![]() Radio Active Cell (interactive)A Story by Deron Anthony![]() All you wanted to do was sleep, but warden Greaser wants all inmates to the main warehouse for a demonstration. what ever it is you just hope it's quick so you can just go back to sleep. (Dice needed)![]() Rules: This is a interactive story where you make the decisions and fight to survive. Before you read set aside a notebook or some paper and some dice to tally your Hit Points and Attack Power. You don't start with Defense Point you must find items or earn them. Some items have life expectancy but you learn that through the story. Like if you find a Gun and the story says there is only two bullets you write GUN 2 next to or below where you wrote your AP and HP etc. If you find a Gun with no bullets you Write GUN 0 and must find bullets on your journey.The Weapon item will sometimes need ammunition.Some ammunition will be special and add +AP. Like a Nail gun with 20 nails has +10 AP. That just means each round has +10AP, just multiply the +AP by how many rounds you have and add that to your AP. Some weapons won't need ammo but will have a life expectancy-as in a BAT with 2 fights and adds AP+10. When you use a weapon with ammunition just add the sum of how many rounds you have to your AP. The more you have the stronger your AP is for awhile. When attacking with something like a GUN one round is lost. You can decide when to use your weapons. However, when the life expectancy is done and or if your out of rounds. Your AP is normal until you find an weapon or more rounds. If your attack is blocked while using a GUN you lose that round.You can hold on to Hitting Weapons throughout the story just long as you don't add the bonus AP during a duel. Defense Points will be gained with negative numbers So you can subtract from any would be foe's AP. Like a Maniac with a Hack saw has 3 AP And you have -3 DP The duel roll will calculate as normal. Special Abilities' (SA) Special powers, abilities and Mutations can be obtain in the story if you stumble upon the right path. SA can raise your HP AP or add DP dramatically. Some SA are awesome Attacks with devastating Damage when rolling Special Numbers in a duel. Also Powerful defenses and cool evasions can be found. Greatness awaits those who are born Champions. If a special number falls when your on the attacking phase the opponent must block with a larger rolled number if not you create damage to Opposing HP. If the same number is rolled nothing happens. Only when rolling a special number on the defensive phase its a Automatic Block even if the Attacking Roll is larger. > DUEL ROLL: Before you start the story Roll the dice 6 times and add up each roll..36 HP is the max HP you can start with and 6HP is the lowest. Next do the same for your AP only two times though so the max AP you can start with is 12 AP and 2AP the lowest. Your Ideal start is to have Rolled 36 HP and 12AP. The Duel: Throughout the story you may face foes that you must defeat in order to advance through the story. Here's how to duel. You write your Opponent's HP/AP(DEF/WEAPON) next to or above/below yours YOU 36 HP 12AP -3DEF Gnome 10HP 30AP Next roll once for you and once for your opponent to see who gets to attack first. Your roll is 3 the Gnomes' roll 6 Gnome attacks first. Who ever is in the attack phase rolls the dice the opponent then rolls the dice in hopes of a larger rolled number called the Blocking or defense phase. The Gnome rolls 4 and YOU roll 1 the Gnome takes off 34 because its 30+AP but you take -3 because of your -3 Def, so Gnome HITS you with a 31 attack nearly killing you. Your left with 5HP and your turn to attack. You roll a 6 and the Gnome rolls 6..nothing happen you just get to attack again..if doubles keep happening the same rules apply it just repeats the attacking phase until either a BLOCK or a HIT happens. So you roll 3 and Gnome rolls 4 and BLOCKS Your attack and no damage to his dinky 10HP and now his turn to attack etc.. You duel until you or your foe's HP is at 0 or an awkward negative number. The duel is done. If you win keep what HP you have and continue to the next PART. If you lose go to PART 13 and start again. Story Progression Start with PART 1 read this section until it gives you 3 choices like Go to the cave find Part 4, go to the forest find part 3 and stay here go to part 8. Be careful some parts might lead to part 13 and you'll have to start over. Good luck. PART 1 You wake up in your sorta decorative prison cell with green and blue toilet paper draped about. Your bar doors are open for the last of bit of recreational time. You stand up look in the tiny dusty mirror that sits over your tiny steel toilet and look at your reflection. You're a 6'2 Dark skinned man with corn rolls named Jamal. You're A nice build but not too intimidating that you have more friends in here then enemies or kiss asses. You look around the room and realize its peaceful with Bobby Gone. All he talks about is how he going to brake out once and for all and always ends up getting caught. So, Bobby keeps trying. Bobby is a country boy with a beer belly to prove it though he's not that bright but he's got a lot of Guts and is extremely bold. He is a great story teller and highly entertaining but now you do what you really like, and that's sleep. You lay down and close your eyes and a thought of your wife comes to mind. Her straight brown hair and caramel complexion and green eyes. She puckers up. You pucker up. "What the hell are doing Jamal?" A Deep