A Chapter by DowntoEarthDreamer

I think Dorian saw the tears in my own eyes because he stood and embraced me tightly. I clung to him, but only allowed a few tears to slide down my cheeks, I felt some of Dorian’s trailing into my hair and dampening my scalp.

Suddenly I felt a hand bite into my shoulder and I was torn away from Dorian’s arms. Korine let out a loud shriek, and flung me to the floor where I landed with a thud.

      “GET AWAY! DORIAN’S MINE!” I opened my mouth to shriek back at her, but Dorian’s voice rose high above both of ours,

      “THAT’S ENOUGH! Korine, please go back to bed; I will be with you in a minute. Lenora, I will talk to you more in the morning; James, please take her back to her room.” Korine sent me a bitter look again, then left, slamming the door behind her.  James looked over at Dorian,

      “Cobie says that Baby’s worried about all the screaming and yelling.” Dorian sighed once again, and nodded,

      “I suppose that I’ll go see to them before I go deal with Korine’s…” he just let his voice trail off; James nodded. Dorian left the room, suddenly exhausted.

      "I'm sorry." My voice cracked and I had to pause. James looked down at me almost disgusted.

      "Why do you apologize? You didn't do anything." He held a hand down to me. I took it gratefully and he helped me to my feet.

      "Just... Korine must hate me." He chuckled.

      "Dear, Korine hates everyone," I smiled kindly at him, "You should get to bed. Dorian will have a lot more to explain tomorrow. You might want to be awake for this conversation. It is perhaps, the most important one you'll have in your life." Just like that his friendliness was gone. I nodded dutifully and followed him almost silently back to my own bedroom.

      "Good night." I whispered. He nodded and turned his back. My eyes kept watch until he was gone. Sighing slightly, I turned and head into my room, flicking the lights on. I shut the door and sunk deep into the covers. Sleep found me fast.


      Morning came with the scent of fresh flowers. Someone had been in to open the windows and a warm breeze fluttered through the room. I stretched across the bed. I think it was the first time in a long time I'd woken up peacefully and rested. The door was open and I could see Baby in the hallway with a duster.

      "Oh you're up!" She exclaimed. I smiled and sat up.


      "You must be hungry," She set the duster down and came into the room, throwing open the closet, "Here, let me get you something to wear." Normally I would have shooed her out of the room and done it myself, but this time I let her fuss over me. She lay out a navy blue tee shirt and a pair of overalls and then turned to me, a smile on her face, "I'll let you get dressed. I'll be outside the door. Dorian will wanna talk to you." With that, she was out the door.

      Sighing slightly, I pulled the clothes on rather quickly. It wasn't that I was in a rush; I just wanted to get it over with. I figure the least time I spent around Korine, the better my health was gunna be. I sighed again and tossed my dirty clothes into the corner.

      "Baby?" The door opened again and she was behind it. "I --- never mind. Let's go downstairs." She smiled gently at me.


      Downstairs, Baby led me to a large kitchen. Dorian and Korine sat side by side. James in the chair next to them. Cobie was at the stove flipping pancakes. My mouth watered at the smell of them and I surely hoped he was cooking for all of us. I sat down across from Dorian, ignoring the daggers Korine was shooting at me.

      "How did you sleep?" Dorian asked. James was quiet as usual. I smiled.

      "Best sleep in a long time."

      "I'm glad to hear it." Cobie placed a plate in front of me and another for Baby. I grabbed a fork, grateful for the food. We ate in silence for a few minutes, "I know I didn't explain things too well last night, but I must admit, you threw me quite a loop." I shrugged.

      "I'm sorry, Dorian. I didn't mean to upset you. I just... I had that dream and I was scared." He shifted slightly in his chair.

      "Child, don’t apologize to me. Have you had dreams like this before?" I nodded mutely, watching Korine shove her half eaten pancakes away and storm out of the room, seeing the quiet hurt in Dorian’s eyes.

      “Since before I can remember, it was just weirder because now I knew one person in it.” Dorian nodded, distracted now that Korine was gone.

      “Why don’t you go see her?” he nodded, not really hearing me, and got up and left the room. 

I pushed a piece of my pancake around on my plate, looking annoyed and dejected.

      “Don’t blame him, kid, it’s hard ta think when yer Companion’s gone, especially when they’re upset.” Cobie said, setting a plate in front of James and sat down with his own plate before drowning his pancakes in syrup and strawberry jam. Baby nodded, neatly dabbing at her mouth before leaving her napkin on her plate, finished. 

      “Cobie…why does that name sound familiar to me?” I asked. “What’s yer last name?”

      “Wiles, Cobie Wiles.” I felt my jaw drop.

      “THE Cobie Wiles? From Muted Rebellion?” he laughed,

      “You’re too young to remember that.”

      “You slept with my aunt!” Cobie looked confused, Baby was giggling slightly behind her napkin, and James was laughing outright.

      “Are you sure?”

“Yeah! She bragged it to me all the time whenever we listened to her records ‘nd stuff! Nicole Michaels!”  I’d never seen that look on anyone before, a strange mixture of confusion, fear, and embarrassment.

Still grinning I pushed my empty plate away and leaned towards them, my chin resting on the heels of my hands.

“How did you guy’s find each other? Baby were you like, a hardcore fan of Cobie’s? Did you meet at one of his concerts? Why are you laughing at me?” it was true, Baby had her small fingers covering her lips, but Cobie was laughing outright.

“Dear me! Lenora, I’ve never been to one of Cobie’s concerts. His kind of music was offensive to everyone I grew up with.” I must have looked really confused because she explained, “You see, dear, Dorian recognized me as a Companion in the 1940’s and temporarily bonded me to him on a whim. Then in 1975 we tracked down Cobie, somewhere in New York City.” Cobie smiled, leaned over and kissed Baby’s cheek.

“The second I saw her I knew she didn’t belong there, standing amidst the sea of our screaming, spiked worshipers. She was like a swan, invisible to the snarling pack of jackals around her. My beautiful Baby…” his voice trailed off to a whisper as he kissed her face again and actually started nuzzling along her jaw. James cleared his throat loudly, Cobie looked up, face slack and dreamy.

I’d seen a friend of mine stoned once before, that was vaguely the look she’d had. The silence around the able was defining, I finally said something to keep Cobie’s face alert and off Baby’s neck.


© 2008 DowntoEarthDreamer

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I am begining to grow onto his charecter you have Lenora. although nothing like vel, or near her charecter, she has smething likeable about her. I await with anticipation the exlanation for abrl and everything else. Great job Dream, keep it up

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on April 18, 2008
Last Updated on April 18, 2008



Stafford Springs, CT

I'm really shy about letting people read my things, but I've loved writing and imagining since I was very little. So..in an effort to see if I actually have something that vaugly resembles talent er .. more..

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A Chapter by DowntoEarthDreamer

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A Chapter by DowntoEarthDreamer