Atlantis Was Ours

Atlantis Was Ours

A Story by History_Birdman

This action packed science fiction story delves deep into the very origins of man, and what lies beyond.


AtlantisWas Ours


They Came. “I don’t understand why John needs me to see this,” Milling sighed as the black Hummer roared down the road along the side of Runesdale Mountain. “He knows I don’t really care about this stuff”.

“I wouldn’t complain,” John chided. “Not too many people will ever see these kinds of things. Eh?”

As the vehicle skidded around the corner, their destination loomed in the distance, the United Nations Aerospace Observatory. They rolled up to the first checkpoint, swiped their ID cards, and continued on to the parking building. Milling pulled into the parking spot and stepped out of the SUV, grabbing his revolver from the glove compartment.

“You really need to carry that thing around with you?” John questioned.

“If I need it, I have it,” Milling replied gruffly as they strolled over to the glass elevator. Another swipe of Milling’s ID card sent the domed elevator soaring up above ground level. The elevator shot up past the roof of the garage and hundreds of kilometers of forest was revealed resting along the horizon.

The door pinged and John said “Let’s go,” as they walked out into a decontamination chamber. It scanned them, and then opened the door, revealing the Voyager monitoring deck.

“John, Milling!” Roland yelped from across a brightly lit corridor.

“Hello, Roland,” John and Milling responded in eerie unison. They both glanced at each other surprised.

“Come … come,” Roland exclaimed excitedly as he led the partners over to an expensive looking control monitor. “You got here at the perfect time. We only have 5 minutes left until we receive the voyagers camera feed as it crosses the boundary of our solar system and it gets turned on for the last time!” Roland exploded, obviously unable to contain his excitement.

THIS is what you dragged me 700 kilometers from my client to see?” questioned Milling annoyed.

“Cheer up Mill, it will be interesting,” John interrupted. “This is what Roland does for a living”.

Roland wasn’t listening, as he was scrambling around his station making sure all of the calculations were correct. As the large projector screen at the far side of the vaulted room lit up with a large timer, Roland squealed with delight, 11 hours of waiting finally coming to fruition. He pressed some last minute buttons and turned some last minute knobs as John and Milling observed from a distance.

“He`s nuts right?” John asked innocently.

“How could he not be, in this line of work?” Milling chuckled.

“Here it goes!” Roland said, the screen counting down from 10.

Milling checked his watch, and saw it was 10:09 AM as the projection changed to the dense speckled black darkness that John recognized as space. “Whoa,” Milling uttered as the universe lay before him. All of the scientists in the room were frantically capturing every pixel of video that the satellite had captured.

The projection changed angles, and the sun was revealed. Everyone oohed and ahhed in delight.

“Reeee!” an alarm activated suddenly.

“What’s wrong?” Roland began panicking.

“The starboard solar panel is gone!” a scientist chirped from across the room. Suddenly the screen shuddered violently, and the camera angle starting whipping around in all directions.

“Oh God” Roland gasped in complete and utter disbelief.

Shards of metal whipped past the camera and it captured the main satellite body floating past, collapsed in on its self. As the camera finally began to slow down, the view settled on the blackness of space. Except it wasn’t all black. Not by a long shot. Large squares of pure white began appearing behind the wreckage of the voyager, like computer screens changing colour. A single green light erupted from the centre of every white square. Then the feed went black. The entire room sat in silence as Milling realized what this meant.

“It, it hi-it something…” Roland muttered.


Milling clutched his ears in pain as an ear splitting noise rippled through the air itself. “AARRGGHH!” he yelled, but his scream was drowned out by the noise of everyone in the room yelling in complete pain.

Out of nowhere black and white images began flashing in his mind, looping together over and over for what seemed like forever. He saw a large circular island covered by immense spires and massive domes, towers, and surrounded an ocean. It seemed to be inhabited by people not unlike modern people going about normal lives.

Then the images focused on one man, an individual clad in large plates of intricate armour and a helmet. The man reached towards a cylindrical podium that held a mechanical device and placed his hands on it. Immediately his body disintegrated into dust, and the entire continent erupted into Armageddon. Flashing lights followed by giant walls sprouted out of the water surrounding the island.

As the inhabitants of the island looked around in utter horror, a beam lit up the dark sky, seemingly emitting from the horizon itself. A pulsating shock wave began emitting from the end of the beam, coating the island in a shallow, pale glow. The domes began to shudder and the towers began to twist, both creaking under immense strain.