Manly voice says. You open one eye and its speak of the Devil, Bobby with his uniform unbuttoned and his big belly bulging from his white under shirt. You stay silent and turn and try to sleep. "You can't go to sleep now, we all about to see some weird demonstration." He says. You turn around "What F*****g Demonstration?" You Snarl. Bobby scratches' his head "I don't know the warden say some company is showing their new state of the art defense system." He says. You stand up. "That's a lot for not knowing Bob." Placing your hand on his shoulder. Bobby Chuckles. "You know what they say if you don't know something, Google it." You Chuckle. "Look man you go, I'm going to catch some sleep so they don't kick my a*s tomorrow at the loading dock." Bobby looks glum. The Surround Sound Intercom Goes Off with a Deep Raspy Voice. "All inmates report to the Large Warehouse for a Demonstration, attendance will be taken if you don't show up you will be executed. This presentation is mandatory for your life,Ma ha." The intercom screeches off. The sound a 1000 foot steps filing out their cells rumbling out side yours. Your Arm drops. Bobby smiles and says "See." File out To PART 2 Part 13 Your Dead, welcome to limbo. You can start over at your last check point or Play later and start from the beginning. Remember each time you start over Roll yourself some new HP and AP. Or you can just play chess with the reaper, but I don't recommend doing that. Try again. PART 2 As you file out your cell you pile behind the restless line of inmates slowly inching forward. Bobby is already ahead of you rapidly cutting in front of people to get by. You look below and can see a sea of orange uniforms making their way towards the outer Hallway. Following the line down stairs and on the lower section You merge with the sea of inmates and bump into Sal a short but incredibly stocky Spanish guy as he grins only slightly because you got the best of him once on your first few days here. Sal thought he was the toughest son of a b***h from Puerto Rico. Now your somewhat good friends, you guess as Sal shoulder bumps you pretty hard. "Hey Jamal, what's up buddy?" You take the hit like a stone wall and reply. "Same S**t, different Day." You all are now filing into the Outer Hallway. You can feel the winter air conditioning the Cave like hall. "You know its today, don't ya?" Sal asks. You look at him confused. "What this bull s**t a*s demonstration?" You Snarl. "No,man the plan remember?" Then you remembered that stupid f*****g plan that you subconsciously forgot for reasons that only an insane person would try to escape a prison on an island surrounded by nothing but ocean. "Yeah, right after the demonstration we can file out with the East section inmates and get to this hidden basement." Sal says. "Then what?" You ask. "That basement use to be some sorta containment facility, and had a Secret Cave entrance that's now abandoned." He explains. " How do you know that?" You ask. Sal just looks at you and speed walks ahead. You Now file into the The Warehouse that is as large as two football stadiums and colder then the hallway. The inmates' feet echo into the vast space. Standing in the center is The hutch back of a Warden Fredrick Greaser standing with a smile like some deranged per-school principal. He's constantly flipping his single sweaty bang out his face as he continues smiling a stale grin with yellow teeth. About 15 armed guards are standing behind Greaser and a Husky woman with her hair in a messy ponytail, glasses and a white lab coat next to two Freakishly tall contraptions under Black sheets 5 feet across from each other. Almost 1000 inmates are filed into the large warehouse. You can see Sal and Bobby Shakes hands and begin to talk. Then they look at you, then start talking again. You focus attention on one of the contraptions. "What the f**k could be under there?" You thought. Then you caught the hazel eyes of the Scientists who's name tag reads Haley as she spoke loudly. " Good evening Gentlemen, tonight your Warden just wanted you all to see the latest in Ramco Security Defense Systems. This is not a way of containing you guys but protecting you guys, seriously." She smiles squinting her face. Greaser Walks forward You hear some inmates back up. "Tonight will be a display of excellence. You will witness the state of the art technology designed to be the future of World Domination." He grins. "Now behold the evolution of power! " Screams Haley. The guards pull the sheets off revealing Two Gigantic Androids. The one on the right is a Metallic Golden Color and the on the left is a Metallic Ruby Color. Inmates start talking, joking and shoving. Haley pulls out a big Remote and pushes a button three times. ZEROOOOM! The Gigantic Androids awaken their eyes light up. They look around. Deet Deet. Deet. " humans" they say. Deet Deet Det-Det-Ann! "Warning! Warning! Inscrutable amount of dangerous unidentifiable organisms. Must Destroy Facility!" They say. Inmates start screaming at Haley while she's pushing the button hard frantically. "What the f**k is going on!" Growls Greaser. "I don't know!" She cries. The Guards step forward and take a aim at the hostile inmates. You back up Slowly. "Beginning Destruction Sequence.AAaaaaaaaaeeeeee!" The Androids screech a loud piercing sound. Everyone blocks their ears. You quickly block yours but the pain is unbearable. ZEROOM IMMMINGG! The Androids hands Light up with bright glowing energy. "Shoot them!"Screams Greaser. The Guards turn and