Chapter Two

Chapter Two

A Chapter by Heartful5160

I walked up to Siarrah’s four door Cadillac. They had every single window down, not that I was complaining any. I got in the car and shut the door and buckled up. I looked back out the window. My parents were standing on the front porch. My mom had her hands placed on her hips. I knew I was in a big heap of fire when I got back home, but oh’ well!

      “So, let me guess, your parents are mad about you, because of the school deal today?” my friend, Jammy asked.

“Yeah. That’s why you saw them standing out there lookin’ all mad and disappointed.”

“ I don’t know why they would be disappointed,” Jammy said, laughing.

“That’s what I’m saying,” I said, filled with giggles as well.

    We turned up the music and started getting hyped up. We stopped at a light and there was a four door Ford truck next to us. You’ll never know what you’ll stop next to in Cali, my friends. The best thing to do when you’re stuck in situations like these is to keep facing forward and act like you don’t know that they’re there. Ignore is the best thing to do. We were forced to act like we were enjoying the music Jason Aldean offered us through the speakers. Really come on, we were laughing up a storm about how we knew that they were trying to get our attention. It seems as though they did a pretty good job at achieving their goal. “Hey ladies!” the boy in the front passenger seat yelled. He wasn’t that bad looking. He had dark hair with really bright blue eyes. He was really fine. He seemed as though he was talking to me. I gave him my flirty smile and batted my eyes. That my ladies works every time, no doubt! As soon as the green light appeared, Siarrah took off down the road. “Wow! So childish,” Siarrah said. “Yeah, but the one that was talking to us was pretty good looking,” I added. We all started to laugh as hard as we could.

     We parked the Cadillac in a vacant parking spot. We all unbuckled our seat belts. “I’m so glad were here,” Jammy said, cheerfully. “Sure,” me and Siarrah said at the same time. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl that was this excited to get her nails done, especially if you get them done all the time.

   We entered the salon and they took us right away. That’s one good thing about walk ins. We were in there for about an hour or so. We found ourselves back at the car in no time.

     We found ourselves eating a little something somewhere for just a quick bite. Then we headed back to my house, so Siarrah could drop me off. “Well, see you guys tomorrow,” I said, as I was getting out of the car. “Alright, bye!” they yelled as I slammed the door shut. I walked up to the front porch and walked in. I walked straight past my parents. I went into my bedroom and got myself cleaned up and got ready for bed.

        I woke up the next day and what do I know, it’s Friday! As, I was getting ready, I thought about how I won’t be here in three more weeks. I guess we gotta make it for what it is, right? I won’t be going to Tall Letter High anymore. I’ll have to go to a school that I don’t even know anyone at. It gives me the butterflies in my stomach and the goosebumps on my arms.

         After I ate my breakfast in a fast pace, I went back to my room and gathered my purse and phone, the things that I definitely couldn’t live without. I always had the mornings to myself. My parents left way before me. I’m glad, because one, I like having the house all to myself and two I don’t think I could handle all their yelling at this time in the morning. I headed out to the garage and dug my keys out of my purse and unlocked my black Camaro. I climbed inside and started my engine. The sound of it, just gives me more energy than I had when I woke up this morning.I turned up my country music and rolled down my windows. It was five minutes, until I showed up at school saw Jammy’s Impala and Siarrah’s Cadillac. It seems as though they left a spot right in the middle for me to park my Camaro. After, I put the car in park, I got out of the car and headed towards Tall Letter High.

       I just now remembered that I had in school suspension. It didn’t really matter to me anyways. I rather be in there, than be in a boring ole’ class. I went to my locker and got out my math textbook. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I would be doing work, so therefore I need my textbook. All that work Mrs.Kedling gave Mr.Bryer, yeah you bet there’s a lot of work for me to keep me busy for two straight days.

     I wasn’t going to see my girls, till the end of the day, so I’ll stop by the bathroom to see if they would be in there. When I walked in there, they weren’t in there, which was kind of awkward. I didn’t see two bodies in the mirror putting on an extra layer of lipgloss. I walked up to the mirror and got out my makeup bag and packed on some more makeup. As I was tightening up my lipgloss cap, the tardy bell rang. You think I started rushing? Nope.

