Sitting in the car in silence, I stare out at the window.
The strong wind is slapping the leaves on the tree.
The sky is crying because it can also feel the pain.
I look at the raindrops slowly falling on the window. They slide across the glass. Some raindrops are a bit stronger; they do not want to slide down. They fight against
the window, sucking the air out of it to be stuck at its own fallen destination. They do not want to drop into the puddle of water on the ground that will be squashed by the wheels of cars. Eventually, they may squint out from the puddle and end up alone.
I lean into my seat, looking up at the ceiling. The waterdrops are just vibrating on the glass ceiling window. Rolling from right to left, from left to right. They also do not want to fall.
Why does water need to be transparent? If one is not observing enough, you would not really realize the waterdrops that are sliding across the window. Invisible.
Closing my eyes, I can hear the raindrops that fall down to the car in thousands, millions, billions. Just like needles falling on the ground, the raindrops should give me this pleasant lovely noise. However, why all I can hear is goodbye? Tic-tac-tic-tac...i can no longer distinguish whether it is the sound of the raindrops or something else.
"We are here." He says.
I open my eyes, taking a deep breath. Thank you is all I can say, but deep inside my heart, it means f**k you. I get out of the car, slammiing the door. Walking in the rain, I am not sure the waterdrops on my face is rain or tear. The only thing I am certain of is that I am in pain. I am heartbroken.