start blasting the Androids with bullets just bouncing off of them. Some inmates start to run. Some Guards turn and start shooting them. Then they start spraying the row right in front of You. Luckily you Dive to the right and behind some more inmates that get taken out falling on top of You. " Humans attacking" The Androids Say As the Rudy Android lifts into the air. SHOOOOSH SSSS. Hovering He points his fist. ZEROOOOM BLASsT! He Shoots a massive Burst of Hot Light incinerating the guards and Greaser. Haley ducks out of the way just in time. Inmates are pouring out of the warehouse. The Ruby Android hand turns to a Gatling Gun. FEFEFEFEFEFETTTF! HE starts spraying inmates down decapitating some. You Stay hidden under dead bodies. Zommmmm! The Ruby Android stops shooting. "Must go to the sun to recharge. SERRRRR BOOOM! He flies Right through the ceiling sending Giant Stone Pieces hurtling down. SMASH! CRASH! BOOM!. You wait patiently for the sound of impact to stop... Its Quiet You pick your head up and See a Massacre. The Golden Android Seems to be Crushed under Big piles of debris. You can see Haley still okay but She seems to be stuck. You look to your left and can See Bobby and Sal poking their heads up from a pile of dead bodies. "What the f**k was that!?" You Scream! Bobby and Sal just shrug. Haley notices you "Hey prisoner please help me!" SHREEROOOM. Everyone can hear the Ruby Android on his way down."It's back from the sun already." You think. "Come on man we're leaving this place!" Yells Bobby. "Hey what about me?!" Cries Haley. You don't have time to think you have Chose fast or find a place to hide. Escape with Sal and Bobby Find Part 3. Help Haley Rush to Part 5. Stay in Hide Go to Part 4 Part 4 You wave everyone off and hide back under the bodies in front of you. You manage to peek out a good view as the Ruby Android Floats down and looks around. Sal and Bobby are gone and Haley is still trying to free herself when the Android grabs her pulls her up ripping off her leg at the hip. She screams in agony as The Android looks at her scrum around hysterically. " To the sun you go to charge." He launches her so fast she burst into flames when he releases his throw out the ceiling. He looks Around. Deet Deet. " Some escaped humans over there." ZOOM POOF! The Android regurgitates a Ruby Blob of some sorts. The Blob brakes up into smaller portions and start to shape into Ruby Dogs. The Android points in the Direction Bobby and Sal went. The Rudy Dogs rush in that direction. SHERRR! The Android takes off out of site. You pop up and breathe a sigh of relief and begin to look around. Bodies and Debris everywhere. You can See something, its a Machine Gun With 30 bullets and +3AP. You walk near it. Tink Tink. Something is getting closer and You can bet its one of those Ruby attack dogs. Stay and Fight With The Machine Gun Hold your ground at Part 6. Forget the Gun and Find a place to hide at Part 7 Part 3 You Rush towards Sal and Bobby who are well ahead of you nearing the Eastern Hallway Entrance. "Please don't leave me!" Hailey screams. "To hell with her, its her f*****g fault this s**t happened." Bobby blurts out as he jogs through the Hallway. You try to breathe through your mouth to block out the stale moldiness. "The entrance to the basement is up ahead." Screams Sal. You guys turn a corner and begin straight towards two steel double doors. Bobby trips and you crash into him hitting the ground. Sal keeps running and pushes through the doors disappearing in the darkness. " Ow my head!" Whines Bobby. You stand up as if nothing happen. Tink..Tink..A strange noise is coming towards you guys and around the corner. "Come on let's get out of here!" Screams Bobby. "Maybe its Armed Help?" You suggest. "F**k that!" Bobby yells and takes off through the Double Doors. Stay and see if its someone that can help at Part 12. Rush through the Double Doors at Part 14. Part 5 You rush towards Hailey and can see her leg is stuck under a misshapen boulder. "Leave that b***h and come on Jamal!" Bobby yells. " You guys Go on with out me, I'll catch up to you later! I can't just leave this woman." You yell. " whatever man your funeral." Bobby yells as him and Sal take off into the Eastern Hallway. You look at Hailey trying to pull free. "Is it broken?" You ask. " No just stuck and bruised." She explains. You look around and see a shovel not too far behind you. You look at the boulder and it seems like you can just push it off. SHERR VOOM! You can See the legs of the Ruby Android coming slowly inside the ceiling. " Hurry up if your going to help me prisoner!" She screams. What do you do? Push the Boulder off at Part 20. Run and grab the Shovel at Part 21. Part 31 "F**k you, I'll take you on!" You say with pride. "Ha, I love a good fight bring it on prisoner Jamal!" He Yells as his bio tech armor changes its thickness, changing colors and lighting up. Jeffrey has the SA "Advance bio tech armor." Giving him 800 HP 300 AP -100 DP. The SA "Photon Ray" adds +100 to AP if rolls 4 on attacking phase. Defeat this guy and save Hailey at Part 32. Die and be remembered a hero at part 13. Part 17
