She walks down the road, alone with her thoughts. Tears are silently running down her cheeks. There is no one around her, nothing but a lonely road, and a heavy rain filled sky. As she walks, the more intense her thoughts become. She feels so many emotions. Anger, sadness, loneliness. More than she could ever describe. Thunder can be heard in the distance. The clouds become heavier overhead. Lightning flashes. She finally just let’s go, a downpour within her heart. She lets go of all the tears she has held in all those times. As she cries, the sky overhead opens up, sending down a downpour of its own. The thunder crashes overhead as she screams her heart and soul out. All the pain and hurt ever caused to her is let out as the storm rages on. She screams her anger, all the nightmares she ever had to live. The ones she still lives. More than ever, she feels at peace at last as the storm rages on within her, with its all its might. It soon fades into nothing, leaving her nothing more to scream. A light smile plays across her lips as the rain washes away her tears.