![]() The Other Side -NAME TO BE CHANGED.A Story by Dream Within a Dream![]() Unfinished horror/romance, not sure if I'll finish this or not, feedback very much apreciated, trying to make everything I want to say here fit and sounding stupid, thanks for reading. :)![]() It was a warm and beautiful friday afternoon and everyone seemed to be rushing to get somewhere, including Caitlyn Lee, who was eager to get home and finish the book she had started reading the night before. Many of her friends had tried to persuade her to go out with them, but she had spent so many nights out with her friends and she wanted a quiet night at home so desperately that she even turned down their offers to drive her home, choosing to enjoy the walk. Caitlyn opened her bag to retrieve her ipod and stepped aside as a boy in her year tried to walk past her. Someone behind them grabbed the boys shoulder and pushed him hard, towards the woods. Instinctively he tried to catch himself and grabbed Caitlyn’s backpack, causing them both to fall into the woods, the contents of their bags scattering everywhere. “A*****e!” Caitlyn yelled, pulling herself out of the bushes and raising a fist threateningly at the large boy who had just sent her and another boy tumbling into the woods. The now red faced boy who had fallen scrambled to his knees an started grabbing the books and papers that had fallen out of their bags, not looking up at Caitlyn or Connor, the boy who had pushed him. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to-” “Not you, him!” Caitlyn pointed angrily and stepped toward Connor, who was laughing too hard to respond. “What the hell is your problem? Shoving people off of sidewalks, you’re such a d****e!” Caitlyn glared at him and hit him with her, now mostly empty, backpack. Connor held up his hands defensively, still laughing. “Calm the f**k down. The weirdo was walking too slow. I didn’t mean to knock you down.” Connor looked at her as if shoving people to the ground was more reasonable than going around them. Caitlyn shook her head. “Thats no reason to shove people, a*****e! And don’t call him a weirdo when you’re being an jerk!” Connor laughed and walked away, kicking the books that had fallen onto the sidewalk, and not in the woods as he left. Caitlyn glared after him for a while, then looked at the boy who was still on the ground, looking down at the papers in his hands. She sighed and dropped to her knees beside him to sort out their books and papers. “You okay?” He nodded. “I’m okay. Are you?” Caitlyn nodded back and placed a hand on the side of her head, where a small bump was forming beneath her hair. “I think I hit my head on that rock or something, but I’m alright.” She gestured towards an oddly shaped rock beside them. “I’m sorry I pulled you down.” The boy said quietly, handing the last of the books and papers to Caitlyn. “It wasn’t your fault. I’ve seen Connor be a jerk to you before. You’re name is Liam, right? I’m Caitlyn. Don’t you live a few houses away from me?” Liam nodded, shuffling the papers in his hand before shoving them into his backpack, still not looking up at her. “And we have art and english together.” “Oh yeah. It’s so weird that we never talked before today.” “Actually we talked a few times...” Liam mumbled. “In middle school.” he finished in a whisper, realizing how weird it was to remember something so long ago that had been so brief. Caitlyn smiled as she got to her feet and held out a hand to help Liam up. He took it, pulled himself off the ground and started wiping the dirt from his pants. Even though he wasn’t looking at her he could feel Caitlyn staring at him and he wished he had worn something other than his old worn out jeans and an even older “SAVE FERRIS” tee shirt that barely fit him. Caitlyn rarely noticed Liam around school but now that she did she realized that he was kind of attractive, though she doubted anyone of her friends would agree with her. She rarely agreed with her friends on anything. He was only about an inch taller than her and was skinny with brown hair that ended at his chin and almost always hid his face, which was round but had sharp features. Like her, their classmates thought he was weird. They were both the type of people who kept their head down and stayed quiet in the back of their classes, but while Caitlyn was loud outside of class and often in the middle of a group of friends, Liam was usually quiet and alone or with one or two people at the most. They stood on the sidewalk awkwardly for a moment before Caitlyn spoke. “Want to walk home together? Since we live so close to each other we’d be going the same way anyway.” Liam smiled and nodded enthusiastically, and the two of them turned to walk home in silence. Part of Liam wished that he had driven to school that day, but it had been so warm that morning that he decided to walk, so he racked his brain, trying to think of something to say. “I love your teeshirt. Ferris Bueller is one of my favorite movies.” Liam smiled and thanked her, glad that they now had something to talk about. They talked about their favorite movies, then bands for a while and the walk seemed to go by much quicker than either of them would have wanted. When they finally stopped in front of Caitlyn house she turned to him and smiled. Liam was quiet, but Caitlyn was so happy to have found someone she shared interests with that she took a breath and decided to be a bit bolder than usual. “We should hang out. You want to do something this weekend?” “Yeah!” Liam grinned, bit also squirmed a bit before clearing his throat and nodding. “Yeah. Definitely.” Caitlyn took out a pen, ripped the corner off of one of her old tests and wrote something down. Liam tried to see what it was but Caityn turned the paper away. “Later.” She folded the paper, handed it to him and turned to go into her house. Liam, who had unfolded and read the paper once it was in his hand, stood on the sidewalk for a while, looking at the paper in his hand and grinning even wider, before turning to leave.
