.
•Shadow/Darkness Manipulation- Utilizing the Essence, Demon's gain the ability to travel and perform short ranged attacks through shadows and areas devoid of light.
•Infernal Horrors- The ability to manifest fear and repugnance translates through the Demon's ability of advanced transformations, and abilities correlative to the transformations.
•Accursed- The Curse mark is the Demon's most wretched ability. Only available to high level Demons, this ritual brands dominated enemies with a cursed mark of the Demon. The brand causes nightmares, hallucinations, self mutilation, and eventually suicide in everyone branded.

Golem- The Behemoths of the Mountain. The Golem type was created as an answer to the Native ambushes on the Island, Rho. These living stone mammoths were able to quell Native assaults with their array of earth-manipulative abilities, and nearly indestructible stone hides.
Physical Traits:
Height: 8'-12'
Build: mesomorphic
General traits:
•Living Stone
•earth-toned eyes
•earth-toned glow, emitted through seams in the stone flesh
General abilities:
•Geo-synchronicity- naturally in tune with the vibrations of the planet, the Golem type can navigate, and communicate through the Cyklon deposits beneath the surface.
•Geo-mancy- paired with their geo-synchronicity, Golems are able to manipulate and command the stone and soil beneath their feet to create fortifications, and weapons at their every beck and call.
•Geo-morphic- The Golem type can amass stone and soil upon their bodies, morphing into massive beasts of earthen flesh such as Golem Majors, a giant Golem composed of tons of earth.
•Cyklon Manipulation- Golems truly in sync with the planet can manipulate fragments of Cyklon. By pulling them to the surface, they can mold fragments into large crystals and greatly enhance their geo-mantic abilities, and even create medium Cyklon armor enhancements.

Totem-The Covert FIEND. Created to assist the Golems in guerrilla warfare, the Totem type dwelled within the forests of the island. Their dynamic camouflage perfectly concealing them from unsuspecting Native war parties. Able to manipulate the smallest Hive Race, Totems began launching relentless assaults on the Natives as they ventured into Totem territory, Eventually driving them from Rho completely.
Physical traits:
General traits-•Living Forest entities
•golden Amber eyes
•Tribal markings
•hive mind
General abilities:
•Environmental Link- loosely based off of the smallest Hive Race, the Totem type was created already sharing a link with the Island and its Native Hives. After building an established relationship with the hives, the Totem type thrived symbiotically with the planet and its diverse array of life.
•Eco-kinesis- the Grand Link shared between the Totem type and the Island, enables the Totems to manipulate the ecological environment to its tactical and survival advantage.
•Anima- Higher level Totems are able to morph into any beast from E:Z, as long as they have already established a connection with he species within the Grand Link.
•Toxin Production/Immunity- Totems are immune to most of the poisons and venoms of E:Z. By combining eco-kinesis with their knowledge & links with the environment, Totems can produce toxins and venoms to utilize at a moments notice.
•Swarm- The bond between the Island Hive and Totems is forged over a period of symbiotic interactions. The Totems grow sweet fruits, and protect the Hives from predation, and in return the Hives fight alongside the Totem during guerrilla missions. The Totem's silent call rings through the nearest Hive, triggering the swarm. Thousands of venomous Insectoids fiercely protect their Totem friends, causing a swift and agonizing death for any beast or being marked by the Hive.
•Dynamic Camouflage- The Totem's natural mossy colored flesh, along with a seemingly intelligent system of tiny Cyklon fragments redirect light away from them. To the untrained eye the Totem seamlessly blends into its environment, to sit and wait for its next moment to strike.

