How It All Began

How It All Began

A Chapter by haylx061007

Chapter Two


“Dear Sherry,

You cannot let these dreams get in the way of your progress. You have come so far over of these past two years, and as your counselor, I am so very proud of you. You asked if I know what you are supposed to learn, and Sherry dear, I honestly don’t know. But to help you move past these dreams why don’t we try something new? I want you to sit down, grab a pen and notebook, and write. Write everything that happened that night. Write about Riley. When it’s all out on paper, you might actually be able to get a good nights sleep. Well that is if Riley doesn’t wake you. Try what I’ve said and write back to me. You know I’m always here for you, and not just as your counselor, but as a friend too. Sincerely, Beth Mills.”


Riley. The only good thing that came from that night. My baby girl, Riley.


The minute she was born was a bitter-sweet moment. Even though she was conceived from rape, she was still half of me. I had plans to give her up for adoption, and I never thought I would back out. I was twenty, single, and on my own. I always asked myself, how could ever give that baby what it needs? But the moment I held that beautiful six pound seven ounce baby girl in my arms, I knew I was just what she needed. That was the sweet moment, knowing I was going to love this baby with everything I had, and she was all mine. But the bitter part, Or should I say bitter parts, they were obvious. What would I say when she is older and comes to me asking why there is a blank spot above “Fathers Name” on her birth certificate? How could I deal with telling her she has her daddy’s nose, just because I know it’s not like my own. Would she have a Mother-Daughter dance at her wedding? Who would walk her down the aisle? It had been two years since she was born, and I still couldn’t answer any of those questions.


“Momma, Momma, Mommmaaaa. ” Riley whined from the next room, breaking my train of thought.


“Riley, baby, you’re already awake from your nap?” Riley continued to whine. “What‘s wrong baby girl? Momma‘s right here.”


“Juice.” Riley mumbled as she reached her arms out.


I picked up Riley out of her crib, and carried her into the kitchen. “Momma‘s going to put you in your high chair so she can get you some juice, okay?”


I opened the old-fashion, red refrigerator and grabbed Riley’s sippy cup. “Here you go Ri.” I placed the sippy cup in front of her, and started looking around for a notebook and pen.


“Now would be better than ever to start on that advice Dr. Mills gave me, huh Ri.” I opened the barely used notebook and began to write.


“ It was New Years Eve. There was a fresh sheet of snow on the ground when I walked out of the New Years Eve party, arm in arm with my best friend Tracey. The light from the street lamps made the snow glisten. I found it amazing that even in New York City, you can still see the fresh snow, before there was proof that people had been there. But I ruined that the minute I step off the stoop of the club. I’ll admit it, It was probably a good thing that Tracey was driving that night. I had a little bit to much to drink, but not enough to be unaware of what was going on. Tracey helped me to the car, but the drive home was a blur, Tracey said I kept falling asleep. The next thing I remember was being in the parking garage, where Tracey dropped me off.


The garage was dark and humid. A sinister feeling gathered in the nippy air. Footsteps echoed as I walked to the door marked Exit. My heart began to beat rapidly when I discovered the echoed footsteps were not mine. I glanced over my shoulder and found no one pacing behind me. I turned the corner in front of a Honda and looked into the round mirror that was mounted onto the wall above me. In the mirror I spotted a man clad in black, crawl behind the Honda.

"Who's there?" I shouted demanding an answer, but received none. "I said who's there? Come out I know you’re behind that car."

My heart was in my throat. I weaved through the cars, hoping the man would not follow my demands. Footsteps echoed in the garage again. Frightened, I dropped to the ground and pulled myself under a large SUV.

"Who's hiding now?" a man shouted, breaking the silence.

I kept my head low, close to the ground, waiting for his feet to appear in front of me. I hid, silent, for what seemed forever.

"I know you’re in here. Come out, come out, wherever you are." There was a brief pause.


"Baby, you know it‘s me, Tristan, I‘ve missed you. I hope you didn’t think a restraining order would keep me away from you.”

     A pair of Nikes appeared in front of the SUV. It felt as if my heart had stopped beating. I held my breath; trying not to make a sound. I watched as the Nikes walked by my hiding spot. I exhaled in relief. My body laid still, in fear he would come back. His sneakers were nowhere in sight, but I heard his heavy footsteps pounding on the concrete.