    I walked into the class for in school suspension and there was about four other kids sitting in there, doing there work already. Ms. Brown looked up at me, as I slammed the door shut. “Ms. Taylor. Nice to see you again,” she greeted me.

“Whatever,” I said, while rolling my eyes and heading to my seat at the same time. I got bored and started joking around. Let’s just say I get bored easily. So, I pushed my work to the side and took out a piece of notebook paper. You better know that I started doodling like a little kid, because that’s how bored I was. And no I was not going back to the schoolwork. That can sit there and rot for all I care!

     About forty minutes into class, Ms.Brown started walking around to check on us. She started walking my way. You know how some kids don’t want to get caught being bad or doing the wrong thing? Well, let’s just say I don’t fall into that category. I could careless. “Ms.Taylor, I know you’re not done doing all your work,” Ms. Brown said.

“No I’m not and does it look like I’m going to be doing it anytime soon? No, so you can leave me alone now,” I insisted.

“Okay, you know you’re getting a grade on everything you do, right?” she asked.

“Um,Ms.Brown I’ve been in school for eleven years and I believe that I know how the system runs.”

“Whatever you say. What do I know? I’m just a teacher, right?”

  After that she gave it up and walked back to her desk. About fifteen minutes passed over and she told us to line up at the door to head to bathrooms. I want to inform you on another thing, when I’m in, in school suspension i find myself making friends. I don’t know how, well may be I do. I mean I don’t have my crew with me and my mouth has a hard time keeping itself shut, so put those two together and I’m sure it’ll make more sense.

    While we were on our way to the bathroom, I was talking to a girl that I knew of. I knew her name and pretty much her reputation around the school. Kaley, is her name, I do believe. Well, let me tell you about her, if you don’t mind. She doesn’t ever come to class, so what do you call that? Skipping? Yes, that sounds about right. So, of what I’ve heard, while she’s out skipping class, she’s out with other guys and doing things. Please tell me you can read between the lines, because I don’t know if I really want to explain all of those doodads.The sad thing, is that my parents think that I’m pretty bad. Please, give me a break for once! “Why are you in here?” I asked her.

“What do you think?” she said, with attitude.

“Um, skipping?”I suggested.

“Yeah. I swear this school is nothing but a prison. Everyday seems to be getting worse. Can’t you believe they would put students in here for the first day of school?”

“I know what you mean,” the line came to a hault. I looked ahead of Kaley, because I found myself behind her. Ms. Brown looked at me and Kaley. I should’ve known that’s why the line stopped. I couldn't help myself from laughing, because the look Ms. Brown gave me was definitely a killer. “Is something funny, Ms. Taylor?” she asked, with a stern face. “No,” I answered back. “Didn’t think so.”

     We were at the bathroom in no time. Ms. Brown gave us all instructions on what to do. I’m sorry, but who needs instructions on using the bathroom, especially when you’re in high school? “When you’re done using the restroom, come back on the wall and stand there quietly. Get that the key word is quietly.”

   Me and Kaley walked into the bathroom . I’m not a big bathroom user at school. Too many germs for me. But there’s only one thing that I do do in the bathroom and that’s packing my makeup on, but if it’s just fine, then I just add a layer of lipgloss. “Oh’ my gosh, that teacher drives me up the wall,” I said to Kaley as I was tightening the lid on my lipgloss. She was in the stall, while I was talking to her, “Yeah, tell me about it,” she replied.

“I would if there was enough time, because that just shows how much there is to talk about.” “Really.”

“I know I don’t hear voices coming out of this bathroom, right? I know toilets and sinks don’t talk and I’m definitely not daydreaming, even though I rather be.”Ms. Brown replied, at the entrance of the bathroom. I looked up from my makeup bag and Ms. Brown was standing there watching me.

© 2015 Heartful5160

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Added on June 16, 2015
Last Updated on July 6, 2015



Sherwood , AR

I'm a sixteen year old hard working writer and I enjoy writing every second. I love to give my opinion on things. I've written about three novels and trying to get them published. Please, if you have .. more..