The sky erupted in strange symbols, the likes of which Milling couldn’t understand. A strange face with large eyes and a slit-like nose and mouth appeared among the clouds. Then the pulse wave erupted from the beam removing every particle of oxygen from the area. Every person clutched their throats in horror as their lungs collapsed, and they were flattened, their bones shattering under the pressure of the vacuum.

In 10 seconds every person was dead, and the buildings, which had seemed so indestructible and mighty, simply disintegrated and sunk into the ocean taking the hundreds of bodies with it, never to be seen again.

Then an image of hieroglyphs flashed before Milling`s eyes, followed by Chinese, Italian, French. Language after language flashing past, seemingly trying to figure out which he could understand.

Finally English stopped in the image. It stated a simple, yet sinister message. “Atlantis. Was. Ours”.

Abruptly he woke up as from being in a trance. “AAAHHH!” Milling screamed, scrambling to un-holster his revolver. He saw the other scientists get up and scream similarly. “What the hell was that!” someone screamed.

‘Atlantis was ours’ you say, Milling thought, helping John off the floor.

Atlantis was yours?

Then it really started. The entire building groaned, and the floor seemingly moved beneath their feet. A large section of wall collapsed, crushing a walkway and flattening a dozen scientists. Milling and John rushed over to help when they noticed what was transpiring outside. A giant explosion erupted in the distance, setting a hundred acres of forest ablaze, and sending fiery projectiles tumbling in all directions.

 Beyond the wails and tones of various alarms, John saw something strange. Through the hole in the lab`s wall he saw trees in the distance begin twitching and bending seemingly on their own. Then they fell. A massive trench opened up beneath half of the forest, sending anything in the area crashing down into the abyss.

As John gaped in horror, something started rising from the far horizon. Shooting up into the atmosphere, a monolithic gray structure covered the distant sky.

“The hell was that silver stick falling from that tower?” John asked quietly.

“That my friend,” Milling replied, “was the CN tower.”

The entire planet was transformed. Forty-two hours later, at 6:46 AM, Milling was checking his HAZ-MAT suit`s oxygen supply aboard the gunship.

“Everyone put on your suits,” a voice blared over his earpiece. As he stepped into the suit, the gunship rocked gently.

“We seem to be receiving some major interference from the structure,” John observed. “I guess we`ll only be able to communicate through short wave HzFm frequencies.”

“Mmm hmm,” Milling grunted.

The gunship doors slid open revealing ground zero of the gargantuan tower. The squad hopped out, careful not to puncture their suits. Milling held his revolver in front of him, scanning the structures base. “All clear,” he said.

As the group inched closer to the wall, a large arch opened up, showing a corkscrewing hallway leading up. They crawled skyward without incident, for what seemed like hours. Then Milling came to a door.

“Sshh,” Milling whispered holding up his hand to signal his group to pause. He took one hand and reached towards the door.

“Wirr… ching!” the door sounded, startling the group. A life-size blue outline of a hand appeared on the door. Milling glanced back towards his nervous squad, and placed his hand on the shape.

“Woosh.” The door slid open, and a limp body crumpled out onto Milling. “JESUS CHR-!” he screamed, and scrambled back into the hallway on all fours.

“Freeze!” John ordered. He knelt over the naked grey body, and felt for a pulse. “It`s dead,” John said, and ordered the squad into the room. An ambient light illuminated the strange rectangular chairs filling it, sitting in front of thin screens. And within these chairs laid dozens upon dozens of similarly mummified and limp bodies, their huge black eyes sunken back into their skulls, and their necks bent over to the side at unnatural angles.

 John took out a metered device and took samples of the air. As he reviewed the reading, his eyes lit up. “I think I know what killed them,” he said softly, and the squad gathered around. “There seems to have been a LOT of Uranium concentrated within this room. Now there`s nothing. Hardly even residue left.”

“What are you saying?” another squad member asked.

“What I’m saying, lieutenant is that we took away their power source. The base of this here structure was once a uranium mine. Without uranium they couldn’t breathe. Now they`re dead”.

Milling turned to him and said, “A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode. This, my friend, is the consequence of being sentient. This is the reason why we will never know the answers to life`s greatest enigmas. We have doomed ourselves to ignorant bliss. We doomed us”.

