Chapter 1: Birth of the Hurricane

Chapter 1: Birth of the Hurricane

A Chapter by HorrorMaster

This is how it begins.


It all begin in Sahara, Africa, June 1, 2010. A group of African scientist studies toxic acid waste in a nuclear plant factory on Sahara desert near Atlantic ocean. They study on how strong the acid toxic really is. Acid toxic can really eat and melt your skin. These scientist also test on animals with toxic acid waste. They turn animals into acid zombies. Don’t worry these animals Scientist test on live in a strong metal cages that acid can not eat the metal bars from the cages. They all give the zombie animals a special shot to make the animals to calm them down. An African Scientist man named Gambia, turn on a weather channel just to see how the weather is going to be. A weather reporter reported strong heavy sand storm that is coming tonight.
“It seem like we’re going to have heavy strong winds coming tonight in Sahara, Africa. The winds are about 1000mph and it seems to go very fast. It’s going to be a very heavy sandstorm tonight, so stay in doors people and don‘t go outside” said the weather reporter.
He was shock from what he hear, so he ran and told all the scientist about the sandstorm. “You guys there going to be a sandstorm tonight. We’ve got to close this place down before the sandstorm comes. Also is almost night time. We’ve got to hurry.” said Gambia.

One of the scientist told Gambia to don’t worry and that this factory is strong and it can hold a heavy sandstorm.. Now it was night time. Gambia was still worried about what is going to happen when the storm come. A big heavy sandstorm with lighting arrive. Heavy strong winds made a big huge sand waves that can be able to destroy this factory. Lighting bolt and sand waves blow up the factory. All the scientist were covered with burning toxic acid waste. Strong winds dismember all the scientist bodies. Gambia also got badly burnt with acid. His skin were peeling off. His guts were melting everywhere. Blood were spraying out entire factory. All the toxic acid waste were pouring in Atlantic ocean. The African scientist and Gambia turn into acid zombies. They all walk towards in the ocean to eat more brains. The ocean turn into acid. A black windy clouds were sucking in all the acid water from the ocean. It turn into a huge category 4 hurricane with acid rain and heavy winds were coming out the clouds. The hurricane get stronger from the summer heat. It turn into a category 7 Acid Hurricane. While the acid zombie scientists followed the acid hurricane. The Hurricane started moving towards to Florida and rest of the world.

Next day later

In June 2nd’ 2010, in the middle of the Atlantic ocean.

A big fishing yacht boat name Amanda cruising along in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. Were is no acid in the ocean from where they’re at now. In this fishing yacht, there were four young guys and two young women. There name are Steven, Danny, Kevin, Greg, Ashley, Amanda. Steven and Amanda are great couple and this owner of this fishing yacht also belongs to Steven. He wanted to name his yacht Amanda for his girlfriend. He love her so very much. Steven work for a fishing business for over five years, so he can able to get his own yacht for fishing and partying with his friends in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Kevin, Steven’s best friend always love to fish, so he sat there with a big fishing pole trying to catch some big fish to eat for dinner. Greg is also Steven’s best friend and a captain of the yacht. He does the driving and look out for storms. Greg also a hurricane hunter.

Since today is his day off. He decided to work for Steven to drive his yacht, so that Steven can be able to hang out with his lovely girlfriend Amanda. Danny is a D.J for techno and EBM music. He loves to make party music. Steven also pays Danny 100 dollars just to be able play music in his yacht. As for Ashley, she is Amanda’s best friend and loves to get naked outside sitting in the yacht, trying to have her beautiful body all sun tan. Amanda well you know she is deeply in love with Steven. Also she loves to stay naked outside in his yacht to get a sun tan with her best friend Ashley. While they all having a good time in Steven’s Yacht. Greg spotted dark clouds moving towards to them. He immediately told them that a storm is coming and they need to go inside the yacht deck.
“Hey guys! There seem to be a big storm coming our way. We need to go inside the lower deck just to be safe.” said Greg.
Steven saw the dark clouds coming and told everyone to go inside.
“Holy s**t Greg, you are alright we need to go in a lower deck. Hey guys we got to inside now. A storm is coming our way.”
Ashley and Amanda were disappointed.. They didn’t want to go inside. They would rather stay outside for a sun tan. As for Kevin, he is very disappointed for not catching a big fish. Kevin got all mad and said, “Dude I didn’t catch a f*****g fish and now a big storm is coming. F**k now my day is over. God f*****g damn it.”
Steven told him to calm his anger. “Kevin you need to calm down, is for your safety. This storm might be a hurricane. We don’t want to lose you. You can always catch a big fish next time. Maybe when the storm is over. Alright Kevin!”

