Sticky Heart

Sticky Heart

A Poem by Heavran

The nature of love, life, and loss.


Love is an adhesive. The second love begins, the heart secretes a film that begins to cover its surface. As love grows and takes on a secure hold, that film becomes a lather. The object of the love presents itself to the life giving pump and is securely embedded in the lather. The two become one as the lather solidifies around the object, creating an addition to the mass that is the heart. Harmoniously, they coexist; the object lending its strength to keep the heart from tiring.

When the harmony is disrupted, the adhesive is unchanging. Though a force pulls the object away, the connective bond is steadfast. However, the tissue that love is fused to is not as unyielding. The fibers of the muscle begin to tear as the force tugs and pulls on the object. Frayed sections emerge on the heart and the beating becomes erratic. Still, the energy retracts the object and the tissue on the heart fails to maintain. Shearing any part of the heart that the object was adhered to, the object is yanked free. Sporting a bloody medal, the object departs the area.

A lesser being, the heart strains to mend the cavern that remains. As a muscle, the heart mends over time, but the scar tissue is never as strong as the original. The decrease in mass causes the heart to work harder in order to keep up with the unchanging mass of the host it serves. The muscle becomes tougher.

The more objects a heart adheres to, and loses, the more the heart adapts. At a certain mass, the heart ceases to produce the film that coats the surface. An abused heart will toughen and solidify in order to leave enough muscle to keep the body alive. If not for this measure of security, a heart would fragment so severely that it would not be able to produce the life giving pulse.

Love is an adhesive produced by a healthy heart. Once a section is torn away, it does not grow back. Thus is the nature of love, life, and loss.

© 2011 Heavran

Author's Note

This was written the moment it occurred to me.
I would love to know what your thinking the second you finish reading.
Tell me what you feel, what you see in your minds eye.
Can you feel your heart beating?

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Thank you for sharing this lovely poem on love , loss and life...Bravo......................

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 25, 2011
Last Updated on July 25, 2011



Los Alamos

I have come to rationalize my life through means of a wolf pack. I live to protect my pack. My friends and family are the most important thing to me and i would do anything to keep them safe. My menta.. more..

Water Water

A Poem by Heavran