You look at the Creature laying lifeless on the ground in front of you. Your skin is starting you peal off. Scales are forming on your body. Your teeth are getting sharper. You now have the SA "Mutation Lv 2" You get + 100 HP, + 100 AP -50 DP to your current stats. (You no longer have the stats from Mutation Lv 1) You feel faster and more alert with the SA "Quickness" Automatic Block if you Roll 1 or 2 on your defensive phase.(Quickness replaces the SA "Instinct") The power is just radiating off you and no one wants to be in front of your SA "Bio-Wave". Adding 200+ to AP if you roll 2 or 5 on the attacking phase. You walk into the maintenance Room and see the hatch open on the floor next the desk pushed out the way. You climb down the ladder and into the dark cave but oddly not that dark for you. After about 20 minutes you see Sal hiding behind a corner. " Hey who's there?" Sal demands. " its Jamal." You say. " S**t man I thought you were dead man." He says. " Well I'm not." You Reply. " You look like an alien, man. Your skin is glowing I can see you from here." He says. "Better then getting my Head eaten." You snarl. "Yeah, well we have a Bigger problem." He's snarls back. "What is it?" You ask. " Take a look." Sal says. You take look around the corner and see what looks like a giant mud dragon sleeping. You quickly pull your head back. "Is that a f*****g dragon!?" You whisper. "And its made of mud." Sal says sarcastically. "We have no choice but to sneak pass it." You say. "Ok, you first." Sal says. You take the lead as you guys tip toe slowly pass the sleeping mud dragon. You can see the Exit of the Cave up ahead and smell the ocean air filling the Cave. "AChooo!" Sal sneezes. The Dragon wakes up and Grabs Sal Smooching him into its body. You Rush towards the exit but its quickly filled with mud by the Dragon. "Been along time since I had human for dinner, but dessert too its my lucky day." Says the Dragon. "F**k you!" You yell. "Mmm, I like-like my treats sassy gives them flavor." He Grins. Looks like your gona have to take this monster out With 1000 HP 10 AP. He has a devastating SA "Dragon Breath" adds +100 AP if he rolled 6 or 2 on Attacking phase. Kill this thing and find a way to get out at Part 19. Lose and become dessert at part 13. Part 20 You try to push the boulder off but it barley moves. " Come on what are doing?" Hailey yells. " I got this don't worry." You say. SHEER VOOM SHSSS! The Ruby Android lands in front of you and Hailey. Deet..Deet resources." It says. " Oh s**t." Hailey cries. The Ruby Android Vomits a thick hot Ruby Goo over both of you guys melting you both. Go to Part 13. Part 6 So You rush and grab the Machine Gun jumping over boulders and wait to see what approaches you. Tink Tink..Tink. Lucky guess, you were right its one of those Rudy Dogs and He's Growling with 100 HP and 10AP with The SA "Genetic Mutation" that Is an Automatic Block if he Blocks with a 3. You can take him, Kill it and Move to Part 8 if you die go to Part 13. Part 12 Tink.Tink.Tink. Around the corner strolls 5 Ruby Dogs. There distance isn't that close where they could catch up to you. However, never in your life have you seen a spices of dog made of Solid Ruby. You take a step back, they take a step forward. You got this, you was once a collage 2nd string running back. You turn and gather to sprint but your legs are gripped by something like cold steel. You look back and two of the Ruby dogs stretched out their arms the length of the distance between you and them. You can't move your ankles or jerk free because doing that feels as if your legs will snap off. Three dogs rush towards you and begin stomping you into a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the pavement. Then they eat your remains. Be digested at part 13. Part 19 You now feel sick, you lay down for awhile. You see your wife. You wake up and see the Mud Dragon decomposing into the ground. You stand up and walk towards the muddy blocked exit. The mud is too hard and your too weak to punch through it. Tink.Tink. You turn around amazed to see 5 Ruby Dogs standing in front of you. Deet Deet. They scan you. "Organic materials, not a threat." Tink Tink. They run away back the other way. You press your head into the mug blocking the exit and feel your self melt into it, your afraid at first but can feel all the fibers in the mud as your nerves. You melt the into the mud and melt through the other side. Your free and it a beautiful sunrise. You walk to the shore and see no boats only endless ocean. You set into the water and can feel all the molecules of the ocean vibrating Your body take the form of water and you become the ocean. Under water your a clear alkaline silhouette. You can see a city flourishing deep below. You go it and see fish people with crystals on their foreheads living out their day. You swim back to the surface and say "Aaa." Then turn to a cloud floating in the sky. The elemental Ending(Play again) Part 32.
Jeffrey lays lifeless on the ground. You rip off his bang. "what's with that s**t." You say. You rush over to Hailey but she's free. " Thanks, the bond dissipated when you killed Jeffery." She says as she kisses you on the cheek. Just then an uncountable number of soldiers storm the warehouse. A few medics check you guys to see if you're alright. You walk towards a guy with a scar across his face. "Good work son your a hero." He Says as a ladder drops down before you. You look up and see a helicopter hovering. You begin to climb up you look back as Hailey and some soldiers wave good bye. 10 years pasted and Ramco is the world leading industry that serves' humanity. Hailey reunited with her only daughter and soon retired after her company got of the ground. You become a book writer and make a best seller about your trails in that insane prison. Your critically acclaimed and well respected as a Hero of humanity.You