Gargoyle- The Urban Assault FIEND. The Gargoyle was created in response to Native attacks on urban and highly developed areas. With their large wingspan and bulky body type, the Gargoyle prototype was underestimated greatly. Appearing to be too cumbersome for high velocity and precision operations, the Gargoyle was almost discontinued before its inaugural flight. The Gargoyle prototype left the FIEND facility and was delivered to Wintercrag, the largest and most developed District in Omega. With the Sirens wailing, the cargo was opened. The Gargoyle's impressive wingspan carried it between sky scrapers as it pitched and rolled between alleyways and over rooftops. It's incredible speed and agility caught the Native advance by surprise, as it released a volley of explosive orbs into the group.
Physical traits:
Height: 4'-6'
Build: endomorphic
General traits:
•Thick, tough, leathery hide
•wings (span ranging from 12'-18')
•extremely intelligent
General abilities:
 •Metapotence- Most Omega families exist within extremely strict and conservative homes and societies. The Gargoyle type, having been raised by that same puritanical environment, activate their Cyklon shard by embracing their freedom as a Gargoyle. Without having to ponder justification, the Gargoyle thrives on its new found societal liberation.
•Enhanced Senses- Post-transformation, the Gargoyle develops enhanced senses of smell, hearing, and an expanded spectrum of photo-reception.
•Durable Wings- Each Gargoyle is created with a set of fully functional, combat ready wings. With wingspans ranging in 12' to 18', the Gargoyle can reach maximum flight velocity in a matter of moments, or effectively defend itself against the sharpest blades.
•Cyklon Orbs- The Gargoyle's Cyklon shard is embedded into its forehead. By placing it in such close proximity to the brain, Gargoyles are able to launch volleys of devastating Cyklon  orbs onto groups of enemy combatants at breakneck speeds.
•Bone Blades- At the base of every Gargoyle tail, protrudes a sharp spine. In aerial combat, the tail can be whipped at enemies in proximity, causing painful lacerations. The true value of the tail lies within Aristocratic Omega's love of swordsmanship. Based on the size, and number of the tail(s), the Gargoyle has access to an omikron crystal coated bone sword. A deadly Homage, to the Omega Swordsman.
•Advanced Transformation- High level Gargoyle's develop a secondary transformation. By sacrificing its flight, the Gargoyle's body reassigns muscles to new locations. The bones in the wings recede into the body, re assimilating into the skeleton. The shard descends to the chest, the flesh of the wings wraps around the torso, as the Gargoyle draws his blade. 

Wolf- The Mercenaries. The Wolf type was the first to be experimented on using genetics from a beast, and a Native. The cyclopean hounds of the Omega forest, powerful, beguiled beasts, larger than any man. Omega's FIEND chapter offered the rancorous, poverty stricken families an opportunity to save their family from the slums. Several young men volunteered, and the first ever Wolf Pack was created and formed. Highly primal, the pack was extensively trained and conditioned for their new task, The Hunt.
Physical Traits:
•height: 9'-10'
•build: mesomorphic
General traits:
•thin layer of fur (white,grey,forest moss/earthen)
•cobalt eyes
•pack mentality
•humanoid + canine features
•advanced transformation
General abilities:
•Ancient instinct - The concentration of cyclopean hound genetics easily overpowered the FIEND serum, creating the most primal FIEND type yet. With meticulous training and developmental exercises , the Wolf Pack prototype was no longer as dangerous and unpredictable as the beasts from whence they came. Instead they were ready to utilize their newly mastered instincts for their first assignment.
•Enhanced Senses - The enhanced senses of the hounds greatly surpassed those of any other FIEND type, making them excellent trackers and mercenaries.
•Cyklon Claws- The administered shard of cyklon was also an experimental process. By pulverizing the crystal shard and injecting it into the Wolf's blood stream, their claws and fur were coated with a fine layer of cyklon making slashes from their 6" claws that much more devastating.
•Retractable Spinal Barbs- A set of 6" razor sharp barbs lined the Wolf's spine making any sort of attack from behind as detrimental as a frontal assault, as well as being utilized in rolling attacks.
•Advanced Transformation- The Wolf type develops two additional physical transformations;
•#1- The Wolf's fur grows longer, and its size increases by 40%, and it develops a mild form of regeneration.
•#2- The Wolf's size increases again by another 20%, as do it's claws, fur, and snout. This form is the most primal and animalistic, accessible to only high level Wolf types.

