Infecting and ruling our hearts.

Infecting and ruling our hearts.

A Poem by Huw

Man is triune body, soul and spirit.


The heart, symbolically, is not the blood pump,

but the centre of the will. 

The seat of government, the spirit within man.

The will wherein we choose..... or not

where memory is found.

Wherein the conscience debates with desire 

where life's lessons are learnt...or not.

The heart is where stubbornness is found

where rebellion sounds its trumpet call

It is said that the contents of the heart

are poured forth from the mouth

and experience confirms this truth.

A wise or a foolish heart?

most would say their wise,

but what they speak denotes the truth

or perpetrates the lie.

When asked his heart's desire

Solomon replied, ''give me now wisdom and knowledge''

not wealth neither possessions nor honour.

How well would we fair if our heart's desire were open

and exposed? Would greed and envy rule the throne

and lust be the cause of our suffering soul?

Unbeknown to mankind we have the most deadly virus of all

infecting and ruling our hearts. 

© 2017 Huw

Author's Note

There was a guy named Herb Yahn who was in a conference that held 6,000 people. The man at the podium made this statement, '' I was asked last week what is the difference between the soul and the spirit. I replied....I DON"T CARE WHAT THE DIFFERENCE IS" the man laughed and so did 5,999 people. Herb Yahn did not laugh, because he desired to know and so did I.

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Very perceptive piece, this one is. Did you know that although Solomon only asked for wisdom, through that wisdom, he was given the ability to acquire great wealth as well?

Interesting, isn't it???

Thank you for sharing this well written piece. Thank you for stopping by and for your comments and time.

I look forward to reading more of your thoughts regarding my work.

Alisa ;-)

Posted 9 Years Ago

spirit, heart, soul?

all one. But they have been split apart by this new world we live in...the virus of inconsideration for others....

i really like your make strong statements...reminds me of the Beat poets...
nothing fancy or covering the moles that tell it like it is with forceful imagery and metaphor.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 31, 2015
Last Updated on July 30, 2017



Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom

I've been commenting on someone's drawings for a couple of months and she asked if I was a published poet. It made me laugh because I'd left school at 13 years old and never completed formal education.. more..

overflow overflow

A Poem by Huw