even had an interview with Oprah Winfrey. The Hero Ending. (True End, play again) Part 25 You and Hailey are rushing towards the barrier. "So what's the plan?" You ask. "We have to take out the Android and shut down the main computer." She explains. "Main Computer?" You ask confused. ZOOM BOOM! A Giant Green Mechanical Suit landed in front you guys. "Your not going anywhere Hailey." The Machine hollers. You look back and Danny is gone. "Who are you!?" Hailey cries. The visor of the Helmet slides open revealing its a Man wear sunglasses with a prefect smile and neat puffy brown hair due. "Vegas Hensley." Hailey snarls. "Who the f**k is he?" You ask. "Her husband." He says. "Ex Husband." Hailey says sharply. "The divorce isn't final yet." He replies. "It been final for 3 years now you just keep stocking me you lunatic!" She screams. In that moment almost like its slow motion Vegas is right in-between you and Hailey. He smacks you both by sprawling his heavy mechanical arms sending to both flying in opposite directions. Hailey Slams into a wall and lays unconscious. You slam into a wall and find you self on your knees gasping for air. "Just surrender prisoner or end up like Danny." Vegas Yells holding up Danny's Head and tossing it. "When did he get Danny, he's that fast in that bulky mech suit?" You wonder. Well you have no choice but to fight This Vegas guy With 400 HP 400 AP -100 DP and the SA "Dynamic Movement" Automatic Block if he rolls a 1,2,3 on the Defensive phase. Defeat Veagus and recover Hailey at Part 27. Get defeated and recover at Part 13. Part 7 So You just trust your instincts once again and quickly hide behind a large Boulder. Tink.Tink.. You peek out and it is one of those Rudy Dogs sniffing around. It turns Around Runs quickly towards the East Entrance. Once you can't hear its feet you let out a sigh of relief. Up ahead you can see something pulsating an ominous glow. Now something tells you not go towards the glow. Something Says go for it. Go straight to the glow Find 9. Stay forget it and find a way out Go to Part 11. Part 15 " You can just stay the f**k here, we have to keep moving!" Yells Bobby. "Yes that good we all can stay." Says Blondie. "This isn't getting us anywhere arguing!" Sal says getting in Blondie's Face. The double doors open everyone is speechless as 5 Solid Ruby dogs walk through and inside. They go straight for you ripping you to shreds. Everyone else runs ahead and the Ruby dogs are on the chase. Only a matter of time until you guys meet again. Meet your friends in the after life at Part 13 Part 21 You rush towards the shovel. "Hey where are you going?!" Haley screams. You grab the shovel and hurry back to the boulder and pry the boulder off Haley's leg. "Wow good thinking." She says. You Smile as you help her up. She blushes. "I can walk, I'm not incapacitated." She says as she starts limping towards the Northern Hallway. SHERR VOOM! The Ruby Android is getting closer. You rush behind Haley limping and grab her up sprinting to the Northern Hallway. You run through what seems like a liquid barrier and into a fully functional Research Laboratory. Big matches and rows of hyperbolic beds. A Skinny scruffy man barley holding a stack of files is staring at you guys coming towards him. "What happened out their Haley?! "He asks "A whole lot of s**t. I need the nano gel kit Danny." She says. Danny drops the files and rushes to the nearest office. "You can put me down now." Haley says. You stand her up. "What is this place?" You ask. "It's Ramco's Science facility and Research Lab." She explains. " Why'd those Machines go berserk back there?" You ask. Haley is about to speak when Danny comes rushing out the office hold a Long White container shaped like a boot. " You can put leg your in this Gel kit. You have to charge it in the office but it should start to heal once its on." Danny says as he opens the hatch steam pours out and he places the contraption around her leg and closes it. SHHHHSSS! It lights' up and vibrates. " Oo, it tickles'." Haley giggles and starts limping with Danny towards the Office. " You can look around if you want. Or just come chat with us it should only take about 10 mins to heal bruises." She says Walking into the office. So Look around at Part 23. Or chat it up with Haley and Danny at Part 22 Part 30 You stare at the remains of the thing and can't help but vomit because of the musty smell. " Sorry guys I had to do this." You rush through the Southern Sector pass your cell and into the Ware house Where you stop. A bald muscular dude with a single bang in a bio- tech armor stands in the middle of the warehouse house. You see Hailey bound by a either rope. "That's far enough prisoner." The man says. " Who f**k are?!" You yell. "I'm Jeffrey Greaser, and it seem like my grandfathers plans have failed so now I'm talking over." He boasts. " Yeah, what about your dad wouldn't he be next in charge"? You sass. "Ha, that guy was killed by a Puerto Rican Scientist back in the days. This suit is amazing Hailey. I'm going to make you an offer but only once. Join me Jamal." He says as he reaches out his hand. "F**k you!" You say as you just now remember back at the boiler there is a way out of this f*****g place. However, will you just leave Hailey after all she kinda did for you. Your choice.Run away at part 29. Or stay and fight this guy at part 31. Part 18 Bobby and Sal watch as you Kill the thing as best as you can. Do to the wounds you received your skin seems to be glowing. Your instincts