555-382-4569 Almost went out with some friends after school. Glad I didn’t. You seem cool. Text/call me! Caitlyn. Caitlyn grabbed a drink from the kitchen and went to her bedroom to draw a bit. She kicked some dirty clothes aside before sitting down at her desk and smiling at herself for having turned down her friends offers to have a movie weekend. Most of her friends weren’t interested in the same movies as her anyway, and she was thrilled to find out that Liam was. Caitlyn grabbed her sketchbook from her backpack and had already opened it to a random page before she realized it wasn’t hers. Two houses away Liam, still grinning, emptied his backpack on his bedroom floor to be sure he had everything. He did, so he picked up his sketchbook, dropped onto his bed and flipped the book open to finish the drawing he had started in english. Then he yelled. “S**t!” The sketchbook wasn’t his. He and Caitlyn must have had identical books! He flipped to the front, her name was on the inside of the cover. He jumped off his bed and grabbed his phone off of his nightstand to text her, hoping that she hadn’t opened it yet. Frantically, he dug through his pockets for her number. Finally he wrote out a text message but he stumbled a bit in his hurry and had to stop and take a deep breath before he was able to write out a readable text.
Hey, it’s Liam. I think we got each others sketchbooks by accident. Please don’t open mine...its kind of personal. Liam dropped back onto his bed, holding his phone tightly in his hand so he would be sure to feel it vibrate when she replied. What were the odds that they would both get home and sit down to do the same thing? She wouldn’t have seen anything. He tapped his foot on the wall, anxiously glancing at his phone every few seconds and slamming it down on the bed in frustration when he saw that she hadn’t replied. He had been so happy to have a chance to talk to her, and even get her number. I should have known that something like this would happen. After what felt like hours his phone vibrated in his hand.
Hey Liam! Sorry, I kind of already opened it before I realized it was yours. Only saw one page though. Won’t go through any more. Promise. Sorry! Liam groaned, threw his phone back onto his bed and shoved his face into his pillow in frustration. “S**t, s**t, f**k, s**t!” He yelled. He picked up his phone to be sure he had read the text correctly and he had. Liam wrote out a few replies but deleted them all, deciding to just hope that she hadn’t opened to his newest drawing. After replying to Liam’s text Caitlyn sat and stared at the picture in front of her. It was a drawing of herself from the side, sitting in a desk, reading a book. She could tell from the angle that he had probably drawn it in english class where he sat behind the girl to her right. He had written her name, “Caitlyn Lee” neatly at the bottom of the page, so there was no doubt that it was her. Caitlyn wasn’t sure how to feel about it. She wasn’t creeped out like she thought she should be. She actually thought the girl in the drawing was better looking than she was in life. Liam was talented and she figured that he probably drew a lot of people like that. He was just bored in class. She decided to pretend she hadn’t seen the picture. She would tell Liam that she had opened to the first page, glanced at it then closed it when she realized it wasn’t hers. She grabbed a book of her shelf and opened to the first page. At six o’clock Caitlyn put down her book, she couldn’t focus on reading anyway. She kept glancing at Liam’s sketchbook. I promised not to look in it and I wont break that. She sighed and got up to go find her parents. They were usually home by four but today they were late, which was very unusual. She went into the living room to watch TV while she waited for them, but nothing was on so she shut it off and lied back on the couch. Caitlyn had been thinking about taking a nap when she heard a loud thud from the floor above her. She jumped off the couch, then froze. She didn’t hear anything for a while. Slowly, Caitlyn made her way up the stairs, her heart pounding. She examined every room and found nothing, except in her parents room, where the windows were opened and the bed wasn’t made. Her parents never left the bed like that, and they rarely opened the window, but Caitlyn figured her parents had just forgotten, or left in a hurry. She turned to leave, but there was another thud, this time it was louder and closer. Caitlyn spun around to look into her parents room, but everything looked the same. Wait...was the closet door opened before? It must have been. Finally, She closed the door and went to her own bedroom to try reading again. After another hour went by with no sign of her parents she tried to call their offices, but there was no answer. She tried their cell phones but they went straight to voicemail. Another hour later she was starting to really worry and decided to go and