![]() Nights as RoyaltyA Chapter by Literally Words![]() Written by me and Emma K![]()
* Chapter 1: The Break-up*
“ Wow, look Ruby” said Grace, pointing to a flaming arrow flying across the starry sky. “ OMG, it’s - it’s…” Ruby stammered They just saw a shooting star!! The twins gasped. Dreaming of all of the mystical creatures out there. “ I’ve never seen one going that fast before, we have to tell Grandad.” So they rushed downstairs, round the corner and forced Grandad up the stairs. He slowly trekked up the stairs with the kind, friendly smile he always uses to adore his granddaughters. “ Oh, my, oh my, I see my granddaughters are so excited!” “GRANDAD, GRANDAD,” they shouted. “ What did you see through my telescope? No way, a shooting star?” he laughed. That night Ruby and Grace dreamed about landing on the moon and riding shooting stars back to their house. The next morning, when the twins were wanting to be embraced in their parents arms, they found grandad sitting at a table, alone. He was looking rather sad. “What’s wrong, Grandad?” asked Ruby. He grumbled. “ Last night, your parents went driving and had a crash, you mother is now in hospital.” he replied. “ Oh my gosh is she okay? Can we go see her today?” “ I’m afraid not, she is very badly injured.” That afternoon Grandad got a phonecall from the hospital. “ Hello?” “My daughter?” After the long conversation, Grandad spoke to his grandchildren, “We can go see her,” They were very happy and delighted, yet scared of being told a loved one was going. The girls and their Grandad drove to the hospital. There were heaps of policemen around their mum’s room. They were invited to see their Mum. She was lying on a white bed, her eyes were closed, one leg in a cast dangled on a fabric sling. Dad was in the corner, sitting in a red chair. He was scrunching up his brown hair, and had a very disapointed expression. The girls covered their mouths. Grandad did the same, he looked very angrily at their Dad, and lead the girls out. When they got home, Ruby opened the telly silently. Who could talk in a moment like this? The news was on. “Yesterday a fatal accident has happened. A married couple, a woman and a drunk man crashed into a tree, apparently the man that was driving had no license. He will be sent to jail tomorrow, as he wishes to stay with his wife for a night. He is strongly guarded, but with no fa-” Ruby turned off the TV. Weeks later, their mother was on her two feet again, but she always needed a walking stick or crutch to help her. The girls and their mum went to visit their dad in prison. Mum bailed him out, and once they were outside, Mum took a deep breath. “ Harold, I don’t think I can trust you anymore,” she said, looking at her husband sternly. He just laughed “ Oh, Catherine darling, you can!! Just because I don’t have my driver’s license and you know it, doesn’t -,” he started. “ What? You never told me that!” Mum burst into tears. “Thats it we are DONE!” “No - no, you can’t do that to me,” Dad was shocked. The twins were too shocked to believe what they just heard. They looked at each other, tears dripping down their pale cheeks. Their parents are going to be separated, they had to make a decision. Staring into their father’s eye, and looking back at each other. He was pure evil to them now. How could he not tell their mum he didn’t have his drivers license. They nodded to each other, like they could read each others mind. “ It’s too late, Dad. Mum, we’re coming with you!” Grace said, quietly. *Chapter 2: Leaving Dad* For the next week Mum was crying, literally non-stop. She couldn't possibly live like this anymore. Which meant Grace and Ruby had to give Mum breakfast in bed, lunch in bed, and dinner in bed for a few weeks until she could handle the pain. One day around five o’clock, Dad had called them. Ruby picked up the phone. “Hello, is that you Grace?” He said a deep, sad voice. “No. What do you want, Dad?” “Just wondering how your mother is,” “She’s perfectly fine without you,” Ruby put down the receiver. She sighed, “I feel sorry for Dad, but he’s really getting on my nerves. It’s like I don’t know him anymore,” “Same, but I never actually felt safe with him,” Grace replied. As they sat down to eat dinner, and watching the news, they saw a familiar face. DAD!! Why was Dad on the news? The news said: “ Harald Fitzgerald has been trying to kill his wife and children by crashing their car a few weeks ago. His wife has bailed him out, paying one million dollars...” Mum turned off the T.V. “ That’s enough from THAT gypsy. We’re gonna have to move house,” she said slowly. After going to see some houses, They settled with a small, spacious one story house. It had a big garden, and the rooms seemed to be really big. Even when it was so small as if magic it felt like a mansion. The three moved into their new house by the end of the year. Grace and Ruby snuggled down to go to sleep in their own new bedroom and turned off the light. But as soon as they turned off the light, they ended up in a magical world!! There were beautiful rainbow trees that glowed, and a gold path in the middle leading to a golden palace. The birds were singing and there were butterflies fluttering everywhere, best of all there was a beautiful starry sky, with shooting stars flying across the starlight sky. They couldn't possibly tell Mum! * Chapter 3: The exciting Discovery * “ Wow, this is like my dream place!” said Ruby, stunned. “ Let’s go explore, I’ll go this way and you can go the other way,” “ Should we meet up somewhere at a certain time?” “ Yes” replied Grace. “ We’ll meet up here at…” she looked at her watch. “ At, 2:30” The girls split up. They saw magical things. There were guards lined up all the way to the palace, the first two blocking the path with their spears. “You shall not pass, young ladies. You are not the queens, or the princesses from the prophecy,” said a soldier in shining silver armour. Suddenly a lady, which looked like a maid came running down the path. She was the sort that looked tall and bossy. “ You, silly soldiers, do you know your orders?! Those are the Queens of Solarist. Unless you want to die, let them in!” She said slapping one of the soldiers "These are…Introduce yourselves,” she whispered. “We are Grace and Ruby, uh… your new queens” Grace curtseyed. “What do you mean by the prophecy anyways?” Ruby asked. “Finally, not a citizen pretending to be from E-arth,” “What? You mean Earth. Where are we?” The maid sighed, then shot a deadly look at the guards. The guards suddenly awakened, and order the second two guards to blow the horns. “All hail, our heroes, all hail our queens,” he shouted. The girls started to blush. “Look at those ugly clothes, come on now. We better get you changed,” she stammered, pointing at their pyjamas. The maid showed them colourful dresses, from yellow to white. In the end Ruby picked a yellow gown, and grace picked a purple gown. Next they went into the jewellery room. There were thousands of tiaras, earrings, bracelets and necklaces. In the end they chose a matching pair, of a beautiful shimmering diamond tiara, and diamond earrings, necklaces and a simple gold bracelet with carvings of waves on it. They were so happy of their glory, they forgot about their real home. The girls were on