Djinn- The Enigma. The Djinn have no discernable origin. Some say they arrived after humans began mining the precious cyklon, some say they've always been on E:Z. The Djinn are not bound by the laws of  physics, time, or space, and exsist freely throughout the universe. The Master Djinn, known as Djinn-Akame, dwells within the mountains of Kappa making sure to keep his distance from the humans. Over the timeless span of his existence he's noticed most beings cannot handle his celestial presence, usually dying from the  cosmic radiation exuding from his vessel. Djinn-Akame has always been, he always will be, and no one will ever understand why Djinn-Akame is. Except, Djinn-Akame.
Physical  traits:
Height- 3'-5'
Build- between child- adolescent  human
General Traits:
•soft blue glowing skin/ Ancient markings
•Ethereal  Personification
General Abilities-
•Supernatural Dominion- The Djinn seem to draw their power from the mountain their Master rests upon. Through Djinn-Akame, the lesser Djinn have a nearly infinite reserve of cosmic energy to utilize as they see fit.
•Shifting- The laws of reality don't apply to the Djinn. They can seamlessly shift between illusions, keeping human scientists astonished at their effortless negation of even the most absolute laws of science.
•Residual Reproduction- The Djinn often accidentally leave residual celestial traces in human populated areas, inevitability fertilizing human women with half human, half djinn offspring.
•Æther Manipulation- Although the Djinn-ling's mastery of the æther could never compare to their Creator. All Djinn retain an element of Djinn-Akame's Dominion within themselves with their ability to manipulate the omnipresent celestial elements.
•Limited Quintessence- Another tangent of the Djinn-ling's shared Dominion with the Djinn-God is their ability to generate relatively limited amounts of the quintessential energy that dwells within the depths of the cosmos, using Djinn-Akame as a conduit.
•Essokinesis- the Dominion of the Djinn spans the supernatural and metaphysical spectrums. The Djinn-ling often develop the ability to manipulate reality after a few centuries of studying under the Djinn-God.
•PlanesWalker- Alongside their plethora of celestial  abilities, the Djinn-ling are also able to traverse between dimensions and alternate realities within a relatively short "distance".

Zombie- The Black Market FIEND. The Zombie type, an amalgamation of Black Market serums and data, mutations, and experiments. Originally deemed a failed process, countless experiments and serums rendered the subjects virtually brain dead and catatonic. Instead of disposing the failed FIENDs, the Kappa Scientists opened a testing range with live targets for other FIEND Chapters to test their developments. The Zombies defied all odds on the first day of live testing, when the FIENDS were released into the training grounds. As the functioning types approached the Zombies, they were quickly subdued and destroyed by the testing subjects. The Zombies, one moment completely unresponsive to any outside stimulus, mangled and decimated fully functional FIENDs.
Physical traits:
Height- 7'-9'
Build- emaciated
General Traits:
•Leathery mutilated flesh
•cloudy, pus green eyes
•sedentary & stagnant
•hive mind
•primitive and infectious
General Abilities:
•Consumption- After the first field test, Scientists noticed the Zombies were consuming the dead FIENDS. The more they ate, the healthier they appeared to be.
•Adaptation/ Enhanced Durability- During the second test, Scientists staged a ranged trial. Keeping the testing FIENDs at a safe distance while they tested their ranged cyklon attacks. The Zombies caught the scent of the live FIENDs and ferociously charged the group. As they charged the FIENDs opened fire, tearing through the Zombie horde with burning hot shots of Cyklon energy. The Zombies advanced unphased by the barrage, and quickly overcame the FIENDs, devouring them in a frenzy. The Zombies had an amazing ability to adapt to negative stimulus.
•Rapid Regeneration- As the Zombies continued to consume flesh, they're ability to regenerate increased. Scientists discovered that as long as a zombie consumes within a 24hr period, their bodies would steadily process and recycle organic tissue for  regeneration.
•Ability Absorption- As time progressed, Scientists learned the Zombies would begin exhibiting limited amounts of the consumed FIEND's abilities, such as  manifestations, partial transformations, and faint cyklon generated abilities.
•Catalepsy- In between testings, the Zombies entered a deep trance. Swaying in the wind, an entire herd of Zombies would remain in this state, until more organic material was presented and the Zombies needed to feed.
•Infectious- After a few days of cataleptic stasis, corpses of devoured FIENDs began to stir and muster. After a few hours of stirring, the recently reanimated, partially consumed FIENDs rose to their feet and assimilated into the herd, their decomposing flesh slowly pulling itself back together under the scorching Kappa sun.

