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The Future

The Future

A Story by Heather Hill

A short story where Chris tells the things of his past and meeting his future partner. One-shot that's totally different from any other original story of these characters.

This thing started small, next to nothing compared to what it is now. And I had wished that someone back then told me, little 16 year old, anxiety ridden me that in a few short years that this is where I would be now, I wouldn’t have believed it at all. But now that I look back at myself then, starting out this huge project, I was scared that I wouldn’t get anywhere in life with my writing. People told me that it would do good and I still didn’t believe them because I was so damn nervous. 
I was 18 when the first book of this series was published, and I was surprised someone actually picked it up. It was different, subtle with the context until the later books. But the publisher, a woman who is now not just my publisher but a very good friend of mine. Within the year the book was published, I did a signing even though I was hardly known. People came and I signed and a few days to a few weeks later I kept getting e-mails and letters telling me how much they loved the book. That was what surprised me most of all. People liked my book. By that point I had already started working on the second one and was half way done the first draft.

I was about 20 at that point, and I had gotten really sick at one point in the year, right before summer started. The sickness I had growing up flared up again and even the medication I took everyday wasn’t helping. I was rushed to the hospital and they did the same numerous tests they usually did each time I was there. That was the day my doctors changed my dosage from pills to injections. From that point on, once a day I had to inject my medication in my upper arm for the rest of my life. I had stayed in the hospital for about two weeks getting my strength back.

I moved out of my small apartment and back into the place I had called home for years. Marcello and Victor took me in like they always did. While going to school I had lived with them in their home, Marcello was the owner and headmaster of the private school that I went to. I was one of the first students that was enrolled into the school and the first six or seven kids got special treatment such as not living in the dorms and only focusing on their career of choice. 
It spent years there and grew close to Marcello and his partner Victor, they were kind men who cared about the students at the school. 

I graduated and stayed in contact with the two of them because I considered them family and for some other reasons I would not like to get into right now. Marcello helped me along in my trek to write a book. 
When my second book came out it sold quickly and again I was a new writer and I was so damn happy to see how well they sold. 

About a year and a half after the third book was put on shelves I was 24 I met someone, his name was William and he was a Spanish artist. He has beautiful copper colored skin, dark brown curly hair, light blue eyes, and a slight bit of chub on his stomach and thighs. He had a beautiful smile that seemed to light up a room every time I saw him. We clicked at that moment on. His art style was amazing and he did so many different kinds, but preferred photorealisim and a distinctive comic style. I asked him if he wanted a job working for me, making a graphic novel of my books. He jumped on the opportunity because had apparently had loved the books from the moment he found them shortly after the first book came out. A few weeks later he came to me, all shy with red cheeks, with character designs. They were damn amazing and fit each character to a t. We started as soon as we could and he loved it more than anything. This is what he did for a living, make beautiful art for people who wanted amazing art for a very high price. There were high times where he got a good amount of money from one or two pieces and yet there were low times where no one commissioned him. But with me he had a steady job and he spent a large percent of his time working on the project in a large open room in Marcello’s home, Marcello was happy to have him there.

William is a beautiful man even if he didn’t think that,  I always made it my mission to let him know anytime we were together. That year we went to a publishing party for a friend of mine and I could tell the man was nervous, stuttering his way through people talking to him and only calming back down when he was either with Marcello, Victor, or myself. 
We left about three hours after we got there because William had been such a nervous wreak that we had to go. Only William and myself went because Marcello and Victor had wanted to stay just for a little while longer. By the time I had drove him back to his apartment he had calmed down and looked like he was about to fall asleep in my passenger seat. He was the most adorable person I’ve ever seen. 

I walked him up to his apartment and he invited me inside for a few moments for a drink and we ended up staying up for a few more hours and chatting, watching movies, and drinking some cheap wine he had in his fridge. It was around 1 in the morning when I finally decided it was time to go home, but I just wanted to spend more time in the other mans company. About halfway through the second movie we were watching, I really couldn’t pay attention to the movie because William’s arm was wrapped around my shoulders and my head was resting against his. He was such a damn sweetheart and a gentleman because he didn’t do anything until before I was about to leave. 

I remember us standing up and him leading me to the door, by this time we hadn’t drunk anything in and while and I was fine to drive, even though William tried to convince me to either get a cab or stay the night. I curled my fingers into William’s shirt, pulling him forward and just resting our foreheads together, he smiled softly and wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close. It was nice, intimate without really trying. Just being held by him was so much better than kissing him, which at that time I had never known what it was like. We stood there for about ten minutes before I finally said I had to get home. I kissed his cheek and we hugged one more time before I finally left to head home again. 

Intimacy to me isn’t just kissing and having sex with one another, and it’s like this for so many people out there. I like the aspects of a relationship where someone will just lay with me and it’s quiet and happy. I love curling up with someone and just looking at one another for a while. With William we have that and so much more. Our relationship and friendship, the lines seemed to blur into one after a couple of years of knowing one another. The two of us honestly never really can point out an exact date we first started an official relationship with one another. I’d never had a relationship like that before and honestly I knew that he was it for me, the person I couldn’t think of not being with. Over the past two years he got used to the things he didn’t really like when we first met. 
He told me he loved me first, we were at Marcello and Victor’s wedding reception and we were drinking some and dancing some. At the time he told me it was a simple slip of the tongue but I knew better, and he knew I would remember this. In all honesty we did avoid each other for a day or two, I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that he said this and he had meant it. It scared me because my track records with relationships was never the best. I had never had someone who wasn’t abusive or ended up cheating on me until William. 

After those couple of days we met up again at my apartment and we through our usual routine of drinks and movies for the night. I said I loved him back and then from that second on things progressed from there. Marcello and Victor knew right away and we weren’t all that surprised that they knew, because apparently for the past couple of years people had always thought the two of us were in some sort of secret relationship. 

After another two years things were still just as amazing as those times. Two years and it’s my longest relationship to date, yes we’ve had our ups and downs but what couple don’t. But there’s never been anything drastic enough where we ever took a break. The both of us are extremely provoked when we are working on things that have a deadline and those are the times where we fight over the smallest of things. But we get through them and try to take small breaks as much as possible with our work so these things don’t happen.

We’ve talked about the future and what we’re going to do. Marriage? Oh yes. Children? Hell I hope so! Ever since I was a teenager I’ve always wanted kids, I was an only child and I always was scared that I would never have the chance to have children in my life because of the sickness I have. My mother died when I was eight of the same things I have and I have been so scared that the same thing will happen to me. I don’t want to have children unless I know that I will be in their lives for a very long time. William keeps reassuring me that I will be fine and he has given me so much hope in our future together. I’m scared for Marcello and his cancer, and scared for Victor because of Marcello. The four of us have been in each others lives for so damn long and losing anyone would be the most heart breaking thing I have ever had to think of. Our future is ours to handle and I’m sure it’s going to be fantastic.

© 2015 Heather Hill

Author's Note

Heather Hill
I started this Wednesday in Sociology because we were only watching a movie and having a party and I thought of it in English the class before and wanted to do it, please ignore all mistakes this took me two days to do,

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Added on April 3, 2015
Last Updated on April 3, 2015
Tags: original character, original story, oc