Telling the tale.

Telling the tale.

A Poem by Huw

There is something wrong with you!

You must be mad!

You need help!

You are so arrogant!

Who do you think you are?

There were a few occasions 

when he was forced onto the ropes

and these were the punches

that were thrown to floor him.

They almost succeeded once or twice.

The accusers had one thing in common

they were envious of his obvious peace

and so with cunning and vindictive malice 

they sought to destroy it along with him

and all he'd strived and hoped for.

The more proficient he became 

at ducking the punches

the angrier they seemed to be

and so he survived. He grew into something 

and someone they would never be.

He is a survivor within whom there is no guile

no bitterness and no hint of envy.

When asked how he was he would always reply,

''contented and gratefully so'', 

because he'd experienced first hand

the livid darkness of a discontented soul

who knew no peace

and he had survived to tell the tale. 

© 2015 Huw

My Review

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If only we all could come away from such adversity with that kind of stance. All but an enlightened few would be angry and vengeful, I think. Excellent writing, Huw--your message is clear. OBTW, I laughed at your tagline. Yeah, artists tend to be rather sensitive. (I pursue that particular craft, also)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thank you Mr D that's very kind of you. I made a few adjustments and changes, but the message remain.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 26, 2015
Last Updated on June 8, 2015



Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom

I've been commenting on someone's drawings for a couple of months and she asked if I was a published poet. It made me laugh because I'd left school at 13 years old and never completed formal education.. more..

overflow overflow

A Poem by Huw