     I didn’t dare to look around, my body was paralyzed. My ankle began to ache, I looked over my shoulder straight into a set of malicious eyes. Tristan‘s eyes. My skin scraped against the cement, as he pulled me out from under the car.

"Please, Tristan, stop!" I pleaded. "Let me go!"

     My foot slammed into the side of his face. Tristan let go of my ankle and held his face, kneeling on the ground. I crawled out from under the car, and began to run away, in fear for my life.

"Please Tristan, what do you want from me?" I sobbed as I sprinted through the garage.

"I just want to be with you, Sherry.”

"We never had anything together, and we never will. Please, just leave me alone!"

     I hid behind a pile of boxes next to the elevator. I closed my eyes, hoping when I opened them, I would awaken from a dream, that never happened. He was close, his scent lingered after he walked by the boxes. He didn't make a sound, which made it harder to tell where he stood.

"Boo." Tristan whispered as he crashed the boxes.

He pulled me away from the wall and did as he pleased.

"Stop please!"


Tristan walked away, leaving me there on the cement, numb. Not crying and barely breathing. I rolled to my side and attempted to pick myself up. My body was weak. I fell to the ground. My second try was a success. I walked slowly to the exit, moving cautiously. As I exited the garage, my eyes grew wet. I collapsed in the middle of sidewalk, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Sherry Williams! Sherry, can you hear me?"

     I heard a man mumbling but I couldn't make out the words. Slowly, I opened my eyes and looked around. There were nurses, police men, and a doctor all around my bed.


“What happened?” I mumbled. Every part of me was sore.


“You’re safe now, and everything is going to be okay. I‘m sorry to have to tell you this,” said the doctor, in a quiet, sincere voice.


“You were raped. You passed out from the combination of alcohol and the trauma you went through.” He continued to speak, but I couldn’t hear him. My mind was blank.


“I was what?.. Raped?” Raped? My mind couldn’t even formulate its definition. “People like me don’t get raped! This can’t be right; you’ve got it wrong…. It wasn’t me. It can’t be.” I screamed, outraged at the thought of being violated.


The Doctor handed me a small cup with 3 pills inside. “Take these. They are just a few pills, two to make sure you wont contract any STDs and one to make sure you‘re not pregnant. You don’t have to take them now, but you do need to take them in the next twenty-four hours for it to be most effective. You’ve been through a lot, I‘ll come in later tonight to check on you. Try to get some rest. Hopefully we can get you home in the next few days.”


I was still in shock. I placed the cup on the bed side table, and focused on the police men.


“Sherry, I‘m Officer Hughes and this is my partner Officer Graven. We are just going to ask you a few questions. I understand you have been through a lot, but anything you can remember will help us.”


The two officers stood on the side of my bed, waiting for my response. “I‘m sorry… I just can‘t.”


“I understand,” said Officer Hughes. “I’ll have someone come in later to talk to you. Her name is Dr. Mills, I’m sure you’ll find her helpful.”


The moment the doctor, nurses, and police men left the room I picked up the cup off of the table, walked to the bathroom, and flushed all three pills down the toilet. There was no way I needed those pills. What were the chances of getting pregnant, or getting an STD? It just wouldn’t happen to me, I was convinced It couldn’t.


Two weeks later, I missed my period. A home pregnancy test confirmed my worst fear. I was pregnant. Nine months later, on October 6th at 9:37pm, Riley Jade Williams, was born and all my fears of being a mother subsided. She was a healthy, full term baby. She had ten fingers, and ten toes. The most beautiful dark blue eyes, and a full head of dark brown hair. I couldn’t have asked for more.”


© 2010 haylx061007

My Review

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Excellent flashback in this chapter. Very dark, you can really sympathize with the protagonist. It's very good that there was a bright side to something that horrible. I have no criticism for you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on July 24, 2010
Last Updated on July 24, 2010




Im 16 and i write loudly.. Loudly as in.. expression (: I like to write but i dont have that much faith in my stuff. I love to read other people's things and try to help them out too more..

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