Kevin agreed with him and goes inside the yacht lower deck. Everyone and even Danny went inside the deck. As they all hiding inside the deck. Dark clouds came, making big waves. Then the acid hurricane came and eat the front of the yacht. Amanda heard something like a rumbling sound coming from outside. She start to get worried and hold Steven by the arm. Steven told Amanda, “Every thing will be alright. The storm will be over soon.” Danny realized from all this time of hiding in the deck. He forgot his D.J box.. He left it there on top on the yacht and told Steven that he needs to go outside to get it before it get ruin from the storm.
“Hey Steven, I need to go outside to get my D. J Box. I will try to be safe.”
“Alright Danny be safe,” Steven respond.

Danny went outside of the yacht. He saw his D.J box melted. Danny got so pissed off and yelled out. “GOD F*****G DAMN IT!” Then he seen a big huge wave coming towards to him. He scream out, “Holy s**t!” Danny tried to ran back to the lower deck, but it was to late. The huge wave crashes the yacht. All the fiberglass and wood were melting off. The water pours all over Danny’s skin as the waves crashes.
Danny scream in pain as acid water melting and peeling off his skin.
The acid rain from the hurricane made it a lot worse. As the rain pouring down all over Danny. All his skin were melting off, his guts and heart were melting. All the blood were pouring out of his skin. He goes down dead.
Mean while in the lower deck. Steven saw acid water coming from the ground and his wall were melting off. Amanda, Greg, Ashley, and Kevin all saw on what is going on. They all panic and try to get out. Steven got all frighten by seeing his yacht is almost sinking down in the ocean.
“Holy f*****g s**t my yacht is sinking. We need to get out of here.” cried Steven.
Amanda and Ashley were freaking out as their feet is melting by acid water. They all climb on top of Steven’s bed. The lower deck door were melting off. They all saw Danny’s dead body coming back alive as an acid zombie near the melting door. He look badly bloody, some of his skin were gone. He was nothing but a bloody corpse zombie. They all scream in fear and hold each other as Danny walking to them. Danny grabs Ashley's arm very hard that her skin from her arm were melting off. He takes off Ashley’s head and eat her brains. Steven, Greg, Amanda, and Kevin were trying to get away from him, but it was to late. The Yacht is sinking way down. Acid from the ocean eating his entire lower deck. Danny grabs Kevin’s head and eat his brains. Blood were pouring out into the ocean. Steven’s yacht is pretty much doom from the acid hurricane. Steve, Greg, and Amanda all died from the acid ocean. His yacht sink deep into the acid ocean. As for Danny, he waits for his friends to become acid zombies. All his friends came back from the dead while they’re still under the ocean. They also seen acid zombies scientists walking. They all walk underground from the ocean to get to America as they followed the acid hurricane.

© 2017 HorrorMaster

Author's Note

Next Chapter will get even better. :) Please comment this one for now.

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You have such a wild imagination Ira, and this was great beginning to what possibly could happen when man tries to manipulate science. Look forward to the next chapter too.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Why do all negative things come from Africa? LOL.... That virus that mosquitoes spread... zombies in Resident Evil 5... "AIDS" LOL..

Posted 14 Years Ago

Cool job on the horror imagery and story. Acid zombies created by toxic acid waste caught and spread by a hurricane is a cool horror story idea. A very imaginative and entertaining write.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Great imagination in this writing, will continue to read on.

Posted 14 Years Ago

A bit rushed, but I like the concept of Acid Zombies!

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is a nice start. Would be interested in reading the rest to see where it goes. As a fellow horror writer I have a suggestion. Stephen King wrote a book on writing and I found it to be very informative. You have talent and a splendid imagination and those are major parts of the writer's tool box.

Posted 14 Years Ago

You have written a outstanding story. The set-up of the events were very good. Description of your characters is very good. I want to read on. You create a excellent story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Very Original. I did enjoy your first chapter. Although I felt as if you got into it a bit too fast, there was only a small opening. Everything else, however, was great and really entertaining. I really liked the first chapter of Acid Hurricane and will now be moving on to the second chapter. I can't wait!

Posted 14 Years Ago

Zombies always give me the shivers... great chapter, chilling =)

Posted 14 Years Ago

great chapter!!! goin' to the next!!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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19 Reviews
Added on March 9, 2010
Last Updated on September 9, 2017
Tags: Zombies, hurricane, horror



Tamarac, FL

Hello i'm Ira and i'm pretty much a horror writer. I have bad grammar and spelling or typos errors, but I tried my best, so please enjoy them. Also I don't like harsh grammar nazi saying (oh yo.. more..


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