![]() Late Night VisitorA Story by Hivathi![]() A sort of "What if?" story I wrote for a friend of mine...![]()
You showing up on my doorstep that night was unexpected and quite surprising. It was pitch black outside and the rain was coming down harder then when I'd gone to be a few hours ago. Before asking you why you were showing up at my door at two in the morning, I made you strip and found you clothes to wear.
"What are you doing here?" You didn't answer right away, taking a drink of your coffee. Honestly, you didn't look like you wanted to talk, so I didn't push. IT didn't take long for me to offer you the couch, mentioning the bed was big enough to share if you wanted (though I didn't expect you would). You mutter a "Thanks" when I gave you a set of pillows and a blanket to use. The light over the stove was left on for you and the tv and computer were open for you to use. Fenix and Tes were still asleep on my pillow when I left you to yourself. Somehow I crawled into my spot against the wall, leaving just over half the for you. It didn't take long for me to return to sleep. ~The next morning~ Something was off when I woke the next morning. Instead of the normal orange and white fuzzball purring in my face, the was a mess of dirty blonde, curly hair under my nose. Slowly I realized that you were lying beside me, held against my under my arm. Honestly, after the surprise wore off I thought about moving. But it felt nice to have someone to hold. It didn't last long, however, and I managed myself away from you and into the kitchen. With a small pot of coffee started and a bowl of cereal in front on me, I waited for you to wake. By the time you stumbled out of the room, Fenix and Tes were out wrestling in the front room and I was checking the news. Without saying a word you made your way to the coffee put and poured yourself a full cup. "Are you staying for a few days?" You shook your head and took a large drink of your cup. "Tory is coming after me later. I'm gonna stay with them for a few days at least." I just nodded and returned to my laptop, trying my best to hide my disappointment. IT was nice, waking up to someone for once. But nothing could be done about it. The next few hours were just kinda numb for me. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't expecting you to move in or anything, but having a friend over for a few days would've been nice. We played a few games and watched a movie, just passing the time. Neither of us mentioned the two of us spooning that morning, though I desperately wanted to. It wasn't until after five that afternoon that Tory showed up. The three of us chatted for a few minutes before you left. We didn't say much to each other than "Bye" and the two of you left. Everything was quiet, even the cats weren't the usual energetic selves. The usual loneliness seemed to envelope everything, the air was thick with it. I didn't hear from you for almost two months after that. Tory told me you and your girl were having problems and you were trying to patch things with her. His explanations explained why you showed up at my door that night. Life continued on. You and your girl had a baby boy a few months later. Last I heard you were getting married. Things are looking good for you and I'm happy for you. As for me, nothing had changed. The cats are still there to cuddle up with me at night.I still miss that feeling though, waking up with someone in your arms. No one has come to full that void, though I hope someday soon, someone will... © 2013 Hivathi |