feel heighten. You have been infected but you don't feel sick only stronger. Now you have the SA "Mutation lv1" Add + 50 to whatever HP you have +10 to your AP and add -3 DP. You Also have the SA "Instincts" Automatic block if you roll a 1 or 3 on the defensive phase. You grab the Access key and rush to the door and hand it to Sal. He stares blankly at you before taking and swiping it. Deet Deet Shhhh! The doors' open up to a large facility. You guys walk inside looking around the colossus space seeing hyperbolic beds sealed up in endless rows. Some of the beds have been opened but no sign of who or what came out of them. " So we get to the maintenance office what's there?" You ask " A underground path that leads to the shore. Might be some UN-manned boats there." Sal says. " You seem to know a lot about this place Sal." Bobby nags. Sal stops walking. You and Bobby then stop. "My Dad was a scientist down here before they made it into a prison. They use to study biology and chemistry to create cures and or enhance our natural abilities. Like live longer with out eating or drinking. Help one breathe under water." He explains. " Some real live X-Men s**t. You say. " Ha-ha yeah, Then then the Greaser Family bought the facility forced the scientists to develop projects into something that could be used for bio-warfare. My dad managed to get everyone to protest a boy-cot, but a horrific gas was released while they we're all down here and cause what you killed back there Jamal." He says. You place an arm on his shoulder. " I'm sorry about your dad man." You reassure Sal. " It's cool didn't like the guy any ways." He says. You guys can see a steel door that says "maintenance office." Growl...GRrrrr. You guys look back and its a Man with fur and scales all over his skin. A face one third human, one third crocodile and one third lion. " What the f**k is that thing!" Bobby Yells. The abomination Dashes quickly towards Bobby and bites his head off swallowing it. You swing your AX but its gone in a flash and you hatch into Bobby's torso. You look up as it dangles off a light fixture doing what you think is a bloody smile. "Sal you go ahead I'll catch up to you!" You yell. Sal takes off into the maintenance office. You pull your AX out of Bobby's body. Now its just you and this creature with 70 HP 9AP -8DP and The SA "Quickness" Automatic block if he rolls a 1 or 2 on the defensive phase. Kill this thing and meet up with Sal at Part 17. Get your head eaten go to Part 13 Part 22 You walk inside the office and can see Hailey sitting in a chair laid back. Danny is sitting behind the desk searching through files for something. "Hey Welcome, have a seat almost done." She says. You take a seat. "So what's going on out there?" You ask. "The Android focus setting are dysfunctional. I told Fredrick they weren't ready but he insisted." She explains. "You guys really going to help that f**k with world domination?" You ask. "No, we just want the chance to work on expensive projects and fund the Company." She explains. You sit back in your chair. "So it's just you two?" You ask. Danny and Hailey both look at each other. Then they look at you. "Well, no. " says Danny. Beep Shh. The contraption on Hailey's leg opens with steam pouring out. She lefts up her pant leg and her leg is smooth and shinny. You lick your lips. " Excuse me Prisoner don't be rude." She says pulling her pant leg down. She stands up pulls a book out of the bookcase opening up a High Tech Armory. She grabs a steel metallic shot gun and tosses it to you giving you 50 Rounds and +20 AP. Her and Danny are loaded stand by the door. "You Ready s***s about to get real." She smirks. Head out with Danny Hailey at Part 25. Part 8
You finish off the Rudy Dog you think as it melts into a Ruby puddle. You start to walk towards the Eastern Side and get to the middle of the warehouse when you feel something tug your leg like cold steel. You look back and the Ruby Puddle formed a long arm reaching out grabbing your leg. You try to pull your leg free but the grip is too strong. Tink Tink-Tink The Rest of the Ruby Dogs rush into the Warehouse and Begin Ripping You a part decapitating You with each bite. You never felt pain like this nor did think this is how it all ends for you Go to Part 13. Part 16 "Look, something is on it's way in here and I know you saw the demonstration. Its not here to just say hi." You say. Blondie thinks for a moment. "OK, you guys go ahead down stairs. We'll hold off what ever comes through those doors." He says. You,Bobby and Sal Begin Down the stairs. Once down the stairs you guys go through a set of double door only these door aren't as plain as the ones up stairs. They seem like something from a spaceship extremely advanced. Inside them just the same. Its looks like a research lab only now its a complete dump. Papers, Flies and folders everywhere. Desk toppled over and or broken. Bobby walks towards a map on the wall. "The Research Lab is this way." Bobby says pointing to the left. You see an Ax on the ground and pick it up Adding +10 to your AP.Its in good shape and will last 2 Fights. Sal looks at you uneasily. "Just in case." You say." As you walk through the Messy Facility You pitch your nose. "What is that? Smells like s**t worst then s**t." Whines Bobby. " I don't know, I can't wait to to get out of here." Sal says. You Guys make it to Huge Door that say on the archway "Research Laboratory" You sigh relief. " S**t!" Sal yells. " What's up?" You ask. " We need an access key." Sal