Requiem Rising
A Book by Senevir
Stemming from Norse Mythology origins, this original story follows the journey of a young man who courageously fights against the malicious holds of a dark lord. 
© 2013 Senevir
Author's Note
A story in the works. I have tried to stay as faithful to the original mythology as possible, but in a way that it can still be called an original story. As someone who herself dislikes to see mythology moulded too differently from what it was originally (e.g. Thor), I hope I have done this story justice and pleased those Norse Mythology fanatics like myself. With that said, I hope you enjoy what I have chosen to release on this book and do give me all the feedback in the world!
With the highest regards~
Added on June 12, 2012
Last Updated on December 27, 2013
Tags: requiem, rising, hikarin, a.l.hopkins, senevir, norse, nordic, mythology, heimdall
SenevirLake Macquarie, Australia
I am an aspiring author, singer, lyricist and artist.
Although I am Australian, I have a vast interest in various other cultures and am working on learning many languages.
Fluent in Japanese, I'.. more..