their way to their thrones, with their hair curled and pretty dresses. They saw the clock. They stopped right in the middle of the red carpet. “ Oh no” Grace whispered to Ruby. “ It’s almost 8:00, if we don’t leave this place now, Mum will be looking for us. Do something,” “ Hey guys. Look, we need to uhh… do something for our people in another land. We shall see you tonight,” Ruby spoke, trying to calm them. “ Goodbye, our fellow people!” As they disappeared, they woke up in bed. “Did you have the same dream as me?” asked Grace. “I think so - the one in the magical land, when we both became queens?” “Yes, that was fairly odd, don’t you think?” In the distance, they heard Mum calling them for breakfast. “Girls, breakfast!” “Coming Mum” As the twins chomped down they’re bacon and eggs on toast, they thought of a brilliant idea of going to their new school early, to dream a little bit more of what happens in their dream. “Let’s go to the library, there would surely be no-one there, just like our old school” Ruby suggested. Grace agreed. The girls found a comfy couch and fell asleep. “Welcome back, your majesties!!” “So glad to be back” Ruby replied, brightly. “Remember, the bell goes at 9:00, we have to wake up before then” whispered Grace. “I should have set an alarm on my watch,” Ruby frowned. The girls were once again on the gorgeous, red carpet, walking towards the thrones. Beside the throne was the maid, instead dressed in a pink formal wear. The queens sat on their two royal thrones, and the maid handed them each a staff. Grace had got a dark blue diamond on top of her gold staff, and Ruby had a pink diamond on hers. The maid told them the staff was magical, and has never been used for bad deeds. “Wow, being a Queen feels real cool,” Grace exclaimed. “ Yeah, and magical,” “ Maybe we should go soon,because other people might come in the library and see us,” So they faded back to their own world. When they woke up, they were shocked to see, Principal Laren there. “Well, you girls have some explaining to do,” He growled. The girls gulped. Principal Laren was really strict, and they’ll probably get so much homework that they’ll never get to sleep again. * Chapter 4: Detention * “ Uh-oh, if we really are going to have to explain, we can’t do in front of Mum!” Grace exclaimed. “ Oh, I hope we don’t have to do that!” agreed Ruby. They were in the principal's office writing lines. I will not fall asleep in school time. Meanwhile the principle was telling their mum what had happened. The girls rolled their eyes, in annoyance. Principle Laren was such a tattletale. That evening, Grace and Ruby did get extra homework, but not much. They only got assignments and an extra maths, which to them was fun! “ You do the assignments and I’ll do the maths,” said Ruby, quickly. “No Ruby. How about we both do half - half an assignment and half maths,” “ Ugh, OK, fine,” They finished their homework just before Mum came in Then their mum called them to dinner. They were surprised to see pizza sitting on the table. “It won’t be the best, but I hope you like it. Made it myself,” The girls feasted their eyes on the pizza ignoring her completely. They rushed to grab the biggest piece, but mum stopped them. “Now now girls. Remember what you have to do always? Wash your hands,” Mum said, sternly. They groaned as they trotted towards the bathroom, on their way they suddenly fell on the carpet, and into Solarist. They were sitting in their thrones once again. “Huh?” Ruby said puzzled. “Hello your majesties,” said the maid. “Hi, it suddenly came to me, what’s your name?” Ruby asked. The maid gasped. “In Solarist a royal person should not know the main maids name,” “Anyways we were about to eat pizza. Why are we here?” asked Grace. “The princesses of the prophecy have come, they shall not come in until the queens allow them to. You see queens are higher ranked than princesses,” “Sweet,” murmured Grace delightfully. Ruby nudged her, Grace shrugged. They gracefully walked outside to meet the princesses. There they were standing in front of two identical kids, both with long blonde hair, and pretty blue eyes. They were wearing pyjamas with rainbows on them. They waved at the girls. They just smiled. “Looks like there are two sets of twins!” joked the maid. The new princesses giggled in a gentle kind friendly tone. “ What are your names?” asked Ruby. “ We are Toni and Tania,” the one called Tania replied. The highnesses walked into the palace. The princesses looked around amazed. “You’ll go through a lot of thrilling stuff here,” Grace explained. “ We are honoured to accompany you!” The maid took the Toni and Tania through everything the girls went through. “Umm, maid. Can you tell us a bit of Solarist and the prophecy?” asked Tania. “Oh I think the other girls would like that too. But you get changed first. Queens, you can study our star if you want, just go to the library,” The maid pointed to a room with huge wooden doors.The girls walked into the library. The shelves were so tall like giraffes, and there seemed to be unlimited books. There was a huge window the size of the door, and a big round table in the middle, with comfy cushions around it, everything looked like it was ancient.The girls froze, it was so magnificent it took so long for them to take it all in. “ Ruby, I can hear a faint voice. It sounds like Mum trying to wake us,” panicked Grace At that moment, they woke up just in time, before their pizza’s got cold. “ I wonder who fell asleep when they got given a special treat,” said Mum, sarcastically. “ Sorry, Mum,” “ I should hope so,” * Chapter 5:The Ancient Library* That night their dream carried on. They were standing in the huge library. They moved slowly around. Grace brushed her fingers along the spines of the vintage book, her face turning into an amazed grin. “Where are the books on Solarist,” said Ruby. “We got them all out here,” said a sweet gentle voice. The girls turned around to see two beautiful girls wearing green gowns, and a flowers in their long shiny golden hair, and the flower bracelets and an emerald necklace, sitting on cushions. One of them pointed to the pile of old dusty books. “Thanks,” Grace replied. “ No probs!” said one of the girls, confidently. “ Oh, uh - let me introduce us, I’m Beatrice and this is my best friend, Shauna. She helps me with this library” “ Uhh… nice to meet you,” “We are the librarians,” said Shauna. “We come from a different star called, Minitripia,” “Here are the books about Solarist, and here are the books about all the stars history,” Beatrice started piling the books in alphabetical order. “ Do you guys wanna be friends?” Ruby suggested “ Sure! No-one’s ever asked that in our entire lives, isn’t that right Shauna?” Shauna nodded happily. The ‘Queens’ returned to their thrones carrying a pile of books. Beside the throne was the maid, a man, and a few soldiers. “ Why hello, your majesties!” “ Hello, our fellow people,” said Grace, proudly. “We would like to build you a new extension to the palace,” said the maid. “As a gift of honour,” she added. “You may design what it shall look like,” the man said. “I am your designer, your highnesses,” he bowed. “Highnesses, I will take your books to your room. I will guide you there later,” The maid favoured, taking the