Scarred; Chapter: 3 - History

Scarred; Chapter: 3 - History

A Chapter by Hopp

Regi is dealing with the Scar that has just appeared on his hand, and he head to his mother to learn about his father, whom he'd never met. But, along the way he a certain man keeps a close to Regi.


Regi was lost in his own head after what the policeman said. He kept thinking to himself, “I-I-I can’t have a Scar! These things are crazy powerful aren’t they? Why do I have one!? Which one do I have?!” But as he kept thinking all this over trying to let it all settle, he made his way out of the jailhouse and he remembered how his mother had reacted. “She has to know something.” He thought, and he started to run down the street towards his house, but as he came around the corner of the jailhouse, he saw a group of familiar faces. It was his friends… but calling them that felt a little wrong, considering they only ever met with Regi for jobs.

Gost tossed the article of clothing that Regi handed him the night of his arrest and said, “Here. Thanks for the cover… Are you alright?” Gost looked down at Regi’s hand, which Regi was still holding. Everyone else began to ask him about it too, the siblings asked in unison, “It’s not like you to get that hurt, ya big baby!” And they both started to laugh. Whilst they were laughing, Gost and Loi smacked one each. Loi and Gost looked at Regi, and Loi finally asked to see his hand. Regi didn’t know exactly what to do in the situation, what would they think if they saw him with a Scar? Maybe he could get away with it just being a normal scar, that he got while in the dark when they pulled their heist. And that is what Regi told them, “I think I just scratched my hand when we were hiding.” And with that, he lifted his hand.

Everyone stood still examining the mark on Regi’s hand, until Zetch let out their input, “Oh wow! You look like a Scar Bear-” But before he could finish, Yousel covered his mouth and told him “Shut up! Moron, you can’t just say something like that out loud!” Gost gave Regi an odd look and said, “That’s a pretty intricate scar for something you accidently scraped on yourself in the dark.” Regi just had an awkward smile and told him, “Heh, I found a way.” But during all the commotion, Loi noticed someone close by, at the corner at the end of the sidewalk they were standing in the middle of. She stared at them, a man, with long black hair and stood a little over 5’11”. But, she was pulled back by Zetch, “Loi, seriously, look at this thing! It’s like some form of art…” Loi looked at Regi’s scar and looked back at the corner. The man was gone. Regi remembered that he had to go ask his mother about this whole thing. So he said goodbye to his… colleagues? Yeah, that’s what they were to him. And he continued on his way home.

While running home, he started to make himself believe that he did just cut his hand in a really odd way, thinking, “It was really dark, I could have scratched on something… Maybe an animal scratched me!” But, he kept having the doubt in his mind that this was a real Scar. He knew he was smart enough to know if something got next to him and scratched him. Whilst running, he didn’t really cover up his hand anymore, he remembered that the guard said people had already done stuff to their hands to try and trick people into thinking they were Scar Bearers. It was only a little before it was noon, so the streets were crowded. He was hoping to see other people with scarred hands, but he saw nothing and only received glares from adults as he ran by with his scar showing. He just kept his head down and kept running home, he knew these streets, no need to worry about getting lost. But, he did bump into someone, Regi was staggered a little, but the man was knocked over completely. Regi was in a rush, but knew it was his fault. He apologized to the man and helped him up. The man seemed to be bleeding a little, but nothing Regi could do about that. So he just took off again, but this man left some blood on Regi’s hand. And he just watched Regi take off down the street as he brushed his long, black hair out of his face.

Regi turned one last time down an alley, he knew this shortcut, he was close to home. He made it to the end of the alley and there it was, his house sitting right in front of him. He began to cross the street, and he noticed his mother just sitting by the window. Not looking out, but in. It looked like she did not want to watch for Regi. He stood in the middle of the street for a bit, until he heard a horse coming. He dived out of the way and landed on the sidewalk in front of his house. He got up and watched as the mysterious person on the horse kept going. He finally started to climb the steps to his house. As he grabbed the bronze colored door knob, he took a deep breath, and began to push open the door. There was no sound, except for the creaking of the door, and the sound of his boots hitting the floor as he walked inside. “Mom?” Regi called out as he turned the corner into their living room, where his mother had been sitting by the window. Breathing heavily, he said, “You know something about this?” And with that, Regi lifted up his right hand. His mother sighed and told him, “Honey, you should take a seat… This is about your father.” And with that, she sat her son down for the story she hid from him.

Regi’s mother was shaking the whole time and told him, “Your father, was someone full of mystery. And he was never here for long, but I was in love with him.” His mother took a deep breath and folded her hands, and continued, “He was only ever at the house for a few days at a time. And after nine months of meeting, he was looking for something. He couldn’t find it, he asked me about it, but I didn’t know. When he noticed it was gone, he just left. He always seemed secretive and never talked about his life away from here.” She started to tear up, but had one last thing to mention, “He said he’d be back to see you, he knew I was pregnant. But, he knew it would probably be awhile… And he never came back. But, yes you are a Scar Bearer, and your father… was… but, now he’s gone.” After that, Regi’s mother let a few tears stream out, but did not breakdown, probably for the sake of her son. Regi, never knew his father, but it was obvious that his mother was in love with this man; Regi has never even seen his mother with any man, in the whole fifteen years he had been alive. He was sad that his mother had to feel this pain, but his father’s death… did not phase him much. But he wanted answers as to his father was killed, why he left, why he never came back, and then Regi wanted to ask his mother about the Scar, which one it was, but that he felt rude to ask such a thing right now. So, he set off back outside, looking for his group of friends. He had to tell them, if he had anyone he could trust other than his mother, it was them. It was then that Regi noticed the blood on his hand.

He noticed how black the blood was, and tried to rub it off, but it was sticking and not changing much. Still an unsettling amount of blood remained on his hand. It was then that he noticed the street was empty, it was like a everyone had vanished. He started circling around, moving to the middle of the street. He was baffled, there was always someone out here, until he noticed a familiar looking man at the end of the street. Regi yelled, “Hey! Where is everyone?” At that point, Regi did not notice that it was the same man he had bumped into, so he took a few steps forward and asked him, “Hey! You know where everyone-” At that point he did notice that the man was the one he had helped up, and asked him about something else, “Who are you!? What’s up with this blood?” He got no response, “I’m serious, tell me who you are-” He noticed the man pull out a wooden shield that seemed to be just like the blood he had on him. Pitch black, but it looked flowing, very slowly, but flowing. Only about fifteen feet separated the two, and the mysterious, black haired man suddenly yelled, “Catch!” And with that, he threw the shield. He threw this with such power and speed, it seemed like the wheel of a chariot was rushing him. Regi, out of instinct, placed his hand over his right hand, his Scar. And he pulled away, and began to glow that brilliant, dark magenta toned light.

© 2017 Hopp

Author's Note

Sorry this took a long time to get out, I was busy with practicing drawing and back to school stuff. The next chapter shouldn't have such a long wait. Sorry to anyone looking forward to the story.

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Added on August 20, 2017
Last Updated on August 20, 2017



Union Star, MO

I like fantasy stuff. I like to write, but this website is the first place I've posted anything, so I hope to get a lot of input to help me get better at writing. more..

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A Poem by Hopp