![]() Chapter 6: It Time To Wake Up…A Chapter by HimitsuHanabusa Only he remembers was waking up in a causal.
He rushed his workers standing over a girl sleeping in a Cyber Causal yelling at people to open it. She looked no more than
5 to 6 years old. “We all must have her out
sir!” a man with blonde hair said typing on a computer “the lid will pop so we
have to back up” “That’s good!” he said as
he moved away to the other side the causal. A timer was shown on the window of
the casual and started to count down. The causal quickly slashed open hitting
several trees. The men looked up as they saw the girl was still sleeping. The
Capitan smiled with relief as be slowly walked closer to her. He put his finger
to his mouth to tell his workers to keep quite so no one could frighten the
little girl. He bent down softly rubbing her face. “It’s her!” he cried “I
finally found her!” The moaned of soft cry made
him turn to look at the girl as her eye slowly open. She reached for the sun as
she felt its warm heating waves. The Capitan grabbed her hand; the girl faced
him not knowing who he was. “Hello there” the Capitan
said “It nice to meet you” The girl didn’t know what
to say, she had forgotten how to speak. “I know who you are but,
do you know who I am?” She shook her head “No”
she could understand him. The Capitan looked sad as he slowly lifted the little
girl’s small arms hugged his neck. The workers crowded them as they looked
directly at how frightened she was. “She is safe,” the
Capitan said “She was brought here so he wouldn’t find her.” “I sorry for your lost
Sir,” one of the workers said “If that disaster didn’t occur because of him…you
wouldn’t have to suffer through this…” “I know…” The Capitan
sighed “But she is safe now safe now. We have to give her a name.” “You want to give her a
name sir?” one said “Yes I want to give her a
name.” “But sir she already has
a name…” The blonde said “No Daniel she doesn’t.”
He glared at him “Why are you-?” Daniel
had to stop himself and thought for a second he backed away to let the Captian
do his thing “Okay, Okay, will give her a different name” “What should we call
you?” The Capitan asked the girl. All she could do was stare at the men at was
carrying her. She nervously covered her face with his shoulder. “Aw~ thee little gurl iz
nervousz” a French men laughed “zit iz really cute.” “Please Doc.,” the
Capitan said “not to close. She still a little scared of people.” “But she seems to take a
liking to you Capitan.” Daniel joked “C-c-cap…Ten…”
the girl soft voice struggled to speak as everyone was shock to hear her. “Yes,
yes, I’m Capitan” The Capitan laughed smiling at her happily. “Ca-pi...tans…”
she pointed at him “I...I’m…Cape…tan…” “She
acts as if she was baby again;” Capitan sadly said “I don’t feel right…” Suddenly
Docs computers started to make a strange noise. The Screamed as the ring was
enhanced in her ears. Doc quick went to his computers and started typing and
looked worried. “The Viris Chazer r a coming`” Docs quickly started to pack up his stuff “We’ve got to
gate out uf here!” “How did they find us”
The Capitan quickly ran with the screaming child away. He quickly loaded her on
to a helicopter but the girl refused to go on. “The-re g-going t-t-to
follow!” she pulled him off “Cap. What are you
doing?!” Daniel yelled through the wind “We can’t get use the Copter!” “Why
is that?!” The Helicopter flew
almost off the island, something was following them. Doc was on his computer
quickly typing faster than he ever did before. The girl kept her ears covered
as the ring from one of Doc’s computers. “Someone must hack into
my computer.” he said as the girl pointed his mouth “huh?” he arched an eyebrow. “Your voice sounds
American when you’re afraid?” Cap. Said “I do not!” “I hear them.” Cap. Said they
looked outside and saw something moving in the sky. The girl hid her face in
the Capitan’s chest. “It alright, nothing is going to hurt you.” They looked like tiny Cyber Hornet that was a light green
color. They followed the Helicopter knowing there where life forms on it. On
the ground a purple figure walked summoning his Cyber Blades from his arms. “It’s Shibo-ritsu!” Daniel
screamed “He’s using a Cyber Watch!” “I
thought that watch was destroyed that watch!” a worker said “Why are we here?” Tsuyoi
asked Cap. “I don’t want to be here”
john pouted “Me either” Winter said “If we’re all here, then
that means it must be important…” Uchikina shyly said as Viris came in with
Vanessa. “Why am I here?” she asked Cap. Keeping her eyes away from the team “Is there something wrong?” “Why of course not
Viris,” Cap. Guide her to table that had tea and little cakes “I want you to
sit with me. You four!” he pointed at the team. “Yes sir?” they all saluted
“I want you to fight” he
and Viris sat down at the table “What do you mean ‘fight’? You mean fight each other?” Tsuyoi asked “You are corrected” Cap
Snapped his fingers “You mean in here?”
Uchikina asked “Is it safe?” “Yes. This room is called
the Cyber Room,” The
room was all white inside with weird writing on the walls “well it hologram
room to easy put it that way. This room can be whatever you guy, mainly me,
want it to be.” “What the point of all of
us being in here?” John glared at Viris but she turned away from his glance. “Is there a lesson we all
need to learn?” Viris asked Cap. He smiled “Yes it is indeed,” he
said “You all remember how Viris disobey my order to help you. Until you ALL of
guys finally relies how important she is…Viris will just have to stand aside
from your fight.” “What are you saying?”
Viris arose from her seat “You hear what he said to
you?” She went silent “He doesn’t trust you. The only way he can trust you is
to need you.” “What made you think that
I still trust her?” John chuckled to himself “You will Johnathan…you
will” The Captain heard him “You don’t know what she has been through.” “Shall we begin?”
speaking from a window above a wall Vanessa was standing with a microphone. “Yes we are” The captain
answered “Now let use being” The Four pulled out there
Cyber Cards and ready their watch’s to transform. “LETS GET ACTIVATED!”
they all swiped their cards in front of the glowing light in the watch that
scanned the bar code. One by one their bodies swallowed by an own color of
light transforming into their cyber-like armored warriors. “Cyber Warrior, Sila!” Winter shouted punching her two hands
together “Cyber Warrior, Heiwana!” Tsuyoi shouted thrusting is cape behind
him “Cyber Warrior, Kizuna!” Uchikina shouted jumped doing a peace sign “Cyber Warrior, Danseur!” John flipped and kicking the air “SCANNING IS COMEPLETE!”
They Finished as Vanessa typed on the keyboard to open the Cyber Room. “Good
luck everyone…” Viris whispered to herself hoping that things will good well. Shibo-ritsu bent him
knees and like a flash he pushed himself into the air the same height as the
helicopter. He thrust one of his blades into the wind shield of the copter. “Now Doc!” captain said
and Doc press ENTER on his laptop. The helicopter exploded in the sky looking
like fireworks. Shibo-ritsu was pushed across the sky hitting several pam
trees. “Sake Zat!” Doc Cheered
“No one Mezz wih zee Doztor!” It was until Shibo-ritsu
out of the ground pushing the pile of pam trees off of him. “Holy zhit!” Doc got up
panicking “He’z zill ehlive!” “You’re going to pay for
what you done.” Shibo-ritsu roared The team ran out of to
cave the hid in a started running into another helicopter that came for them.
The girl was still holding on to the captain as he was helped on the copter. “Doc make sure he doesn’t
follow us” “Oui capitaine!” Doc shouted over the spinning rims of the copter.
He began to type on his laptop. Shibo-ritsu was run to them at full speed not
even care how far they were. “Adam I don’t have all
day!” Cap was talking to Doc “I’m trying he change the
coding in the Cyber being brain...He
wasn’t like this before; he’d changed because of him.” The girl slowly got up
off of captain to walk to Adam. “Whatz iz wrong” slowly she lifted up her hand a tapped the laptop. Weird Cyber Lettering appeared on the screen.
“That’s…” Daniel got closer to Doc’s (or Adam)
computer “this is…” “I know what is,” Captain
said “I never thought I could see it again.” “Hacking is in progress…” Her eyes
slightly glow a reddish color Sila walked through the
rocky Mountain silently keeping her head low. Something or someone was
following her. Sila stopped and the other person stopped, Sila summoned her Cyber Fist and forcefully swung her
punch at the mountain. Into several pieces of earth the mountain fell and
Heiwana appeared from the rubble. “What the hell is wrong
with you?” He yelled but, Sila ignored his question and continued throwing her
punching. Heiwana was able to dough must of punches but, some shooting
something for the air. “Cyber Arrow!” Kizuna target her bother “Kizuna are you working
with her?” “I not!” Kizuna shot
another arrow “Keep your eyes on me!”
Sila swung another punch Heiwana jumped and summon his Cyber Staff and block it. He pushed her away shaping his hand in
pointed figure and quickly thrust his hand into her side. Sila screamed as her
whole body was numb as she fell to ground. Heiwana turned forcefully twisting
his staff to shield himself from her arrows. “Go down Aniki!” she yelled “I’m never losing to
the likes of you!” “Uchikina very violent captain,” began pouring his and her cups of tea “Why is she violent when she is so shy? I can tell she is very good at sneak attacks and it straight forward on getting thing right. But at times she relies on her bother to calm her down.” “Very good eye Viris,”
Captain smiled grabbing a cake with chocolate shaving on it and gave it to
Viris “your understanding them.” “Thank you” Viris trade
his cup of tea for the chocolate cake “What else do you see?”
he asked “Tsuyoi, he never really
says much but, inside I know he is really smart in strategies and very flexible
like his sister.” “Really?” “But…” “‘But’ what Viris?” “There are times he holds
back on what he really wants to do. It might affect him later when the times
comes.” “And what about Winter?”
pointed at the paralyzed girl laying down, she was in her human form. “Anything
about her?” “Her anger is always her
answer. Winter has a very bad temper that no would like at all.” “Is that right?” he
sipped his tea “But…” Viris looked
closely at Winter “Yes Viris?” he cornered his
eye to see that Viris had a serious face. “She had been through a
tough line to get here. She uses her anger to protect herself from everyone.
Winter wants everyone to fear her so no one would hurt her…” “You can tell by looking
at her? Is that all you know?” “I know she been crying.”
Viris cut a piece off the cake and ate
it “Her heart was broken into several pieces. It was broken so bad…that she
can’t even pick up.” “What about dear old
Johnathan?” The Captain asked but Viris
didn’t say anything “Viris?” “He doesn’t trust me” She
said “Why is that?” “Because he thinks I’m
someone that I’m not” “And?” “He doesn’t want none of
his teammates to suffer any more than they already have. He doesn’t want relive his nightmare.” “And what is your job for
this team is...” “To make sure the
nightmare never happens” “What will you do if they
encounter this ‘nightmare’?”
“Then I will wake them up.”
Viris said determined © 2017 HimitsuHanabusa |
Added on March 5, 2017 Last Updated on April 7, 2017 Author