![]() A Strange State of Affairs Ch. 20A Chapter by IAmGhost120
The guests had all arrived, and the inn
was now filled with the sound of chatter and suitcases rolling along the wooden
floors. The hotel in which Pona and Vert had
decided to host their engagement party was cozy but regal. It was not a tall industrial-style building
full of gleaming steel and polished crystal " rather, this hotel sprawled out
and was furnished like a pagoda. The
rest of the hotel spread out behind the lobby.
Guests walked away from the lobby and down a hallway, feet pattering on
shining wooden flooring, looking to their left through thin paper doors to find
their rooms. Others stared out at the
courtyard, which was framed on all sides by the halls, admiring the willows in
its midst. Fye was sitting outside of his room,
the fragile paper door left slightly ajar.
He sat on the edge of the wide wooden path, staring out at the courtyard
and leaning against one of the many thick mahogany posts that propped up the
ridged roof. The mountain air was
slightly frigid, so he draped a billowing striped grey robe over his shoulders
as he breathed in the smell of vacation and relaxation. Elevine, meanwhile, had slipped out
of the spacious hotel room through a window in the bedroom. She wandered aimlessly and ended up by the
lobby, where a few were unpacking their last items from their cars. To her surprise, she saw Sherry hop
daintily from the trunk of Riyel’s car, a brown leather duffel bag slung over
one shoulder. Riyel was helping her
down, one arm steadily supporting her as she jumped. How different his face was from that
of the drunken man who had come home from the Tellurim Gallery show with Fye!! Elevine noticed the worry that welled deep
from Riyel’s eyes, melting the cold ice within.
She also saw the flushed color of Sherry’s face " visible even from a
distance " as she sped away, and the misery that showed on Riyel’s face. El drew back quickly and leaned her
rump against the wall. What’s going on? she thought. fghfghfghfghfghfghfghfhgfhgfhgfhgfghfghfghfhgfhfh Pona sat before the vanity table in
the bedroom, combing out her thick wavy hair with a bristly brush. Vert had gone back to his room next door, and
she was now waiting for Sherry, her roommate.
have to talk to her. The thought
circled round and round in her mind as she brushed her hair. The engagement ring sparkled in the
mirror, and she admired it for a second or two.
Then, she sighed. What’s going to happen to Fye? I need to keep Riyel out of the picture or my
plan for him will be ruined!! I should
never have let him drive Sherry… Chiding herself for being careless, Pona
frowned at her stunning reflection. She
suddenly heard the paper door sliding open and quickly fixed her face into a
spry mask. “Pona?” Sherry called. She stepped over the threshold, leaving her
shoes by the doormat outside. “Are you
there?” Pona walked out of the bedroom, a
huge smile plastered on her face.
“Sherry, dear!!” she warbled, arms open and moving forward to envelope
the young woman in a hug. Sherry closed her eyes with fatigue
and breathed in the air " sullied now with the spice of Pona’s perfume. “Hello, Pona,” she murmured quietly. Pona heard the tired throb of
Sherry’s voice and released her. “You
sound terrible, darling!!” she gushed, “Did something happen on the way
here? Are you ill?” Sherry shook her head, smiled
faintly. “I…it’s nothing the eye can
see.” Which, she supposed, was the
truth. “I just need to rest.” “Oh.
Well, alright, dear.” Pona
watched Sherry stumble down the hall, opening doors to find her room. She made up her mind: she’d pay Riyel a visit
tonight. What had happened to make
Sherry behave so oddly? What had the man
done to her? No matter, the past was
immaterial. It was time for her to
regain control of the situation. fghfghfghfghfghfghfghfghfhghfghfghfghfghfghfghfff “Where are the hot springs?” Fye muttered to himself as he twisted a map
of the inn in his hands. It was about two hours before the
dinner Pona and Vert had scheduled and announced. Fye was wandering down a path of large flat
stones, a map in hand, trying to find the inn’s famous hot springs. And so far, he was having no luck. His bare feet tripped on the hem of
the billowing striped robe he’d thrown on, and he looked down at them quickly
before pulling the hem higher. Fye sighed. “I can’t believe this. The springs are only a few feet away from the
inn, and I still can’t find
them.” “Why are you talking to yourself?” The artist jumped, much to Vert and
Riyel’s amusement. Riyel slung a pale arm around Fye’s
shoulders and reeled him in. “Lost
again, eh? Lemme see that map.” Vert, stockier and burlier that the
other two, took a swing at Fye’s arm. He
laughed and ran a hand through his cropped red hair. “You should’ve waited for us!!” Fye laughed and stretched. “I’m exhausted. I just want to sleep.” Riyel gripped Fye’s robe collar and
dragged him onward while staring at the map.