Sentry- The Crystalline Assassins. The Sentry, Omikron's answer to the Native War. As the population of FIENDs grew, Scientists from Omikron began to research and project the estimated FIEND population by the end of the War. They determined, the FIEND population would soon reach an uncontrollable high. To put an end to the mass production of the basic FIEND types, and eventually let the population dwindle to a controllable level, they began developing the Ultimate FIEND type. By combining refined samples of mysterious Omikron Crystal, with the premium samples of FIEND genetic serums, they created the stealthy Sentry.
Physical traits:
Height- 11'
Build- mesomorphic
General Traits:
•Omikron tinted reflective skin
•organized hierarchal structure
•mysterious and stealthy
General Abilities:
•Enigma Force- by combining the mysterious properties of Omikron and Cyklon crystals, the Sentry were able to imbue a fraction of the collective consciousness into a sentient synergist
•Omni-linguistic- The Sentry transcend verbal dialect. Their ability to communicate with any sentient organism, via the omikron crystal's telepathic amplifier makes any sort of audible communication a compromission of the mission.
•Sentry's Gaze- The burning stare of the Sentry can paralyze an enemy in fear or pierce the most dense jungle canopy, providing the Sentry with a line of sight miles long.
•Hyper Accuracy Precision-  Created for stealth, and equipped with a Great Bow, the Sentry uses the Enigma Force as an intelligent guiding system ensuring lethal accuracy from up to a mile away.
•Crystal Weapon Generation- Able to manipulate the crystal fragments' energy, the Sentry can generate a series of crystal blades, although most prefer the Great Bow.
•Dynamic Invisibility-  The Sentry's crystal skin can actively reflect ambient light, rendering the Sentry invisible to the named eye.
•Forbidden Form- In the rare event of a Sentry's stealth being compromised, they have the ability to modify their armor into their Berserker form. Drawing his massive Forbidden Blade the Sentry will charge into battle. Leaving none that witnessed the transformation alive to tell the tale.

Warden- The Crystal Phalanx. Based on the historic Spartan warriors, the Wardens bring justice among the FIEND world. Fiercely defending the code of conduct established for the FIEND warriors, the Wardens exist to enforce with impartial judgement. Those who appear on the Wardens list of bounties, have no place to run nor hide. Although they are blind, nothing can escape their sight. Although they aren't fast, nothing can outrun them. They are the Wardens of FIEND affairs, and they do not know mercy, nor pardons.
Physical traits:
Height- 14'-16'
Build- Mega-mesomorphic
General Traits:
•Eyeless Electromagnetic Vision
•Omikron Enhanced armor and weapons
•Based on the Historic Spartan Warriors
•Omikron crystals encircle large cyklon crystal mounted to the chest  plate
General  Abilities-
• indomitable phalanx-  drawing is massive spear and shield the warden type fights ferociously with blinding speed and bone crushing force.
• offensive armor- any adversary that manages to get past the massive shield is swiftly and abruptly intercepted by 10" omikron crystal spikes protruding from its armor.
•miasma cloud- in the event of spikes failing. the warden unleashes a toxic encaustic cloud of miasma damaging all within its range.
•One man Army- The omikron and cyklon crystals embedded in the wardens armor glow intently, initiating the Warden's enhanced combat ability.
•Sacred weapon-  the massive spear and shield are combined to forge a colossal great sword capable of cutting down foes with a single swing.
•Chaos Construct- the embedded crystals glow brightly as the Warden grows an extra set of arms equipped with a second secret weapon from merciless hacking and slashing.

Wraith- The spiritual engineers. The Wraith type, constantly blurring the lines between science and celestial comprehension. Created to bridge the gap between life and death, these Mystics thrive on the exploration of the Spirit Realm. With Omikron and Cyklon enhanced relics, the Wraiths are able to transcend the physical realm, reaching a level of spiritual tranquility that human and FIEND alike travel to Sigma to witness. These masters of engineering successfully built the first Gestalt Chamber of Council, where the Elders can commune with the spirits freely. However peaceful the Wraith may be, they are still warriors. Engineering gestalt armor, necromantic relics, and spirit constructs enable the Wraith to fight and dominate the battle field without having to leave the village.
Physical Traits
Build: ectomorphic
General traits:
•pale alabaster skin/hair
•glowing orange eyes
•ritualistic in nature
•Crystal enhanced relics
•spiritual/mechanical engineers
General Abilities:
•Inner Tranquility- Spending most of their time within their spiritual chambers, the Wraith rely on inner peace through the duality of being, to remain connected with the Spirit Realm.
•Ecto-Mechanical Tech- By combining their passions of science and the ethereal, Wraiths have become the only spiritual engineers, using technology to bridge the gap between the realms.
•Gestalt Armor- Masters of spiritual separation techniques, the Wraiths can merge their spirits with special suits of armor, allowing them to battle freely without the consequence of death.
•Spiritual Symbiosis- Using their specialized relics, Wraiths summon fallen spirits and cohabitate their Gestalt Armor, enhancing their abilities and comprehension of the craft.
•Ancient Æther- Harnessing the ancient spiritual energies of the planet, Wraiths are able to weaponize primal ethereal energy.
•Ancient Collective Construct- High level Wraiths summon Ancient Spirits and implant them into Omikron enhanced constructs built for multiple spirits to occupy at once. Constructs usually reflect the Spirits' rage, having multiple heads, limbs, legs, etc.