see Liam. She pulled on her hoodie and sneakers, grabbed the sketchbook and ran down the stairs. As she opened the door another thud upstairs made her jump. She ran out of the house and over to Liam’s house and rang the doorbell. “Caitlyn! Uh, Hi.” Liam smiled awkwardly at her, glancing at the sketchbook in her hand. “Hey. I just wanted to return your book. And...” She hesitated for a second. Liam’s heart was pounding. He took a deep breath and prepared for her to yell at him, or call him a creep. She held out the book and he took it, shakily. He wanted to speak but something seemed to be caught in his throat, so he opened and closed his mouth a few times, before realizing that he probably looked like a deformed goldfish. Caitlyn noticed this and knew he was thinking of the drawing of her so she spoke quickly. “Look, my parents haven’t come home yet. They’re really late and I’m getting worried. I would have gone somewhere else but you were the closest person and I figured since I needed to return the book anyway...” She shrugged and Liam’s heart rate returned to normal. “Oh. Did you try calling them?” She nodded. “Yeah. No one answered in their offices and their cells went straight to voicemail. I don’t mean to bother you or anything but I’m kind of freaked out. They’re never this late and they always call when they are. Eh, would you mind coming over and waiting with me until they get back? I keep hearing these weird sounds. I’m sorry. I must seem so childish.” Liam shook his head quickly. “No, I understand. I’ll just get my shoes and your book.” He held the door open for Caitlyn to enter and ran off to get his things. Caitlyn stood awkwardly in the hallway. The walls were green and lined with pictures. School pictures, baby pictures, Liam playing as a little kid. He left his bedroom and handed her the sketchbook. “Is this you when you were little?” Liam nodded and cringed at an awful photo of him grinning by a dinosaur fossil at a museum and wearing a dinosaur teeshirt and brightly colored striped shorts that looked like they came out of Full House. “Uh, yeah. Thats me in fourth grade. I keep telling my mom to take it down, but...” He shrugged and put an arm around her to pull her away before she saw any more bad pictures of him. “Why? You’re so cute.” She smiled at him and he almost tripped. She means when I was little! He reminded himself, leading her to the door. Reluctantly, Liam removed his arm from her shoulders to scribble a quick note to his parents. He held open the door for Caitlyn and followed her down the street. “My moms late too. She’d usually have been back an hour ago though, so She’s not too late.” Caitlyn nodded and led him down the street to her house. She unlocked the door and held it open for him to enter, then she closed and locked the door behind them and flipped on the lights. Liam looked around the house. The walls of the rooms he could see were painted in bright yellows and oranges. For a minute they stood awkwardly in the hallway. “My rooms this way.” Caitlyn gestured and turned to go up the stairs. Her room?! Chill, she just invited me over because she was worried. Liam nodded and followed her up the stairs. Most of the house was brightly colored but her room was dark blue and silver and contained the usual, a bed, TV, bookshelf, Video games, desk, nightstand, various pictures and posters, and it was very messy. Caitlyn left the door open and sat down on her bed but Liam stayed standing, debating whether to sit on the bed beside her or somewhere else. He chose the chair in front of her desk. Another awkward silence fell between them. Liam tapped his foot on the carpet, nervously and tried to think of something to say. Finally, Caitlyn broke the silence. “Are you hungry? I haven’t eaten since lunch.” She laughed. “Yeah, me neither.” He nodded. Caitlyn stood up and offered to put a pizza in the oven. Liam nodded again and smiled, wishing he could think of something to say. Caitlyn laughed at herself as she realized how nice his smile was. “I’ll be right back.” She turned and left the room. Liam stood up and looked around at the shelves and posters. She had several books, movies, CDs, and video games. He examined them closer and smiled when he noticed that they seemed to have some similar interests. Caitlyn put a pepperoni pizza in the oven, then yelled up the stairs for Liam. “Hey, do you wanna eat down here and watch a movie? It’s a lot neater than my room.” “Sure.” Liam started towards the door, but Caitlyn yelled again and he stopped. “Pick a movie off my shelf and bring it down.” He turned, grabbed Donnie Darko off of a pile on her desk, and ran down the stairs to meet Caitlyn, hoping she would approve of his movie choice. You’re only here to wait for her parents to get home. He told himself. You’ll probably never hang out with her again after this, anyway. Liam sighed and put the movie on the table where Caitlyn was sitting. “Yes! Donnie!” She grinned