![]() Garbage DayA Story by HighfarmsThe alarm was still buzzing in the back ground as she rushed from the bathroom and pulled on her clothes. “You’re going to be late,” he sneered over his coffee cup. “Told you it was too much for you to handle.” Taking a sip he dribbled down the front of the housecoat and peeled his lips back from the heat. Still doing up the buttons on her
blouse she tried to smile: ‘you’re not helping.” “Like this is my fault.” His voice was harsher than it had to be. “You’re the most unorganized women I’ve ever slept
with.” “Thanks for that trip down memory
lane.” Grabbing a thermos she filled it
with coffee and checked her watch. “Yeah,” he stood up, “well I’ve had
better housekeepers that’s a fact.” Putting the cap on the thermos she
turned to leave the room. “I’m sure.” “Don’t walk away from me when I’m
talking to you.” He covered the ground
between them and threw his arms in the air: “this house is a pig’s sty! I won’t live in a mess like this!” Lowering her face she glared at him
over her glasses. “This is not the
time.” There was a darkness settling in
her eyes like that of an animal who’s been pushed too far and is about to
either chew it’s leg off to be free of the trap or wait for the hunter to get closer and
battle to the bitter end. She walked
away. “Where do you think you’re going?” He’d challenged her and deserved, no
demanded, more than the view of her back.
“This house is a mess!” “You live here too,” she opened the
door, “clean up your own mess for once.
You might discover, as all your women have, that you’re a f*****g
pig.” The glass door closed softly
behind her. He stormed out after her. Housecoat and slippers be damned; he wasn’t
about to let her have the last word.
“You get back in here right now or don’t bother coming home at all you
ungrateful wench.” She tried to close the car door. Never before had she wanted to hear the creak
of those hinges. His arm and leg
would’ve sustained heavy damage but maybe that’s why she pulled so hard. She wasn’t strong enough and the door flew
open. “I’m going to be late for
work.” Getting out of the car she led
him back into the house. Her eyes were
black. Every drop of colour had drained
from them and she stood in the middle of the kitchen. “You want a mess?” Her black eyes soaked in the room, which
stood spotless save a lonely cup of coffee on the counter she didn’t have time
to drink, and settled on the garbage can.
“I’ll give you a mess,” the voice was soft, almost friendly, and totally
betrayed her eyes. “What’s this? You going through that woman thing
again?” He couldn’t match the intensity
of her eyes and tried to compensate by adding volume to his tone: “I should
beat you for the b***h you are! Hormones
make you mental.” Squarely, she planted her foot at the
base of the can sending its contents spilling across the kitchen floor. “Now that is a mess.” He was in shock. His jaw ajar he almost fell to the
floor. His precious floor. His precious walls. His precious house. Everything he owned was precious. They had all came with a price. Not one that he ever paid but one he forced
others to pay for him. “Get back here!” “Garbage,” she smiled and walked out
the door. The blow she’d managed was far
more effective than any to the body would’ve been. He didn’t move. There was a skip in her step as she hopped in
the car. The colour had begun to return
to eyes; her blue eyes. They seemed to match the morning blue of the
sky as she drove north. Away from
work. Away from home. Away from him. She laughed and turned the stereo up drowning
out the sound of his voice as he screamed from the driveway. “You’re going the wrong way you stupid
b***h!” © 2013 HighfarmsReviews
1 Review Added on November 17, 2013 Last Updated on November 17, 2013 |