explains. " Where the f**k are we going to find one?"Bobby yells. PHTTT..PHITT.. " What is that?" you ask. They both shrug. PHTT..PHITT.. In the distance is what looks like what used to be a man but seems like a bunch of slimy glowing tentacles wearing clothes sliding towards you guys. Sal vomits on the ground. " Well sweet Baby Jesus you don't see that every day." Says Bobby. You can see a name tag and a swipe badge that says "Research Laboratory." You now know what you have to do. Tentacles Has 50 HP 10AP and the SA "Elusiveness" Automatic Block if he rolled 3 or 1 on it defensive phase. Kill this this thing and go into the Research Lab at Part 18. Die in this fight go to Part 13. Part 23 You take a stroll through this large laboratory full of unfinished projects and big machine parts. "This place has been here all this time?" You think as come a a office that says "keep out." You have a bad feeling about what might be inside there. Just go back and talk to Danny and Hailey about this place at Part 22 or go inside at Part 26 Part 24 You enter the office Hailey's leg is already healed and she looking at the weaponry that was hidden behind a bookcase. Danny is holding metallic shot gun. "Wow." Danny says as Hailey turns around. "Seems you found the bio tech Armor." She explains. "Its only bio-rhythmically compatible with people that are athletically inclined. "Danny explains. "Well I was a Running Back in College." You Say. Hailey smiles and bites her lip. "Well you won't need one of these." She says pumping her metallic shot gun. "Get ready its about to get real." She says. Head out at Part 25 Part 14 You Rush through the double doors and see Sal and Bobby in a stand off against three other inmates. A tall buff guy with a blonde bowl cut holding a steel pipe is backed up by two shorter goons. " You aren't going anywhere this our turf." The blonde guys Says with a Russian accent. "Move the f**k out of the way we don't have time for this s**t!" Bobby screams. "You guys can come too." Sal says. "Escape, then what? We're on a f*****g island!" Things are getting hostile here, it's 3 on 3 if things get to much worst. Time is ticking, whatever was coming towards you just might not be a mystery if you guys don't keep moving. Let this work itself out say nothing at Part 15. Compromise at Part 16. Part 9 You Rush towards the Ominous glow Sprinting hard. You get to the source of the glow to see a neon orb floating in the air. "What the f**k is this thing?" You say as you walk towards it. Your close enough to grab the Orb and can feel a extremely warm energy vibrating off it. It begins to get brighter as your hands try to cup the orb but it expands into a bright mist then goes down your throat. A horrific burning sensation courses through your whole body. Your body mutates and You grow 20 Feet Tall Ripping you out of you clothing. Your Muscles Grow enormously pulsating. You Create a golden aura around your body that sounds like Thunder around you. You know everything! You are everything! You have found the SA God Mode raising your HP +1000 AP +300 DP -300 You also have the SA "Almighty Force" An attack that adds + 400 To your AP if you roll a 6 on attacking phase. You Stomp forward everything shaking with each step. SHERR ZOOM! The Rudy Android Lands in front of you. Deet Deet. " God form, must destroy!" Looks like its going to be all out Giant Smack Down. The Rudy Android Is stacked with 750 HP 320 AP . He Has SA "Genetic mutation" automatic Block if He rolls a 3 on Defensive phase. The SA Proton Blast adding +200 to his AP if he rolls a 3 on the attacking phase. Win this battle be triumphant at Part 10 Die this battle be remembered at Part 13. Part 26 So you disregard your fear walking inside a dark Office. Its neat and clean inside Just a desk and chair. "Well that was a waste of time." You think and turn around. Beep..Beep. You look back and the table turns into a Eitheric skin floating in the air. "What the f**k?" You say as the skin fusses with your body. You can feel it attaching to all your nerves painfully. Zerr zooom. You feel extremely alert and you can see Danny and Hailey's heat signatures across the laboratory. You have found the SA "bio-tech Armor." rising your HP +800 AP + 500 -300 DP. You also have the SA "Muscle Memory" automatic block if you roll a 1 or 3 on the defensive phase. Also the SA "Plasma Ray" adding + 300 AP if you roll 6 on the attacking phase. Meet Hailey and Danny at Part 24. PART 10 The warehouse is nothing but a colossus crater on the island After a battle like this. You stand triumphantly in the middle if this large crater Glowing A vibrant golden Aura constantly dancing like a flame around you. Off in the distance is the remains of the Ruby Android into pieces of debris. It starts to Glow. POW! something comes out of the ground behind you. You look back and see only half of the Golden Android's body climbing up then Stopping only half way out the ground. You can see the Glow around the Rudy Android form into a Giant Ether silhouette Walking Towards you. You look behind you and the Same thing is happening to the Golden Android as well. As each ether silhouette walks near you, you swear you can hear their thoughts " Don't worry you have freed us. Now let us free you!" They zip towards you- you try God speed but their to fast and grab your arms. A stinging sensation burns your skin as your body is ripped apart and A dense hot flaming Ball that lights up the sky to day instantly comes out of you. " You are now your