Orange flavored popsikles!A Poem by Kia-chan!I know the title sounds gross...and wrong, and disgusting, and sick, and demented, and perverted....but this is totally true! So just read it, and don't have a sick mind :(
aaahhh...Orange. It's an unpopular color. But why is it... that every summer, when my mom gets popsikles... All, of the different flavors get eaten... all except... Orange! Why is that! Even though orange is a stupid, and useless, and unpopular, and retarded, and pointless, and hopless, and useless, (Oh said useless twice, didn't I?) and demented flavor, Some people like it! But I don't. And so... that is why! (Wait...Why what?) I'm going to defend this usless color! Because I'm a good person! (No your not)... Yes I am! And I am going to defend orange popsikles all over the world! (I think you spelled popsikles wrong...) I don't care if I spelled it wrong! (Well you should...Your supposed to be defending them ) Whatever! (This is getting nowhere) your right! Lets get on with the poem! ("sigh", finally) Yes! lets do this! (Do what?) You know what I mean! (No I don't...and neithor does anyone else) Who are you anyway? (I'm a figment of your emagination. I don't even exist) Then how are you talking to me? (Through your mind, you idiot!) Whatever! Let's get on with the poem! (Is this even a poem? All this is, is some kind of random conversation between an idiot, and an imaginary charactor) I don't care! Let's just wrap it up! (what was the poem about to begin with? I forgot already...And it's all your fault!) No it's not! And the poem is about orange popsikles! (If you spelled it wrong, I'm going to laugh sooo hard!) Even so...It's not my fault! (Yes it is...Your the one writing this, anyway. Why don't you just stop wasting everyone's time?) Because I'm lonely! (Aaaww...Your lonely? Don't worry. I'll always be there for you.) Really? (No, not really. I'm just saying that because I want you to shut up.) How cruel! (Life is cruel.) Your mean! You stupid head! (What the heck is a stupid head?) I don't know...I'm just no good at comebacks. (Your right. You aren't.) So lets finish this up, shall we? (What do you mean, "we?") Forget it. i'm tired of writing already. (You think your tired?) Yes! (Now what were you saying about, "Orange popsikles"?) I was saying that I'm defending them! (Against evil?) No! Silly goose. Against the world! (Why?) Because I can! (Whatever...Thanks for the "great" time) Why did you put perenthasese around the word great? (Your the one who wrote it that way, Fool.) That's because I'm the narrator! (More like, gayrator) Gayrator? What is that? (Pfffttt! Your so stupid!) Well what is it? (It's your mom!) How dare you make fun of my geneticly similar family member! (That's what she said!) That didn't even make sense. (Exactly!) Enough of this crap!
The end...Or is it? (To be continued)
© 2010 Kia-chan!Author's Note
3 Reviews Added on August 12, 2010 Last Updated on August 21, 2010 Author |