books. Ruby mouthed a “thank you”, to the maid, she nodded to say, no problem. *Chapter 6: Meeting the twins* The new queens went to design the space of the extension to the palace. Inside were big pillars, and boards filled with creative designs. There was a group of builders at a table discussing about a new house design they were preparing. “ How about a big walk in wardrobe and a massive new living area and a real toilet,” sniggered Ruby. “ Don’t be rude,” Ruby totally ignored her sister. “ And a few more toilets, and maybe a bigger throne and a big T.V in every bedroom and… and...and…” “ Stop it, Rubs! You realise we’re not full of money” “ Your sister’s right. We can’t afford everything,” said the maid, sadly. They were still in Solarist when Mum came to wake them up for school. “ Grace, Ruby. WAKE UP!!” she yelled. “ Huh? Wait, WHAT?” Ruby said, sleepily. “Girls, get up now, or you’ll be late for school,” “ But we’re still tired, please Mum, let us stay in bed,” she groaned, for an excuse. “ Psst, Ruby, she’ll get suspicious,” “ Good point,” At school, Grace and Ruby met two identical girls, one called Toni, and one called Tania, just like the twins that were in their dream. “ Hey, I think you were in my dream. You were the Queens and me and Tania were the princesses!” explained Toni. “ Trust me, all four of us had that same dream,” “ You had it too?” Toni asked. “ Yep, the one in Solarist, am I right?” asked Grace. “ We could find a secret hiding place and dream a little bit more,” suggested Tania. “ Good plan!” agreed Ruby. So they went to find a place to hide while dreaming where no-one could find them. At last the two sets of twins found a small, but well-covered bush amongst a forest-like bunch of tall trees. “Why hello your majesties!” said the maid, as the Queens and Princesses walked down to their thrones. “ We are very glad to be back, but we have some very important work to do. We can only be here for a certain amount of time,” Grace explained. “ Well, you’d better make the most of it then,” replied the maid. We have to be back at exactly 2:00, that’s when the bell rings. Right now, it’s 1:52,” Tania whispered, looking at her watch. “ All hail our Queens and Princesses!” blurted out the soldiers, unexpectedly. “ Uhhh… maybe we should go now, it is 1:58. We don’t wanna be in trouble. So they faded into their own world, seeing themselves lying in a pile of mud. “ Oh no, it’s been raining,” grunted Toni. “ I got a good idea, since we’re in our P.E uniform, we have to get changed anyways,” “ Lets go!” When they finished getting changed, it was exactly 2:00 so they needed to go to their classroom fast. “Sorry we’re late Mrs Thompson, we had to take care of the health room, it was our duty today,” “ Thank you for letting me know, Ruby,” “ I’m Grace,” she said with a slight laugh. *Chapter 7: The History of Solarist* Grace and Ruby’s Mum had organised a playdate with Toni and Tania’s Mum for that afternoon. “ Shall we dream some more?” asked Toni. “ I think we should,” replied Ruby. Within a few minutes of tossing and turning, they all fell asleep and appeared in the magical world. They once again they were sitting in their thrones. “Um, maid can we read our books now?” asked Ruby. “Oh yes, of course,” The maid led the girls up a magnificent staircase. It was gold with a carpet, with pictures off all the gems there were. Rubies, Diamonds, Sapphires, Emeralds, Ambers, Jades, Amethysts, and a lot more. They strolled up the stairs, walked along a long corridor, colourful walls, and the gem carpet lined the ground. There seemed to be thousands of rooms, since they kept passing thousands of doors. They finally ended at which seemed to be the 16783th room. The door was gold, with carvings of their staffs, one dark blue diamond, and one pink diamond sitting on golden staffs. “Your staffs are inside too,” The maid added. Then she left. The girls looked at each other. Both put their hands on their diamond, and pushed the golden door open. Inside were two four poster beds made out of gold, and to big walk in wardrobes, and a desk with heaps of draws. Their staffs were in a big glass display. The carpet below them was made out of the reddest rubies cut into tiny small round pieces, there was a bathroom with two sinks made out of emeralds, and the toilet was made out of real sapphires. “Wow,” Ruby said, her eyes gleaming with greed. “This the awesome!” exclaimed Grace, rushing to the bed and falling into it’s soft mattress. On the desk was the pile of books. “Come on Ruby. Lets start studying,” “Grace, I don’t want to wake up,” She said dreamily. Grace pulled her sister onto the bed. Got the pile of books and dropped them on the bed. “Now where shall we start,” Grace said taking the first book on top. Slowly she opened the ragged leather book. The pages were brown and old. The History of Solarist Solarist has always been a star of riches, the queens and princesses who could not stand it often die. But as I the queen of Solarist write these sentences, I am full of guilt. Solarist came to be by a planet called E-arth, Solarist is a piece of the E-arth that has broken down. Now the place where Solarist once were is filled with water. Solarist came to be as an alien used it as its home, but soon enough he died leaving particles of his DNA or body. Slowly particles that floated around joined together to make the first solaring. The first solaring wasn’t pretty. But after a few thousand years we solarings have formed to look like humans from E-arth, and to act like them. The first queens were very strict, if you didn’t do the right thing you would be sentenced to death. But a prophecy states that four humans from E-arth, would come to rule Solarist peacefully, as I have failed and have killed living things and my own sister. This star is to be protected by the humans, and I have given you this book from the future. It shall be put in the royal library, and the first book the queens of the prophecy reads. Take this as a warning….. A warning to Ruby and Grace. “Our names are in there, Grace. She’s warning us about killing everyone,” “She’s from the future, Ruby we should try and find a time travel book!” “That’ll be cool,” “ But it’ll be very hard, you know. There are tonnes of books in the library,” “ Maybe the librarians can help,” “We just wanna read about it, like we don’t have to do it,” The girls went out of their new room, into the long corridor. “Race you there,” Ruby challenged. They sped off towards the library. Ruby got there first, Grace just a second behind. “ Ha ha, I win,” said Ruby “ Well, what do you win?” asked Grace. “ I win…. uhhh… This,” Ruby held up a gem. “ No, Ruby, you don’t know who it belongs to,” “ OK, I’ll leave it,” They walked in the library, and found the princesses and the librarians talking. Shauna and Beatrice waved at them. The girls waved back. “Hey, can we help you?” asked Beatrice. “ Um… do you have a time travel book?” “ I think so, maybe it’s in the science section,” she pointed to a stack of books “ Thanks!” “Guys, do you think we should go back. Your mum might be a bit worried,” Toni suggested. “Good idea, come on Ruby, time to wake up. Meet you there Toni and Tania,” They faded back to their own world. waking up in their softness of their purple bed. “I