Specter- The Elementalists. The Specters are an elite FIEND type. Putting new Specters through relentless and strict training regiments guarantees only the best of the best become true Elementalists. Those who graduate from their training move on to their Elemental Ordaining, in which Graduates are bestowed a weapon and sent into the Chamber of Storms to have their element ordained. Those who do not complete training are banished to the Chamber of the Void, where they face the Trials of the Cosmos, and either succeed and become an Elementalist or die. 
Physical traits
Build- ectomorphic
General traits:
•dark grey eyes
•formal Specter robes
•elemental & spiritual mastery
General Abilities:
•Elemental Empowerment- After graduating, the Specter is issued his Elementalist Adept robe and elemental class weapon. Once his element is ordained, his weapon will grant it access and manipulation of every aspect of the element.
•Elemental Embodiment- Each Specter, after learning the mastery of its element, can envelope itself in it's pure essence, becoming the Element Incarnate.
•Dark Elemental Relic- Specters are bestowed a dark elemental relic, and are granted access into the Celestial Dark Elements.
•Elemental/Spiritual Confluence- Combining the mastery of Dark Elements with Celestial manipulation, Specters can create an annex of primal, spiritual, and elemental energy.
•Cosmic Storm Elemental- Specters are able to merge their consciousness with the Chaotic Aspect and Cosmic Elemental, becoming an Emissary of the Living Storm.

Goliath (angel)
•heightened empath
•Prehensile wings
•angelic blessing

Goliath was born to a single mother in the slums of Victory, Alpha. Unable to afford basic necessities, Goliath dropped out of school to assist his mother with income. Performing odd jobs around the neighborhood, he became well versed in mechanics, construction, and general labor. Although he never finished his education, he continued to teach himself the core curriculum until he managed to graduate from a local adult education venue. When his mother passed away, Goliath sold all of their possessions and began traveling the continent as a nomad, offering his skills in exchange for food and shelter. He was approached by FIEND when Agents noticed his physique and overall physical stature, offering him a new life, in exchange for his old one.

Shadow (demon)
•extreme pain tolerance
•demonic essence
•darkness manipulation

Shadow was born while his family moved from Alpha to Beta one summer. His middle class family happily embraced the new life and adventures. The ever popular athlete, Shadow began getting recruiting solicitations from Academies, wishing for him to lead their Cudg teams to national champion recognition. His dreams of professional athleticism were dashed as his father became gravely ill after the death of his mother. Shadows future seemed bleak, and hopeless, with no salvation in sight. Caring for his terminal father cast him into irreconcilable debts, costing him everything. As the banks foreclosed on his home, he was approached by FIEND, the fallen hero was to have another shot at greatness

Gregoire Batiste aka Poe (gargoyle)
•excellent swordsman (rapier)
•spits explosive orbs

Gregoire was a teenager when his father left, taking with him, his money to pay for Gregoire's luxurious lifestyle. He volunteered for the Omega chapter of FIEND to pay for his schooling and beloved fencing classes. The experiments turned the once handsome young man into a living stone beast. His vanity shattered, he donned a mask to conceal his new brutish face. he dropped out of school, but continued fencing, his only outlet being his beloved rapier. His gentle nature was replaced with cold, stoic regret, earning him the nickname "Poe".

Pasquale (wolf)
•enhanced senses,agility, & strength
•primitive rejuvenation

Pasquale, born into wealth, immigrated to Omega with his family as a boy. While attending private school he meets his lifelong friend Gregoire. When Gregoire dropped out of school, his ever loyal friend followed suit, costing him his family and grand inheritance in the pursuit of self exploration.

