Middle School

Middle School

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo

Her work at it's beginings and growth.Olivia Chapter 2


Olivia didn't want popular beauty,she loved her cruel beauty,it's eerieness gave chills up her spine.Once in middle school she was able to really get started and do as she pleased.She dressed in her stolen clothes that had been waiting,hidden in her closet for future use.


To begin she wore 2 inch heels to get balance and a steady foot for them.Wearing her suffocating grey tank top and jeans that left no room except for all the rips and tears in them,all for style.Olivia's hair finally geting to be shoulder length from having it short as a child.Her normal skin color starting to fade as she kept hidden from the light.


Olivia's teeth were already perfect,that took that out of the way but she wanted to make her eyes look more majestic but she never wanted plastic surgery so she had to look up ways of making them so.



© 2010 HoneyHoneyMomo

Author's Note

A girl obssessed with beauty and her extent to it.This is also the shortest chapter in this story,so i'm sorry!>x<

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Added on November 16, 2010
Last Updated on December 17, 2010



noneyourbuisness, AK

I'm married to an Airforce man and I'm currently still in California and he is in Anchorage,Alaska! I'm a daydreamer and freelance writer,most of my dreams or daydreams are where my stories come from.. more..

Reference Reference

A Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomo