![]() Chapter SixA Chapter by Heartful5160I walked into Mrs. Jones's class for English. As I was walking to her desk, I heard whispers and giggles. She took my pass and I headed to my desk. You would've thought that they would shut their mouths as I turned my back around, but they didn't. I stopped in my tracks, " Listen, if you want these hands too, and yeah I'm talking about all of you, I would suggest you to shut your mouths!" I commanded. After that I finally sat down. Mrs. Jones handed out some worksheets. "Ms. Renee', could you come to my desk?" Mrs. Jones asked. I'm pretty sure, without a doubt she was going to write a referral on me. She's probably going to write down that I was threatening other students, and I was, I can't deny that. What else is new? I strolled up to her desk and that's exactly what she was writing with her pen, " Really this is going to be my second one, all in one day and then I'm getting suspended, because of the fight," I said. " Well, this is my job, Renee'. I can't have you threatening other students in my class." "Whatever," I walked over to my desk and gathered my stuff. I'm probably going home. Oh' well. I don't have time to deal with all this, plus that'll give me time to get ready for the date me and Darrius had set aside for tonight. I picked up my referral from her desk and went to the bathroom and threw it away. I'm leaving, I thought. I know where I can go to leave, where I won't get caught. There were these doors that were placed in the gym. There's usually no one hanging around that area at this time, so why not take a run for it? I grabbed my stuff out of my locker. I dashed to the door and thank the Good Lord, no one was in there. I bolted out of the door and ran for my car. I didn't even look back once. I pulled up in the garage and went inside the house. I had an appetite like no other at the time, so while I was in the kitchen, I fixed up a good ole' pb&j sandwich. I made like five of them! That's crazy! After, I made my sandwiches, I went into the living room and started watching the Lifetime Channel. My phone started to vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out, with a message on the screen from Darrius. He asked me what I was doing, you know the simple, WYD? I told him that I was free (hint hint). So, I told him where I lived and he said that he would be there, soon. I honestly was excited! I ran and put my plate in the kitchen, then ran back up to my room. I got into some sexy shorts and a low cut tanktop. Put on some of my favorite perfume too. I did my makeup and hair over again. I went back in the living room to make it look like I wasn't trying too hard to impress him. The doorbell finally rang. I went to the door and opened it. He looked really good. He had on some Aeropostale jeans with a red polo shirt. I greeted him in. Once, he got in, I gave him a hug. Next thing I knew was that his lips were touching mine. I, not for one second, resisted it. His smell is what really drove me to do it back. We separated from each other after about three minutes of nonstop kissing! "Well, come in," I said when he finally let go of my lips. I led him to the couch. We sat down and he grabbed my legs and placed them across his lap. "Well, what brings you here?" I ask. "Renee', the other night with you, was just amazing! I never met a girl like you," he said. "Thanks . Darrius, you know how you didn't use protection?" "Yeah." "And see they say use protection for a reason. That's something that we didn't do," I pointed out. "So, what you saying?" he asked, confused. "I'm pregnant. I believe it could be yours. And baby I'm not gonna put that child support stuff on you, until I know for sure it's yours," I said, calmly. "Well, I don't really don't know what to say now, actually." "You don't have to say anything." " I just want you to know, Renee' that if the kid is mine, I'll take care of it. I'll pay child support, I'll be here, and I'll take care of it." " Really?" I was surprised. See, now days, some guys would literally walk out, while adding in the curse words, about how could you say that he's going to have a kid? "Yeah," he stated. He stood up and got in front of me. He held his hand out, wanting me to take it. He led me to my bedroom. "How'd you know?" I asked. "I can tell," he said, while looking around the room, "It's says Renee' all over it." That of course, me made giggle a little bit. He lowered his head, so that his soft lips could reach mine and we started to make out. To me it kinda felt like a dream. A fantasy dream, if you know what I mean! "Renee'!" the sound of my mom's voice, drifted through the other side of my bedroom door and woke me up. I guess you would say, kinda like an alarm clock. I looked over at Darrius, who was still asleep. I ran over to my door and locked it. I started nudging Darrius, to awake him from the deep sleep that he looked like he was in. Thank the good Lord that he did! "I didn't know I fell asleep. You gotta go. My parents are home. Go out the window," I was telling him, while he was putting his clothes in the appropriate places. I turned around to put up the window for him and he kissed me, while reaching for a last kiss and loving hug. After that, he climbed out the window. "I'll call you," I yelled out to him, before he got in the car. He nodded in return. "Renee', open