think we might- Oh no, its past afternoon tea, Mum will be waiting,” “Girls, why were you sleeping on a hot day like today?” Mum came in. “We were tired,” Tania said. “Well, here is your food,” she handed the four some biscuits and milk. “ Thanks, Mum,” “ Are these homemade? These biscuits are delicious,” “Mum we’re just going to be outside,” Ruby said. The four walked into their garden and sat down on the grass in a shady spot. “How did you come into Solarist?” Grace asked. “We moved houses, and went to take a nap,” answered Tania “That was the same as us!” exclaimed Ruby. In a few seconds they fell asleep, dreaming ahead. Shauna and Beatrice were there reading books on other stars and planets. The girls went to the science section, and looked around there. “Found it,” Ruby said pulling out a big book. “ I found this one,” said Grace, pulling out a book saying “Time Travel.” “ It has a picture of a time travel hole,” The girls sat next to the princesses, and opened their books. “This is too long can we read it later,” Moaned Ruby “ Maybe it’s like a picture book, you know, like big writing, the sort of book that makes learning fun!” “But my one only has words,” Ruby moaned again, flipping all of the pages. “ Stop it, Ruby. Look at my book if you want instead,” said Grace, sternly. “I’m just gonna put this in our bedroom. Maid,” Ruby argued. “ Yes, your highness?” said the maid, rushing into the library. “ Can you please take this into my room? I’m not feeling that well,” explained Ruby. “Yes of course,” and she was off. “ Well, maybe if Ruby really isn’t feeling well-” Grace was interrupted. “Ahem, I can hear you, I AM sick. Bwahhh…, ‘ Ruby vomited. “ Oh dear,” “Grace, I think I can hear your Mum,” Toni whispered to them. “We need to get back then,” Ruby muttered. Teleporting into their back yard. Mum was watching them. “How many times have I told you to stay awake, and how many times have you actually gone to sleep? What is your problem girls, Sleeping in school and sleeping when your friends are over. I think I need to take you to the doctors,” “No Mum, we just like sleeping,” Ruby explained. “Well, Toni and Tania dears, your parents called, and is really busy so you’re going to have to stay a night ok?” They nodded in unison. “Your dad just came and dropped off your sleeping gear. They’ll pick you up tomorrow,” “ Yay!! We’ve never had sleepovers and this is our first one!” said Toni, excitedly. “Plus, Dad’s a builder and Mum’s a zookeeper, so we get treats when we come home,” Tania cried happily. “Dad might give us something he found while digging, and mum might let us feed the giraffes tomorrow. Maybe you guys can come,” Toni suggested. Mum just giggled a bit. “They’ll end up sleeping the whole day,” She answered. Ruby shot Mum an embarrassed look. The time past quick, and it was bedtime, the four of them were really excited. “ Ooh, ooh, yay!” “ What is it, uhh… Tania?” “ Mum’s given us a special invitation to go pet the zebras tonight,” “ You mean ALL of us?” asked Ruby. “ Yes, she’s saying we can bring two friends, one each,” said Tania. “ OK, I pick… Ruby,” said Toni. “And I pick… Grace,” said Tania “ That means we’re all going,” *Chapter 8: Sir Mangler and the Prophecy* As they all went to sleep, they found themselves sitting on their thrones. “ Well this was unexpected,” “ Yeah, I thought that we were still in the library,” The maid that was beside them had pointed to the front doors. Two guards opened the door, and a man with long hair and a beard with shiny silver armour came in, holding his helmet in one hand and a sword in another. “So these are the queens and princesses of the prophecy? Their kids. Queen Grace was stupid, that’s right stupid,” He growled. “Excuse me,” roared Grace. “Are you denying the prophecy,” she stood up walking towards him. “Why are you here anyways,” Tania demanded, standing up too. “I was told to serve the great queens and princesses. AND THEY’RE KIDS!” He roared louder. “Why would we want you to guard us?” Ruby asked in a deadly quiet voice. “I am Sir Mangler, how could you not want me to guard you. I was the man to destroy the beast of Solarist. What did your prophecy not tell you that. DID QUEEN GRACE NOT TELL YOU, QUEEN GRACE THE GREAT? THE QUEEN WHO MADE THE PROPHECY!!!” he yelled. “What did you say,” Ruby said again with her deadly cold voice. Suddenly the alarm clock went, and the four of them were awake in an instant. “Don’t like that guy,” Ruby announced. After school that day, they all got picked up by Toni and Tania’s Mum. “ How was your day, girls?” “ Good!” they all chanted in unison. They hopped in the green car parked in the parking lot. It was an awkward silence. The girls stared out the car for a while when they were driving. “You girls can go to sleep for a little while, the zoo that I work at is kinda far away,” So they went to sleep. “No-one gets to call my sister stupid,” she carried on. “Guards, get this filthy ‘Sir Mangler' out of here, shoo, shoo,” Ten guards came pushing Mangler out. He struggle to get free, he used all his strength and push the guards down. He walked towards them and bowed down. “I did not call her highness stupid,” he said gently with a expression of mercy. “Finally some respect to my sister,” Ruby said. “I was out of my mind. I was calling the creator of the prophecy stupid. As I a great man of history is not in there at all,” “Queen Grace made this prophecy, you say?” Grace said. The four girls looked at each other. “Tell us more,” Toni said curiously. “No one knows this queen. No one is to know the queens or princesses names, we consider it rude, only when the royalties are dead we shall know their names. Only the main maid should know their names when they are alive. Queen Grace, was indeed a queen, and her name is nowhere in the history of royalties. Many now think the prophecy is fake. But I still believe it,” “Touching story,” Toni said. The four royalties, whispered to each other. “Let’s wake up now,” Tania said. “I think there is going to be another clown on the streets,” Toni giggled. The others nodded in agreement. In the car they stared out the window. They were in the city, where the buildings were really tall and looked like it was completely made out of glass. The atmosphere was busy, and the streets were busy. There was a lot of chatter outside, but what the girls were looking at was a clown dancing on the street. “Ha, look at that Tania,” “Mum, there’s a clown on the street again,” Tania started cracking up. The clown had a big rainbow wig, a blue nose and an non matching pair of shoes. Grace and Ruby started to giggle. The clown was doing an awkward dance, jumping side to side. “We’re there,” Toni and Tania’s mum said getting out of the car. The rest got out too. “Oh yes, Grace and Ruby you can call me Andrea,” “Okay,” they said in unison. *Chapter 9: The Zoo* They entered the zoo, there was a big sign saying zoo and green gates surrounding it. As they entered the zoo, the first thing you could see were tall palm trees, and hear the sound of a lot of people. The entrance was crowded with kids and adults. "Come on girls follow me," Andrea commanded. They followed Andrea, until the were at the zebras habitat. "Come through here," she said pointing to a small room. As they walked through the