4 years and thousands of hours of research and studying led to more questions than answers. The only thing human kind knew was that we were the reason our creators were non-existent. The wall that the Voyager struck was simply a switch that once activated signaled “The Architects” that human kind was ready to meet our designers. Except they died before they could answer our questions. Of course, we also figured out that they survived off of uranium. That, was all we as a species could decipher.

~End of act I~


They saw. “It`s a class 7 you say?” the captain questioned. “I thought the scale went up to 5!”.

“That’s what I thought too. The Architect structure must be gigantic,” the corporal said.

“Well, we don’t have time to argue. Let’s go!” the captain ordered.

His squad finished up fastening up their diving suits and prepared to drop off the small boat and submerge into the dark, Pacific Ocean.

“3,2,1!” the captain shouted, and all 7 men dived off the side of the boat. They followed a guide line attached to the boat`s hull and slowly made their way down to the ruins below.

“Radio check,” a man said and the squad responded. Slowly, they made their way down, careful to avoid any debris.

“40,000 years old…”, the corporal said before the captain called for a cease of communications.

“ I have a visual on a blue light!” a soldier reported.

“Me too”, another man responded.

The men could see the light and the bottom of the ocean and prepared to approach the submerged structure. “Everyone report in. the visibility isn’t good”. “I.F. 1”. “I.F.2”. “I.F.3” “4”. “5”. “Me”, said the captain.

 “Where`s 6?”. The squad looked around. “Where could he b-“.

Suddenly an amplified scream erupted from their earpieces and they all jumped in horror. “AAAHHHH”!

The captain saw a franticly struggling I.F. 6 being dragged away from the guide line towards the ruins. “BACK TO THE SURFACE NOW!” the captain screamed. The remaining 6 men hooked up to the line and began to climb. One after another they rose from the sea floor towards the surface.

“This is dive boat 1”, a man`s voice crackled over their speakers. “I read you as surfacing”.

“Call for backup! Anyone!  There`s something else down here!”.

“Like a, a uh shark?” the sailor asked.


“Roger that”.

As they neared the surface, safety seemed close. The corporal looked up at the boat when the water surrounding him began to vibrate. “Huh?” he muttered. Bubbles began rising around them as they neared the surface. The blue light from the structure grew more powerful.

“Stay there!” the sailor yelled over the communicator.

“Halt”, the captain ordered and the men stopped.

“Just st-!” the sailor repeated as the communication line went silent.

The men looked up, as something radiating extreme light soared above the surface of the water and detonated. The sailor`s body was whipped into the water above them and as the men panicked his charred remains floated past.

The captain began to inch up the line towards the boat when it began to look bigger. “UNCLIP NOW!” the captain hollered as the boat began to come right for them. The men immediately unclipped and swam to the side.

The boat sunk past into the dark abyss. “Lets go,” the captain said quietly. The glow emanating from above the surface was excruciatingly bright. The squad carefully broke the surface and was surrounded by fire. For hundreds of kilometers all around them a wall of emblazed horror existed.

As the team began to panic, the captain checked his command tablet and looked up horrified. “North America is gone”.

~End of act 2~

          They Conquered. “What do you mean stay calm? North America is a charred hellhole, the Bermuda Triangle is launching missiles at both poles, the Dragons Triangle is floating 400 feet above the ground, and apparently the Great Pyramids were built around ancient bio-weapon containment silos! Not to mention every country is in a mass panic and all communications between the countries have been cut out thanks to other various Architect technology and the destruction of every satellite orbiting the Earth!”.

“Surely, our situation couldn`t get any worse”, the secretary of defense reasoned.

A telecomm on the President`s desk chimed. “Hello?” the President asked as he picked up the receiver. He violently replaced it after listening for a few moments. “God d****t Jim! You jinxed us again. The entire freaking moon opened up and apparently now it’s a giant space cannon”.


“It seems we have no other choice Jim. Activate operation Solis Maximus”.

The secretary walked over to a large electronic panel on the wall and punched in a few numbers. The office`s wall slid open to reveal a winding, white staircase. The President followed him down it until they could hear the frantic conversations of the hundreds of survivors echoing up the stairway.

The two men walked out into the gargantuan bunker and slipped through the crowd, coming to a stop in front of a locked door. The President scanned his eye and the doorway opened up. The men both sat down on chairs in front of control panels and began to type.

