Chapter 6: Frog Island

Chapter 6: Frog Island

A Chapter by Helen

The time had come for Leana and Wounded Child to leave the holy and healing place that had come to seem as if it were the whole world. Leana crossed to the Oak Tree to receive nourishment and blessings for the final time. In the hollow of the ancient tree, she found a small, folded piece of paper. 

Carefully unfolding it, Leana revealed a map of the great city. Leana was able to locate Dane Hills which, according to legend, had been the home of Black Annis. Leana scanned the map for clues as to where she and Wounded Child should go next. To the south lay the great forest, surrounding Braunstone Village and the seat of Kings Power. Her eyes continued to scan the page and then she saw it! Leana laughed and clapped her hands. “Frog Island!” she exclaimed, “We have to make our way to the River Soar and find Frog Island. I am sure that will be where we are reunited with our spirit guides.” 

Leana had been enthused by the Spirit of Childhood, but she was blind to its companion, ‘Naivety’. Yes, she was a child, but she had lived many years, and should have known that magic would never be so blatant. Leana was sure that she would find the giant frog - with Teddy - waiting for her at Frog Island, but she would have to learn that the Universe had other plans. 

Leana and Wounded Child prepared to leave. They were an odd sight: two small girls, aged about six and eight, setting off on a journey together, both emitting an other-worldly, ethereal sheen. Leana led the way, lightening and brightening the path. She neither hesitated nor rushed, and she cheerfully indulged each of Wounded Child’s requests to touch, to look, to climb, to run, to jump and to splash. Leana knew that Wounded Child was experiencing the enthusiasm of childhood for the very first time, and her patience was as abundant as the Great Mother’s herself. 

The young girls made their way through the forest, conversing with the trees, and taking their advice, as they went. 

At last they arrived at a hill above the River Soar and looked about them. They checked the map, and indeed, they were still on course for the island. Wounded Child spotted a crossing point slightly further along, where stepping stones had been positioned to facilitate the journey from one side of the river to the other. 

“It’s late” said Leana “Let’s camp here for the night, and continue our journey when the new day dawns. 

As the sun began to set, the two girls were nestled together ready for sleep, and they felt the arms of the Mother of Day and the Mother of Night forming a circle around them, divine hands briefly and lightly touching, before nightfall parted them again. 

Wounded Child and Leana slept soundly, blessed as they were by the Mothers. At dawn, they awoke and continued their journey. When they reached the crossing, Leana took Wounded Child’s hand and they skipped across so lightly that it seemed they would not have broken the surface of the water if the stepping stones had not been there. Wounded Child had never felt such lightness, or so full of Life’s energy, and she silently thanked the gods for the gifts of healing she had received and the new joy she was beginning to experience. 

Once across the river, Leana and Wounded Child made their way to Frog Island. It was not far, and their small steps quickened as they began to hear the vibrations and chirps of the frogs that dwelt there. But as they drew closer, the air became thin and took on a noxious quality. Wounded Child gasped, “The frogs are dying! See, Leana, see the dead frogs on the path over there!” 

With each step, the girls could see more and more dead frogs. The toxic air did not seem to be affecting them, but even so, Leana tore a white strip from the bottom of her dress for Wounded Child to use as a mask, handing it to her companion before repeating the exercise for herself. 

By the time they reached Frog Island, the girls could not take a single step without their feet coming into contact with dead frogs and Leana’s eyes streamed with tears at the thought that the giant frog would be amongst the casualties. She could not allow herself to think that Teddy might share the same fate, for that would have broken her. She was not sure that she could go on without him. 

And then Leana saw the old woman’s head impaled on a post, high above the perimeter fence. Staring out of her wizened skin, above her crooked nose, the old woman’s eyes stared defiantly and accusingly. Even in death - especially in death - the old woman would not be silenced or tamed, her steadfast gaze telling of her torment and calling for justice. 

It felt as it the horror of the day was too much to bear. Wounded Child and Leana held hands tightly, feeling the last of their hope and courage drain away. Leana put her head in her hands. And so it was that Wounded Child saw him first, and watched him make his way towards them. A small and familiar looking bear, with a neat blue bow around his neck.

© 2021 Helen

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Added on January 3, 2021
Last Updated on January 4, 2021
Tags: fairy story, personal growth. healing, addiction, alcoholism, childhood trauma, recovery



Luton, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

When I joined WritersCafe, I originally posted the poems I had written as part of my personal healing journey - childhood trauma to alcoholism to recovery. I wasn't sure if my writing would be of inte.. more..

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