seasons are temporary, the cycle of nature. what we once loathed as frigid melts into the new, afresh and this doesn't just apply to nature but us too. poignant food for thought. well said with few words.
So much said in so few words in this succinct write, dear R... I love both the imagery within the poem as Winter's tears are frozen as they fall from sky to ground and out of this cold and dismal day a bird rises to bring hope and announce that Spring is just around the corner. A very beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing, dear poet...
Beautiful imagery here of deep snow. The falling of it and then the upturn. Reminds me of seasonal changes moving from winter to spring. A poem offering hope. Nice.
a most unexpected turn for the better .. this has more symbolism than Ringo Starr, Keith Moon and a shed load of drummers .. and besides all that it has that feelgood factor and is pretty too .. Neville
I love this! I am constantly teaching the beauty of the symbolism within nature to my students who (most but not all of them) would prefer to be looking at their phones. Is it okay if I share your poem with my students?
Posted 9 Months Ago
9 Months Ago
You have my permission, Amanda. Thanks very much for your comment. Everywhere I go I see kids on the.. read moreYou have my permission, Amanda. Thanks very much for your comment. Everywhere I go I see kids on their phones, even workers in the market place. There phones have become another appendage.
Deep winter speaks to me of shut down, a long drawn, cold and lightless day. The snow takes over, the snowflakes emboldened, grow bigger than their span. And then rise, as if a bird, signifying an awakening. A falling followed by a rising, ends the poem on a very positive note. It lifted the heart, instantly. Loved it dear Relic.
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- Tim -
Thanks for stopping by.
3:20 AM -
The same as
all the other nights.
Darkness and me -
we still have nothing
to say to e.. more..