room, and came to a little field. Andrea handed them some oats. "Don't get too close to them, they're very shy, and will kick you or run away," " Uhhh... yeah, I don't wanna get hurt," said Grace, shyly. The four had lots of fun petting and feeding the zebras, they didn’t notice it was getting very late. Andrea got a call from Grace and Ruby’s Mum. “ Hi Andrea, just saying, the time is 7:15 and my girls go to bed at 8:30,” “ Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry. I will come and drop Grace and Ruby as soon as I can,” “OK, see you then,” said Grace and Ruby’s Mum, still a bit angry. “ Grace, Ruby, your mother has asked me to drop you off as soon as I can, it’s getting pretty late,” “ OK, what’s the time?” “ The time is… uhhh… 7:20,” she said, finally. After the long drive home, they finally got to Grace and Ruby’s house. “ Hello girls, did you have fun this afternoon?” “ Yes Mum, we fed the giraffes and zebras and we went into the zebra enclosure and we came in this dark room and we saw some reptiles and….,” “ OK, I can see you have given some thought into organising this for my girls,” Mum said to Andrea. “ What do you say, girls?” “ Thank You, Andrea,” they chanted. “ You’re most welcome. I hope to see you all again,” she replied. *Chapter 10: The Royal Ball* As they drifted off to sleep, they appeared in Solarist seeing themselves all dressed up in big puffy ball gowns and wearing massive crowns. “ Uhhhh… maid, why are we all dressed up like this?” asked Ruby, disgusted. “ Did no-one tell you, your majesties?” “ Uh, no. No one even spoke about it,” “ We were not meant to tell them,” said one of the soldiers. “ You… you… FOOLS, I told you what those ball gowns were for and I told you to tell them and-...” “ That’s ENOUGH!!” shouted Grace, at the top of her voice. “ Just tell us why we are dressed up,” demanded Ruby. “ As you wish, your highnesses. In Solarist, it is illegal to not go to the royal ball if you are Royal. You must go,” explained the maid. As they arrived at the ball, there were heaps of other Royalties from all over Solarist. In the space of about five minutes Grace and Ruby found themselves talking to two Kings. Toni and Tania found themselves dancing to Princes. “ Uh, hi. What is your name, may I ask?” “ We are Fred and Sebastian, we come from E-arth, as they call it,” Fred explained, pointing to his royal crown. “ Would you care to dance?” asked Sebastian, taking Ruby’s hand. She blushed. So Grace and Fred, and Ruby and Sebastian danced the whole evening. Meanwhile Toni and Tania had also danced with their princes. A royal feast was held, and the lot enjoyed it very much. They had not tasted such good food. While they were eating, they were also chatting to the royalties of Evdereenas, another star. "What makes you come here from E-arth?" Ruby asked. "The prophecy states, that we princes and kings will assist with a Great War, that will happen on Solarist," answered Fred. The evening ended and the Royal’s had to say goodbye. “ That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be,” said Ruby, as they came out afterwards. “ Yeah, it was kinda peaceful,” agreed Grace. As they walked towards the thrones the Queens overheard the soldiers calling the maid’s name. “ Ruby, did you hear that? Apparently the maid’s name is Mary,” whispered Grace. “ Shut up Grace. Pretend you didn’t hear them,” replied Ruby, sternly. When they were seated at their thrones, the maid came and served them tea. “Yum, Spag Bol!” said Ruby, feasting her eyes. “ Mmmm, this is like… the best I’ve ever had!” “Mar.. I mean maid, how did you make this?” asked Grace, interested. “ You don’t like it?” she asked, scared. “ Don’t be silly, I love it!” “ Oh, thank goodness, I was getting a bit scared,” "Have you noticed the princesses have left already?" “ Ruby, we’d better get back too,” “ The time is…,” “ It’s 7:00, that is the time we’re meant to wake up at,” So they woke up in their own world, seeing Mum in between them “ Get up, sleepy heads, we don’t wanna be late for school again,” “ Mum, what’s the time?” said Grace, assuringly. “ Let me see, it is 5 past 7. Hurry up and get ready, your breakfast is on the table,” *Chapter 11: The Missing Sister * When they arrived at school, they saw Tania. “ Hey guys, do you know where my sister went?” she asked them. "No, why?" "She wasn't in her bed this morning, and when I asked mum where she was, she ignored me," "Oh, that's worrying," Ruby said. "Dads also is meant to be home but he wasn't, he never goes to work on Thursday," "Ummm Dad?" Grace said a bit slowly. Ruby walked away towards the classroom. "Sorry Tania, we can't help you if it includes dads," "Why? Is it because your dad left you?" Grace nodded. "JUST BECAUSE YOUR DAD LEFT YOU, YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE TONI AND DAD?" Tania took deep breaths. "Sorry," and she walked away. “Well, maybe the disappearance had something to do with their Dad. Such as he kidnapped her,” suggested Ruby. “ Wait, she said her Mum ignored her, maybe they’re trying to keep a secret from her,” “ Maybe,” At interval Tania came back to apologise. “ Hey guys, I’m really sorry I shouted at you this morning, it was just… it’s kinda hard for me right now, you see, my sister’s gone, my Dad’s gone and Mum’s not talking to me,” “ We understand, Tania. We know how hard it is to not have a Dad,” “ If Toni’s still in our dream, we can ask where she is,” suggested Grace “ Perfect plan, Grace! But what if she’s not in our dream?” “ There’s only one way to find out,” When it was the girls bedtime, they snuggled down and fell into their real dream. They met Tania sitting at the throne. She pointed to the edge of the stairs. “ Hey, I can see Toni, let’s go to her,” “ She looks a little odd,” The girls approached Toni and smiled. “ Hi Toni! Can we ask some questions?” “What do you want?” she grumbled. “ What’s up with you?” At once Toni commanded the maid to capture the three girls. “ I’m sorry, Toni, you can’t capture our royal’s,” exclaimed the maid. “ HA HA HA, yes I can, they want to be captured don’t you?” she said with a sly smile. “ It’s happened before, the cure is to dunk her head in water for five seconds and she will be back to normal. But we will have to do it when no-one’s looking, or else it won’t work,” “ OK, I think it’s best if we do it when everyones sleeping, then we can carry her to the river bank,” “ Great idea, Grace,” When everyone was sleeping Grace, Ruby, and Tania sneaked into Toni’s bedroom, carefully lifted her and took her to the riverbank. The water was flowing and the girls didn't want to wake Toni up, so they did it quickly. “ On the count of three. 