up at him. Liam sat down across from her, now very satisfied with his choice, and smiled back at her. “I still can’t believe we never talked before today.” Liam nodded and decided not to bring up the few awkward times they had spoken in middle school, again. “Do you want to call your parents? You said your mom was late too.” “Nah,” Liam shook his head. “They’ll call me when they get back. She’s been late before. And they’ll probably be glad that I’m out for once, anyway.” “You don’t go out much?” Liam laughed awkwardly and shook his head. “Eh, No, Not really. I don’t usually have anywhere to go.” God, I am such a loser. “Me neither. “ She smiled at him and it made his stomach squirm a little. “I mean, I go out to parties and with friends every once in a while, but I like my alone time.” They stayed silent for a few minutes, but not awkwardly this time. “Hey...do you think I should call the police? About my parents I mean.” Liam thought for a minute. “I dunno. Maybe in a little bit?” “It’s not like them to come home so late and not call. I just don’t want to call the cops and then have them show up at the door saying that their phones died and traffic was awful.” She ruffled her dark auburn curls and scrunched her face up. “You’re cute when you do that.” Liam blurted, quicker than he would have wanted too and he mentally kicked himself. He tilted his head down so his hair hid his face, but Caitlyn just smiled at him again. She was thinking about mentioning the drawing he had made of her, but no, she had already told herself she wouldn’t. “Do what?” Liam shrugged. “What?” “I dunno. Ruffle your hair and make faces.” he mumbled. The oven beeped to signal that the pizza was done. Caitlyn stood up to get it, still smiling at the compliment. “Thanks, Liam.” “If they don’t come home before we finish eating the pizza then you should call someone.” Caitlyn nodded in agreement. When the pizza was sliced they grabbed plates and drinks, shut off the lights and sat down on the couch to watch the movie. Liam thought about sitting in the chair beside the couch, but decided that since she had been okay with him calling her cute, she probably wouldn’t mind if he just sat next to her. Caitlyn smiled to herself when he sat down. She had been hoping Liam would sit next to her and inched closer to him as she reached for the remote, hoping he wouldn’t notice. He did and tried not to smile at the thought that she may have moved on purpose. She probably didn’t even notice she moved.
The Police Station
Liam woke up to a loud THUD. Something bright was in front of him and there was something heavy on his chest but he was too drowsy to know what they were. He shook himself awake and realized the movie had ended and the TV was on the DVD menu screen. Caitlyn had fallen asleep with her head on his chest. He smiled down at her, happy that she had fallen asleep on him,. “Thats the sound I was hearing!” Caitlyn mumbled, drowsily. “It sounds like someones in the house. Caitlyn puled herself a bit closer to him, then looked up at him and quickly pushed herself off his chest, blushing but also thinking about how comfortable she had been. “Sorry. What time is it?” Liam reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. 2:43 AM and Liam’s parents still hadn’t tried to contact him. Caitlyn pulled out her own phone to be sure she had read the time right. “My parents still haven’t come home? No, they would have woken us up. I think I should call the cops. S**t. Where could they be?” Caitlyn put her head in her hands, thinking of all the things that could have happened to her parents. Liam tried to remember if someone had come in the house while they were asleep, hoping that her parents had just come home and decided to let them sleep. “Hey, don’t worry. I don’t think my parents are home either. Lets just go to my house and check, then we can call the police.” Caitlyn nodded and they headed to Liam’s house. His parents car wasn’t in the driveway and there was no sign that they had been in the house that night. “Alright, I’m calling the cops.” Liam took out his cell phone and tried to call the police, but it didn’t ring. He tried a few more times then shoved the phone back in his pocket, grabbed the house phone from the kitchen and tried again. “Whats wrong?” Caitlyn asked. Liam shook his head and held up the phone. “I tried both phones but its not ringing.” Caitlyn took out her phone and dialed 911. It didn’t ring. Both Caitlyn and Liam tried their parents cell phones and they all went straight to voicemail. “Alright, f**k.” Caitlyn sighed and slid against the wall. “Want to try my house phone?” Liam shook his head, grabbed his car keys and headed towards the door. “Come on, lets just go to the police station ourselves.” Caitlyn nodded and followed him out to his car. “Do you think something...happened to them? I mean, our parents didn’t really hang out, did they? What are the odds that they’d all go missing at once?” Caitlyn