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New Scheme and my Declaration

New Scheme and my Declaration

A Chapter by Howling_Wolf

(John Paul) There you are Master! We have been worried sick about you.
(Dillon) I thought I said I would be okay on my own for a few hours?
(John Paul) Yes, you did. However, it has been more then a few hours, and that's when I noticed that you forgot your wallet and cellphone again. George and Peter are still looking for you.
(Dillon) Believe it or not, but I actually had a great time. I also have a new plan that will keep me in this town a little longer. So gather the others, and I will tell you all my idea.
(John Paul) Forgive me for not being too optimistic, but your last scheme sent Louie to Naples and left us down an man! 
(Dillon) All will be revealed, once we get back to the apartment.
I know that my new plan is crazy even for me, but it could work. When we arrive at the apartment with the others, I started to tell them what had  happened to me. John Paul was furious. If he is furious now; wait until he hears my plan: for me to enroll into that school.
(John Paul). No! No! No! Hell no and no! You must have hit your head to think enrolling in a school is a good idea; let alone a school with daytime classes.
(George) I agree with John Paul for a change. This is too risky.
(Peter) I want to hear more about the whole plan before saying, hell no.
(Dillon) Thank you, Peter. The plan is to enroll in that school to protect myself. The Theotorions have to play by their own rules; even in the hunting of their own kind. "Thou must not interfere with the human world." When I enroll myself in that school, I become almost untouchable to them. If they do find me, they will have to play their cards ever so carefully. I also have another reason why I want to enroll myself into that school. I want to see the limitations that I have as a Vampire.
(John Paul) What do you mean, limitations as a Vampire?
(Dillon) I guess it's better to see with your own eyes. (I roll up my sleeve, open a window, and expose my arm to the sunlight.) What do you see?
(John Paul) That my master is hurt.
(Dillon) Describe it!
(John Paul) Very well. Your arm is bright pink & red, burnt, and with fat blisters on some parts.
(Dillon) You want to know what I see? Progress. I have never told another living soul this before. It is my earliest memory that I can recall from when I was a Yearling. The night before, I had devoured this very handsome farmhand, and I fell asleep in the barn. When I awoke, the sun was up, and I was trapped in the barn. I could hear people hollering and wondering where the farmhand was. They came inside the barn once or twice; I had to hide in a hay pile with the corpse until the sun went down. I was so worried about being discovered that I failed to noticed a hole in the roof.
 When the sun came around a beam of sunlight entered that hole and landed on my hand. The pain was unimaginable. My hand and the lower part of my arm turned deep red, then black, covered with lesions. I had to take a bite out of my tongue because I wanted to scream to the heavens. After a few hours had passed, I left the safety of the barn and returned home. It took almost two weeks to completely heal. It wasn't until sixty-five years later that I had another incident with the sun. It wasn't as bad as the first time, and then I had an epiphany. That, even though time did not seem like it was moving for me, I have changed. I started thinking about the amount of blood I previously needed to drink, and compared it to what I was drinking at that time. You see all things in the universe evolve in one way or another: animals, plants, geography and humans. However; only Vampire can truly reap the benefits of evolution. Our doctrines and our old ways are what keep us from evolving. When  people don't change, they die out. We have survived for a long time, but what about  living or thriving? That's the reason why the Theotorions want me dead; I am everything they're afraid of: change. I believe going to this school will force my body to change and grow for the better of Vampiric kind.
(John Paul) You do realize that going to this school will make the target, that's on your back, bigger right?
(Dillon) You're right, John Paul. However, the bigger that the target that's on my back gets; the smaller, other vampire's will seem to the Theotorions. They will be so focused on me that other vampires will escape their scrutiny. That means more vampires will have a chance to become Theotorion and overturn the ancient rules. I will use my ideas and my body as a blade to strike down our old ways and our doctrines. I will also use the target that is on my back as a shield to protect my brothers and sisters. I will lead them out of the Middle Ages and into the Modern Age. This I promise!

© 2017 Howling_Wolf

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What you are saying about evolution is right and this peice shows how smart you are that's a good please don't take that as rude. And I like the last part it just revaluation. Great job yours truely a mad lord

Posted 8 Years Ago


8 Years Ago

I will say this is probably my favorite page of the series so far. thank you for your kind reviews,.. read more
Lord of mad men

8 Years Ago

To be honest this is the best story I have read on here that is a book that I just kept on reading. .. read more

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1 Review
Added on July 26, 2016
Last Updated on June 21, 2017




My name is Dylan, and I'm trying to be writer. I like to write about anything that my mind makes up, mostly Fantasy based stories. I hope to grow as a writer here, and possible make friends as well. .. more..