true self." They say as they Toss you into deep space. Zipping a Billion Miles an hour You crash into a Giant star exploding into a nebula. Your purpose is now far greater then before. You are now All. The God Star Ending. (play again) Part 27 You Destroy Mech Suit and rip Vegas' head off for Danny. You walk near the body of the Mech suit and see a Bio-Shield that now adds -500 DP. You walk over to Hailey and wake her up. "Are you okay?" You ask. "...Yeah, did you kill Vegas?" She asks. "lets keep moving ." You say as you turn away from her. Hailey gets up grabs her gun and follows you. "what about Danny?" She asks as she walks past Danny's Head. She almost vomits but keeps her composer. You guys are now back in the warehouse now in ruins. No sigh of the Ruby Android. You and Hailey pace though the warehouse to the middle. "We need to go south to the boiler room." Hailey shouts. "OK what's there?" You ask. "The Main computer." She explains. SHERR BOOM! The Ruby Android lands in front of you. The odds might be in your favor with Hailey backing You. Tink Tink. Your amazed seeing five Ruby Dogs nearing Hailey. "You can take the Android I'll take care of these sentinels'." She says as she takes off blasting plasma blasts. It's you versus the Ruby Android with 750 HP 320 AP. He Has SA "Genetic mutation" automatic Block if He rolls a 3 on Defensive phase. The SA Proton Blast adding +200 to his AP if he rolls a 3 on the attacking phase. Defeat this thing and meet up with Hailey at Part 28. Die meet up with the reaper at Part 13. Part 11 You Run quickly towards the Machine GUN and grab it feeling empowered. You Aim it and look around. SHEERR WOOM! You can see the Gigantic legs of the Rudy Android glide down and land before You. You take Aim. " Puny Human." He raises his foot over You and Smashes You into a crater. Now Your a bloody foot print. Scrape yourself you up at Part 13. Part 29. You turn and run for it."Wait don't leave me!" You here Hailey scream. You wake up in your dingy messy space you call an apartment. You look out the window. Its been 10 years since you left that insane prison and Jeffery Greaser has won the presidential king election again. Any one who tries to run against him is publicly executed. Outside are posters everywhere of King President Jeffery and next to him is queen sex slave Hailey who has done nothing but say how much of a trader you are and how your such a coward on her radio show and satellite talk show. Its extremely hard for you to get a job. Nobody like's or respects you for allowing the world to run by a cruel and kinky dictator. You can only make a living as cleaning up elephant s**t at Jeffery's City Mansion. He likes you and always thanks you for turning the cheek. Some people throw tomatoes at your widow "F*****g Coward!" They scream. You sigh and roll over back to sleep. The World was dominated ending. (Play again) Part 28 You Take down the Android in a crazy battle. Hailey takes out the last Ruby Dog and rushes towards you. "That wasn't so hard." She says smiling. You walk over to the Android and find a Ruby plasma Sword That Adds + 300 to your AP and Lasts one Fight. Hailey finds two Healing potions that adds 50 to your HP if isn't at its max.( You use them before any battle and can decide not to use them but once you use them their gone.) You guys rush Towards the Southern Hallway. "That guy back there did he work with you?" You ask. "Who Danny?" She asks back. "No Your Ex-Husband." You say. "Yeah, he was a brilliant mechanic back in the days, but started getting more into himself and became a narcissist. Nobody liked to be around him talking about only him." She says. "Did he cheat on you?" You ask. "F**k no, nobody could stand him long enough to let alone sleep with. I divorced him so I focus more on my work, and he only wanted me back so he can be the one to divorce me." She explains. "Sounds like a real a*****e." You say. Hailey doesn't say anything thing but you can see her eyes begin to water. "We're here." She says emotionally. You can see the Door to the boiler room. You open and walk inside and see a giant Main Computer what seems like home to the internet itself. "Some boiler room." You say. Hailey rushes ahead towards a podium. "S**t! Its not here!" She screams. "What's not?" You ask. "The f*****g brain is gone, Vegas!" She yells. "is it the end of the world?" You ask. "No, we can just go back to my lab and pin point its location." She says glumly. You guys head out. "AHHhh." Hailey screams as an abomination stands not to far eating what looks like body parts. "Bobby, Sal?!" You Say. The thing looks like a bunch of body parts melted together in a microwave. The head looks like Sal's and Bobby's head smooched together. Hailey bolts pass the creature leaving you behind. "Sorry I'll find the brain. Meet me at the lab." She yells running away. So it's just you and this Creature with only 500 HP 100 APP. Kill this thing and meet Hailey at the Lab at Part 30 Die and become part of the abomination at part 13. © 2017 Deron AnthonyAuthor's Note
Added on January 17, 2015 Last Updated on August 9, 2017 Tags: Interactive, story, jail, prison, Androids, mutants, Giant Machines, sci-fi, adventure, dice-roll, dungeons-and-dragons Author![]() Deron AnthonyAkronColumbus OH, Brockton MA, OHAboutHello again...I'm Deron now 25 and realizing that as a Writer we must Edit Edit Edit!! Though it seems to be Last thing a writer wants to do literally. It doesn't matter how great and idea, concept, p.. more..Writing