said, her voice shaking as she slid into the passenger seat. “I have no idea.” The drive to the police station took only ten minutes, which Caitlyn spent thinking of all the terrible things that could have happened to their parents. She didn’t even notice that they didn’t pass a single car on the way there. When they stopped Caitlyn and Liam ran into the police station and up to the counter to call for help. No one answered. They banged on the glass and yelled, but the building seemed to be empty. “It’s a police station, it can’t be empty.” Liam shook his head and knocked on the glass harder Caitlyn started to turn to Liam when something caught her eye. “S**t, the door.” Caitlyn pointed at the door that led to the rest of the police station. It was thick but two of the hinges had been ripped out and there was a large dent in the middle. Liam tried to stop Caitlyn as she ran into the back rooms, but she pushed him off, determined to find someone who could help them. “Caitlyn, wait!” Liam ran after her and nearly knocked her down again. She had stopped on the other side of the door. Desks were flipped over, almost everything was broken and there was a pool of blood by one of the desks. For a while they just stared at the mess, then Caitlyn turned to Liam and pointed down one of two hallways. “You take the left, I’ll take the right.” “What?” Liam looked at her like she was insane. “We have to see if anyone’s here. Someone could be hurt somewhere.” Liam looked down the hallways, then at the puddle of blood on the floor. They nodded and reluctantly separated. By the last room in his hallway, Liam hadn’t found anything but broken possessions and more blood. He began to search the room for anything useful when Caitlyn started screaming in terror. “Caitlyn!” Liam turned and ran down to the other end of the building. She was standing by a door at the end of the hall, holding herself up on the doorframe and mumbling to herself. “Caitlyn, what-” He froze. In the room there was a pile of what looked like bodies without skin. Most were torn apart, there was blood all over the walls, body parts spread out through the room, arms, legs, lungs, livers, teeth, bloody clothes, most of which had been ripped to shreds. Caitlyn felt dizzy. She couldn’t hold her self up anymore and let go of the doorframe. Liam caught her just before she fell to the blood soaked floor. “It’s okay, It’s okay.” He rubbed her back soothingly and pulled the door closed. They stayed like that for a a few minutes, Caitlyn crying and Liam staring at the door. Finally Caitlyn took a deep breath and wiped her tears away. She let go of Liam and reached toward his face. He was confused until he realized she was wiping away tears. He hadn’t even realized he’d been crying. “Whats going on here, Liam? Are we gonna die?” “No. We’re not.” Caitlyn glanced over her shoulder and thought for a bit. “Come on.” She whispered. “I found something that could be helpful.” She turned and opened the door behind her. It was full of guns, handcuffs, bulletproof vests, and various other police supplies. Caitlyn stepped inside and started grabbing things. “See if you can find me a bag. I don’t know what did that,” She gestured to the room full of bodies, “but I want to be ready when I find out.” Liam nodded and ran off to get a bag. He found a gym bag in one of the offices, grabbed it, returned and handed it to Caitlyn, who filled it with guns, bullets, handcuffs, bulletproof vests and whatever else seemed useful. When she was done she zipped the bag up, took two guns and loaded them. “Are you sure this is a good idea? I mean, technically we’re robbing a police station.” Liam asked. Caitlyn turned and glanced at the room at the end of the hall and shuddered. “I’ll take my chances with that. Come here.” Liam stepped forward and Caitlyn handed him a gun. “Do you know how to use it?” He shook his head. “Me neither.” Again, she looked towards the room at the end of the hall. “What the hell happened?” She whispered. “Lets go.” Liam took her arm and she followed him back out to the car. Caitlyn sat in the passenger seat, with the gym bag on her lap, playing with the zipper. “What now?” Liam glanced at her for a second, and thought. He took a deep breath before speaking. “Lets just...go home and think of a plan? And get some rest.” Caitlyn nodded in agreement. It was nearly 4:30 AM and she was exhausted. “Okay, so...we go...home?” Caitlyn asked nervously. “Look...whatever’s going on is pretty freaky and...as childish as this will sound, I do not want to be alone in my house all night. And I don’t think you should be alone either.” Caitlyn took his hand and squeezed it. “I don’t want to be alone either. Can we stay together for now?” Liam nodded and squeezed her hand back. “Do you want to stay at your house or mine?” Liam asked. “You choose.” “Yours is bigger than mine. Can we just go and grab some of my stuff?” Caitlyn nodded. They pulled into Caitlyn’s