The secretary pulled up an intercom and spoke into it. “Attention flight crew. Prepare for final evac. I repeat, prepare for final evac. Set course for Enceladus.”

“Roger that,” a voice responded.

A long beep sounded alerting the survivors. A voice over the sound system said “All inhabitants report to cryostasis chambers. Situation is Uniform Romeo Golf Echo November Tango. Situation is urgent.”

The man`s voice was replaced by a continuous air raid siren, which pierced the bunkers still air.

“It`s done,” the President said, as he got up and began to make his way to the ISS Arcam`s bridge. The survivors were all rushing to be put in cryosleep to await the ships arrival to Saturn`s moon, Enceladus.

As the Ship`s Architect technology reversed engineered pulse motors began to fire, the Arcam`s hull broke through the ground above it, and it rose above the charred remains of what was once Canada. The 40,000 foot long vessel shot off into the smoke filled sky, and broke through the atmosphere.

 As the President looked back at the molten planet, the ship sped into the darkness of space, narrowly avoiding the Moon`s subsequent attack. The president sat back. His work was done.

~End of act 3~

          They began again. For 300 years humanity drifted through space, destined to recreate the world once again.

In the final automated descent onto the small moon`s surface, the last survivors of Earth were reawakened. Stepping on their feet for the first time in three centuries, they realized that the cryosleep had taken its toll. Within time, they overcame the initial horror of their new sickly grey skin and thin frail limbs. The masks worn in cryosleep also elongated the skulls of the users and widened their eye sockets as well.

 Over a single month the first colony was established, and life began again. The discovery of major uranium deposits underground caused it to become the power source for the colonies, the side effects including darkened pupils.

Eventually, the Enceladites became immune to the uranium`s effects. They began to breathe it, and over time began to depend on it.

 When they had advanced enough to explore areas outside our solar system, they left the moon and traveled for a close and similar galaxy. They established massive installations and complexes on a planet, and its moon.

Eventually, the native alien life began to evolve due to tests done by the colonists. The mammal-like creatures became bipedal and were sentient in time. The colonists went underground, and created a trip wire at the edges of the solar system to alert them when the natives were ready to meet their creators.

Civilizations arose and for thousands of years, the 2 races lived happily, one unknowing of the other. Unfortunately, the uranium found there began to be mined by the natives, and since the colonists were underground, they couldn`t stop it.

They locked the installations, and disabled all communication with the outside world. They sent out messengers to stop the mining, but they were killed, and the colonists withered away. Eventually all that was left was their mummified remains, trapped in abandoned buildings. Only the trip wire would expose the native`s true origins. They continued along their path, until they began the cycle over once again. The End.

© 2016 History_Birdman

Author's Note

Any suggestions on where the story should go, how to make it flow smoother, ect.

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Featured Review

Great first story. In later chapters you could flush out each character giving the reader an idea of who they are and their background and expertise. Who they are will go a great distance in explaining why this mission is important to them,. their family and society in general.

In my opinion it seems like all this was a remembrance of what had taken place. If you want to extend this I could see it as a book with the characters setting out to find the planet from where the aliens originated because there has to be a reason why they came to earth...right? And if they came, others could follow and earth needs to be prepared for a subsequent invasion?

Just my two cents worth...

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


It's a decent story loaded with potential. If set up like a quest (trekking across the spaceways to locate the alien homeworld) there would be a lot of room to develop characters as they got to know one another and how they handled the various situations and hazards along the journey, as well as exploring each of their reasons for undertaking the mission.

Best of luck going forward!

Posted 9 Years Ago

Great first story. In later chapters you could flush out each character giving the reader an idea of who they are and their background and expertise. Who they are will go a great distance in explaining why this mission is important to them,. their family and society in general.

In my opinion it seems like all this was a remembrance of what had taken place. If you want to extend this I could see it as a book with the characters setting out to find the planet from where the aliens originated because there has to be a reason why they came to earth...right? And if they came, others could follow and earth needs to be prepared for a subsequent invasion?

Just my two cents worth...

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on September 29, 2015
Last Updated on November 28, 2016
Tags: science fiction, fiction, action, adventure



Niagara, Canada

I write some short fiction in my spare time. I hope you enjoy it! more..

Burned Burned

A Story by History_Birdman