1...2...3… GO,” They dunked Toni’s head in the water. Five seconds later they took her head out. “ Wha.. Wha… What.. Where am I?” she managed to say. “ Shh…” “ Toni, we were so worried about you, you turned evil and you wanted to capture us and…” “ Why would I wanna capture you guys?” “ Because you were evil,” said Ruby. “ But do you know where you are on E-arth?” “ Yes, I’m at Grandad’s, Um… Dad said he needed me to talk to Grandad saying something about Mum taking us to the zoo and what we did," “ Do you know why you were behaving like you're evil?" “ Maybe because Dad was making me do it and I didn’t want to,” “ We can go rescue you,” “ Do you think I should text you saying what we're doing?” asked Tania. “ Uh… wait, Tania. You said your mum ignored you, well maybe Toni’s meant to be at your Grandad’s,” “ I should go ask Mum, and more clearly. I don’t think she actually heard me," They started walking back to the palace, suddenly they saw a woman, clutching a baby close to her chest, she was wearing ragged clothes. She was running towards them. "HELP!" she screamed. A few seconds later two guards were running after her. Toni ran towards her, and pulled her towards the girls. "Thank you, your majesty. They were trying to kill me and my baby," she cried, clutching the wailing child closer. The guards approached Toni. "Your highness, we are making a sacrifice to you," they said proudly. "WHAT! By killing an innocent woman and child. You disgrace me," Toni shook her head. "The only sacrifice you should be making, is yourself not other people," Tania said. The guards cowardly left. "Are you okay?" Ruby said touching scars on her face. She screamed. "Oh gosh, those look like they hurt a lot, come with us," Grace said. They led the woman to the palace. "Maid," demanded Ruby. The maid came rushing down the stairs. "Your majesty a villager in the palace," "So," Tania argued. "Help them," Grace demanded. The maid held the woman's hand tightly. She tug on her to follow her. The majesties followed her. "Err... Your majesties, there is no need for you you to come," "We can't trust anyone here now," Grace retorted. The maid sighed. They were took to a room that looked like one in a hospital. "Right so ho-" Grace's alarm went. In the morning, Tania made sure she asked her Mum about Toni before she got to the car. “ Mum, where is Toni?” No answer. “MUM, are you listening?” “Sorry dear, what was that?” “ Do you know where Toni is?” “ She’s at Grandad’s,” she replied. “ And where’s Dad?” “ Listen, darling,” She took a deep breath. “ Your father and I.. we’ve had enough arguments, you and Toni will not be seeing each other that much,” she announced. “ So, you’ve…” “ Yes,” her Mum interrupted, sadly. “ Oh no,” Tania said, under her breath. Before school, Tania found Grace and Ruby arriving at school. “ Grace, Ruby. I have some bad news,” “ Is it about Toni?” “ Well, yeah. You see Mum said her and Dad have had enough arguments, I won’t be seeing Toni that much,” she explained. “ So, we might never see her again?” asked Grace, shocked. “ Oh, we shall miss her, although we will see her in Solarist,” Ruby murmured. The three separated to go to their classes. They were waiting for it to be night time. Everytime the teacher was talking, they wouldn't listen, they were too busy thinking of Toni and trying to make a plan to rescue her after school. Not listening also meant staying three minutes after school. The bell went, and Tania was waiting in front of their classroom. Meanwhile the girls were inside, writing lines. I will listen to the Teacher when she is talking. Once three boring minutes passed, they were free to go. "I just texted Toni. She said she going to go shopping in the next hour," "We better hurry then," Grace exclaimed. "Grandpa's house is that way," Tania said pointing to the right. The girls hurried out of school. "I'm just gonna call mum," Grace said pulling out her phone. "Hey mum, yeah, yeah, no please not that mum. Mum listen to me, we are going to Tania's house, she's feeling really sad and lonely. Her sisters at her grandpa's house for a few months. Really? Thanks mum," Grace put her phone back in her bag. "So?" Asked Ruby. "We're allowed to go to Tania's anytime we want, as long as we are home by dinner," Grace said excitedly jumping up and down. "Hey, there's no time to waste, come on," Tania tugged their uniform. They approached Tania's Grandpa's home. She put a finger over her mouth to say quiet. You could hear crying inside, slowly the girls followed the sound. Tania found an open window, she peeked inside. “ Toni,” gasped Tania. “ Help, you guys. Grandpa's treating me like a slave, and forcing me to do stuff or else he won’t give me food. You MUST get me out of here!” Tania got a phone call from her Mum. “ Tania, I’ve been looking for you all over school, where are you?” “ Grandpa picked us up, did he not tell you, but I will come back. Toni’s coming too,” “ Did I ever say she could come?” “ Please Mum, she’s begging us,” The phone call ended as Ruby grew staunch. "We are going to bust you out of there," Ruby said in her famous brave voice. "Dad's coming, quick hide," cried Toni. The girls ducked down under the window. They could hear a gentle but strong voice. "Why are you down here, Toni. Go upstairs and play with your toys, or you can go outside," "Grandpa said I wasn't to leave this room until I'll cook him dinner every time I'm here," "You go outside. I'll have a good talk to him," "Thanks Dad," The girls peeked through the window again. Toni gave them a thumbs up. Then she skipped out of the room. She came out the front to the girls. "Are you gonna bust me out or what," she smiled. "Because I have a plan," she added. “ Pretend to cook Grandpa dinner and instead come out of the window,” “Okay,” "Grandpa!” she called. "What if he sees you?" Tania said worried. "Just you wait and see," she whispered. “ Is my dinner ready?” “ No, I’m just starting,” “ Then hurry up, I hungry,” Toni winked at the others. They winked back. "Dad don't be that harsh to the kid," "Then she as useless as you are, son," You could hear their Dad sigh. Toni went back into the building. Tania instructed the girls to follow her. She took them to the kitchen window. “ Psst, I’m coming out,” she finally said. “ Quick! Grandpa’s an angry man,” Toni came out, head first and escaped with the others “ Ow,” she knocked her head on the concrete,” They ran away not knowing where to go. "Refugee at our house," Ruby suggested. The twins nodded. “ Mum’s calling me,” “Hi Mum," “ Sorry Mum, Grandad’s forcing Toni to cook,” “ We’ll be there soon,” “Sorry guys. Mum’s waiting for us,” “ See you tonight!” The girls split directions. Let’s go home," Ruby said. They sprinted back towards school, then started to run back to their house. They burst opened the door tired. “ Sorry we’re late, Mum,” “ Your dinner’s on the table,” As they ate their dinner Mum didn't ask "how was school” or “Did you have a good day” like she always does. She just kept silent. “ Mum? Are you okay?” “ I’m fine, I… I… just realised your father... didn’t sign the divorce papers,” she hesitated. The girls looked at each other. "Mum, why do you really want to leave Dad?" “ He almost killed me, I know it was an accident, but this one was too big," “ You girls, go and get ready for bed,” she continued. “ Sure, Mum, sure,” They brushed their teeth, and took a shower. They got ready to go back to Solarist. “ Welcome back, your majesties!” said the maid (Mary), excitedly. “ Uh, Thanks?” “ We need to go see the princesses, if we may,” announced Grace. “ Uhh, sure thing,” A few minutes later they came back "Where's the poor woman?" Grace demanded. The maids face turned pale. "You killed them didn't you, you killed both of them!" Ruby hissed, disgusted. " Yes your majesty's. As a sacrifice," “ How DARE you!” she shouted. “ Should we Grace?” Grace nodded." “ You’re FIRED!” " No