driveway ten minutes later and ran over to Liam’s house to pack his things. Caitlyn sat down on his bed while Liam shoved various things into a bag. She thought for a while. She had always been too curious. When she wanted to know something she had to know it, and something else had been bothering her all night. Finally she decided to speak. “Liam?” She looked up at his back, while he searched through his dresser. “Yeah?” Caitlyn hesitated for a while, took a deep breath, then hesitated some more, not quite sure what to say. “You okay?” Liam asked, still not turning. Caitlyn took another breath before she spoke. “In your sketchbook...the page I opened to...why did you draw me?” Liam stopped packing but still didn’t turn. His face was burning red and he felt like something was caught in his throat. After a few long minutes of silence he heard Caitlyn stand up and approach him. She put a hand on his shoulder and turned to look at him, but Liam continued to look straight ahead. “Liam?” She whispered. He opened his mouth and tried to speak a few times, thinking that he probably looked like a deformed goldfish again. His mind was blank. All he could think of was the drawing he had made of her, and a deformed goldfish. “I shouldn’t have mentioned it.” Caitlyn shook her head. “Sorry.” he finally choked out. “Why?” “For drawing you. I know it’s really creepy but I looked over at you and I just...drew. I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “It’s a really good drawing. I understand what you mean. About looking at something and then just going with it. Come on, we should get going.” Liam nodded and finished packing. They hesitated for a minute on the front steps, but once the door was locked they ran back over to Caitlyn’s, neither daring to look over their shoulders. The sky was turning pink and Liam realized that on a normal day his parents would be just getting up for work. Then he thought of that room full of bodies again. He shook the thoughts away and followed Caitlyn around the house. They went through the rooms, locking all the doors and windows and closing the curtains. When they finished they stopped in front of her bedroom. “You already saw that the bathrooms over there to the left. My parents room is at the end of the hall and over there to the right is the guest room. Are you as tired as I am?” She smiled weakly. “Yeah. You said that one was the guest room?” He pointed at the door to his right and Caitlyn nodded. He started to leave, but Caitlyn stopped him. “Wait! Um...will you stay...with me? I really don’t want to be alone...I’m sorry.” Caitlyn was looking at her room, awkwardly. “I thought I was staying...?” “I meant, here. Like, in my room.” “Oh!” Liam’s eyes widened. Calm down, she’s just scared. You’re scared too. “Yeah, sure. If you want.” He answered slowly and stepped into her room. Caitlyn closed the door behind him and went to her dresser for pajamas. “Turn around? So I can get changed.” Liam nodded and turned his back to her. “I should get changed too.” He grabbed a pair of pajama pants from his bag and took off his clothes. Caitlyn quickly pulled off her shoes and clothes and changed into purple shorts and a white tank-top. When Liam was finished changing he continued facing the wall, trying not to think of the girl undressing behind him. “Okay turn around.” As Liam turned Caitlyn realized that the tank top probably wasn’t her best choice. Liam was only wearing a pair of green pajama pants and Caitlyn was surprised to see how skinny he was. She grabbed Liam’s bag and the bag from the police station and put them in her closet, then climbed into bed and under the covers. Liam stood at the foot of the bed, wondering if he should climb into bed with her, or if he should sleep on the floor. She answered his thoughts by patting the bed beside herself. Liam nodded and crawled into her bed, trying to keep some distance between them. “Do you think our parents are...?” Both their minds went back to the room full of bodies. The blood spattered on the wall, body parts ripped off and strewn throughout the room. Neither of them could let themselves think that their parents could have ended up like that too. “I don’t know.” Liam said, honestly. Caitlyn rolled over and rested her head on his shoulder, tears ran down both their faces. A few hours ago Liam would have thought that lying in bed with Caitlyn would have been like a dream. Now every time he closed his eyes his mind kept returning to the police station. What could have done something like that? They both lied awake for a while, exhausted but unable to close their eyes without seeing the bloody room again.
© 2011 Dream Within a DreamFeatured Review
StatsAuthor![]() Dream Within a DreamMansfield, MAAboutFor personal reasons I wont put my real name on here for now. I'm nineteen, and writing has been my life for years. I'm very nerdy, I love Harry Potter, and music. The band My Chemical Romance saved m.. more.. |