Vampiric Law
A Book by Howling_Wolf
What would you do; if you were being hunted by your own vampire brothers and sisters?Will you give up, or will you fight too your dying breath? 
© 2016 Howling_Wolf
Author's Note
This is my first attempt of writing a book or a screenplay. I have and will make mistakes along the way, but I hope to learn from them. I want to thank S. Mi for helping proofread some of this. Any advice would be appreciated, and let me know if this is not the right format for this story.
Illustrated by Pink Pastel
If you ever need help or want some I would love to help such a great writer. To answer you're question about the vampire brothers and sisters I would no longer view them as mine own and do what ever is needed to live and achieve my goals.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
You certainly know how to make someone blush. I'm not great, just decent, but thank you for the comp.. read moreYou certainly know how to make someone blush. I'm not great, just decent, but thank you for the compliment. Thank you for your offer for help as well. I'm glad you have enjoyed my little story or screen play; still not sure what to call it exactly. I hope to have another page released this week. Sincerely Dylan
8 Years Ago
It seems like a book that could be turned to a screen play. And it was my honor to read something s.. read more It seems like a book that could be turned to a screen play. And it was my honor to read something so good. And yay can't wait to read it. Yours truely a mad lord
My name is Dylan, and I'm trying to be writer. I like to write about anything that my mind makes up, mostly Fantasy based stories. I hope to grow as a writer here, and possible make friends as well.
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