Vladimir Fedor (gargoyle)
•excellent swordsman
•enhanced strength and stamina
•tough stone-like skin

Vladimir is of old Russian decent. His family was one of the first to colonize Omega, so he considers himself "Omega royalty". The self proclaimed prince of Omega spent most of his days rivaling other wealthy kids within the district, leading him to be life long rivals with Gregoire. His jealousy of Gregoire pushed him to excel at fencing, and academics, hoping to surpass the ever better Gregoire. His jealousy led him into the arms of FIEND in a desperate attempt to one up his bitter rival, leaving him physically undesirable as his body evolved into the gargoyle FIEND type. Even as a stone skinned beast, his vanity and narcissism showed no sign of relenting.

The Chosen are renegade FIENDs, striving for dominance among the humans and natives. Led by Graven, the Chosen seek to irradiate all human and native life, to become the reigning evolutionary elites, and assimilate the genetic anomalies of FIEND as the new human race.

Graven Chambers (zombie)
•mimicry through consumption
•indomitable will

Graven Chambers, the internationally wanted man. Graven spent most of his youth traveling with his father. Learning the ropes to big business, he quickly became the youngest entrepreneur of E2. His cunning and guile earned him a lifetime supply of din. His fall from grace came in the form of a collapsing business venture. His long time business partner began embezzling thousands of din from multiple companies the two built from the soil to the skyline. Blind with rage, Graven threw his former partner from a 50 story penthouse office. To his surprise, he loved the power over his late partners life as he easily over powered him and threw him to his death. He began skipping continents, wanted for murder, embezzling, and several counts of capital fraud. Fleeing to rural Kappa, his refuge was short lived as he was apprehended by the International Human Affairs officers. His debt was sold to the Kappa FIEND chapter, beginning the most agonizing decade of his life.

Locust (wraith)
•enhanced agility and speed
•enhanced strength due to extra arms

Locust, Graven's protégé. While in captivity by the Kappa FIEND chapter, Locust and Graven shared a symbiotic relationship. Graven taught his new friend everything about cunning,guile, and ruthless charisma, while Locust's advanced knowledge of science, math, and physics provided Graven's need to excel with something to grasp. During the experimentations, Locust would often offer Graven his rations, as he could tell the procedures were taking a heavy toll on Graven's well being and mental stability. Over the years of countless prods, jabs, cuts, and injections, the two found solace in each other's company, as well as each other's will to keep the other alive and well to see the end of the nightmare of the Kappa FIEND camp.

Dusk (sentry)
•enhanced precision
•obsidian-like armored skin (on command)
 •sentries gaze

Dusk has always been. There are no records of him arriving at the floating island of the Angels, nor of him leaving. Betrayed by his brethren, he denounced his connection to the Angel FIEND types, thus becoming the first Sentry. Born mute, his will to communicate overpowered conventional means of language. His telepathic abilities transcend words and expressions, and are not bound by the confines of dialect. His piercing golden eyes strike fear into all who gaze upon them, for without saying a single word, Dusk translates into absolution. His previous angelic allegiance, coupled with his vicious will to strive make Dusk an enemy of the Angelic Convent. Unable to perceive fear,  his might is only quelled by his strategic prowess. 

Cardinal (hybrid-wolf/zombie/demon)
•enhanced stamina,senses,agility
•demonic essence
•hybridized transformation

Jaqueline Faye, born in Tau, to prestigious diplomats, was a very sickly child. Her mysterious ailments were attributed to a strange native parasite. As she aged her ailments conquered her everyday life, leaving her succumbed to immeasurable agony, frequently rendering her comatose or catatonic. Her father turned to Tau's FIEND program, in an attempt to merge native antibodies with her own. The result of the native genetic transfusions bestowed her with the blessing of the Wolf FIEND type. Her ability to fight the parasite strengthened as time passed, eventually ridding her body of the invasion. She embraced her new life with gusto, experiencing life through her new heightened senses and enhanced physical capabilities. While visiting Alpha, she meets a large Angel type, Goliath, and they quickly eclipse one another in the throes of love. Their passionate entanglement is quickly halted by an Alpha FIEND raid. Agents capture many FIENDS in the raid, separating the two lovers and incarcerating them within the PIT, and underground FIEND camp and testing facility. She becomes the first successful FIEND hybrid through years of agonizing procedures, the first Wolf/Demon type.
The FIEND chapters all answer to one man, Alexander Guess. Alexander is the son of the  infamous Dr. Miles Guess, the father of the "Evolved Man Theory". After the "Evolved Man" project was disintegrated by human rights organizations working with the International Human Affairs Committee, all of Dr. Guess' work was deemed inhumane and his research terminated. Although feigning compliance, Guess began offering his research to the highest bidder, refusing to let his life's work go to waste. Sector leaders began secretly funding independent FIEND research, purchasing any information they could reach and utilizing Dr. Guess' samples and documents to start their own private FIEND chapters. Alexander saw his opportunity to capitalize on his fathers studies and formed his own personal battalion composed of the best FIENDs  his father's work could create. He dubbed his squad "The Agents of Absolution", or Agents for short, providing independent chapters with a highly efficient,extremely discreet, and very expensive black ops quality control team.