please, no. The room there, is full of jewels, take them all. Leave me be," she begged pointing to a big door. “Jewels are not the same as bringing a dead woman back to life,” grunted Grace. Ruby froze. "Jewels you say, eh?" "Ruby stop it. Ruby, you know what’s right, don’t take them, put her in Jail,” *Chapter 12: The Evil Monster* “ Oh no, please, what I say, and I mean what I mean,” The girls were not convinced. So the maid was now in prison. “ So long. MARY,”. “ You are SO lucky we didn't kill you, but I’m afraid you are sentenced for twenty-five years or until you promise to never kill ANYONE again, that includes intruders,” Ruby was already walking out the dungeon. She couldn't stop looking at the door where the jewels were. " The jewelsss," she hissed. “ Alright, take three,” “ Yus!” Ruby ran to the door like a monster. Burst it opened and jumped in the pile of riches. She laughed like a maniac. "Me riches," She screeched. Suddenly, she fell to the ground hands covering her neck. She started making scary gurgling sounds. “ Ruby!” Grace slapped her, firmly Ruby's dress started to rip. Her skin turning green. Grace slapped her again disgusted. “ Brrrrgh,” she shook her head violently turning back to herself. “ What just happened,” “ Ruby, we need to get out of this room, and you're turning into a monster. Look you've ripped your dress, go get changed," “ No, I’m not,” her voice started to deepen. “ RUBY, WE NEED TO GET YOU OUT OF HERE,” Grace screamed. She dragged Ruby out of the room with the jewels. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh," Ruby's kind tone was heard, but was overtaken by an evil moan. Grace woke up and started to heavy-breathe. She saw Ruby tossing and turning, but fast asleep. Ruby was still sleeping "Muahahah, all this riches. MINE! Join me my sister, feel the glory," She screeched, reaching for Grace's hand. “ Ahhhhhh… , GUARDS!!” she screamed. “ Queen Grace, you called us?” “ HELP!” she said, still freaked out. Ruby was a witch! She had green skin, a long nose and grew bigger. “ We need to dunk her head in that water,” the guard pointing toward the river. " HA! You think that'll work. Sister I say once more. Do you wish to join me or not?" " No, sister. Do you wish to join me?" "Grrr," She answered and ripped off her sleeve. "Ah," Grace said in disgrace, moving backwards. The guards were charging at her. Ruby gave Grace a pitiful look and ran away. Grace woke up. Got out of the bed and shook Ruby hard. "Huh?" She woke up confused. "Ruby, don't do it," "I can't help it Grace, oh yeah and umm, I think I might have imprisoned the princesses. GO save them Grace," " I want to save you first," “I told you, I can't control myself. I’ll stay awake and when you save them I’ll go back to sleep,” Ruby suggested. “ Fine,” So Grace went back to sleep and saw the guards looking unhappy. “ Queen Grace, we cannot find Queen Ruby, we’ve searched everywhere,” “ Don’t worry about it, she’s in E-arth, for now we need to focus on the princesses,” “ What about them?” asked the main guard. “ Ruby’s imprisoned them in the dungeon, do you have the key?” “ Yes,” he held it in his hand. They went down into a dark gloomy dungeon. They looked cell to cell. " Wait the maids gone!" Grace said coming to an opened cell. “ Princesses, did you see her escape?” “ Oh, we were trying to call you guys, this dungeon has no signal,” "You bring your cell phone when your asleep?" Grace asked. "Uhh, duh," Toni answered. “ But did you see her escaping?” she repeated. “ Yes, she was busted out by a witch that imprisoned us. The maid was all like, 'I'll do anything just let me out' And then the witch was like ‘Give me all your jewels and I’ll let you out’ but in a weird accent. And the maid agreed.The witch used her fingernails in the lock and unlocked her out." “ Ruby,” Grace gasped. “ Do you know who that witch was?” “ It was Ruby, she went all greedy and turned into a witch,” “ Where is she now?” “ She’s in E-arth,” Grace replied. The guard opened the door to free the princesses. *Chapter 13: A war between sisters Pt 1* Five minutes later Ruby had came back to Solarist. But wasn't fast enough, because the alarm went. "Grace, you have to stop me!" Ruby got up instantly. "How, you're so hard to catch, and I don't know what to do," Luckily for them it was a Saturday, so they had a whole day to think of a plan. "You're awake early," Mum came into the room. "Now let's see what chores you have to do first. Hmmmmm, time to clean the bathroom," She said enthusiastically, holding up two brushes. The girls moaned. "Can we at least have breakfast," Ruby said. "Make it yourself. It's Saturday, you know it's work day, and do it’s yourself day," The girls moaned. Mum just walked out of the room. They went into the kitchen and had some cereal. Next, they were ready to clean the bathroom. It wasn't that dirty, but they did it anyways. "Ruby, what does it feel like, you know," Grace asked, trying not to hurt Ruby's feelings. "It hurts when I'm far away from riches," she replied. Grace tried her best to think of a plan, but couldn't. That night, Grace tried to keep Ruby awake as long as possible. "Just stay awake for a few minutes, okay," "Okay," Ruby agreed. Grace was in Solarist, she met the princesses there too. They were still in the dungeon. "We have to stop Ruby before she tears up the whole kingdom. Guards, get every guard there is, and call Sir Mangler. Toni contact the Kings and princes of Evdereenas. Tania, we are going to try find that maid," Grace organized everyone sternly. She and Tania, went to fetch their staffs. Grace came with her dark blue one, and Ruby's one, Tania came with a purple one and Toni's green one. Grace and Tania walked towards the river bank, and started their search there. They searched and searched, no one. Next they moved on to the village. They have never been there before. The houses were wooden and poor, and almost outside every house there was a cross. The villagers stared as they passed. Grace looked at her staff. "Here hold this," Grace shoved Ruby's staff into Tania's hands. Holding her staff in front of her with two hands, the staff only does good deeds she repeated in her head. She steadied herself. She wish the staff would be easier to activate. Suddenly, a burst of dark blue light followed by the other staffs, set free from their diamonds. Stripes of each staffs colors appeared across the starry sky. The villagers wowed. Grace and Tania collected up all the staffs, and ran back to the palace. Waiting there were millions of armoured men, the Kings and princes of the prophecy. Sir Mangler was also there gripping Mary the maid in his hands, who was struggling to be set free. "Look who I found sneaking in the kitchen," Sir Mangler announced. "I see, you have found the secrets of the staffs, eh," The maid stopped struggling, and stared up into the sky. The Kings and princes looked up too. "Than we shall, add our stripes of life," Fred said. They each got out a staff, and lifted it up to the sky. Red, blue, yellow and white stripes added to the collection. "It's to show that we are still alive," Sebastian said. "I'll call her evil majesty," threatened the maid, now trying to bite sir Mangler. "If you do, I'll kill you, I will," Tania retorted. But it was too late, Ruby had