Roger's Diner ContinuationA Chapter by HoneyHoneyMomoReena's encounter with Eru's roomates and what happens afterwards during that day.
Eru leaned towards me and asked with his smiling face and curious brown eyes, "Was everything okay when you got home?Your parents weren't to mad with you were they?If you feel it's too stressful and hectic at home you can come over to my place anytime!Our boathouse is officially welcoming you!"As Eru said this to me he opened his arms wide as if to symbol a welcome hug,then he put his arms back to resting on the table.
The first things that came to mind as he asked this was,things weren't hectic at all at home,it was just the opposite,it was too quiet,the silence it hurt,as if the house was a big empty shell.I looked up and gave him a little smile and said "Yeah they were mad,but it was a nice change of things,it seemed for once they cared.A good all day out of the house made them notice."Then I mumbled under my breath "Maybe they feared they would lose another child..."I trailed off and i noticed Eru must've hear me because his usual happy face turned serious and his eyes looked liked they sparked. To make a distraction before Eru question what I said or meant I turned and asked Rebekah "How long have all of you known each other?" Her eyebrows went up,as if surprised the insect could talk and cooley through her big pouty pink lips in one long slow breath "I've been with Eru for about five years now and maybe known Jake four years?"She turned her dark brown eyes towards me and no longer looking at the glass of soda she had in her hand added "I met Jake a year later,he originally didn't live with Eru.That boathouse was given to Eru when his parents died,kind of bizarre they didn't just pass it to their eldest son...."she trailed off and took a sip of her soda. I kept my face straight as to not show my questioning face I wanted to make and slowly turned my eyes to where Jake sat,which the only thing he said was "hmph." His looks reminded me of someone scruffy and rugged,someone who you wouldn't want to run into at night during a dark alleyway.I was wondering how long i had to stay here with this torturous tension when Rebekah slid from her seat and stood up and Jake doing the same,Eru quickly looking from me to them questioned to if they were leaving,Rebekah said she was going to go home and rest since she was working all night and his brother said he was going to go meet up with some friends. I thought to myself and yeah her 'work' all night must've been Eru's brother and Eru's brother 'friends' must be Eru's girlfriend.I wanted to roll my eyes,at this obvious excuse they made to Eru of why they were leaving and at the sane time,but then again he bought my lame excuses so Eru must be really stupid or so good souled he didn't see the bad right under his nose.Eru just smiled and shrugged his shoulders,then said bye to his brother with a little hand wave and his brother fast walked out with his head down and Rebekah was going to be right after him if Eru did't grab her elbow and gave her a puppy dog look with his eyes and said he wanted a goodbye kiss. Rebekah smiled and blinked pretty at him as if saying of course,trying to hide the fact that she was annoyed.She bent over sightly and gave him a kiss,and they stayed there for a long while,tenderly kissing,i of course averted my eyes to avoid being rude,but also wondering how long they could stay there like that.I noticed Rebekah,even with her high heels,she was still shorter than eru,shorter than me,She wore tight fitted jeans and had a grey coat that had fur in it's hood,her long black hair in a ponytail. Once they finished,me still pretending to look the other way,hand on my cheek,Eru turned towards me and eagerly asked me if i was hungry,that he would pay for me since he didnt get to make me his 'awesome' eggs.I just nodded,not sure what to say to his odd kindness and not wanting to be rude to him again or hurt his feelings.I had ordered two eggs over easy,hash browns and ham.Eru on the other hand ordered an omelette and a side of french fries.I thought it was a weird thing to it but he was a tall big guy so I figured he needed to eat alot.I was in mid-bite with a piece of my ham when Eru said to me "You cold be a model." Completely taken off guard I started choking on my food and grabbed for a glass of water and chugged it down,once done I gasped and said "Are you out of your mind?!Are you blind?!" which I realized I said too loudly and seemed harsh.Taken back and surprised by what I said Eru replied "Well it's just that I noticed your quite tall for a girl your age and you're not too curvy as most girl's your age are." I took that as an insult,he just said I had no curves! I replied instantly without thinking again "I never told you what age I was and now your guessing it?!And I never even looked at one of those girly magazine's full of those stupid skinny,braindead woman,being a model isn't anything!" It was true,it never crossed my mind to enter that type of world,I figured I would be like my mom and work at the local hospital or commute like my father and work in the next town over.I never was one for all that beauty and girly stuff.Whenever I looked in the mirror I just saw an odd,too tall no figured,narrow faced girl.The I started to think,has Eru been staring at me this whole time we've been eating in silence?Was he actually saying I had the cool,cold,sophisticated beauty I had hoped for? I shook those thoughts from my head and looked at Eru,his expression hurt.I felt liked I had kicked a puppy,before I could say anything to fix what I had done or apologize he looked back down at his plate and started eating again.Eru had a tinge of brown to his skin but was way more fair skinned than his older brother was.We finished eating without making eye contact and he walked to the register to pay,he told me to wait outside and he'll walk me home again. I thought to myself it would make a great opportunity to think and work out what to say to Eru to fix what I had done.He has such a good heart,he is already being hurt and betrayed by Rebekah and Jake,I don't want to add fuel to the fire.As I stood outside,i leaned against a lightpost and looked up,closing my eyes and sighing.
© 2013 HoneyHoneyMomo |
Added on June 22, 2013 Last Updated on June 22, 2013 Tags: family problems, self confidence, self help AuthorHoneyHoneyMomononeyourbuisness, AKAboutI'm married to an Airforce man and I'm currently still in California and he is in Anchorage,Alaska! I'm a daydreamer and freelance writer,most of my dreams or daydreams are where my stories come from.. more..Writing