More Writers Cafe Rules 11-20.

More Writers Cafe Rules 11-20.

A Story by Relic

This is a continuation of the 10 rules of Writers Cafe.

More Writers Cafe Rules 11-20.
A Story by Relic


Send out friend requests to as many people as you can but don't review any of their work. Many will be under the impression that you enjoyed something they wrote. Experienced writers, however, may be cautious about strangers who have never even said hello to them. 

They'll research your friend's list and notice it growing at an exponential rate. For those that accept you, a peek into your Stats could reveal more reviews received than given. 

Some of you are shy about giving reviews or just plain suck at conversations. You probably just want to see a multitude of faces on your friend's list. Indulge, perhaps they have photos in their accounts you can admire while you're there. On the other hand, you could just wait for someone to review your writing. (See next rule).

Send out lots of read requests to new friends that have accepted you. Hey, if they're nice enough to hit the accept button without checking you out first, why not give it a shot right? Otherwise, just follow rule 4 (Reviews) if you're so inclined. 

Beware of pointing out any errors in another's writing. Some people actually do appreciate your input; they're not only thankful but also interested in knowing what those errors are. Others, however, are very sensitive and might delete your 'critical' review. They may have worked over five minutes writing that thing. 

Don't take a chance; show them you enjoyed it by using tiny or massive praise. "Great!" is a good start. If however, you're adventurous, you can go all out--"Okay, after reading this epic poem, I'm ready to call it quits. Do you wanna know why? Do you wanna know why? Because I'll never be this good if I live to be 200, okay, okay, I mean come on!" 

Then again, you may not even be giving any reviews. I just figured I'd mention it in case something exciting should happen in your life to motivate you into trying it. 

Mention Writers Cafe in your title. It tends to draw people in. I guess they feel like you're talking about them in some way. Oh, how I remember those dreary days with little reviews until I did this. Perhaps you will have some luck at it as well. Try it.

Advertise your own work in each of your reviews. This is a risky move but could be beneficial. You see, some people can't always understand what a poem means so they look for other opinions to guide them. If you mention one or two of your poems or stories, who knows, you may get an unexpected review out of it. 

For example: Wow, Blah blah, this sounds just like my poem 'The Red blah blah.' Or, perhaps you could even slip in some tension as a hook. "This poem has such impact. I wrote a similar one called "The Green Blah blah. Be careful if you read it, though, the outcome may be too much to handle...for you, or anyone else who reads it." 
(Thanks, LA Lorena)

If you can't think of anything creative to say in a review, just refer to the amazing images. Writers enjoy such comments. It gives them the impression they were more creative than they originally thought.  (Thank you Kimmer for this idea.)

If you don't feel like doing a review, simply cut and paste a large portion of the poem followed by the words, "God I Love this, love this, love this!"  This will depict an overwhelming sense of enjoyment you received from a certain stanza you just needed to point out or you'd burst. (Thanks, DrD)

If someone has asked you to give an opinion of his or her poem and you don't have the desire to do so, you can say that it merits much more time than one reading can handle. You want to go over it again to grasp its full impact. That'll buy you some time before you forget about it.     (Thanks, LA Lorena again)

On a more serious note, I'd like to end with some words by my friend Frieda...
"This is not a physical contact sport; there is no need for unnecessary blocking. Be the adult, if you are one...and just ignore the person like in real life. Otherwise, see rule #14."

© 2013 Relic

© 2020 Relic

Author's Note

As in the first set of rules, this is told with humor.

Rule 14 was omitted. See Redzone's review and my reply.

My Review

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Rule #12 is why you are my friend, right? I suck at conversation. Thank you for letting me keep your house on my friends list so I feel less lonely and have something lovely to look at.

Rule morning, oh, many moons ago, someone here sent me 27 read requests in one day. I have been traumatized ever since.

Rule #14- Yes, this is a writing site, and we should be adult enough to accept constructive criticism of our work, but really, who wants all that negativity when we can just give overblown gushy reviews where everything we read is "magick" or "beautiful" or "gods gift to mankind". We are here to stroke ego, aren't we? Don't like that someone said you misspelled something in your poem? Delete their review, their friendship, block them completely, and then make up a fanciful story about them to ruin their reputation.

Rule #15-Or, get into arguments with people who genuinely like you for no reason. That has caused some pretty good drama around here too.

My dear sir, this was the most beautifully magical piece of writing ever written in the history of mankind.

P.S. I really did enjoy this :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

haha, it takes me a couple of days to get to you on it though. I'm going to PM you.
Frieda P

11 Years Ago

Oh fook, my b***s got separated! hahaha

11 Years Ago

haha, that's okay with me.