Agent #1
Gabriel (angel)
•biologically immortal
•enhanced angelic blessing

Gabriel, the lead Agent. There is no FIEND problem Gabriel and his partner Ezekiel cannot handle. Based on the original Angel design, Gabriel wields a vibrant glowing great sword, an impressive wingspan, and an unwavering faith in his own abilities as an Agent. Although he wears the standard Agent uniform, he proudly sports a fedora, considering it the piece de resistance. His wings reach towards the sky, seemingly materializing from his black jacket, as does his mighty sword which he never brandishes in combat, as he feels it's an unnecessary advantage in an already unbalanced match up. Gabriel is to be feared, for he is the embodiment of wrath, and justice, and has never failed a mission or apprehension.

Agent #2
Ezekiel (Angel)
•flaming wrath
•advanced angelic blessing
•biologically immortal

Ezekiel is the second in command and the fiercely loyal partner to Gabriel. Another Angel archetype, Ezekiel's vigilance is only matched by his brilliant strategic abilities. Although he doesn't brandish a sword, or wings like his counterpart, Ezekiel is unmatched in hand to hand combat. Trained by Gabriel from the moment he was initiated into the Agents of Absolution, he revers him as a father figure. Ezekiel's brash nature can sometimes cause unnecessary confrontation, leading to violent outbursts, and gruesome aftermaths, so Gabriel is usually close by to retain civility in their otherwise less than civil duties.

Agent #3
Adriel (Angel)
•shining indignation
•flaming vindication
•angelic blessing

The youngest Agent, Adriel is also the only other Angel among the AoA. Her youth and vibrant beauty are often misconstrued as weakness, causing her to unleash heavens wrath. Initiated at the young age of 13, Adriel remains one of the most fierce Agents within the ranks. Although her strength doesn't compare to Gabriel's, her radiance is matched only by the sun. Never one to back down Adriel uses her flaming vindication to strike terror into the hearts of her targets. In an instant she can obliterate most aggressors with a quick swing of her blade, or a deafening roar of indignation, leaving opponents blinded, deafened, or simply vaporized.

Agent #5
Azreal (demon)
•darkness manipulation
•demonic essence
•gaping maw

Azreal is the testament of the Demon FIEND type. Unpredictable and often very destructive both to self and others, he's forced to wear a series of inhibitor shackles, that only his handler, Astaroth has the key to. 
Azreal, also known as the Hungry, has stages of allotted access to his power, starting with his basic demonic essence, and progressing into darkness manipulation. Rarely does anyone get to find out why Azreal is known as the Hungry, until his final shackle is unlocked. Upon releasing his restrictions, Azreal's body becomes slightly larger, his skin chars and tears from his abdomen revealing a hideous gaping mouth. The mouth begins a deafening chant, spewing blood and vomit, staying true to the Demon FIEND horror. Azreal's grotesque mouth will either regurgitate his scythe, thus arming him, or will simply consume opposition.

Agent #5

Astaroth (demon)
•demonic transformation
•world crusher (hammer)
•demonic frenzy

The polar opposite of Azreal, Astaroth maintains control of his charge at any cost. 
His focus is unparalleled, and his resolve cannot be broken. Astaroth hardly engages in combat out of fear of his demonic nature wreaking havoc and potentially ruining a mission. His main objective is to keep is partner Azreal from slipping into a violent, flesh shredding frenzy, however if necessary he will intervene with his giant flaming fists or  his massive studded mallet. Although he is in control of himself, in high stress situations Astaroth has been known to lose his peaceful composure, laying waste to the opposition and anything within his proximity, therefore he's also required to wear inhibitor shackles in the field.