“C’mon, the springs are this way.” They meandered down the path and
made a left onto an even tinier trail made up of small white stones. No
wonder why I missed this, Fye thought wryly to himself. It’s so
small. Vert and Riyel walked ahead,
chatting avidly. “-and we’ve put our reservation in
for the catering service already,” Vert was saying. “Pona wants something with a Southern Kor
feel. You know, with lots of fruit and
stuff in the dishes.” Riyel smirked. “Figures.
Southern Korish fruit is good for the skin.” “Hot spring!!” Fye called from
behind. The springs were behind another
sturdy mahogany pavilion furnished in the same style of the hotel. It was quite grand. The three men trooped up the slick
ramp and entered the building, where a cheery receptionist handed them each a
thick, grey robe and a pair of long matching towels before ushering towards the
men’s baths. They went into separate cubicles and
changed; Fye came out first, a towel wrapped around his waist and robe draped
over his shoulders. He looked around " Riyel and Vert
had yet to appear, so he headed down to the springs alone. The men’s spring was wide and
steaming gently. It was ringed by
willows; veined dark grey stone held the hot, naturally-bubbling water. The rock rose up on one end in a large natural
ridge, separating the men and women with its steep, slick incline. Fye slipped into the spring and
settled on a piece of smooth rock that jutted out to serve as an underwater
bench. He sighed and put his head
back…closed his eyes…and was promptly drifting, drifting, drifting… “-and I’m pretty sure she’s gone
dress-shopping already, too.” Vert’s voice, still chittering on
about the wedding. Fye awoke with a start but kept his
eyes closed. Riyel slung his towel round his neck
and stared at his arms in the dark water.
“So you’re really going to go through with this, huh,” he murmured
quietly. Vert nodded. Riyel grinned. “Are you sure you can deal with her
manipulative nature for life?” Vert shot him a stern look and
shrugged. “Look, I know she’s manipulative,
and sometimes she can be a little catty, but the Pona that I really know is
nothing like that at all.” He smiled
gently. “The girl I know is shy, quiet,
and insecure. It’s just…sometimes…” He dropped his voice so that it would be
covered by the hiss of the steam. Fye heard him sigh before
continuing. “Like this whole thing with
Fye and Sherry. I mean, I understand
that she’s concerned for Fye’s romantic life and career and stuff, but she
can’t just…force this to happen. I mean, Fye’s not an animal " doesn’t he have
a say in this? You know?” Riyel was quiet for a moment. “Vert, I need to tell you something. It’s been just bothering me for a
while.” He took a breath to cool down
and steady his nerves. “It’s about
Sherry. I…I really li-” “VERT!!” The roar rumbled throughout the spa. Fye jumped, slipped, and choked on a
noseful of burning water. Vert hurridly
thumped him on the back. Riyel’s fists were clenched. “Pona?”
he murmured curiously. And then he got
his breath back. “WHAT THE HELL?!” he
boomed. Pona laughed gaily from the other
side. “Did I scare you?” she yelled
back, winking confidently at Sherry. Fye sighed in frustration, wincing
as Riyel hollered uselessly in return at Pona.
There goes my meditation time. “I’m out,” he said quietly to Vert
as Riyel let fly with a string of roared curses, which were met with much
laughter from the other side. “Mmmm,” Vert replied, “Can you find
your way back alright?” Fye shrugged, grabbed his robe, and
clambered out. “Later.” He sauntered into the pavilion to gather his
clothes, all the while thinking about what Vert had said. How
do I really feel…about Sherry? He thought as he left the building. Well,
she is very nice and all. And her family
is really art-inclined. But… His mind flashed to their first date,
lingering on the details " yet he was unable to rekindle any emotion he had
felt that night besides friendly affection. Instead, his mind summoned the image
of the figure on the countertop the night he returned from the date. It brought forth the vivid pictures of the
slender body, the mass of tangled, dark hair, the glint of eyes illuminated by
the dim moonlight…already, the artist could feel his heart speeding up to an excited
whir. Fye shook his head to quiet his
thoughts. It wouldn’t do to think that
way. A plan suddenly began forming in
his mind. He clutched his robe about
himself and strode quickly back to the hotel. © 2012 IAmGhost120 |
Added on July 16, 2011 Last Updated on August 15, 2012 Author![]() IAmGhost120AboutSo. You wanna know stuff about me, huh. Well, I'm a human, and I'm alive. I live on Planet Earth, which is in the Milky Way, and I live on a large landmass surrounded by ocean. I have a nose, two .. more..Writing