![]() Chapter 5: Meeting the Family!A Chapter by HimitsuHanabusa“What were you thinking Osoreru?!”
A dark voice screamed “I wanted to experiment…”
Osoreru shrugged his shoulders “That’s not all is it?” It
roared “Nothing else important…”
suddenly a tentacle snatched him and threw his to a nearby wall. He left a dent
on the top part of the wall falling down hard. He looked up and saw the witch
stayed where she was looking disappointed him. Osoreru coughed out blood trying
to stand up, but the tentacle pushed him back into the wall without warning
leaving another dent in the bottom part of the wall. Very slowly he got up
again more blood pooling out of his mouth. The tentacle appeared again but this
Osoreru transformed into Shibo-ritsu and blocking it with his Cyber Blades. The witch gasped as she
forgot to grab the Cyber Watch away
from him. “You gave him the watch!”
The tentacle turned to her quickly grabbing her neck lifting her up. It
electrocuted her violently. “I wanted to show you it works
Father!” she begged “You don’t know what
trouble you have caused!!” suddenly the tentacle disappears as the Lord
screamed in pain. “Father!” the witch ran
to the shadow “Don’t come near me!!”
The dark castle began to shake as if it was and earthquake. “I’m sorry…” she slowly
walked closer to the wheezing shadow. “Those Cyber Chips…are not to be taken lightly”
it said “every chip is connected to me! You of all people should know that!” “I-I-it’s not my fault
father” the witch pointed to Osoreru “He wanted to use the watch! He forced me
to!” Osoreru looked angered at the witch but, she didn’t pay him a mind “I
warned him that your power isn’t to be taken lightly!” “I
don’t want to hear none of your excuses! You’re lucky that I don’t delete you both!” The witch went silent. “We shall soon release
something more planned…” “Shall we go home?” Viris
asked pulling out her watch “Um,” Winter scratched
her head “I don’t know how we’re going back home. We got dropped of here in the
transporter back at the base.” “Oh you don’t know?”
pushed her color on her watch “Know what?” John got off
the ground dusting him off. “You guys can transport
back with your Cyber Watches.” Suddenly Viris disappeared in red void. “Viris wait!” Uchikina
ran to nothing making herself fall. “Don’t worry you guys she
here” Vanessa said laughing. She types on the computer the located the team and
press ENTER. Each and every one of
their watch’s glow their color covering their bodies in void. In a blink they
flashed in the air and were at their base. All of them fall feeling sick to
their stomach. “Oh I don’t feel so
good…” Tsuyoi quickly covered him mouth and ran to the nearest trash can. “I hate using that
thing!” Winter try not to fall from her dizziness “It’s not all that bad”
Viris shyly said. She looked perfectly normal the rest of the team “once you
get used to it you’ll won’t have to feel sick anymore.” “Wait a minute?” john
arched an eye at her “that are second time on the transporter…how do you know
about that?” Viris looked confused then she slowly walked away thinking to
herself. “Hm…That is a good
question…” she start to think someone “I…don’t--” “Good evening every one!”
the Captain entered the room “or morning?” “Um sir,” Viris smiled at
him “Did I do I good job with the team?” “I did,” he patted her
head “but you didn’t follow my orders…” “What orders?” Uchikina
said as she was patting her brother on the back as he was hurling “Viris you
had orders to save us?” Viris looked away
nervously a shame to answer “No…” the captain said “I
order to stand and watch…” “What?!” Winter was
angered “They all said what they
needed to say!” Viris begged “If it heard correctly,”
pointed to Uchikina, Winter, and Tsuyoi “only three people called for help…one
them was silent. They still don’t believe in who you are.” John was stared down by
everyone but Viris. He balled up his fist and ignored the fact that it was
somewhat his fault. “Like I really give a
crap,” he put his hand in his pockets “I never take her in as my bodyguard. I only
listen to three people.” “John don’t be rude to
her!” Vanessa warned him “she did all in her power to save you. At least give
some respect for doing what she can.” “She’ll never have my respect! You know that!” He yelled at his sister “I trusted someone; then in the end he hurt me, and never even cared about my life or any other.” Viris pushed her head down sadly. She didn’t know who he was talking about but, somehow she had a hint what person he was talking about. “He took something from me! He took something from all of us but her!” Viris backed away and
tears began to fall on her face. She ran out the room never looking back but,
the Capitan grabbed her. She fought back pushing him back. “Leave me Alone!” she ran
to the door disappearing. The Capitan looked backed at everyone as they all
looked at John. He pushed a nearby desk with all of his anger letting the
papers fall on the ground. Uchikina walked to John looking serious. John
stepped back as she lifted her hand slowly. “What you-” her hand was slammed
across his face. “Uchikina stop,” Tsuyoi
pulled her back “Calm yourself or-” “She gave it her all!”
She yelled at John. She was trying to push her brother away “Why can’t you be
happy that your still alive? If you got anymore hurt that Osoreru you be dead!
If she wasn’t there you would be dead! Do you want that?!” “Uchikina what is your problem?”
John backed away from the Siblings “I am not Uchikina!”
Uchikina screamed then suddenly she went silent she covered her mouth “…Please
don’t hate me…I didn’t mean to…Aniki…”
she held out her hand to her brother and Tsuyoi grabbed it and started to hug
her as tears came to her eyes “I didn’t mean it…Aniki tell him I didn’t mean to hit him…” “Uchikina said, she
didn’t mean it,” Tsuyoi stared down at John “Will you take her Apology?” John didn’t say anything “Will you take her
apology?” Tsuyoi asked again “…Yes I will take
her…apology.” Winter shook her head and began to leave the
Control Room. “I
thought we were a family?” She remarked the Capitan. He didn’t look back to
face her as he heard the door closed. He had a lot of work to do with this team. Viris lay in her bed
thinking how she even got here. Thing is she is very different from the rest of
them. But she didn’t know how she was a different. Only the Capitan knew her
pain, what she had to fear in the future. “Why am I here?” she
asked herself “where did I come from?” © 2017 HimitsuHanabusa |
Added on March 4, 2017 Last Updated on March 4, 2017 Author