Agent #6
Uriel (Golem)
•impenetrable stone hide
•emotional control- fear

Uriel the golem type, paired with his twin sister, Jophiel, is a domineering force of earth incarnate. His geomorphic abilities shake the earth as he commands the stone and soil beneath his feet into devastating transformations and attacks. Not one to immediately resort to force, Uriel prefers to horrify his targets with emotional manipulation, namely fear. His interrogation techniques are unmatched, as he instills an unfathomable terror in his targets. Most people cannot withstand his emotional assault and  are usually rendered catatonic from the immense horror behind his eyes.

Agent #7
Jophiel (totem)
•emotional control- love

Jophiel is the second half of the twin phalanx. Her gestalt abilities propel her within the intricacies of her targets psychology, rendering them prisoners within their own minds. Combined with her manipulation of the ethereal, she can easily possess her targets and bend their will to her    every whim. As an interrogation team, the Twins rely on each other's abilities to amplify the effects. Their strange, pseudo-romantic, relationship only intensifies their process of breaking down their targets on an emotional and psychological level. Jophiel, ever the flirt, uses her manipulation of love to seduce their captives into submission, as well as heighten her brothers manipulation of fear through his jealous reactions of another's love for his dear sister.

Agent #8
Ahriman (specter)
•self detonation
•heat regeneration

Ahriman, the destroyer. In the field, Ahriman is an unstoppable force. He specializes in the eradication of hostile groups. As a one man sweeper team, very few have managed to witness his flaming glory and survive. His unique ability to self detonate with no adverse effects to his own body makes him an asset to any liquidation mission. His pyromorphic ability also allows him the option of a more precise strike, reducing the collateral damage to nearly nothing, as compared to a full on detonation. Although his methods are quite flamboyant, his efficiency more than compensates for the spectacular display of power.

Agent #9
Nuriel (specter)
•healing(self and others)
•ability amplification

Nuriel, the synergist. Always on call, Nuriel is the ultimate support Agent. With her abilities to redirect kinetic energy, and healing, she can turn a one sided beat down into an endless and futile effort to win any physical conflict. As an offensive support, she can magnify other abilities ten fold, turning mild aggression into devastating and crushing defeat. Her redirection ability can also be an offensive tact, redirecting opponents attacks, causing catastrophic back fires. When Nuriel arrives to the fight, she isn't there to actively combat targets, her goal is to assist fellow agents into becoming nearly invulnerable, while enhancing their abilities far beyond normal circumstances

Agent #10
Zachariah (wraith)
•body of energy
•reality manipulation

Zachariah, the gateway. Zachariah's unique skill set allows him to travel seamlessly through space and time. Combined with manipulating his targets reality, he can quickly distort the perception of physics while delivering vicious blows with fists of pure energy. His ability to tear holes in space and time make him almost impossible to track, or strike. Completely immersing his body in pure energy turns his body into a breathing nuclear explosion, radiating immense heat and light he can quickly subdue even the toughest of FIEND rebels.

Agent #11
Kabal (djinn)
•matter manipulation
•kinetic absorption

Kabal the creator. Kabal is truly a master of matter. He can manipulate anything on a molecular level, rearranging molecules to create whatever his heart desires, and his heart usually desires gigantic guns, mounted to gigantic robots. Paired with his kinetic absorption, and technopathy, he can redirect any impact and channel it through his gigantic gun, or gigantic robot construct. Usually with spectacular results. 

© 2015 Infernal Dimension Comics

Author's Note

Infernal Dimension Comics
As mentioned earlier there's probably going to be some syntax and grammar mistakes.

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Wow! Nice.
This makes my Reapers Story seem like a bedtime story. Also read Order of the Forsaken. I look forward to reading the rest.

Posted 9 Years Ago

Infernal Dimension Comics

9 Years Ago

Thanks! The Order is actually an installment in our "Faction Wars" arc. I'll get that syn up in a fe.. read more

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1 Review
Added on September 2, 2015
Last Updated on September 2, 2015
Tags: Crisis, earth, 101, introduction, expanded


Infernal Dimension Comics
Infernal Dimension Comics

Denver, CO

We are Infernal Dimension. A Colorado based sci-fi/fantasy writing team. In 2011, we (Evan Hulbert, and Benjamin Domingue) began meticulously creating our own extensive comic universe, "Crisis:Earth".. more..