fell asleep. “ Muhahaha, I’m gonna steal those gems of yours. Ooo, I see a crowd to donate me riches," She exclaimed looking at everyone, and off she ran. “Quick, after her,” commanded Grace. The soldiers started to march in unison. *Chapter 14: A War Between Sisters Pt 2* “She’s in the gem room, I know her! I'll buy you some time, go to the villagers, and protect them. Hurry," Grace woke up, tapped Ruby on the shoulders. “ Ruby? RUBY, wake UP,” she said sternly, but quietly. “ Sorry, Grace. I fell asleep, I was so tired, I couldn't stay awake,” she apologized. "Just stay awake now. I'm going to stay awake too, with you," Ruby smiled at her sister and hugged her. “Thanks, I know, I am a monster," Meanwhile, back in Solarist, the group was in a hurry. Half of them were heading towards the jewel room, and the others towards the village. "Ugh, you ugly maid," Sir Mangler said. Without a care in the world he stabbed her. "That's for betraying the Majesties," he spat on her dead carcass. “ Queen Grace, your highness. We can’t see - Queen Grace? Where are you?” one of the guards looked around for her. “ Uh.. shes on E-arth with Ruby,” Toni told him. “ Hang on, I just got a text from Dad! Toni, come here!” Tania said, excitedly. Hey, sweethearts, How are you? I’ve been talking to your mother about moving back in. She agreed, so I’m moving back tomorrow. Sorry if I wake you up. I hope you are happy about the good news! I will be there in the morning, but I don’t know what time yet. I miss you both very much. Your loving father, xoxoxo Back in Grace and Ruby's room, they were struggling to stay awake. Their eyelids drooped and couldn’t stay awake, so they fell asleep. Grace spawned back outside the palace. She looked around, Ruby's and her staff was still in her hands. “ Why, hello, my darling sissy,” hissed Ruby, in a sly tone. “ Ruby, it doesn't have to be like this,” Grace clicked her finger at her face as Ruby’s voice became softer and easier to hear. "Grace? What just happened? I couldn’t control myself,” "Get her!" yelled the brave soldiers. Ruby turned around, both of her hands in front of her, suddenly a flash of red light escaped, and pushed the guards back into the jewel room. “ GET HER,” they heard the echo of voices. “ It’s fine, she’s now good,” Grace said, trying to calm them. “ How?” “She clicked her finger, just like we see other people do on magic shows,” Ruby explained. "Just keep away from me," she demanded weakly to her sister. "No, it's okay Ruby," Grace said slowly moving toward her. "GET AWAY FROM ME," She yelled in a scary gruff voice. Suddenly thousands of red lightning escaped from her palms. She pointed her hands toward a big chandelier. It landed on two helpless guards, that lay there still under the chandelier. “ Now look what you’ve done,” exclaimed Grace “ So, don’t care,” “ Ruby, control yourself,” Suddenly she clicked back and functioned the same way. “ Yeah, I’m sorry,” “ I should hope so,” said one of the guards. “Excuse me?” All of a sudden she turned into an angry witch again. “ I WILL KILL YOU,” she found herself a knife and started to charge towards the guard. "NO," yelled Grace. "If you do, I'll... I'll kill you too," she whispered, holding up her staff. “ HELP!! KILL HER,”a guard begged, horrified. “ I’ll see what I can do,” and she managed to stab Ruby’s leg. "Sister, you traitor. You leave me no choice but to kill you," Grace hissed in sad pain. "No, sissy. You are the traitor. Your charms are all you have, your pretty, pretty face," Grace shot a lightning bolt straight into her sisters chest. Ruby wailed in great pain, she fell to the ground hand over her chest. Grace couldn't believe what she did. She sat there dumbstruck. A pink stripe disappeared from the sky. She ran into the library, she had to try warn the past selves. She burst in not noticing Shauna crying over Beatrice's dead body. Suddenly her conscious came back to her. "Beatrice, no," Grace whimpered, coming to kneel down beside Shauna. "Shauna, do have a completely blank book?" Grace asked quietly. She nodded quietly. Went to the desk and handed her a leather book. Grace took it from her and wrote: The History of Solarist Solarist has always been a star of riches, the queens and princesses who could not stand it often die. But as I the queen of Solarist write these sentences, I am full of guilt. Solarist came to be by a planet called E-arth, Solarist is a piece of the E-arth that has broken down. Now the place where Solarist once were is filled with water. Solarist came to be as an alien used it as it’s home, but soon enough he died leaving particles of his DNA or body. Slowly particles that floated around joined together to make the first solaring. The first solaring wasn’t pretty. But after a few thousand years we solarings have formed to look like humans from E-arth, and to act like them. The first queens were very strict, if you didn’t do the right thing you would be sentenced to death. But a prophecy states that four humans from E-arth, would come to rule Solarist peacefully, as I have failed and have killed living things and my own sister. This star is to be protected by the humans, and I have given you this book from the future. It shall be put in the royal library, and the first book the queens of the prophecy reads. Take this as a warning….. A warning to Ruby and Grace. Grace thanked Shauna. Then looked down at poor Beatrice. She took off all her jewellery and gave it to Shauna. "I owe you it," Shauna cried, hugging Grace, Grace patted her back. She ran up into her room, and found the book Ruby had got out for time travel. Grace flipped through the pages until she found something useful. If you wish to time travel now, feed this book a diamond. Hover your hand over this black hole. Grace flipped through the draws on the desk, until she found a diamond. She didn't know what to do, so she shoved it into the page. It went through! She then hovered her hand over a black circle. She was sucked into a whiz of colour. She appeared in the royal library, Beatrice and Shauna were there. Puzzled that a girl appeared from nowhere. "Don't tell anyone I was here. When the queens come to ask for books on Solarist, give them this book," Grace handed them the book. Grace longingly looked at Beatrice, wishing she could take her back into time with her. She sighed and disappeared. Once she was back to her real time, she did not wish to live anymore. Grace walked down to the river bank, the water was cold. She jumped in. On a starry night, a dark blue stripe disappeared from the sky. Grace woke up sweating. It was only five in the morning. It's all over, there's no more to worry about, she thought to herself. She looked at Ruby. She was tucked in, also sweating all over. She was also crying, and moaning. Grace slipped into Ruby's bed, and strapped her arms around her. “ I could actually feel it, it HURT, like hell,” she cried even more. "Don't worry Rubs, it's over now," "I don't want to dream anymore," Ruby sobbed, sucking her thumb. Grace hugged Ruby tighter. "I don't want to either," she whispered back. © 2015 Literally Words |
Added on May 14, 2015 Last Updated on May 14, 2015 Author![]() Literally WordsAuckland, New ZealandAboutJust a bunch of random stories that just pop up in my mind more..Writing