I like this a lot, you obviously know well all that goes on here on this site and it may help those who are new! Thanks for sharing!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Oh, it will help them alright. haha, thank you K-mo.

12 Years Ago

no problem!
I give this work an enthuseastic both thumbs up. You master the thin grey line between overt and covert. You pull no punches, yet the KOed offenders will stager back to wakefullnes wondering -what happened?-

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

I myself am guilty of some of this you have written about. I now smile and wonder if we need a button here for a rant, instead of just poem or story, etc. Perhaps, House of Relics, you will be kind enough to give those of us who don't have the first idea how to review poetry, the correct way of doing so. I know that many times I read a piece and have absolutely no idea what it is about. What does one do if this is the case? I always read the piece aloud and check the rhythm and meter, but am really afraid to say much because I wonder if how I'm reading it aloud is different than the writer.
As for the friends..........yes, I have had many send requests and never read my work. The first thing I do is check their work and see what I'm dealing with. It could be a young teen writing erotic porn.......hmmm, we really need to look not just accept friends or seek them. Any help that you can be, will be greatly appreciated. Neva

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Sorry, didn't mean to repeat your question. Whoops.
Neva Flores Smith - Changefulstorm

12 Years Ago

Thank you so much for your gracious reply. As for not knowing how to review......I began writing 3 .. read more

12 Years Ago

Glad I could help and thank you. As far as any inadequacies on your part, I wouldn't know because yo.. read more
LOL loved it!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you very much.
As a contributor who is genuinely interested in improving my writing skills, you've just convinced me to lose all faith in Writers Cafe.

Thanks for sharing

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

2 of 3 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

Sorry, I meant it certainly hasn't changed. :)
Siobhan MacIntyre

12 Years Ago

I skedaddled out on my own almost four years ago. I check back here a few times a year to scope out .. read more

12 Years Ago

I suppose dramaverse and emoerty will always be here. There are so many younger people here now. I'v.. read more
seriously LOL, waiting for the onslaught of assaults & criticism, constructive of course ;)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

I think you'll be fine.
Frieda P

12 Years Ago

hey you know what I always say, fook em if they can't take a joke, life is too short as 'they' say. .. read more

12 Years Ago

That's right, fook em all. hahaha
RELIC! We need another rule! How about those inconsiderate morons who hijack a writer's thread by injecting comment after comment after comment? There needs to be a rule about that here.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Frieda P

12 Years Ago

I figured as much, if I make fun of your mother's combat boots that doesn't do it either, you have k.. read more
LA Lorena

12 Years Ago

three of them, all with big fangs! :)
Frieda P

12 Years Ago

haha not unlike my 3 sons I'll bet, see, ya can't block me, we're related ;)
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Ah! This is a very insightful post.

I receive detailed constructive feedback from three incredible poets on this site on email. I give constructive feedback if someone asks for it on email. I don't believe in giving or receiving constructive feedback in public--as it's not the global convention on giving and receiving feedback.

More importantly, there have been times when I've received feedback from people who are, well, uhm, not exactly great writers, at least not in my opinion. :P I don't think that just by virtue of being a member of this site, people have the right to offer constructive feedback.

Giving constructive feedback is about skill. Frankly, I don't possess it.

I really don't know how to make a poem better but if some post moves me, I say so. I try my best to be as specific as possible, but sometimes I'm just so speechless by poetic excellence that I end up saying just a few words. I read a poet named Gheeneil yesterday whose posts left me nearly speechless. :)

I block anyone who tries to mess with my peace of mind. I am here to read and write and I can't read and write unless I have peace. So, it's counterproductive if I don't block a person who is messing with my peace of mind. Maybe some people do so inadvertently. Maybe they don't. Life's too short and I need more time to read and write so I don't research people and their intentions or lack of intentions.

I have been caught in a couple of dramatic episodes. In the last one that happened a couple of days ago, I apologized and left after being abused profusely. I've now decided not to befriend anyone new but I can't predict the future. Maybe the atmosphere on this site will change for the better--the operative word being maybe.

I've recently updated my "about me" to ensure that I don't have to interact with anyone who is even borderline judgmental. I have clearly stated the conditions in which it would be a complete waste of time to read me. So far, it's working! :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


12 Years Ago

So far, I've also changed my bio before to reflect my intentions and people ignored it. Some don't l.. read more
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oh.... brilliant and im speechless...
another one of the fines... :D
and loving the entertainment below...

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Ha Thank you very much Pax.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

hahahah. Pat, it started out as 6 rules I think. Look what it's grown into. LOL

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42 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 14, 2012
Last Updated on August 15, 2020
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3:20 AM - The same as all the other nights. Darkness and me - we still have nothing to say to each other. I've been here since 2009. - Tim - Thanks for st.. more..

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