the door!" my mom yelled on the other side. I ran to the door, I unlocked it and let her in. "Do you know who's car that is that's sitting out there?" she pointed toward the window. "Nope. Why?" " Just wondering," but really I'm pretty sure that she knew what was going on. She's a mother, they have that mother instinct feeling, so I don't know why she's trying to see if I'm lying, especially if she knows that I'm going to lie to her. "I heard you got in a fight today and you're suspended. Can you please tell me why?" she asked, angrily. "Well, some girls were messing with me. They made me mad. They threw a freakin' soda can at me, because they thought I was trash," I explained. "Well, Renee' you need to learn or train yourself on how to control your attitude a little more. Don't let things get to you so easily. Yes, there will be times when life will push the wrong buttons, but you have to know when it's right to let things go and when's the right time to confront them. Now, the way you confronted them, was not the right way." "Oh' mom! I am so tired of you telling me what to do. I'm about to be a mom and you know what? I'm without a doubt going to make sure I'm a much better and understanding mother, nor like you," I argued. She had a complete shocking look on her face. It wasn't hard to read the feelings that were running through her body at the time, " What do you mean you're about to be a mom?" she asked. "That's what I mean. To the core. There's no reading between the lines here, mom. And you know what? If you want to be there to support me, fill please to do so, but if you rather not, I'm moving out. My things and this baby to come." "I didn't even say that!" she yelled, to make her point. "It's all over your face!" I yelled back. There's was a moment of silence and from there I could tell she was trying to gather her thoughts together. I went and sat back down on my bed. She came and sat next to me. She placed her hand on my knee, " Listen Renee', I love you so much. And you know, to think that I'm going to be a grandmother is just unbelievable." " Now, I'm going to think that I'm older than what I really am." She looked me in the eyes. "Do you know who's it is?" she asked as if she was scared too. "I know who it could be," I stated. "Who?" "The car that was out there sitting in the driveway belongs to a guy named, Darrius. I believe it could be his. The last time I had intercourse was with him. We didn't use protection, either. So, I think that it is his. I told him that I wasn't going to bombard him with child support checks and stuff, until I knew for sure that it was his." "Well, that's good. But the no protection part, isn't." " I know." " You shouldn't have done it in the first place." " I know." "I'm telling your dad. I mean there's definitely no way to hide this, especially if this is something that's going to be showing." " I understand." " Okay, well you just rest," she suggested. "I'll try." While I was sleeping the ringing and the vibration of my phone woke me. I rolled over to my other side of the bed and answered it, "Hello?" I answered. "Hey, it's Jammy. How's it? Haven't talked to you in awhile," she stated. "Yeah, sorry. You haven't seen me, because of in school suspension and I left the campus today, without permission." " Oh', why though?" " Well, I'm sure you heard about the fight, right?" " Yeah. Everybody's saying that you beat Ashley." " Awww....really?" "Yeah. Well, what's been going on?" "I'm pregnant if you want to tell everybody." " I won't, unless you want me to." "It doesn't really matter. I won't be there after this week, so what would it matter?" " I won't tell," she promised. " Okay, so what are you doing?" "Nothing, pretty much. Haven't been really feeling well enough to want to do anything, you know? All I have been doing, is sitting around and relaxing." " Oh'. I have a question." " What is it?" "Do you know who's it is? Like the baby's daddy?" she wondered. "Yeah. I think it's the guy that I met at the club." " Oh'." "Yeah." "Is your mom going to support you or what?" "She said she was, but that's for the time being, right? You know, most times the words and actions switch around when things come to the actual moment, so I'm not holding my breath." "I wouldn't either." "Well, I'm going to try to get some rest or may be start packing up a little." " Alright. I'll let you go now! Congrats!" "Thank you, Jammy. Bye!" After I got off the phone, I started packing up the belongings I didn't need for the past week. While I was packing, I was thinking of how my first day the new school would go. Wondering what it would be like. All the typical new student questions. I guess all I could do is walk into the office and ask for my schedule. I mean it shouldn't be that hard, right? Make new friends just like I did the first day here. But it seems like Arkansas is like a total different universe. Here in California, we like everybody and in Arkansas, I hear it's nothing, but stereotypes. I guess we'll just have to see. © 2015 Heartful5160 |
Added on June 23, 2015 Last Updated on July 6, 2015 Author![]() Heartful5160Sherwood , ARAboutI'm a sixteen year old hard working writer and I enjoy writing every second. I love to give my opinion on things. I've written about three novels and trying to get them published. Please, if you have .. more..Writing