Destination 3

Destination 3

A Poem by Huw

More thoughts on memories


How vast the number of fictions were

that I was expected to believe

my formative years were the years of dogmas

and media imparted tales.

My education was set to 'educate only'

and not to inspire.

Twisted truth is a perversion 

dressed up. Adorned lies

are simply lies when stripped naked. 

The subtlety of the delusion

the accuracy of the counterfeit 

that has the efficacy to produce

a required effect.

I was always kept under the impression

I was doing as I pleased

now I know it wasn't the path

that I had pleased

but one that was prepared for me.

My destination being THE END of self

 and not self-destruction.

© 2015 Huw

Author's Note

Have mercy upon me...

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To me, I can see Destination3 in your Poem without you putting THE END... You express your thoughts well and your character comes through in your write. There are moments when I feel that it ends, then you pick up again. ..... You are a great human being creating all your life. Thanks for sharing this Poem.

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on May 18, 2015
Last Updated on May 18, 2015



Ammanford, Wales, United Kingdom

I've been commenting on someone's drawings for a couple of months and she asked if I was a published poet. It made me laugh because I'd left school at 13 years old and never completed formal education.. more..

overflow overflow

A Poem by Huw