Who am I?
A fat guy you say?
No, I am not.
I am not just a fat guy.
I am not just a fat friend,
A friend that anyone can talk to.
A friend that would only be thought about
As a last resort.
I am not just a fat guy friend.
I am more than what you see.
For what you see, is not the complete of me.
I am more,
It’s not just my physique.
I am a son,
The son to super heroes.
No, not superman and wonder woman.
but super heroes just the same.
I am a brother,
To two,
Two who I care about,
Even if sometimes I don’t show it.
I am a grandson,
A grandson who does what he can
To make sure they are proud,
Not just for what he does,
But for the person he is and will become.
I am friend.
One who listens,
One who tries everything,
Just to make things better.
I am a cousin.
With a nerf gun in one hand,
A sippy cup in the other,
Smiling as I do what I can,
To make sure they learn to too.
I am a person.
Not just a fat one.
But someone with everything,
Heart, soul, flesh, and self.
A son,
A brother,
A grandson,
A friend,
A cousin,
A person.
So you wonder what it is that makes me fat on the outside…
It’s all the things that make me what I am,
On the inside.